Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-three, counterattack

1733. Counterattack

Liu Hao was obsessed with admiring Gao Shun even more.

The reason is naturally due to the refining choice of the treasure of the trapped camp flag.

Gao Shun just planned the direction, and everything that followed was left to the flag treasure itself.

This method seems extremely risky, but in fact, once successful, it will be the treasure Gao Shun wants most.

Obsessed Liu Hao didn't think that Gao Shun would spend a lot of time studying the weapon refining itself.

Not to mention whether Gao Shun has the time, in terms of talent, it is also a factor that is difficult to determine.

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Gao Shun himself had already thought of all this at the beginning. He was like an extremely smart architect. Whether he was learning weapon refining or formations, he just chose to learn everything he wanted, and everything else was completely ignored. Did neglect.

All he gave was a structure, and the blood sacrifice method along the way was all the energy needed for this structure.

This approach has a big flaw, that is, the treasure of the trapped camp flag is extremely difficult to take shape. Before Gao Shun fails to realize the Daluo Dao Fruit, it will always be a semi-finished product, and it is even possible that Gao Shun will Even after realizing the Daluo Daoguo, he still could not escape.

But so what?

Gao Shun never seemed to care about this. Anyway, in this process, it did not hinder the power of the flag from being used.

This guy was never as bellicose as he thought, and Gao Shun was not Lu Bu.

He and Lu Bu are even representatives of two extremes.

Even in the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu was still a proud son of the emperor, while Gao Shun was simply a representative of countless ordinary people.

Even though Lu Fengxian's cultivation level has far surpassed that of Gao Shun now, who among Lu Bu and Gao Shun can go further in the future? Even Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, is not sure now.

He already knows very well that starting from today, Gao Shun will open a channel for rapid promotion.

He broke through to the Taiyi level, and there was no longer any obstacle in the entire Taiyi level.

On this monster battlefield, as long as Gao Shun is willing, he can continue to break through in a few months. At the same time, every soldier he carries will benefit from it and be promoted crazily by Gao Shun's carrier.

In the future, even if every one of these ten thousand soldiers becomes an immortal, Liu Hao will not be surprised at all.

Thinking about it this way, it's absolutely terrifying.

Don’t you know how many immortal armies the Dragon Kingdom has cultivated today?

How difficult is this process?

How huge are the resources invested?

Gao Shun is not cheating for himself at all, but is cheating with the whole team.

This may be the greatest talent for the awakening of Gao Shun in the Mythical Three Kingdoms. Even Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, must praise him.

It gave him the feeling that Gao Shun was no longer much different from Chen Xi at this time. The longer time passed, the greater Gao Shun's desire to become a strategic weapon.

Gao Shun is the second breaking point in the Mythical Three Kingdoms after Chen Xi. Will there be other cases in the future?

Since Gao Shun in the future can bring an army of ten thousand to the Celestial Realm, is it impossible for him to bring a hundred thousand, millions, or even more?

Thinking of this, the obsessed Liu Hao took action again. He did not make a push, but left a little spiritual thought on Gao Shun. He did not want Gao Shun to have an accident during the climbing process in the future, resulting in His own speculation was blocked.

When he thought of the horror of the abyss, he wished that there would be more and more 'strategic weapons' like Gao Shun.

He knew very well that even if he and the saint masters could stop the strong men from the abyss in the future, the fighting between the middle and lower levels would never disappear. On the contrary, it would only become more fierce.

Once any level is breached by the abyss, it will be fatal to our own earth and all the worlds.

The abyss is like an incurable infectious disease. As long as any heaven is contaminated, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

Therefore, whenever he finds a valuable power, Liu Hao will want to keep it. Especially for such a precious power, a small guarantee is reasonable.

Almost at the moment when this idea appeared, he had to admit that even Liu Guanzhang completely lost the value of Gao Shun in his mind at this time.

The look in Gao Shun's eyes softened in an instant.

Even if he knows that in the ancient world, there are almost as many immortals as there are, and it is even possible that they can be made quickly, but so what?

What belongs to others is ultimately theirs, and having one more competitor in the future is the best arrangement.

At this moment, countless thoughts were born in his heart, thinking about how to maximize the use of Gao Shun's abilities.

