Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twelve, Xuanwu Taoism

1711, Xuanwu Dharma

There is no absolute right or wrong here, nor is there anyone who suffers.

But as a bystander, Obsession Liu Hao knows very well what choice the Wudang Sect will make.

They are much purer than most sects, and they will not always consider interests first like many Buddhist sects.

The character of the Zhenwu Emperor in this regard, at least in the eyes of Obsession Liu Hao, is more trustworthy than most quasi-saints.

As for what kind of order the Zhenwu Emperor got from Haotian, Obsession Liu Hao did not care much, and he also believed that Haotian was rational in this regard.

He also knew that Haotian could make such a big decision, and his goal must be not small, but so what?

As long as he did not cross his inner bottom line, even if Haotian's calculations caused a fierce shock, he would only watch the show from the side.

As for the possibility of conflict and opposition, even if he seized the throne of Ziwei Emperor, he did not really touch Haotian's core interests, which means that Haotian really wanted to expand, and he could not be the one to deal with.

The reason for this idea is also the reason why Haotian can send the Great Emperor Zhenwu.

The prehistoric heaven is originally the Xuanmen heaven, and because of the Three Pure Ones, the forces in the heaven are complicated. Haotian's real direct team is not as many as imagined.

Strictly speaking, the Great Emperor Zhenwu is not a disciple of Haotian, and his backer is the Supreme.

But compared with other emperors who are not very obedient, the Great Emperor Zhenwu is very obedient to Haotian's decree, and even under Haotian and Yaochi, the only quasi-saint who strictly enforces the decree of the heaven.

Today's prehistoric world is not calm at all. Under the catastrophe, any war is possible. If you are not careful, Haotian dare not guarantee that you can land safely.

But at such a juncture, Haotian still sent the Great Emperor Zhenwu out. If you say that there is no purpose, no one will believe it.

In this regard, Liu Hao, who was obsessed, did not comment, and was determined to watch from the sidelines. When he was in a good mood, he could give one or two "suggestions" with hidden calculations.

In the dimensional space battlefield he constructed, the Zhenwu Emperor exceeded his expectations at this time, and he had to be even more surprised.

"Xuanwu Dharma Image!"

He smiled bitterly and found that he had indeed forgotten the legend of Zhenwu Emperor. The statue of this guy worshipped in the world was standing on the "tortoise and snake", and the "tortoise and snake" was Xuanwu.

"I don't know what the Zhenwu Emperor's background is?"

"It is possible that he has some connection with Xuanwu Dazun, otherwise his "Xuanwu Dharma Image" would not have such a "Taoist rhyme"!"

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The ancient meaning of the ‘Xuanwu Dharma Image’ was clearly seen by Obsession Liu Hao at a glance. If he had not seen the full appearance of Xuanwu in the world of Xuanwu Dazun with his own eyes, even his ‘Xuanwu Talisman’ would have been difficult to surpass.

“How much of this is due to the enlightenment in the prehistoric ‘Xuanwu Hall’? Or is it already like this?”

He did not continue to think about it, and knew that it was meaningless to consider these things. No matter what happened in the past, the fact that his ‘Xuanwu Dharma Image’ could reach such a vastness today has already explained everything.

"It's just that the cultivation level is still too far behind. Otherwise, if he went to the world of Xuanwu Great Venerable, what Zhenwu Great Emperor would get there would definitely surpass everyone, right?"

"Should I tell him about this opportunity?"

"Forget it, I'd better tell him. If I don't, when Zhenwu Great Venerable knows about it, he will think I'm stingy and be on guard against him. That's inexplicable!"

He found that since Zhenwu Great Venerable used the 'Xuanwu Dharma Image', the monster that was almost at the peak of the quasi-saint level, as Zhenwu Great Venerable's opponent, seemed to have its strength suppressed a lot, as if it had seen a real natural enemy, or it itself had a natural restraint on monsters.

Yes, it was originally the creature of the world carried by Xuanwu Great Venerable, so it was more reasonable to think so.

Obsessive Liu Hao seemed to have thought of something. He retracted his gaze towards the Great Emperor Zhenwu and casually carved a Xuanwu talisman in front of him. After the Xuanwu fantasy appeared, he stretched out his index finger and lightly tapped it;

With this action, the Xuanwu phantom that had just appeared turned into hundreds of light and electricity and scattered, and then shot towards the sea below like a stream of light;

In a moment, when these light spots reached the sea, each of them transformed into a Xuanwu phantom, but they were of different sizes, and each contained different energy.

