Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, pulling one hair can move the whole body

1764. Butterfly effect

Obsessive Liu Hao naturally had no interest in listening to all these discussions.

All he wants is nothing more than results, and nothing more than giving this opportunity to those who need it.

Shikamaru is one of them, and Sengoku and Hezuru, who have been following Garp at the base, are also one of the people who got the opportunity.

Naturally, there cannot be only a few of them. As the base commander, how could Luo Bing not have such a list in his hands?

This list may not be able to catch all the wise men in one go, but it won’t leave out many either.

Those smart people who didn't get this opportunity either had been poor in their past lives, or simply discovered that they really didn't have the talent in this area.

But no matter for the obsessed Liu Hao or Luo Bing, this is just an attempt.

Of course, Luo Bing had more to think about. He reported the matter and was quickly praised. He also had a suggestion, which was to invite Li Jing, the king of towers from the ancient heaven, to participate in the command this time.

Pull Li Jing, not the ancient heaven. If these millions of heavenly soldiers and generals also participate in this event, there really will be no chance for anyone else.

Most of the time, it is impossible for others to have such interest, but it is still possible to attract Li Jing.

When they knew that Li Jing, the King of Towers, was Li Jing of the Tang Dynasty, how could the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom not know Li Jing's strength as a military strategist?

With such a military master at the military god level right in front of you, it would be the biggest waste of resources if you don't learn about it.

This is the benefit considered by the senior leaders of Longguo. Compared with the increase in experience brought by directing this grand event, it is better to give the opportunity to Li Jing to use, and others will learn from the side, which will have more benefits.

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Of course, it is impossible to hide this matter. When wooing Li Jing, it is also the time to show all the calculations to Li Jing. As for whether the other party will join, it can only depend on God's will.

They still underestimated Liu Hao's influence. When Luo Bing found Li Jing and presented him with the invitation, Li Jing agreed after thinking about it for a while.

Those who have never been in the prehistoric times will never know how powerful a saint or Hunyuan can be.

Naturally, it is impossible to include Li Jing, the king of the tower, who knows very well who controls the underworld and the underworld now.

Even if he knew that if he accepted the invitation, it would not make Liu Hao look at him differently, but if he didn't accept it, he would probably be missed. Even if the possibility of this 'concern' was only one in a million, he would not accept it. Don't dare to gamble.

Besides, as one of the leaders sent by Haotian to enter the heavens, isn't this invitation also an opportunity for mutual contact?

Such a large army has been placed directly in his hands, and this trust is so heavy that he has a feeling that if he refuses, the other party will soon think that he does not regard the other party as one of his own.

Once the other party has this idea, it will be fatal to him and the Great Heaven.

Whether it is Li Jing, the King of Pagoda or Li Jing of the Tang Empire, they have never been high-profile.

In history, Li Jing died at a young age. He is the one who has achieved great success and still died at a healthy age. How many such figures are there in history?

Where is the tota king Li Jing?

Although he is always sent by Haotian to lead troops down to earth, in fact, his activity in heaven is still very little, just like working from nine to five. On the contrary, his son Nezha is the famous one in heaven. An unknown object.

Such a person is naturally very cautious and always considers many issues and wants to cover everything. Therefore, when he considers that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, he will definitely accept the move.

As for the shortcomings, Li Jing never thought it was anything special. Didn't his own military strategist inherit it from Liu Hao?

When Liu Hao first entered the prehistoric era and settled in Chang'an of the Tang Empire, he came to ask for advice several times. Didn't he have to repay this karma?

Another point is that any master of the art of war will never hide it. On the contrary, each of them thinks that his art of war can be learned by more people, so that he can truly establish a higher status as a military strategist.

He didn't know that all of this was planned by the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom, and it could be described as a conspiracy.

His analysis of the pros and cons has been taken into consideration by the senior officials of Dragon Kingdom, but not by much.

On the front line of the Abyss, how many troops did the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance invest?

How could they not know that there were few generals capable of commanding large-scale battles?

But this kind of thing cannot be cultivated by cultivation, it also needs to be taught by someone.

