Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-two, settling down

1722. Settlement

The local monsters in Shiwanda Mountain cannot fully understand the prehistoric world at the other end of the passage, but they have long understood the vastness and high level of the prehistoric world.

The reason why the monster clan of 100,000 mountains can be in this area that is much smaller than the African continent and the Amazon rainforest in the Americas, but the average rank can crush the opponent's strength by several levels, is it not because the other side of the passage is a prehistoric world?

‘Tao and Wealth Couple’ are the four major elements of spiritual practice. Why is Tao placed at the forefront?

Because there is no skill, the latter three are meaningless no matter how good they are;

On the other hand, the skill is everything. The more advanced the skill, the stronger your foundation will be, and the height you can reach in the future will exceed that of most people.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains cannot be said to support the entire prehistoric world, but to the demon clan, there is almost no difference.

Especially in the early stages of spiritual recovery, any technique spread from the Luzhou Monster Clan in the prehistoric north to within the Shiwan Mountains would bring immeasurable power to the Shiwan Mountains.

It has made the demon clan of Shiwandashan famous throughout the Liu Hao Earth since the initial period of spiritual energy recovery, making other demon clan gathering places more or less aware of it, and even looked forward to it.

It is the same as the introduction of high-level talents. During that period, among these aspirants, the demon clan that could truly cross the mountains and reach the Shiwan Mountain was definitely rare, and it was definitely the entire demon clan of Liu Hao's earth at that time. The elite among them.

After these elites arrived at the Hundred Thousand Mountains, they could naturally only be absorbed by the Demon Clan's Hundred Thousand Mountain City. After that, whether they were sent to the prehistoric Demon Clan or could only stay and cultivate in this huge Demon Clan city, they would Never regretted it;

Because they knew that what they really got was beyond their expectations compared to wandering alone.

They have seen the truly broader sky, and no longer have any nostalgia for the space at the bottom of the well;

Their nature of preying on the weak is also happy to be controlled by the demon sages from the prehistoric Beiju Luzhou. They understand that only by following these real demon sages can they reach their true ceiling.

In this city of 100,000 mountain monsters, from Bai Ze to Jiu Ying, over such a long period of time, they have established an effective promotion space of their own. For example, more than 100,000 monsters have come from here. Step into the wild world.

The Niu Guangxi who was established early by Bai Ze as a typical example is the future that all the monsters in this city dream of.

They don't know about "survivor bias", or even if they know it, they don't think about it deliberately.

They will only think that those monsters who have entered the ancient world must be doing well now. Even if they still cannot become the top level in the ancient world, they are still much stronger than they are now.

No matter how specific it is, neither Bai Ze nor Jiu Ying can explain it to them.

But it has to be said that this desire has penetrated deeply into their bones, making them feel a sense of 'admiration' deep in their hearts even when they see the mighty Wutang Empire coming.

Especially at the beginning, there was a 'Honghu' who didn't know its power as the leader. It was just a breath, and it had completely crushed them to the ground, making them unable to raise any resistance in their hearts. , which strengthened their understanding.

They are somewhat puzzled as to why the cultivation level of this mighty human race is not high, and even the average level is much lower than that of the demon race in this city, but they still make up their minds and think that this is just a A small attempt can even induce them to take action.

It was also at this time that Jiu Ying's announcement reached their ears, and they realized that those who arrived were basically from the mortal kingdom of the human race in the prehistoric world, but even the small pioneers of the mortal kingdom had average cultivation levels that crushed the native earth. ?

They understood it clearly and recognized from the bottom of their hearts the ‘peaceful coexistence’ preached by the Nine Infant Saints;

When they knew that the small half of the city they gave up would be the place where they would trade with the human race in the prehistoric world, they couldn't hide the smiles on their faces.

In the prehistoric era, that is just any stone, and it is a 'treasure' to them. Even if the treasures refined by these human mortal monks are not outstanding, they must be much better than the native earth, right?

It's not that they can't go to the trading market established by the Qinling Human Race and the Monster Race, but there are only a few weapons that can be used by them there. The missing ones are only expensive, but the key is hard to get.

They are already imagining that in a short time, the trading market in their city will soon become one of the top on earth, or even the only high-end market.