These Xuanwu phantoms, under the guidance of Obsessive Liu Hao's thoughts, each found a monster opponent. When others saw it, they could clearly see that the cultivation of the opponents they found was basically the same.

Obsessive Liu Hao also thought of experimenting when he saw it temporarily. Sure enough, all the Xuanwu phantoms that appeared, when they faced monsters with the same cultivation, even if they only had a little Xuanwu aura, their deterrent power to the monster opponents was still full.

They seemed to be the natural enemies of the monsters, just like a snake encountering a mongoose. They couldn't exert much of their strength at all. After a few confrontations, they just wanted to escape, but in the end they found that they couldn't escape no matter what. They could only resist and finally ended up with a "spicy snack" end.

In just a few minutes, the monsters faced by these Xuanwu phantoms have been defeated. Even the last ones that can resist will not be able to survive for a long time.

Liu Hao's obsession has not stopped. Since the experiment has been done, the more data, the better;

He found that these Xuanwu fantasy phantoms he controlled did not seem to consume too much energy after killing enemy monsters. Under his control, after killing six or seven monster enemies of the same class, these illusions became a bit strange. Stable, there is a hint of collapse.

"It seems that this 'Xuanwu Talisman' method needs to be spread well!"

Obsessive Liu Hao glanced at Luo Bing who was fighting below, and quickly shook his head. This guy's talent in talismans and seals can only be regarded as very low, and even if he is taught, he cannot learn it in a short time.

He also discovered that even if he spread this method, there might not be many people who could truly learn it and master it.

"Forget it, let's leave it to the top management of Yanhuang. Anyway, after the 'talisman seal' is carved and painted, it is almost the same as a spiritual treasure. Most people can handle it if they get it!"

It wasn't until the Xuanwu fantasy shadow he controlled completely dissipated that he once again turned his attention to the Zhenwu Emperor. But this time, he was more concerned about whether he could learn from the 'Xuanwu Seal'. The 'Xuanwu Mahamudra' was taught to Emperor Zhenwu.

He also discovered that the 'Xuanwu Dharma' used by Emperor Zhenwu seemed to be just to make himself vaster, and could not really fully display this method. Otherwise, at this moment, most of them would have been occupied by the monster who was almost at the peak of the quasi-sage. Upside.

The more he observed, the more obsessed Liu Hao found that Emperor Zhenwu did not inherit many methods from the 'Xuanwu Master'. Instead, he used more Xuanmen methods, as if the 'Xuanwu Dharma' was used, mostly for the sake of fighting with that person. Monsters combine different sizes to scale up their abilities.

Seeing this, he had to shake his head. He could understand in his heart, but it didn't mean that he approved of Emperor Zhenwu's approach.

"Have you exhausted all means?"

He had a trace of such doubts, and then he understood that Emperor Zhenwu, with his cultivation level of beheading a corpse, had no reason to hide and contain a monster that was almost at the peak of a quasi-saint. He can only perform at 50%, but it is definitely not something that Emperor Zhenwu can underestimate.

Wouldn’t that situation still lead to a disadvantage?

On the other hand, Emperor Zhenwu's hard work and fierceness made Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, have to praise him in his heart. This guy can't be said to be a 'fighting maniac'.

Under this pressure, he saw a vague improvement in Emperor Zhenwu's cultivation, but this improvement was like a base number of tens of millions, with an increase of 10.8 points every moment, a lot but definitely not much.

It can only be said that Emperor Zhenwu still chose the wrong target this time. He is like a cheetah fighting against a male lion. Even if the male lion can only display average strength due to various factors, it is definitely not something that a cheetah can resist. .

Obsessive Liu Hao had a premonition that Emperor Zhenwu's failure was not far away. After half a stick of incense, he had already seen the embarrassment on Emperor Zhenwu. Even with the targeted restraint of the 'Xuanwu Dharma', he could only resist it. This was still The monster is afraid of its head and tail, otherwise it will only go faster.

Obsessive Liu Hao still did not help, he knew that Emperor Zhenwu had not reached his limit at this time.

Sure enough, after about a minute or so, the spiritual treasure 'Sword of Zhenwu' in Emperor Zhenwu's hand suddenly flashed, turned into the size of a star in the blink of an eye, and shot down towards the monster's head in an instant.

