Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and forty-three, the derivation of Tao

1743. Derivatives of Tao

Obsessive Liu Hao naturally saw the hesitation in Emperor Zhenwu's heart and said this.

He is not comforting, but his true thoughts.

The shackles of one world can only be reflected in one world.

What's more, now the shackles of prehistoric times have been broken again.

In all the worlds, the shackles of the past will always be nothing more than a joke.

When all beings fight on the same stage, the strong one always comes out on top, but this strong person does not mean that he must be the strong one from the beginning.

It is fair to every living being. This fairness is not absolute fairness, but relative. It contains all your own original advantages and can be reflected in all the worlds.

On this stage, any shortcomings can be found here to make up for them. It’s up to you, it’s just whether you think about it or not.

You should never say you can’t do it, only if you do it will you have a chance.

Maybe in this process, you will fall if you are not careful, but as long as you escape, it means that you have gained a lot.

Crisis exists in front of any Holy Spirit. You can regard these as one disaster after another on your way forward. Once you break free, you can improve and step into a higher level.

Even if you are already very tall now, it still has enough points for you to look up to.

It not only has a complete interweaving of the great ways, but also has countless "dharma" for you to study. From these "dharma", is there no opportunity to study the "Tao"?

What depends on you is nothing more than the direction of your efforts, nothing more than your ability to understand and understand.

On this stage, Hunyuan Daoguo seems to be out of reach, but it is also visible. Emperor Zhenwu is nothing more than influenced by the inertial thinking of the ancient world.

Under Liu Hao's words of persuasion, Emperor Zhenwu instantly eliminated the dust in his heart. His whole person became like a sharp sword thrust into the sky, and anyone could see the pride in his heart.

In the eyes of obsessed Liu Hao, this was Emperor Zhenwu taking a fierce step forward. He was still within the distance of killing the second corpse, but now he has disappeared without a trace.

This is already a method that as long as Emperor Zhenwu wants to do it, the chance of successfully beheading the second corpse is more than 80%.

No wonder it is said that cultivating the Tao lies in cultivating the mind!

Faced with the 'transformation' of Emperor Zhenwu's mentality, Liu Hao almost laughed out loud because of his obsession, but this was Feng Baobao's fault.

This guy was watching well. Emperor Zhenwu's aura changed, making Feng Baobao think that someone was attacking. He had already taken out the boning knife in his hand. He turned around and saw Emperor Zhenwu's state, and then he put away his head-scratching movement angrily. But very coherent.

Logically speaking, with Feng Baobao's level of cultivation, he should be very sensitive to detecting murderous aura and the like.

But this is not the case with Feng Baobao. She has actually gone a step further. It is not just murderous intent, but malice, Feng Baobao can sense it immediately.

But Feng Baobao never made any decisions just because he sensed murderous intent or malice.

On the contrary, she didn't think anything of this kind of induction, so she had to think in the direction of her own induction.

She is not a person who responds to her emotions accordingly. Her own emotions are scarce, and she mostly follows the instinct in her heart.

Just like Emperor Zhenwu's aura suddenly rose up and impacted Feng Baobao, she reacted.

Her reaction was also very inconsistent with her cultivation.

If it were ordinary Daluo Jinxian standing in Feng Baobao's position, his first reaction would be to move his position to increase the distance between him and Emperor Zhenwu. Everything else must stay back.

As for Feng Baobao, his first reaction was to pick up the boning knife. Instead of moving, he turned his head, like a curious baby wanting to see what happened at the source.

She took out the boning knife out of instinct, just in case, and turned around because of her personality, and because her body's instinct told her that she was not in danger.

Otherwise, the moment Feng Baobao took out the boning knife, he would have already cut it towards Emperor Zhenwu.

While she was scratching her head, she caught sight of Obsession Liu Hao from the corner of her eye, and a look of realization flashed across her face. She seemed to understand that with Obsession Liu Hao by her side, there was no need to worry, and she put away the boning knife in her hand until At this time, she remembered that Emperor Zhenwu seemed to be her senior brother.

Is this a breakthrough? Feng Baobao moved her body and focused her gaze more on Emperor Zhenwu. She did not use her consciousness to scan Emperor Zhenwu.

It's not that she doesn't know that she can do this, it's that she doesn't have this habit at all and is used to observing with her own eyes.