As generals in the modern world, there is one disadvantage that high-level leaders in the modern world must face, that is, in the command of cold weapons, they have to learn from scratch, and they have always been influenced by many modern combat thinking.

During this process, many members of the modern world in the Yanhuang Alliance were learning from Zhu Yuanzhang's Ming Empire, the Mythical Three Kingdoms and other ancient world generals, and they were also practicing from the many military strategists of Fang Yun's Zhou and Han Dynasties.

Just like Xu Da, Lan Yu, Cao Cao, Zhou Yu, Zhang Liao and even Sima Yi often give classes to these generals in the modern world, and sometimes they also teach on the spot.

But the effect doesn't seem to be very satisfactory. The fact is that such a large battlefield has never really appeared, and some things cannot be done by imagination.

With such an opportunity, how could the senior executives ignore it?

When they received Luo Bing's report, they considered Li Jing and decided to accept Li Jing.

When Li Jing landed in the clouds alone and entered the command center of Longguo's Australian base, these people breathed a sigh of relief.

The obsessive Liu Hao who was sitting there was slightly surprised and just nodded with a smile.

Even though his military skills are not low, when it comes to on-site command, he relies more on his spiritual consciousness to cover all the details of the battlefield and achieve true micro-management, just like Qinglong Liu Hao did in Zhoutian Xingdou Formation appearance.

Li Jing doesn't need this. That's the real punch and kick, soldier for soldier, and experience gained bit by bit on the battlefield.

Only when one sees the enemy's troop deployment at a glance can one be able to predict the enemy in advance, lay an ambush, and catch the enemy by surprise.

Obsessive Liu Hao also welcomed Li Jing's arrival. To put it bluntly, wasn't it time for him to learn military skills?

Sure enough, when Li Jing joined, the machinery of the entire Longguo Australian base suddenly started to run better, just like a moving car that had gone up a notch, becoming faster and more effective.

Even Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, has to admit that Li Jing is the professional in this regard.

He saw many local generals arriving one by one, and also saw Zhu Yuanzhang and his generals coming to take advantage of the lesson. Li Jing also refused to accept anyone who came, and seemed to always be able to bring out the advantages of these generals just right.

He seems to have a natural sensitivity to changes on the front line, and is always able to detect crises a little early and make the best response.

Just as he was obsessed with Liu Hao's fascinating realization, a new visitor arrived outside the hut, forcing him to take back all his consciousness.

Whoever comes is lucky.

"Could you also come to watch Li Jing's command?"

Obsessed with Liu Hao, he was still quite surprised by the arrival of Fang Luck. He knew very well how busy this guy was, and he was definitely not someone who would come to visit him when nothing happened.

"It seems that fellow Taoist disciples don't know that your push is about to cause even greater changes!"

Fang Yun shook his head, somewhat dumbfounded, but he did not let Liu Hao think about his own thoughts, and then told what happened:

"Fellow Taoist, you don't think that once a war breaks out between the human race and the demon race, they will only control a corner of the land, right?"

Fang Yun's rhetorical question shocked Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, and he immediately understood the butterfly effect that was about to be caused.

The monsters on the Australian continent at their feet know the reason, but it does not mean that the monsters in other areas know. They will only see another large-scale battle between humans and monsters, and it is still humans who are attacking. For them, this is a huge threats, and will never watch the show from the sidelines.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao patted his forehead and secretly screamed that he was careless.

He also knew that things had already happened. At this time, explanations no longer made much sense. The demon clan would never believe it, and they did not dare to believe it lightly.

But one thing is good, that is, the monster clan in the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the southwest can be defeated with a word. The Nine Infants Great Sage is sitting among them, and they will not be worried at all. Even if there is a war, it will be nothing more than a small fight. That’s all.

If the demon clan in the Shiwan Mountains in the southwest does not rebel, it will not be a big deal to the Dragon Kingdom itself.

It's nothing more than the high-level demon tribes in the many mountain ranges in the mainland organized an investigation and went to the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance to get an explanation.

They were also able to persuade, but they just brought a few of the top demon clan leaders to come to Australia for a visit.

