Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight, Sun Quan

1738. Sun Quan

A tiny butterfly can cause a storm.

But the surging trend is definitely not something that one family can resist.

When the population of the mythical Three Kingdoms world enters the heavens, can’t they only operate under the rules of the heavens?

They must also make changes or they will be eliminated in the future.

Among the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu, Cao Cao was already the luckiest. Who made him the first to contact the heavens and the first to set foot on Liu Hao's earth.

In today's Shu Kingdom and Soochow, both Liu Bei and Sun Quan are gritting their teeth and moving forward.

Especially in Soochow, Sun Quan's prestige in Soochow can be said to be the lowest among the three people.

Soochow is not so much the Sun family that calls the shots, but rather a conglomeration of aristocratic families.

During the Battle of Chibi, there were so many surrender factions, and they even dominated the mainstream. Didn't that explain everything?

After Soochow entered the heavens, this situation was even more vividly reflected.

Which of the aristocratic families under Sun Quan did not have private contact with Cao Mengde? Nowadays, it is no exaggeration to say that it is even more arrogant.

They seemed to fully understand that Sun Quan did not dare to do anything to them.

They understand better that the geniuses in the future will be the real mainstream. Once they are dissatisfied, they will simply give up on the Three Kingdoms Soochow family.

In Liu Hao's earth, there are not too many forces that he can rely on.

Sun Quan also knows these truths clearly. Even if he knows that these people are selfish, he must endure it and use more time and resources to improve himself, because in the world, if the master's cultivation is miserable, That is when there is truly no future.

In this world where the fist represents the right to speak, any shortcomings in cultivation will be magnified to the extreme, and it will never be respected by other forces. Machiavellian tactics do not have such a big effect in the world.

Whether it is Liu Bei or Sun Quan, they do not have much time, and they must raise their cultivation level to a certain level within a certain period of time, at least when facing the civil servants and generals under their own account, they must be equal;

Only in this way can one truly convince his subjects, give them a sense of security, and truly gain the respect of other forces.

This is a major test for Liu Bei and Sun Quan. Now that Liu Bei has entered the Pacific Monster Battlefield without hesitation, it shows everything.

Sun Quan's arrival was already too late, but at least this guy really understood the rules and did not choose to escape.

Liu Hao was somewhat pleased with his arrival.

For Liu Hao, who is obsessed with the world of the mythical Three Kingdoms, and does not want Soochow to have to struggle in the world of the mythical Three Kingdoms in the future, it can be regarded as a strength.

After truly observing Sun Quan, Liu Hao realized that this guy was more ruthless than he thought;

Also, who can become a monarch in the Three Kingdoms era, which one is the best?

It is not an easy task to stabilize an ancestral foundation in such troubled times. Sun Quan is also a descendant of the Sun family. His father is known as the Tiger of Jiangdong, and his elder brother is known as the Little Overlord of Jiangdong. How could I be a weak scholar?

Compared with his father and brother, he may be a little behind in this aspect, but the genes inherited from his family have never been lacking.

The reason why he is not strong enough may be more because he does not need to go into battle in person.

But when everything was turned upside down and they had to push to the front, the fierceness in the bones of the Sun Quan family was completely aroused.

By Liu Bei's side, there are Guan Yu and Zhang Fei who are escorting him and leading him to increase his experience level bit by bit. Sun Quan will not be lacking either.

Beside Sun Quan were Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai.

Especially the latter. This guy's strength will not be lost to anyone. He is simply an unbeatable monster. He follows Sun Quan around and always rushes to block the hole of Sun Quan's gun when he is in crisis. Every time, he seems to be seriously injured. But soon the guy was back to his old self;

There are only a few people in the world with this healing talent. He is naturally a beautiful 'human shield'. Once he has a protracted battle with a guy like Zhou Tai, he will probably be dragged down by him.

The other one, Jiang Qin, is an assassin who is wandering around. He does not need to kill with one hit, but more to contain the monster enemy's energy, so that the monster cannot fight Sun Quan with all its strength;

Only in this way can we put the greatest pressure on Sun Quan and give him the greatest room for improvement.

