Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and seventy-nine. Miss you

, Dimensional invasion of the real earth

1679. Miss you

The Truant Veyron is a typical little thing that leads to the big guy, holding a container to load arms. Even if it appears in the last few scenes, this thing is anything but ordinary.

In the world of Hong Kong variety shows, the small pond is about to burst. Guys like Hua Ji, AK, etc. are not considered normal, but they almost all appear.

This kind of shot is very powerful in movies, but in real society, it is terrifying.

Obsessed Liu Hao, even if he was playing in the world and sitting in the seat of the chief of the Central Police Station, he had no interest in continuing to watch such 'scenes'.

Besides, the future must turn to fantasy. Even if they don't completely ban these one-foot-long guns, they won't be able to last long.

Moreover, he also needs a stable small pond so that people can feel more confident about turning to spiritual practice.

He had no intention of directly suppressing him. Now that he had taken this position and was already in the mortal world, he was happy to use the rules of the mortal world to do things.

His methods are much more brutal. As long as they don't pass the line, he will guide them. His subordinates are very courageous. A group of wealthy elites are still holding back?

There is so much propaganda, but it has no effect at all?

After the chickens were killed by the monkeys, the entire pond immediately became more honest.

Having already wiped out all the laundry detergent dealers before, the natural next step was to target these arms dealers.

He not only wants to destroy those middlemen and agents, but also must teach those sources a harsh lesson.

He would not be satisfied without peeling off a layer of their skin. At least in his plan, after this destruction, the arms dealers would not be able to recover in the small pond in the next few years. And a few years later, these foot-long guns would be in the small pond. What's the point here?

He didn't need to do anything. With just one order, a large group of officers under his command immediately had a target. The marine police in the small pond had long been replaced by the coast police. The Dragon Kingdom Capital in the Hong Kong Comprehensive World could just take over. Fits just right.

When a group of his officers took action, the entire small pond arms industry was immediately in turmoil. Johnny Wang died in the basement of Mingxin Hospital in mysterious circumstances. He couldn't understand how he had found such an excellent warehouse and how it was exposed in such a short time. ?

He was escaping frantically, and all kinds of black guns would always appear in the safe house he thought he had along the way. His first thought was that one of his colleagues from Killing Thousand Swords was messing with him. Otherwise, why would the black guns be so invisible?

How did he know that this was done deliberately by Liu Hao, who made him think this way, and also deliberately let him escape from Central. Liu Hao not only wanted the arms dealer to disappear in Central.

Johnnie Wang is not the only one. The reason why they are staring at him is that he has the most goods in his hands and is the most representative.

He was driven around like this for four or five days, shooting black guns, without even having time to sleep, and he almost collapsed. The exhaustion on his face and the red bloodshot eyes made him realize for the first time that the proliferation of guns was so terrifying. .

Along the way, the brothers who had fled with him fell one after another on the way to escape, several of them every day. Until now, he only had a few close confidants left. The sense of security was real. None at all.

He didn't want to seek the protection of his superiors, because if he did so, he would make his superiors feel that he had become a street rat and had no use value, and he would probably be silenced.

But he found that this seemed to be the only way he could escape from the small pond at his feet.

Such guns and ammunition can only be controlled by those yellow-haired people. They have been doing this kind of thing for hundreds of years and have formed countless systems, with millions of people eating in them. .

When Johnny Wang found his way to his last home in the dark night, it was also the time when the surrounding officials made their final attack. There was no surprise at all. They were a group of yellow men.

In Liu Hao's sight, these little yellow guys clearly had the appearance of A-Mei's regular army, and they were also members of Lai stationed near the entrance to the world.

He was not surprised at all by this. This group of yellow men had done a lot of bad things. If they were not involved in such things, he would be surprised.

small book booth

He didn't care whether these little yellow haired people had other identities. Killing them all in one go was the order he issued today.