She is unhurried and never in a hurry. Even if the results she sees with the naked eye are not satisfactory, she will not change. She really does not force things.

She will also give her own judgment, just like now, she thinks that the Zhenwu Emperor she saw has really made a breakthrough, but then she feels that the momentum does not seem to have improved much. Did it fail?

Why is this 'senior brother' so smiling? Yes, I must have broken through a little bit. I must have not had a breakthrough for a long time, so I am happy.

There was a trace of pity on her face, which meant that Emperor Zhenwu didn't notice, otherwise the power would really be broken.

She didn't really explore whether her thoughts were correct, as long as she made a judgment. When she found that there was nothing good to see, she immediately stopped her curiosity and continued to turn her head to look at the battlefield below. What she told Zhang Chulan I remember the mission clearly.

After a long time, Emperor Zhenwu put away his momentum this time and bowed slightly to Liu Hao to express his gratitude.

I have to admit that Emperor Zhenwu is a true 'gentleman'. The improvement of his state of mind is indeed due to some hints from Liu Hao's obsession, but the real reason is that he has a thorough understanding, but he thinks that there is something he owes to his obsession. Thinking of Liu Hao's cause and effect, this is the reason why he bowed.

If it were Liu Hao, it probably wouldn't be like this.

It also made the obsessed Liu Hao shake his head.

"How about we discuss the truth?"

Liu Hao is obsessed with not wanting to get a "favor" in vain because of this. Sometimes the cause and effect is a good thing, but sometimes the cause and effect is taken away, which makes him look not generous enough.

What he said was obviously to ask Emperor Zhenwu to repay the "favor" just now. When discussing Taoism, as long as he gained something, he could eliminate it.

Obviously, Emperor Zhenwu is also a smart man, so he is naturally capable of everything.

The two of them didn't care whether the situation was wrong or not, they just used tricks to prevent the news of their discussion from spreading.

The two discussed Taoism, and Emperor Zhenwu naturally explained more. From this, Liu Hao had to admit that he had underestimated the other party just now.

"When three of us are together, I must be my teacher!"

This sentence flashed through Liu Hao's mind. Suddenly, he realized that he had been too arrogant for a long time.

During these years, he has been walking in the heavens for a lot of time, and it cannot be said that he has gained nothing. However, deep down in his heart, he does not think that these gains were given by others, but came from his own enlightenment.

Now think about it, how much can he gain just by looking down at all living beings from a high altitude?

It’s not just from the deeds and shining points of sentient beings that we can understand more ways of humanity.

Is it really okay for him to attribute all his gains to himself?

Is this kind of understanding the real reason why it has been difficult for me to make leaps and bounds?

If we don’t walk among all sentient beings, how can we talk about humanity?

He also knew that this was not the time to think about these things, but he listened more seriously to the Tao explained by Emperor Zhenwu.

He put aside his mentality of looking down on Emperor Zhenwu and sought knowledge from the perspective of a post-scholar, only to find that he had indeed learned a lot from it.

Whether it is the Tao or the Dharma of Emperor Zhenwu, there are gains. Combining it with oneself can not only improve oneself to a higher level, but also improve a lot.

After more than an hour, Liu Hao suddenly realized where Emperor Zhenwu's 'Tao' lies, which is clearly 'opposition'.

The inheritance of Emperor Zhenwu comes from the saint Laozi, and the innate treasure Tai Chi is in the hands of Laozi. In the whole prehistoric era, there are two sides of yin and yang. Who can say that he is more understanding than the saint Laozi?

Emperor Zhenwu's 'Tao' also originated from this. He understood the 'opposition' from the Tao of Yin and Yang.

This ‘opposition’ is either/or.

In other words, Emperor Zhenwu can change his position at any time and place himself on the opposite side of the enemy. Not to mention using methods to restrain the enemy, he is never afraid.

Don't think this is easy. On the contrary, it is much more difficult than you think.

He was named the ‘Nine Heavens Dangerous Demon Lord’ by the Great Heavenly Court and became the Zhenwu Emperor, one of the four emperors. However, in fact, because of this, Zhenwu Emperor was never shy about single combat, and he was the one who talked about it.

He has already comprehended 'unity' from this way of 'opposition'.

