Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and seventy-one. Helpless choice

1671. Helpless choice

Obsessive Liu Hao is not optimistic about Chen Guozhong and Ma Jun's trip to Wangbao.

Wang Bao has made it clear that he wants to escape, so he must have weighed all the details in his heart. If it were Wang Bao's same kind, he might be angry, but Chen Guozhong and Ma Jun still have a bottom line even if they provoke again. , who let them be the police?

As Liu Hao expected, Chen Guozhong and Ma Jun went to Wang Bao's nightclub. No matter how they provoked Wang Bao, they didn't fall for it. In the end, he became anxious. Ma Jun tore off his coat and directly threatened to spar with Wang Bao. The fat man... Only then did he agree.

During the process, Wang Bao was really angry at Ma Jun for a while, but soon the guy laughed instead. He was slapped twice in the face by Ma Jun, and half of his cheeks were swollen into dough without fighting back. The dismounted army had no choice but to put it down, and it was Chen Guozhong's turn to take the field.

"Didn't you say that after twelve o'clock at night, Wang Bao has the final say on this street? Why, are you scared if you know it?"

Wang Bao glanced sideways at Chen Guozhong. His movement was not big, but it still made him grit his teeth in pain. He stared at Ma Jun hatefully before standing up.

He swept away the broken bottles and glass fragments from the fight between the two on the bar, found the intact ones, poured himself a glass, and found some ice cubes nearby. It was full of ritual, and he finished it He picked up the wine glass and took a big sip.

"Sir, you have changed the badge on your hat for a whole year. Do you really think that I, Wang Bao, am a fool? After all, I am also educated!"

Chen Guozhong was choked by Wang Bao and stared at him coldly for a while. He felt secretly resentful and had to suppress all his depression.

He found that there was really nothing he could do against the fat man.

He does have a videotape in his hand, and he can make cuts, but now he doesn't dare. The cancer has been cured, and he is even more afraid that due to his own fault, his loyal boss will be in trouble, and his teeth will turn white. After a while, I put it down.

During the whole process, Wang Bao kept staring at Chen Guozhong. In fact, he was also afraid that a big gangster who lived in the black area was not afraid of official officials on duty, but worried that upright official officials would have a flexible moral bottom line and become different from him. Still unreasonable.

Because in this case, the official has many ways to create trouble for him and make him worry about one thing and the other. Even if the opponent's moral bottom line is lower, it is not impossible to harm his newborn son.

It is not easy for others to have offspring when they reach middle age, but the precious one is no longer the carefree Wang Bao.

Isn't this the reason why he chose to leave?

How didn't he know that washing powder was strictly prohibited for newcomers? If found in the mainland, they will be shot directly. Who knows if this law will be introduced to the islands below in a few years?

He didn't dare to gamble, and he found that he seemed to be unable to afford it.

After thinking for a long time, he realized that leaving for a while was the only option.

As long as he leaves and takes his laundry detergent team to other countries, even if the remaining subordinates are a little out of line, they will be within the tolerance range of the officials and there will be no problem in protecting their families.

After a few years, when the remaining team slowly transforms and puts aside the darkest part, even if it is slightly worse and cannot continue to become king after twelve o'clock, wealth is still no problem.

Besides, the team he took with him dared to fight hard. Even if they went abroad and just started from scratch, he still believed that he could lead them to win a share and make money from crooked nuts.

"I usually do charity work, and I plan to donate five million to your police station tomorrow!"

As soon as Wang Bao said this, Chen Guozhong became angry immediately. Before he could get angry, Wang Bao's voice continued:

"I will use these donations to subsidize the sacrificed officers of your police station. This is the only thing I can do!"

The meaning of Wang Bao's words was very direct. He admitted that he was responsible for the undercover arranged by Chen Guozhong, but he did not say it directly. He admitted that he was willing to compensate, but that was all. He was still telling Chen Guozhong that even if he found out later, Even if it’s done, I won’t be able to do it.

In the absence of any direct evidence pointing to Wang Bao's guilt, what can Chen Guozhong do?

If he captures the other party, he can only detain him for 48 hours at most, and then he has to leave when he should, and it is impossible to suppress the other party's passport. In other words, he can only admit defeat out of despair.