For this reason, he even handed over the task of hand-to-hand combat to a group of yellow men in the command center who came to learn.

He was happy to see these Huang Mao fighting against him, and he didn't even care which side won.

He still underestimated the ruthlessness of the few learners who came here to carry out the task. Maybe they didn't know who the enemy was, or maybe they knew who the enemy was and didn't care about it;

Under the command of Liu Hao, they were like hungry wolves. With the cooperation of all parties' sight, as if they were in an uninhabited land, the guns in their hands clicked directly towards the enemy's chest, even if the enemy was on the ground, He didn't hesitate to shoot the enemy in the head again.

At this moment, they seemed to be one robot after another. When they saw the little yellow-haired people opposite them with the same color as themselves, they were not surprised at all;

After making two sacrifices and one being seriously injured, the entire mission was successfully completed. When they returned to resume their lives, they finally received a slight nod from the obsessive Liu Hao. This glimmer of recognition made their paralyzed faces change.

How does he know what these people think?

He still underestimated the fatal temptation of the world to the natives of this world.

This group of people had been studying at his police station, so how could their knowledge of information be so low?

They basically knew what they should know. At the other end of the passage, in their opinion, Gods were flying in groups. Which man wouldn’t want to be one of them?

As for the rumored ferocious beast, they had never seen it and could not imagine where its ferocious power was. They had not experienced it personally and could not understand the horror of it, so they simply ignored it.

They were all thinking that as long as I had the opportunity to enter the world at the other end of the passage, I would definitely be able to become one of the gods with my own talents. At that time, would I still be afraid of the beast?

They are so confident, they just think the distribution is unfair, why can't those who travel through it have their own share?

During this time, they also understood that the superintendent in front of them, who treated them like slaves, was clearly from the other side of the passage, and it was most reasonable for them to look down on them from above.

It cannot be said that their heads are weird, shaking their heads, etc., but they are used to being the lambs of God, and they never think that they should kneel on the ground when facing God. God beats you because you have original sin, and God scolds you. It must be that I expect more from you.

They dreamed that one day in the future, the superintendent from the world across the passage would grant them one or two spots;

With this mentality, they didn't care who the enemy they just attacked was one of their own. In their opinion, everything was worth it, and it wasn't as important as Liu Hao, who was obsessed with them just now, nodded slightly to acknowledge their presence.

Obsessive Liu Hao naturally didn't understand what they were thinking, and he had no intention of peeking into other people's minds. He also felt their joy just now, and felt in his heart that this group of people could continue to take advantage of them.

But how to use it, he didn't decide immediately and needed to think about it.

"It's indeed a good chess piece to deal with those arms dealers next. You can also kill two birds with one stone in the name of exams!"

"Stockholm Syndrome?"

He shook his head slightly, knowing that it would not be that simple here. They were just unexpected chess pieces with very limited value. He was more thinking about whether this group of people could play a greater role if they were returned to their own country. This is the best guiding party. It would be a pity not to use it.

"Who is the best person to take over?"

Instead, he was thinking about these things. He had a premonition that he would leave the world of Hong Kong soon. After staying in such a tiny pond for so long, even some obsessions left over from his previous life would have long since disappeared, and his interest began to end. .

"Liu Jianming is good. This guy has a dark heart! He still feels a little guilty towards his own people. He has already practiced treating Huang Mao a long time ago. He will never feel any sympathy. On the contrary, this way he can be treated more rationally. "

He shook his head, he was not in a hurry at the moment, and it would not be too late to give orders before leaving.

He actually came up with this idea because of some emotion he had developed during this period of time. After all, these officials had been his subordinates for so long, so they should take care of them.

Once he hands over this idea to Liu Jianming, it is equivalent to directly giving Liu Jianming a quota to travel between the two worlds without control. Such a quota is a huge wealth for the Hong Kong comprehensive world.

To put it bluntly, the Hong Kong comprehensive world, compared to Liu Hao's earth, is like primitive society compared to the modern technological world.

