Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand six hundred and eighty-two.Suddenly realized

1682. Suddenly realized

These nearly 10% of the elderly have now become the most comfortable group of people.

The foundation of the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance in the world also determines that they will not be abandoned in the future. In fact, they have now become the main growers of the most basic medicinal materials.

It can also be seen from what Obsession Liu Hao saw today that the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance have been familiar with it for several years and have done a lot of work and have implemented it on a large scale.

If they have enough energy and can't sit idle, most of them will be hired as technicians to plant medicinal herbs. If they like to relax, they will often open up some land inside and outside their houses and enjoy it.

It's not that they haven't continued to practice. In fact, they have more time and have devoted more time to practice. However, most of them have been locked up by bottlenecks, so they still invest more in other 'industries', such as calligraphy. , painting, or the likes of talismans and seal scripts.

Don’t think that they are just passing the time. Who knows whether they have developed unique talents in their side jobs?

In the next twenty or thirty years, even if they still do not contribute more to the spiritual world, their long-term sideline accumulation is also a rare wealth and a precious experience that can be passed down to future generations.

For example, a certain old man had an understanding of calligraphy and recorded it. When his descendants were born, a descendant with considerable talent in the Baijia system was born. This 'record' originally did not seem to have much value. , will save a lot of time for his descendants.

Another example is that one day, this old man had a flash of inspiration, and he really made a breakthrough in one of his side jobs. It is not impossible to use this to break his original solid bottleneck, make his own cultivation level higher, and then gain more benefits. longevity.

This is actually the inner expectation of these old people. When one road was blocked, they chose another road as an attempt.

Even if they know that if they break through their current cultivation level, their life expectancy will only be more than ten or twenty years, who wouldn't want to make themselves longer?

In the previous decades, when these old people were still young, they were also the most central force in society. Just like when the spiritual energy was revived, they were the ones who faced the monsters head-on.

At that time, it was not that they had not obtained better treasures, but they were used to leaving them for their descendants to enjoy. This was the most common behavior among the descendants of Yan and Huang.

It's a pity that their physical functions have already entered their old age. Even if their descendants obtain better medicinal materials outside, there is a high probability that they will not have much effect. After several attempts, they chose to acquiesce.

"This may be the first turning point in a new era of spiritual energy recovery!"

In Liu Hao's heart, such a sentence suddenly appeared, and he had to admit that this sentence would probably become a fact.

"The fear of approaching longevity is not much among this group of people at the beginning of the spiritual energy recovery, but what about the future?"

Obsessed, Liu Hao did not continue to think about it, and he also knew that it would become inevitable. By then, the "Seize the Body" in the world of cultivation should appear on his own earth, right?

This is an inevitable product of the development of spiritual practice, just like when water is boiled, steam will definitely come out. No one can stop it. No matter what kind of laws, it is impossible to eliminate this possibility.

"This initial simplicity is the reason why it is difficult for the devil to survive on our own earth. In the future, the soil will only become more and more suitable for the devil. But after all, there is an upper limit, so why should I worry?"

"Besides, isn't the devil's way also a way of Tao?"

"As the incarnation of obsession, I am still affected by my thoughts before time travel!"

"If it were Bai Hu and Qing Long, they wouldn't even be able to think, right?"

He couldn't help but shook his head again, as if he was amused by his own thinking.

"As the incarnation of obsession, what I inherit is 'human nature' after all. Naturally, I can only stand in a human's position. If I don't want to be enlightened, that's it. But I have to be more careful in the future. I can think, but I can't easily intervene. in!"

The Dao cuts the demon and rises. They are already interdependent, so why are they not one body?

Just like Yin and Yang, when you maximize the light, the darkness often hidden is also the darkest.

The addition of external forces sometimes has a worse effect. He is no longer the 'protagonist' of those small worlds. He must also stand at a height to overlook the operation of the world and understand rather than interfere.

What he has to do is to understand this operation, summarize its laws, make detailed comparisons with what he knows, and just make them his own. Only when the accumulation reaches the limit can he attain enlightenment.

If you really can't help but want to intervene, you have to wait until you realize Hunyuan.

Because at that time, the so-called small intervention is nothing more than a choice and advancement of the world by the saint or the Hunyuan monk.

Wherever they are, they have the right to speak, and it also determines what they should do in this position.

If Liu Hao was just a quasi-sage at that time, any choice he made would only have some local impact, but now he can't. Whether it is to be responsible for the world or to be more calm in the future, the best way is to Staying out of things and looking down at the world is the best way.

The fact that he has today's understanding is actually a cause and effect problem caused by carrying more than one billion people in Harry's broom world.

Regret is not necessary. Things are done, and there are advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that this cause and effect has contaminated too many living beings. The advantage is that you can only think about it after you realize it.

It can only be said that there are half good and half bad. After understanding this, they will not make mistakes in the future, and they will understand that they have a long way to go.

However, this cause and effect still needs to be cut off before enlightenment, but it seems that it is not up to him to make the decision. It is a matter of how, when and where the more than one billion people will repay.

Carrying too many people across the world and violently interfering with the fate of many creatures in both worlds has never been done before, and it is most reasonable to pay a higher price.

"I wonder if there will be others like me in the future?"

"There is a high probability that it will happen! I don't know which unlucky guy it will be!"

He said this, but he didn't feel any displeasure about it in his heart. After all, there are more than one billion of his own people. If he could really ignore it after seeing it, it would be different from him.

Suddenly, he thought that the Qinglong incarnation had done something before, and that time was to move the population of the Dragon Kingdom in the Python world to the 'Novice Village';

But obviously, the incarnation of Qinglong did not cause its own causal entanglement because of this. What is the reason?

How did that guy avoid this punishment?