You can't use your hidden Seraph identity at night like you did to kill the Japanese, right?

It's not that Chen Guozhong didn't think about it, but he found that even if he went out, there was a high probability that he wouldn't succeed. The fat man in front of him was very capable of fighting, and there was no shortage of masters around him;

Once he fails, the biggest possibility is that he will be manipulated by others, and he will lose a layer of skin even if he is not dead. Will it make Wang Bao even more unscrupulous?

He didn't know that if he really went to seek help from the obsessive Liu Hao, Liu Hao would agree to him and just crush Wang Bao to death. He was not even qualified to be a small chess piece, so he would just kill him.

The reason why Liu Hao was obsessed with him and didn't ask for help himself was just to let nature take its course, and to see what kind of disturbance Wang Bao would create abroad when he went abroad.

After the status of Chinese people abroad has been greatly improved, many things are still very interesting. Even if it is against the law, sometimes those foreign officials have to act in accordance with the rules and regulations. The kind of frame-up in the past does not dare to be done blatantly anymore.

Under such conditions, Wang Bao went abroad, which meant that the starting point was not much different from that of the local gray group. This guy's ruthlessness could really make him bigger gradually;

Anyway, for those countries, one more is not much, it is just the distribution of these gray interests to those groups, and the real upper class does not care about this at all.

Of course, if there is no more, there will be no more. In those chaotic countries, if you really look carefully, you can also find the same cases. It's just that you have to invest a little more energy. For Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, he doesn't have it now. Lack of time and energy.

In addition, it cannot be said that Liu Hao, who is obsessed with Wang Bao, has no other expectations. The role of a ruthless gray zone leader cannot be ignored sometimes.

In the future, it will be inevitable that the land under our feet will be mixed with good and bad, and countless gray groups will definitely not let it go. It will be a matter of time before they enter. By then, there will be some ruthless guys like Wang Bao to fight against these outsiders. Make the local people feel more comfortable.

He has never believed that there is no room for darkness to exist under the light. Since ancient times, it has never been completely eliminated in the true sense.

They are simply progressing with the progress of society. Those who are still clumsy have been eliminated in the process. The group that wanders between black and white can never disappear.

So what if monsters and beasts are running rampant on Liu Hao's earth now?

Among the teams that hunt monsters in the wild, the phenomenon of gangsterism will never disappear. This is the nature of human infighting. Driven by interests, there will always be people who want to take shortcuts.

All people can do is to eliminate these discoveries and take better precautions, and they have never really expected the emergence of a 'utopia'.

Isn’t the operation of the city-emperor system and the underworld system due to the understanding of these inevitable problems in the world?

They are the core of the cycle, but they are also the last judgment, the judgment of merit and karma from birth to death, which is related to the starting point of reincarnation of these souls.

Liu Hao could have a premonition that when the city emperor system and the underworld system are completely known to all creatures in the world, most of the extreme darkness may really disappear.

This may be more effective than many methods in the human world. If there is no such thing as caring about the flood after death, the fear in the soul will inevitably increase. When doing it, you need to rely more or less on quantity. This factor can also avoid some possible problems.

Chen Guozhong kept staring at Wang Bao coldly, his eyes repeated several times, and murderous intent appeared from time to time. Wang Bao, who was looking at him, knew this clearly, but he was not moved at all, because he knew very well that Chen Guozhong would definitely compromise, and he could only Can compromise.

This is the answer that Wang Bao got from his decades of dealing with official servants. They have a bottom line and are bound by rules. They will never dare to let out the beast in their hearts. Otherwise, official servants will inevitably become the biggest chaotic factor in society. I simply can’t afford to bet and I don’t dare to bet.

He ignored the murderous intent in Chen Guozhong's eyes, thinking that he had done everything he could. If he still couldn't escape safely, it could only be fate.

On the side, Ma Jun did not speak at all. Several of Chen Guozhong's original subordinates were still alive and had not been killed by Wang Bao. Otherwise, Chen Guozhong would have made up his mind today.