It cannot be said that they are overthinking. This possibility is not impossible, but it is definitely not many.

Wu Zhao and Li Zhi are not stupid. How can they not understand that even if there is peace in the future, more of the territory can only be controlled by the demon clan?

Even if the Wutang Empire has a certain say here in the future, what proportion will this be?

What percentage of these voices can Wu Zhao and Li Zhi have the final say?

Wouldn’t it be nice to open such a market on your own territory?

Here, most of them are only used for trading bulk items, and bulk items often have more means of production.

Of course, this is something for later, let’s not mention it for now.

Within the city of the 100,000-strong mountain monster tribe, the Wutang Empire troops who arrived in great force have begun to settle down. They do not like the rough stone houses left by the monster tribe at all. Fortunately, these stones can be reused. The surrounding wood is even more readily available;

Those who arrive, even if it is a small soldier, their cultivation level is generally around the sixth level, they are the best laborers;

Every craftsman who could be brought here by Wu Zhao and Li Zhi had joined the Mo family and the Gong family. For them, this construction was just a warm-up.

As a result, changes visible to the naked eye happened in front of Liu Hao's eyes. In just half an hour, the small half of the space that was assigned to the Wutang Empire was completely different from before.

The style is naturally from the Tang Dynasty, but almost 80% of them still chose wooden structures, which made Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, couldn't help but nod.

In particular, Wu Zhao and Li Zhi did not build walls in the isolation area, but left a wide road. It was not just as simple as 'trust', but also a great sense of self-confidence.

Also, even if the Wutang Empire came from the mortal world, they still represented the ancient world. Even when they were in Luzhou, Beiju, knowing that they were surrounded by monsters, didn't they build a city wall to surround themselves?

If a war with the monsters really breaks out, what's the point of this city wall?

It was not until these constructions were completely completed that Feng Baobao and others who were watching above the white clouds landed on the clouds. They were not just spectators, but also had the important task of representing the Wutang Empire in foreign exchanges for the first time.

Sitting on both sides of the negotiation table were Jiuying, Niu Guangxi, Zhang Chulan, and Changsun Wuji;

Not long after, they reached an agreement, which was actually a retreat for the hundred thousand mountain demon clan, because they understood that they could not stop it just because they wanted to. Even if their cultivation level was just like that in Jiuying's eyes, it represented that But it is the entire prehistoric world.

Not to mention them, even Emperor Jun Taiyi is sitting here, shouldn't he still have to give in?

"Build a highway from it all the way to Monglala?"

"It's not bad! But more of them want the same attitude as the Great Desolate Monster Clan and the Hundred Thousand Mountain Monster Clan!"

Obsessed, Liu Hao muttered to himself and analyzed it, but he had no intention of participating.

His presence here is already the greatest support for Wu Zhao and Li Zhi. His standing in the sky has given them greater courage.

The Wutang Empire is not the only one who has entered Liu Hao's earth. In the future, he will never make any bias because of this.

He thought of Liu Bang and Zhang Liang who worked hard in the mythical world. Compared to the Ming Empire in the glorious world of Ming Dynasty, the Han Empire established by Liu Bang had probably unified the planet by now, right?

Perhaps you have begun to explore the heavens through the passage?

Compared with Wu Zhao and Li Zhi, Liu Bang and Zhang Liang are truly self-made, and the only people they can rely on are themselves.


At this time, a message came from Liu Hao's mind that was obsessed with staying on the Pacific Ocean. The last quasi-holy peak monster that he had been paying attention to had also entered his own earth through the undersea passage.

This made him lose the idea of ​​continuing to watch. With a thought, the next moment he had already appeared above the monster battlefield with the little swan.

He sent a message to Emperor Zhenwu and told him his thoughts. Emperor Zhenwu was also happy for someone to take action. Even if he was sitting in the "Tianluo Diwang Formation" of the ancient heaven, he could not guarantee that he would be able to kill this coming monster. Why was he obsessed with Liu Hao? Give him a step down?

This time, Liu Hao had no intention of playing games. He stretched out his right hand, and a giant palm like Optimus Prime appeared in the sky, heading straight for the monster.