He did not rush to the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation on the front line of the Abyss to ask Qinglong Liu Hao what he was thinking, because he understood that either Qinglong Liu Hao deliberately did not tell him, or it was simply trivial in others' eyes, and he should have thought of it.

If it is the former, it means that Qinglong Liu Hao's realm has long been above his own. At that time, he already knew that he had such a level to go through, and there was no point in asking.

But if it's the latter, I can only blame myself for being too arrogant and doing it without thinking about anything. It's fitting that I should be punished like this.

For the former, Liu Hao didn't think much about the obsession, because it didn't mean much. Qinglong Liu Hao was indeed at a higher level than him. He would naturally understand it when he caught up in the future, and there was no need to rush to know in advance.

The latter is what he cares about. If he thinks about the details here clearly, if he encounters it again in the future, he can not only avoid 'escape', but also achieve it well.

"What is the law of heaven?"

"Or do you do something only when you get approval from other sentient beings?"

"In the wild world, after spiritual energy is poured into it, the rise of the snake clan will also be inevitable. Its location happens to be within the Amazon rainforest, which also means that the intervention of the snake monsters in the rainforest is inevitable."

"In other words, in the wild world, the snake clan is already qualified to compete with the original humans for the leading role in the world?"

Thinking of this, Liu Hao smiled bitterly.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was most likely the case.

The fate of all living beings in the Python World has most likely been tilted when Qinglong Liu Hao entered, to the extent that the human race among them had to be abandoned.

Naturally, when the population of the Dragon Kingdom is relocated, the cause and effect they bear becomes too rare.

As for another important point, how could we not know about Liu Hao's obsession now?

Qinglong Liu Hao, who majored in the Law of Heaven, couldn't communicate with the will of a small world easily?

In a word, since you gave up these rags, you won't care if I take them away, right?

For the will of the world of the wild python world, if someone takes away the protagonists of the world who are about to give up anyway, it is also the time to take back all the luck on the heads of these living beings, and not a single bit will be wasted. In this way, that little bit of cause and effect really doesn't count. what.

On the other hand, the obsessed Liu Hao took away more than a billion people who were very safe without saying a word. The protagonist who had not been abandoned by Harry's Broom World originally had the luck of these living beings. Only if they can be happy. Strange, naturally, this cause and effect is not small.

"These more than one billion people are not so much owed me as karma, but rather because their luck has been moved to their own dragon country on Earth, which has caused Harry's broom to have a missing piece of the world's luck. This karma is only It can fall on me!"

The matter has been done, so what if I just think it through this time?

We can’t take away these more than one billion people and send them back, right?

The luck of these more than one billion people has most likely been integrated into our own earth and our own Earth Dragon Kingdom at this time, right?

What is the difference between cutting off these people at this time and cutting off our own earth and the fate of our own dragon country?

That is the real mistake of making the same mistake again and again!

There was another wry smile. At this time, he was already thinking about how to repay the luck that was cut off from Harry's broom world. This matter could only fall on himself, and he couldn't still leave it to the person he moved out of. More than a billion people, right?

They really know nothing about this, and they don't know how to repay it. They can only repay his obsession Liu Hao in the future under the entanglement of cause and effect.

"Co-author, I was originally just a middleman and a guarantor, but now I have become the repayer!"

There was some depression, but that was all. On the contrary, Liu Hao felt a lot more relaxed because he had figured out the inside story. Many times, ignorance is the greatest harm. After understanding, even if there is no solution for the moment, There is always a way out in the future.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

It’s just repaying your luck to a small world. The worst thing you can do is work harder and collect it carefully;

Luck is invisible, but the merits of the great avenue are tangible. He can clearly see and collect them. This is also a way out, it is nothing more than entering the front line of the abyss and doing it himself.

Another way is to go to Harry's Broomstick World, bring out some of the representatives, and send them to the front line of the abyss to 'experience'. In this way, you can feel more relaxed, but it will take a long time. It will take a long time, obviously this possibility has been given up by him when he was thinking about it.

There is another reason for this, and that is that the monsters that have entered the world of Harry Broom on a large scale have probably occupied half of the world, right?

Soon, the protagonists of this world will also be rented out for selection. If I go there at this time, it will be another kind of external interference. Why bother?

“It’s not a small thing, it’s not a big thing either!”

After relaxing, Liu Hao started touring again. Unexpectedly, he saw most of the industries in the Pearl River Delta, and he quickly understood the layout of his dragon country here.

He had to praise the current strength of his Dragon Kingdom. Here, technology and fantasy are both at the same time, which obviously means that his Dragon Kingdom is already able to handle it with ease.

It is never easy to grasp with both hands and be hard with both hands, but everything in front of you also shows that your own Dragon Kingdom has indeed done it, and it is very calm.

What is he dissatisfied with?

"The Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance are most likely ready to meet the arrival of the Great Desolate World!"

Obsessed, Liu Hao stretched out his right hand, turned his palm up, curled his five fingers slightly, and a Taoist handprint flashed, which was pinching and counting.

At his level, such a solemn move has already explained many problems, and his calculation must be quite big.

Soon, he put it down, with a smile on his face. He raised his head and looked towards the eastern sky. After a while, he looked back.

"That's it! Our own dragon country is decisive!"

Confidence comes from one's own strength. Among all the worlds, there are only one master in number, but more are still at the level of masters.

Just like a thousand Daluo Golden Immortals, compared to one Quasi-Sage, the deterrent power is never equal.

This point is clear to both the Dragon Kingdom where Liu Hao lives and the entire Yanhuang Alliance. Naturally, they must also cultivate combat power that can truly 'command', that is, the quasi-sage they have been accumulating resources to cultivate.

However, this representative was beyond Liu Hao's expectation, but when he knew who it was, he felt that it should be like this.

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