The three of them are independent from the Soochow team and form their own team. The purpose of their arrival is to train Sun Quan for leveling up.

The other teams were led by Lu Su and Lu Zijing. In this vast sea area, they were beaten by Lu Zijing like a Peng Ze Hu water battle.

"Is this to lower the opponent's 'IQ' to your own level, and then defeat him with rich experience?"

Such an idea appeared in Liu Hao's mind. He always felt that the team led by Lu Su was very strange, as if the monster they faced was introduced into a narrow environment. It looked very weird no matter how you looked at it.

Obviously, the boats in Lu Su's army are no more useful than small fishing boats, but the scene gives the audience the feeling that they are so flexible, and the waves of the sea do not seem to bring much pressure to them.

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

"Lu Su's awakening talent?"

Obsessed, Liu Hao thought about it and found only one possibility. He knew very well that it was not an illusion at all, and there was no demonstration in this regard, but the effect was so good.

He had to admit that Lu Su's awakening talent was very 'disgusting', and the effect was equally good. It seemed to have the power to enforce the same level of enemies.

In other words, when facing Lu Su, even if he knew that the opponent had this ability, he could not escape. The right time and place were suddenly manipulated by Lu Su.

Obsessive Liu Hao soon discovered that Lu Su's micro command was very powerful. He stood there, occasionally waving the long sword in his hand, and spent more energy on commanding the tent, but he played the enemy's advance, we retreat, A scene where the enemy is tired and we are harassed.

Every time the monster got angry and wanted to explode, it would always be interrupted by Lu Su himself. It seemed that this guy's interruption was not to cause much damage to the monster, but just to prevent the monster from breaking out.

But even so, the effect was very good. Every time the monster wanted to explode and was interrupted, Liu Hao could clearly see that there was an internal injury in the monster's body;

As time goes by, the monster becomes more and more powerless, and Lu Su's natural ability becomes more and more sinking, and gradually becomes a completely mindless monster at his mercy.

This monster was almost beaten to death by the soldiers under Lu Su's tent. Thanks to the monster itself, it was not smart enough, otherwise it would only be more desperate.

The obsessive Liu Hao also discovered that Lu Su's leadership of the troops had an advantage that outsiders could hardly imagine, which was the sense of accomplishment and confidence of these soldiers.

This is definitely something no other team has ever done.

These soldiers may know that most of the reasons are due to their own generals, but they have contributed their own strength in this process and fought in person. Even though many times, they can only cut tiny cuts on the monsters. wounds;

But it is also true that after they kill the monster, their sense of accomplishment and confidence will be greatly improved.

Next, when they face the monster again, their inner fear will completely disappear, and their trust in Lu Su will reach a higher level. It may not be as good as Gao Shun, but it is not much different.

Whether it is a sense of accomplishment or confidence, they are both precious to soldiers.

Because sometimes this sense of accomplishment and confidence may emerge when they make a breakthrough, allowing them to succeed again and again. Through countless accumulations, they are often able to fully unleash their potential;

I don’t say whether these soldiers can really stand out in the future, but they will never sink.

If in the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, it would be an extremely lucky thing for both the soldiers and Lu Su, but here, in the world, it is a bit subtle.

When these soldiers follow Lu Su to fight and succeed again and again under Lu Su's leadership, what will they think when they arrive at the tents of other generals and find that they are no longer what they are now?

There is a high probability that he will think of various ways to return to Lu Su's tent, right?

What would Sun Quan think at this time?

Is he worried that Lu Su will become the next Zhou Yu? Since he 'drove' Zhou Yu, can't he drive Lu Su away again?

Of course, there is also a possibility that Sun Quan values ​​Lu Su more, and his improvement in cultivation makes Sun Quan think that he is enough to 'suppress' the situation.

After all, Soochow is already the most backward among the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu, and they dare not continue to waste talents. After all, compared to other Soochow families, Lu Su can only be regarded as a powerful one, giving more and greater benefits. Power doesn't seem to be a big deal.

These are all possible.