And the influence of all this is also the involvement of Liu Hao, who pushed the plot too quickly, prompting Wang Bao to keenly discover that the crisis was approaching step by step. With the psychological burden of his son, he chose to retreat, but it also made Wang Bao keenly aware of the approaching crisis. He truly escaped the reckoning of fate.

"You... better... keep your word! I... also look forward to your return!"

Chen Guozhong said these words almost through gritted teeth. He sadly discovered that even if Wang Bao was killed, the dead undercover he sent could not be resurrected. Although his family received subsidies from the yamen, they had lost their backbone. Life couldn’t be any better;

Although Wang Bao's "donation" of five million was not clearly stated, everyone knew who it was for. At least half of the money would fall into the hands of his family. This gave Chen Guozhong some comfort and eliminated the numerous guilts he had felt. feel.

It has to be said that Wang Bao is just right. Being able to ensure that he becomes king after twelve o'clock on a street also shows that this guy is by no means just arrogant.

The last worry in Wang Bao's heart was eliminated by Chen Guozhong's harsh words. A smile suddenly appeared on his face. Unexpectedly, the pain became more severe under the influence of his swollen face. He grinned for a while before it eased a lot.

He stood up, picked up the drink on the side, and poured a glass for Chen Guozhong solemnly. Then he added two ice cubes to it like an obsessive-compulsive disorder, and then he raised his hands and put them in Chen Guozhong's hands;

"Don't worry! Although I, Wang Bao, am not a good person, I am true to my words. I will leave in a few days. My wife and children will still stay here, but I still have to work hard for you to take care of me. Wait for me If you make money abroad, donating is absolutely essential!”

He talked a lot, just like a naughty student writing a letter of guarantee to the teacher. He said it nicely, but Chen Guozhong didn't take it to heart at all, and he didn't think Wang Bao would really do it. In the future, he should keep an eye on it. They must also be watching.

But Chen Guozhong still chose to take a sip of the glass of wine. He was giving Wang Bao a signal, but he was also trying to convince himself that he really had no choice.

When leading Ma Jun out of the bar door, Chen Guozhong turned around and stared coldly into the bar for a long time before turning around and leaving;

During the whole process, Ma Jun didn't say a word, and he knew that all the comfort was meaningless.

When they arrived at the police station, the two entered Liu Hao's office. He then added a lot, and most of these additions were indignant.

"Wang Bao is also a smart man. He shouldn't be the first to make such a choice, right?"

"What do you mean, the buyers of washing powder in other areas also have this idea?" Chen Guozhong quickly reacted; "Yes! They know very well that this road cannot be like before. They have long been involved in the conspiracy of many yamen. List!”

“Some people may, like Wang Bao said, make a cut from their past and develop this industry abroad;

But some people are most likely just going out to hide from the limelight! "

"Tou, what do you mean, we need to screen these people next?"

"Well! Those who have the idea of ​​​​running away can let it go first. Those who are still doing it should not be cautious. It would be better to make a bigger move, and it will also help those who are hesitant to make a choice!"

"Yes, sir!"

Obsessed with Liu Hao, he did not give Chen Guozhong and Ma Jun any comfort. He also knew that there was no need. They were all old officials and had long been accustomed to these helpless things.

"By the way, since Wang Bao has donated money, you should supervise how the money is used to ensure that it is implemented!"

"Yes, sir!"

Chen Guozhong and Ma Jun quickly saluted, while Liu Hao just smiled.

"You can also take a look at those people who have chosen to donate, and those who are leaving. You might as well visit them when you have time. After all, you have made contributions after so many years of fighting. Let them leave a message for those officials who sacrificed their lives, right? "

"Yes, sir!"

At this time, both Chen Guozhong and Ma Jun became a little excited. This was a blatant 'blackmail' opportunity, and it was not for themselves. They didn't feel anything bad at all.

"Didn't Wang Bao say that he would continue to make money abroad in the future? There is nothing wrong with contacting him more in the future;

They deserve the money. It's not easy to be an official. Not to mention the dangers of being on the front line, you have to protect your family, right? The cost of living will only get higher in the future.

Even if other people know about it, it will just be more gossip on our part. As long as our colleagues’ families live better, and we feel at ease.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

What do you think? "

"Yes, sir!"

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