But soon, he gave up again.

Without him, he still didn't want to interfere immediately, and it wasn't that urgent.

During this period, giving Gao Shun his own adventure and understanding of himself would be much more valuable than his interference.

Only after you have truly walked on the path of spiritual practice for a long, long time can you truly understand the huge difference between what you understand on your own and what others teach you.

The former is extremely arduous, can be lost if you are not careful, is full of bones, and countless heroes have lost their lives on this road.

But once he steps out, he will find a road that has never appeared before. Even if this road is narrow, it leads to the future.

The biggest benefit of the latter is smoothness, but if the instructor is not at the level of a saint, it is likely to lead to serious homogeneity. In other words, they are very similar, almost formed from the same mold.

This kind of manufacturing is just like industrialized goods. In many cases, the greatest value is that they are easy to manufacture.

It cannot be said that the former is necessarily good. There are countless heavens and countless sentient beings. How many people can carve out a path alone?

Even if it's Gao Shun, even if Liu Hao is now more optimistic about his obsession, he can't guarantee that Gao Shun will succeed.

You must know that the realization of Daluo Jinxian Dao Fruit has just begun. Liu Hao knows this best.

Even if Liu Hao, who is obsessed with Gao Shun, protects him all the way and ensures that Gao Shun does not fall, he cannot give a chance for Gao Shun to realize the Great Luo Dao Fruit. He can only rely on Gao Shun himself.

His calculations were quickly verified. When Gao Shun led the entire trapped camp into the battlefield again, the soldiers improved almost visibly;

In less than half a month, the lowest cultivation level among these soldiers has reached the seventh level, and each of them does not seem to be vain and daring.

Such a situation is simply a miracle in the eyes of others.

Didn't you see that Liu Bei's eyes were completely glowing, and he wished he could take his place?

Zhang Xiu on the side opened his mouth wide and could not close it for a long time. One look at this guy's expression and he knew that he would probably learn from Gao Shun, but it was difficult to predict whether he would succeed.

Liu Hao is obsessed with hoping that Zhang Xiu, with the help of Jia Xu and others, can train the "Xiliang Iron Cavalry" that has always been the myth of the Three Kingdoms. Even if the effect is only a small half of the Gao Shun camp, it will be good.

Zhang Xiu, as the apprentice of the same master as Zhao Zilong, his talent is obviously far behind Zhao Yun. Even if it is developed to the extreme, the height that can be achieved in the future is still limited.

This is because Zhang Xiu followed Liu Hao, otherwise he would only be pulled further apart.

In other words, even if Zhang Xiu walks in the individual combat mode, he will not achieve much in the future. He already has his own advantages, and his direct team has been led by him for more than ten or twenty years, and they have a tacit understanding and so on. Yes, it has already been there.

It is indeed suitable for the legion mode, an elite and small legion mode.

He was the first to propose that Qin Wangcheng was absolutely willing to invest resources in cultivating them. If they failed anyway, they would be treated as experimental subjects.

On the other hand, once successful, the benefits will be endless. There is no shortage of generals in King Qin's city. Whether it is Huang Zhong or Gan Ning, it is not impossible for them to get a small side job.

Obsessive Liu Hao has a hunch that it is very likely that the tiny legions in the mythical Three Kingdoms world will soon become the mainstream among military generals. In the future, without such a team, they will be embarrassed to even go out and deal with each other, and they will definitely be laughed at.

They may develop into a small feature of the Mythical Three Kingdoms.

On this road, since Gao Shun has gone a long way and is just following along to learn, even if he is not smart enough and his understanding is not good, then aren't there other civil servants to help train and integrate suitable formations?

Once these generals succeed, it will be inevitable to extend to the Qin Empire, Han Empire, Wutang Empire, and Ming Empire.

In the Yanhuang Alliance, there are not so many inventions that must be hidden.

There is nothing more than a lot of benefits to each other. For Gao Shun, isn't it a kind of silent win?

Liu Hao is obsessed with not worrying that Gao Shun will become arrogant because of this. It doesn't exist, and this guy's character cannot be in such a situation. He is not Lu Bu, who can fly into the sky after a few compliments. On the contrary, Gao Shun can at most be happy in his heart. , it will be the same thing after that.