Any soil obtained from Liu Hao's Earth will also be extremely legal in the Hong Kong Comprehensive World.

Liu Jianming has made arrangements for the three people in charge, and it is naturally impossible for the others to be without them.

In Liu Hao's mind, Uncle Biao was bound to be promoted to the headquarters, and naturally the only one to take over the position of chief of the Central Police Station was Chen Guozhong.

"The command center of the Central Police Station can be spun off and become the command center of the Xiaotang Police Station. Liu Jianming has become familiar with it during this period. It is just right. It is a coincidence that he takes over these chess pieces!"

As for Ma Jun, Zhou Xingxing and Chen Jiaju, they will naturally take over the positions of his three original subordinates. They have accumulated enough credit. They have all been promoted. All the officials below will just fill in the holes one by one. Everyone will received a benefit;

He nodded slightly, spent a few brain cells, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Emotions! As long as you are integrated, how can it be possible to stand on the sidelines?"

He thought of many people, from Huang Chao, Bai Zhongdao and others, to Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan, Zhang Lingyu, etc., to Natasha, Lily Zi, to Huo Ling'er, Yan Lingji, Liu Bang, Zhang Liang, to the present day. The Tsunade ninja community who were still working hard in the magical world of Qinling thought of their son Liu Ao and Luo Hao before he stopped.

"Under the guidance of Master Xuanwu, Luo Hao has most likely achieved Hunyuan, right?"

"I have forgotten the development of the 'World of God Killers' in Mount Lu. There is also a modern society over there, but there are too many ways to kill the God of Servants and seize power. In the initial stage of spiritual energy recovery, it was okay, but now I don't know how to develop it. What size will it become?”

"Go and take a look? That's all. Since there is no news, it is naturally very harmonious. It won't be too late to pay attention when Luo Hao returns!"

"I just don't know if all the Servant Gods in the Godslayer World have been killed. This is the best source of talent. There is no reason for the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance to miss it!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile:

"I see, the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance are most likely hiding these people who have received talents from the 'World of God Killers', right?"

"It seems that their defense against the prehistoric world is not as great as usual!"

"That's right. Facing such a magnificent world, how can anyone be indifferent to it?"

"It's just that this backup plan has no meaning in front of the saints!"

Obsessive Liu Hao shook his head slightly again. He did not think that what Long Guo and the Yanhuang Alliance did was not good. They stood at different angles and had different vision heights. Naturally, the conclusions they got could not be the same. What they did was more Lack of security.

I still don’t know what level of extreme strength one can reach.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Immortal level, even Daluo Jinxian, can't see any great power at all when looking at the fight between quasi-sages.

Once a practitioner crosses the level, the scenery he sees is completely different. After all, he still lacks some background. After all, he has just entered the world of practice not long ago.

Such a situation would not happen even in the world of mortals cultivating immortals, let alone the world of sacred trees and the perfect world.

Only by truly experiencing a crushing game, and only by experiencing the despair after a real crushing, can we understand why level crossing is called a ‘crossover’.

In all the worlds, how many people can truly leapfrog the challenge?

Which of the rare and pitiful cross-level challengers is not a treasure?

He also knew that this was an inevitable stage. ;

It's like a poor person who finally got his own new house from a poor family. He will be very cautious. Even if the family already has a lot of money, the most likely thing is to dig a big hole under the bed and bury it.

It is also called "wealth is not exposed"!

Only after this person or family has truly established self-confidence in this society will they dig out this wealth and make investments to continue to grow their own wealth, etc.

Only in this way can they truly try to transcend class and truly escape poverty spiritually.

At this time, they are often difficult to convince. No matter how much you talk to them, it will be difficult for them to understand;

What they are more worried about is that their descendants will not be able to keep this wealth. They will dig out these silver coins when their fourth descendants are famine one day, so that they can truly extend their wealth for a longer period of time.

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