And all these can only be concluded after Sun Quan and Zhou Yu meet again in the future.

From the perspective of Liu Hao, the current Zhou Yu is no longer the Zhou Yu from the mythical Three Kingdoms period. After entering the heavens for so long, how can the original concept continue?

The Pacific Siren, who has helped Xiao Longer lead for so long, has long been freed from its original shackles.

Today, Zhou Yu's cultivation is in the eyes of the masters in the entire mythical Three Kingdoms world, and he is also a small group of people who must look up to him.

This kind of Zhou Yu, even if he was unhappy with Sun Quan in the past, would not continue to care about him.

But if you want to say that Zhou Yu will do his best to help Sun Quan, that's impossible. He is now Xiao Long'er's 'subordinate', and he will never, let alone dare to, betray him.

You know, the Pacific Kraken under Xiao Long'er's tent was completely trusted to be led by Zhou Yu. Where could he have such a 'lord'?

Only Zhou Yu can truly understand how many benefits he has derived from it, which may not be comparable to the entire Mythical Three Kingdoms.

What's more, behind Xiao Long'er was Liu Hao. If others didn't know how powerful Liu Hao was, wouldn't Zhou Yu understand?

Any fool would know how to choose who he and his family would follow, let alone Sun Quan who gave up on him first.

But it is impossible to say that Zhou Yu did not provide help to Soochow after meeting Sun Quan. It was just a little. Sun Ce's legacy was still there to visit.

Not only Sun Quan, but also Lu Su. When Lu Su took refuge in Soochow, wasn't it also Zhou Yu who helped lead him?

For this reason, Zhou Yu will not be stingy;

The 'treasures' he obtained from the Pacific Ocean don't need to be too much, just taking out a few is enough to make Soochow happy.

To Xiao Long'er and Liu Hao, these 'treasures' were nothing but rubbish, but in Soochow's eyes, they were absolutely precious and extraordinary resources for cultivation.

In the entire Pacific Ocean, Zhou Yu's right to speak is not small at all. His face is more or less given to the Kraken under the Pacific Ocean. His words to allow Soochow's ships to flow smoothly are the greatest support for Soochow.

Once Zhou Yu speaks out, the Soochow families who have objections to Sun Quan will have to restrain themselves to some extent.

These possibilities are almost inevitable in Liu Hao's speculation.

Even if Sun Quan were to die, he wouldn't understand that the fact that he had 'expelled' Zhou Yu would now become his biggest supporter in entering the world.

As the lord of Soochow, this guy might not smile bitterly even if he knew about it.

Being thick-skinned is a required course for any qualified lord.

At this time, Sun Quan had killed two monsters and seemed to realize that he needed to rest, so he slowly pushed out of the battlefield.

His gains were not small at all, and even he had to admit that this was the first time in his life that he had to fight hard and truly face life and death.

Even if the loyal Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai were guarding him, there was no guarantee that they would be able to escape unscathed. If they were not careful, they would be killed.

Returning to the resting island, Sun Quan hugged Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin fiercely, especially Zhou Tai, who hugged him and patted him on the back for a long time.

For the first time, he discovered that 'loyalty' was so precious. In the past, he would only think that it was the foundation of a follower.

It was also the first time that he discovered that the 'poor families' outside the aristocratic family were the ones he should win over the most and the ones worth investing in.

I have to say that sometimes contrast can reveal ‘happiness’.

He swore that he was really not just showing off, nor was he just trying to "embrace" the modern world.

He didn't even know that his sincerity this time would gain him further recognition from Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai.

Before that, they had never discovered that their lord could be so brave. When facing the monster, he really fought with all his might. He did not let down the blood of the Sun family at all, even if he grew up in a pampered way.

How could they not know the difficulties faced by their lord?

But so what? The changes their lord has made now make it worthy for them to continue to follow him.

They are not children of aristocratic families. They can still live well after leaving Soochow. Under the banner of Soochow, they still have a prominent status and can share in the profits and benefits.

Although they had only arrived not long ago, they had already understood the power of the world from a few words, and they had even seen their own shortcomings from the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base.

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