If Gao Shun was a guy who couldn't help being lonely, he would have been famous a long time ago. How could he have only left a small mark in the Three Kingdoms?

In history, how many heroes like Gao Shun have disappeared into the dust of history before they could shine in their true glory?

What they lack is just an opportunity.

In turn, as long as given the opportunity, it becomes much easier for Gao Shun to shine with his unique brilliance.

Liu Bang conquered the world with the talents of one county, and Zhu Yuanzhang did the same.

Do you really think that Xiao He, Chen Ping and others were at the same level as when the Han Empire was established from the beginning?

Li Shanchang, who followed Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer the country, was not just an accountant at the beginning?

Then Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, Tang He and others are by no means famous generals as soon as they appear on the scene. Didn't they grow up in various battles?

From this point of view, Liu Hao's obsession with Gao Shun is indeed worth looking forward to. Today's Lu Fengxian is no longer the original Lu Bu.

He has already seen the original version of the Three Kingdoms. Who doesn't know that Gao Shun, who is truly loyal to him, is the most worthy of his 'love'?

Didn't you see that Lu Fengxian was making trouble everywhere, and the base camp was always left to Gao Shun to guard it?

The biggest comparison for this trust is Zhang Liao.

That guy would take Zhang Liao with him wherever he went, lest Zhang Liao would stay away from him, so he immediately turned to others without paying attention. I have to say that Lu Fengxian was a bit cute.

Returning to the battlefield, Gao Shun's opponent was still a small level higher than him, and he faced a monster at the Taiyi True Immortal level.

This can only be the deliberate act of Emperor Zhenwu within the Heaven and Earth Net formation.

It also shows that at this time, Emperor Zhenwu has killed two quasi-holy monsters within the formation, and has been able to invest more energy outside the formation.

Obviously, Emperor Zhenwu was also a little surprised by Gao Shun.

Liu Hao was obsessed with Liu Hao, but he didn't know that Emperor Zhenwu was chatting with Li Jing, the King of Tota. The person he was chatting with was Gao Shun, especially Li Jing. This guy was already thinking about whether he could bring Gao Shun into the ancient heaven.

I have to admit that this originally named disciple of Ran Deng is now obviously the most loyal to Haotian.

Obsessive Liu Hao also doesn't know that Li Jing, the current King of Tota, has grown up countless times.

This guy has been on earth for a long time, and his achievements in military affairs are quite high. He even left the title of Military God in the Tang Empire.

It was also because of this that he received greater importance under Haotian's account. Otherwise, where would it be his turn to lead the troops today, Li Jing?

Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, was really not that good in his cultivation in the ancient heaven.

Thanks to his journey in the human world, he established an eternal reputation, which made his incense in the human world more and more prosperous, and gradually allowed his stagnant cultivation to be improved again.

This time he stepped into the heavens, it was a great opportunity for him.

In the prehistoric times, King Tota's luck has almost reached the peak he can reach. If he goes higher, he must compete with others. With his strength, it is indeed difficult or even impossible to achieve.

But if it were the heavens, it would be nothing.

He had only arrived on Liu Hao's Earth for a short time, and he had already keenly noticed that his military training in the human world had been greatly improved.

It was as if his shackles had been completely let go.

He had a premonition that if this time continued, it was very likely that the military power gained through human cultivation would surpass his original cultivation and become his true backbone.

Originally, he frowned a little and had a lot of hesitation in his heart, but now, he found that there seemed to be nothing wrong with this.

He must admit in his heart that he is just a registered disciple of the past Buddha, and there is no so-called loyalty.

My 'teacher' Ran Deng was not a member of the Taoist sect in the past, but the deputy leader of Chanjiao changed jobs, so there was no psychological burden at all?

Since the teacher can do it, why should I make myself uncomfortable?

Thinking this way, Li Jing became more open-minded and was able to chat with Emperor Zhenwu during the main battle.

As a military god, he could see Gao Shun's talent almost at a glance. He was definitely an extremely rare general. He could follow any military orders he was given and would never bargain with you.

The key is that even if they give you any difficulties, you won't worry that they won't do well.

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