Of course, even so, the higher-ups of these mountain monster clans are still willing to let the increasing number of monsters under their accounts cause trouble, show their presence, and strive to get more benefits from the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance. For example, more elixirs, permission to purchase weapons, etc.

Because of this, Liu Hao was obsessed with not giving any warning.

On the contrary, Fang Yun is in the Central American region. Within the original chicken roll territory, there are countless monsters and monsters in the south direction.

When these monsters see the humans in Australia attacking the monsters, they will not choose to wait. Most of them will just strike first and ignore the many.

This is why Fang Yun was able to foresee the coming storm in advance, and after making some calculations, he found out where the source was and who caused it. Didn't he come directly to 'provoke an attack on the crime'?

Liu Hao was so obsessed with it that he ignored Fang Yun's call to investigate. He also knew that even if all the monsters in the Americas attacked the Zhou Han Dynasty established by Fang Yun, it would be nothing more than a small problem, and Fang Yun could calmly suppress it with one action.

If this guy leaves directly, isn't he giving the Zhou Han population a sense of tension that is already somewhat accustomed to comfort?

You must know that over the years, among the large number of people from the Holy World of Confucianism and Taoism who have migrated to Liu Hao's earth, there are indeed fewer people who have actually joined the battle. Even on the front line of the abyss, more of them actually came spontaneously. Compared with the number The newly arrived Great Qin Empire is not as good as that.

Fang Yun must have seen the "laziness" of these followers and wanted to teach them a small lesson, so he chose to leave.

He also knows that compared to fighting, monks from hundreds of schools are indeed more willing to absorb knowledge from all heavens and worlds in this regard;

This has been almost always the case in recent years, and Fang Yun also knew that it was time for a change. He said that he came to ask questions, so he was thanking Liu Hao for his obsession with promoting this butterfly effect.

"They are not bad. I know that many major schools in the Yanhuang Alliance have people joining them!"

Obsession Liu Hao said a kind word to the people under Fang Yun's account, which was also a heartfelt recognition.

There are hundreds of thousands of Confucian and Taoist sages scattered throughout the Yanhuang Alliance. Their arrival and the promotion of hundreds of schools of education are enough to make Liu Hao praise them.

He doesn't care how much benefit these people get from participating in education, that's what they deserve.

He also knew that the Supreme Saint of Confucianism and Taoism had many monks from hundreds of schools, and they were not really suitable combatants, but they had no chance to make irresponsible remarks on the opponent's decision now, and all the worlds would not let danger bypass you just because you have no talent in fighting. personal.

In such a big stage as the universe, how many people really have the right to choose?

Even Liu Hao himself didn't dare to say this. He naturally didn't think there was anything wrong with Fang Yun's decision.

Faced with Liu Hao's praise, Fang Yun only responded with a slight nod, knowing that it was just a polite word.

"Now on your earth, the demon clan is very powerful. Aren't you worried about the fall of the Ming Dynasty and the Han Dynasty in South America?"

"No, I left my aura in it. I think you will also realize that it still has some deterrence!"

"It seems that you have only deterred these recognized places, and other areas can only resign themselves to their fate!"

Obsessive Liu Hao just smiled bitterly. He recalled all the places on the planet under his feet, and he had to think that the actions of the demon clan this time would make all the small gathering places outside the Dragon Kingdom almost disappear.

He really had no intention of taking action. He saved him this time, but what about next time?

When the number of monsters continues to increase dramatically, such a possibility will definitely happen, it is just a matter of sooner or later.

"It seems you are here to convince me!"

"It's not about persuasion, but there are some humans who really should be given this chance!"

Fang Yun's words silenced the obsessed Liu Hao. He had to admit that what Fang Yun said was reasonable.

Even if the cruelty in many gathering places outside the Dragon Kingdom has reached the extreme, the shining points of humanity still exist, such as the greatness of motherhood.

And these people, once the gathering place is attacked by monsters, they will be the first to bear the brunt and the least likely to escape.

"That's all, it was me who caused it, so it makes sense for me to take action!"

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