This was very sudden. If it were any complete world, it would be much easier for the monsters to escape. However, in a pseudo world constructed by others, they can only rely on their own condensed laws to act. Even if they have the ability to control space, they will not be able to escape. Regardless of the speed or the cost, it will increase tenfold and a hundredfold;

This also allowed Emperor Zhenwu to establish his merits with the last blow, directly cutting off one-tenth of the monster's head, causing a huge wailing to tremble in the pseudo world that was obsessed with Liu Hao's structure.

Emperor Zhenwu is not having an easy time now. This blow has almost exhausted all his energy, and even the 'Xuanwu Dharma' cannot be maintained.

Seeing this, Liu Haocai had an idea and separated the two people in the pseudo world, directly isolating two 'heavens and earth' within them.

His movement made both the Zhenwu Emperor and the monster that was almost at the peak of a quasi-saint aware of it, especially the latter, who still didn't know that he had fallen into the hands of others, and that his life and death were no longer under his control.

That guy was also violent, and seemed to understand that if he didn't fight, he would never have a chance. He didn't care about the scars on his head, and the condensed laws all over his body immediately emanated.

Obsessed Liu Hao could only sigh. He originally thought that after Emperor Zhenwu recovered, he would give others a chance to fight. However, in front of him, this monster did not give him a chance, and he could only suppress it by himself.

At this time, Emperor Zhenwu was raising his hands to the sky as a gesture of gratitude. However, at this time, Liu Hao's explanation came to his ears. He smiled bitterly and finally understood that his cultivation was still insufficient.

The monster thought that it would break free from the shackles of the pseudo-world by exploding its laws, but how could it know that the gap between itself and the obsessed Liu Hao was the chasm. As soon as it started to move, it was immediately suppressed by the obsessed Liu Hao;

It is just like Sun Houhou when he fell into the world in the palm of Tathagata. He has been a prisoner in the prison for a long time. Liu Hao does not even need extra actions to obsess over it. Countless chains were born in the pseudo world constructed by that time, and each chain seems to be the same as the real one. There is no difference in the chain of laws of heaven and earth.

Under such methods, a monster that is not yet at the peak of a quasi-saint, how can it resist?

Seeing this monster tearing apart two chains, all its 'stamina' was drained out, and then it was left to the slaughter of Liu Hao's obsession.

In just a few breaths, this monster, which was almost at the peak of a quasi-sage, no longer had any breath, and was killed directly from the soul by Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it.

As for the body, Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it this time, gave it directly to Emperor Zhenwu, which could be regarded as a souvenir for this guy.

"Thank you, Emperor!"

Naturally, there is no need to continue to support the pseudo-dimensional world. Emperor Zhenwu has also returned to reality and realized that the gap between himself and Liu Hao is so strong, but it does not make Emperor Zhenwu more respectful. Such Emperor Zhenwu instead makes Liu Hao obsessed. Hao was even more impressed.

"Now that the Emperor has stepped into the heavens, he is freed from the shackles. In the future, there will be a stage of rapid improvement in cultivation. As long as he catches it, it is not difficult to kill the second corpse, so there is no need to worry!"

The obsessed Liu Hao didn't know what the details were. Although Emperor Zhenwu was curious, he also didn't ask.

"I see that you are also proficient in the 'Xuanwu Dao', but there are some things you have learned in the past that are very suitable for you."

Having said this, Liu Hao paused for a moment, also wanting to see Emperor Zhenwu's reaction. When he saw the 'nod' from Emperor Zhenwu's eyes, he continued:

"There is a passage deep under the sea below. At the other end of the passage is the world created by Master Xuanwu. Unfortunately, that world is too vast, and there are countless saints in it. Even if I go like this, I can only Deep down at the bottom, if you don’t pay attention, you will have to explain it.”

As he spoke, he also picked up Bai Yun beside him in his hand, refined a jade slip, sorted out the 'Xuanwu Taoism' on his body, stuffed it into it, and then handed it to Emperor Zhenwu in front of him.

"Thank you so much, Emperor!"

Emperor Zhenwu was shocked on the spot by the news that he was obsessed with Liu Hao. Not to say that his mind went blank, but it was not much different.

How could he not know that the world on the other side might be the greatest opportunity in his life?

But from the reminder from Liu Hao's mouth, he also understood that it was simply not something he could get involved in with his current cultivation level.

He could only have a wry smile on his face, and quickly thanked Liu Hao for his obsession. It took him a while to regain his composure.

"Fellow Taoist, this is a joke!"

When Emperor Zhenwu changed his title, Liu Hao also smiled:

"Fellow Taoists will know this news sooner or later. Wouldn't it be better to learn it from the mouth of a poor Taoist?"

"The poor Taoist Meng Lang!"

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