This giant palm seems to be just a magical means, but in fact only the truly strong can see from it that it is simply woven from countless chains of laws. Even the Tathagata here can't help but marvel.

This is the "Law Skill" developed by Obsessive Liu Hao following the example of "The Kingdom of Buddha in the Palm". In fact, it is also the first time Obsessive Liu Hao uses it against an enemy, so naturally he tried his best.

The effect seemed to be much better than he imagined. When the giant palm grabbed the quasi-holy peak monster, the fate of this monster was already doomed. Here, he had to lament that this monster was not a real 'monk' , on the palm of my hand, the resistance methods passed down from others are indeed somewhat lacking.

When the giant palm wrapped the monster and the chain of laws entangled it, the monster could only struggle, and then it could only turn into a 'toy' and be tossed up and down in the hands of the obsessed Liu Hao.

After doing this, Obsessive Liu Hao nodded towards Emperor Zhenwu again, moved his feet, and returned to the city of the 100,000 Mountain Monster Clan.

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During the whole process, Xiao Honghu didn't even have time to react, so he chirped and asked about what had just happened.

"It's a nice meeting gift!"

Anyway, he came, and Wu Zhao and Li Zhi also saw him coming. Even if they were not prepared to meet, the monster in their hands was still a good gift.

Mortal monks from the ancient world, the meat decomposed by this monster is the best supplement for them. It may even increase the average cultivation level of the army brought by the Wutang Empire by one or two levels.

As for the inner elixir of this monster, Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, had already taken it out and threw it directly to Xiao Honghu, as if it was just a small candy.

He originally thought that Xiao Honghu would only swallow it like snacks, but as soon as Xiao Honghu got it, he took out her 'spiritual treasure' that she had been keeping for who knows how long, and directly swallowed the monster's contents. Dan blended into it.

Obsessive Liu Hao also had to admit Xiao Honghu's persistence. Compared with the first time he saw it, Xiao Honghu's spiritual treasure had indeed changed a lot. At least its shape was no different from a real sphere. The only shortcoming was Yes, maybe there are still some small potholes on it.

Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, actually knew that it was still a prototype of a spiritual treasure. He even guessed that even the owner, Xiao Honghu, probably didn't know what kind of treasure it should be refined into, or he simply didn't think much about it.

On the other side, Tathagata has already obtained his gains, and Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, will naturally not peep at other people's movements. Seeing the other person bowing to him and turning away from him, he has no intention of staying in the discussion.

Naturally, he could see the Tathagata's current changes. He had not yet truly become a perfect Buddha, so it would be useless to talk too much about it.

Tathagata took Orochimaru away, which Liu Hao had not expected. He was only slightly surprised and did not stop him. He could feel that Tathagata wanted to guide Orochimaru into Buddhism, but that was none of his business. ?

As long as he thought of Orochimaru with a bald head, his hands clasped together and saying the Buddha Amitayus, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

He only needs to know that Tathagata will not forcefully convert him. As for what Orochimaru will choose in the future, it is also subjective and voluntary. Furthermore, Orochimaru may also be a good choice to follow the path of Buddhism.

Even Flame Spirit Princess can do this, let alone Orochimaru?

"Did you fall in love with Ah San?"

"That's right. At any rate, the legend of Sakyamuni is circulating there. The basics are enough. It's just a matter of deepening it. It's nothing more than urging Asan to return to Buddhism."

"In the ancient times, Buddhism tried its best to spread Buddhism eastward, but when it came to our own earth, it spread to the west. How ironic!"

"It seems that this is not bad. It is better than those Brahmins who are difficult to communicate with!"

"It's just the monsters among them. What will Tathagata do with them?"

"That's all, it's none of my business after all!"

He turned his head and glanced at Guang Chengzi, who was still deep in thought, and had to shake his head slightly in his heart, sighing that this guy might understand the meaning of Yuanshi Tianzun, but he didn't really understand it.

For a saint, when the Wutang Empire entered the heavens, where did it really need you, Guangchengzi, to protect it from the wind and rain?

Compared with these, what Yuanshi Tianzun hopes to see most is that Guangchengzi can truly understand where his own path lies from stepping into the heavens.

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