Even if the 'unification' is still very vague, the utilization of it is not very high.

But among them, Wudang's Zhang Sanfeng understood Tai Chi, which is enough to see the mastery of it.

This path is obviously also a derivative of the Yin and Yang Dao.

It cannot be said that the obsessed Liu Hao has never understood this, but he has never really paid attention to it in the past.

He suddenly realized his biggest mistake. It cannot be said that it was because he had comprehended too many laws of humanity, which led to his lack of expertise, but that he always put the most energy into those main source laws. Making him ignore it.

It's as if he has understood Yin and Yang and swallowed the laws derived from Yin and Yang. He always feels that they are just "vassals" and he just needs to take a look and understand them.

But now I have discovered that the two are complementary to each other. Understanding the law of yin and yang has an analytical role in the many laws derived from it.

In turn, there are also many promotions, and the connections between them are destined to these.

Isn't that what each symbol represents in a mathematical formula?

How can I ‘just watch the flowers on a horse’.

Derived from it, such as the seven emotions and six desires, any emotion can be judged as superior when taken out.

Just the word "hi", isn't the highland of joy also different?

Can being crazy with joy be the same as smiling?

Obsessed, Liu Hao secretly sighed that he was still drifting.

When did it start?

He thought about it, and it seemed that this mentality had appeared from the moment he was beheaded by the deity, and was deeply implanted in his heart.

He was already a ‘Second Saint’ as soon as he appeared. Sure enough, starting too early is sometimes not a good thing.

He was grateful for his 'goodwill' just now. If he accepted Emperor Zhenwu's 'karma' with peace of mind, he didn't know when he would wake up.

He put away his mind and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Taoism explained by Emperor Daozhenwu. Combining it with himself, he always gained enlightenment from time to time, and his whole personality changed a lot.

Emperor Zhenwu in front of him could see this change almost at a glance.

For example, Emperor Zhenwu faced Obsession Liu Hao before. Even if Obsession Liu Hao hid his cultivation very well, he could tell at a glance that Obsession Liu Hao's cultivation was much higher than his own.

But now Emperor Zhenwu found that this feeling had disappeared, as if Liu Hao, the obsession in front of him, was no longer in danger, and seemed to be in the same realm as him.

This is the result of Liu Hao's obsession with suppressing his inner arrogance, but this arrogance has not been restrained enough. Emperor Zhenwu can sense it, but it does not mean that people with the cultivation level of Emperor Zhenwu can also sense it.

But this was already the beginning of Liu Hao's obsession with integrating into all sentient beings. His practice of the laws of humanity was destined to be the way it should be.

When he can truly become an ordinary member among a group of mortals, Liu Hao's path to enlightenment and Hunyuan will truly begin.

This is humanity.

It's just that Liu Hao's current obsession still doesn't have a correct understanding of this, and what he does is just ignorance.

It has to be said that he feels that he was born too noble, which can sometimes be a hindrance.

When Emperor Zhenwu finished explaining the Taoism, a lot of time had passed, but Liu Hao, who was opposite to Emperor Zhenwu, was still immersed in this understanding, as if he was in trance, and also seemed to have an epiphany, and he was not aware of everything that happened in the outside world. There is no perception at all.

It cannot be said that there are no taboos in Liu Hao's obsession and he knows that there is no danger, but that he has no preparation at all for it. In fact, no one on Liu Hao's earth can pose a real threat to his life safety.

These, in the eyes of Emperor Zhenwu, had another thought.

He sighed in his heart, no wonder Emperor Ziwei's cultivation time was far less than his own, but he was able to crush himself. This studiousness and talent can only be matched by those saints, right?

Little did he know that most of Liu Hao's obsession at this time was devoted to the derivation of many laws. He conducted a detailed combing of these derivation laws. He was no longer just looking at them briefly, but analyzing them one by one. I have the intention to understand them thoroughly.

Sometimes, learning can be addictive, especially when there are achievements in learning.

It can be said that Liu Hao's obsession at this time has put aside everything else and is completely immersed in it. If anyone wakes him up, he will definitely go crazy.

Fortunately, Emperor Zhenwu also understood the state of Obsession Liu Hao at this time, and gave Obsession Liu Hao protection all over his body, so that he could continue peacefully.

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