Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and seventy-two, everyone has his own plans

Dimensions invade the real earth 1772, everyone has their own plans

1772. Everyone has their own plans

On the battlefield, people are responsible. Even if they are monks, they are still human beings, and their emotions are still no different from those of mortals. Once fear arises, it will not be extinguished just because you are a monk.

The same rice feeds all kinds of people. If some people die happily, some people must shrink and retreat.

And the latter, on such a battlefield where tens of millions of creatures are fighting, the mere appearance of it is bound to be fatal.

Don't think that these monks have a lot of combat experience, so such a situation is impossible.

Some things always happen in an instant, and they always catch people off guard.

On this thousand-kilometer-long front line, it was a great blessing that there were only a dozen of them.

These more than ten areas were areas that were overrun by the demon clan. Not only were the monks who originally guarded this area all killed and injured, but also the ninth-level monks who came to provide support have basically not survived.

The emergence of more than ten gaps was like a huge flood embankment collapsing, causing the monsters inside to swarm in, and almost bringing the originally stable surrounding area into the rhythm of the monsters.

Here, we must also thank the reserve team for their decisiveness. They stepped forward almost as soon as they discovered it, without even thinking that stepping forward at this time would mean a narrow escape.

Their efforts were the key to re-consolidating the front line, but they also included countless soldiers.

We must also thank the ninth-level monks who came to support us. Don't they know that they are in a dead end?

If they really want to escape, the chance cannot be said to be 100%, but there is still more than half.

But none of them made such a choice. They held back the highest-level monster group and bought enough time for the reserve personnel. Even if they were about to die, they would give their enemies a heavy blow. , forcing these truly high-level monsters not to dare to take action easily.

The time they bought was enough for the human side, and the support from the surrounding reserve teams arrived. Only then did they mend the gap created by the monster attack again, and then firmly held back the army of monsters that followed one after another.

This sudden outbreak of monsters lasted for several days and nights. During the whole process, the monsters left no one knows how many corpses were left behind.

When the war ended, the entire front line was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the number of humans behind the scenes who had invested in transporting the corpses of these monster beasts reached 20 million.

Especially those civilian forces arriving from China, almost all of them turned pale during such transportation.

From the news, any cruelty seen is just a large or small data. Even if emotions burst out, it is impossible to know where the real cruelty lies.

But now, even if these people did not actually appear on the front line of the battle, the process of transporting the monster corpses was enough to give birth to countless imaginations in their brains.

They took advantage of the time when the monsters were retreating to step onto the front line and saw what the real 'mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood' looked like.

They still don't know how many more soldiers have arrived in the Dragon Kingdom through the teleportation array during this period.

They no longer have any energy to hang out on the Internet, and they don't know that even in the mainland, the monsters from the major mountain ranges that have been stable for several years have not let go of the opportunity that finally appeared this time.

The demon clan, even within the demon clan, is divided into countless ethnic groups. How can it be possible to regard humans as true friends?

In the past, the cooperation was temporary due to interests, but when the opportunity appeared in front of them, they could also pretend not to know, and secretly they were very happy to start a new beast wave.

Fortunately, these local demon clans also understand that there must be a bottom line, otherwise everything may end for them.

They have controlled the scale and still let the locals understand that the demon clan is still the demon clan. Even if everyone's business has been booming in the past few years, the demon clan will never hesitate when it's time to bite you.

But in some places, there are exceptions. For example, the demon clan in Shiwanda Mountain in the southwest knew very well that there was no need to participate this time. The Great Sage Jiuying who was sitting among them knew that the Emperor Ziwei he knew would not like him to participate in such a small fight. A little fuss.

As a result, the countless lands connected to the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the southwest and the Dragon Kingdom remained peaceful, as if the tide of beasts set off by the demon clan on the entire planet had nothing to do with them.

The same situation also happened in Liu Hao's hometown.

But compared to the top-level suppression of the hundreds of thousands of mountain demon clans in the southwest, there really aren't many middle- and lower-level demon beast armies to dispatch here.

Because most of these middle- and lower-level monsters have been moved to the magical world of goblins in the back mountains.

Those monster beasts were happily fighting with the goblins.

The three-headed monsters in the entire Wuyi Mountains have seen future benefits from the magical world of Goblins, and they no longer care about the possibilities outside the Wuyi Mountains.

During this period of time, they not only migrated the middle and lower-level monsters from the mountains in their own territory, but also continuously stole "population" from other surrounding mountains.

They know very well that it is simply unrealistic to conquer the endless goblins in the world on the other side of the passage just by relying on the number of monsters in the Wuyi Mountains. The low-level monsters that they have never seen in the past are finally of real use value. How can you let it go?

In fact, they already have more ideas in mind, such as uniting with the big monsters from the surrounding Sanqing Mountains and other mountains to develop the Goblin Magic World Forest.

It's just that they can't take action on this idea. On the one hand, their foothold in it is still stable, and on the other hand, they must get the nod of humans and even Liu Hao.

Their movements in private have never stopped, and their movements have even become larger and larger.

Just like this time, the monsters in the surrounding mountains used the forest, but they were hiding on the side. From time to time, tens of thousands were taken away from them, and they had sneaked back and forth hundreds of times.

They thought they were doing it very covertly, but they didn't know that the real masters of the Dragon Kingdom had already known about it and let them go.

Otherwise, how could they cross the range so easily?

That is to say, the Dragon Kingdom is very aware that the Goblin Forest in the Goblin Magic World is too huge. If humans want to develop it for a long time, investment and production cannot be directly proportional. It seems that introducing monsters is also an attempt.

Anyway, even if it fails, the one who dies is the monster itself, and there is no need for any sympathy, so why not?

Under such a calculation, he naturally turned a blind eye, and was even happy that the three big demons in Wuyi Mountains would make bigger moves.

Perhaps it was also because there were hundreds of actions without any problems, which made these three-headed demons even bolder.

They went from stealing tens of thousands to investing millions. After a few times, it became difficult not to be discovered.

The big monsters in the surrounding mountains don't care about the life or death of the underlying monsters, but with such a huge sudden decrease in numbers, it would be impossible if they didn't have any idea.

When the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base repelled the attack arranged by the big monsters, the three big monsters in the Wuyi Mountains were also discovered by the big monsters from other mountains.

Of course there is some action, but it only goes so far, just a little bit of monster, and it is impossible for the real big monster to become a mortal enemy because of this, but what has been explained must be explained.

As a result, the surrounding monsters also knew about the exploitability of the endless forest in the magical world of Goblins. If they said they were not interested, it would be a lie.

They also know that the seemingly numerous low-level monsters under their own account are still of great value. It seems that they should not drive them to fight against humans and die?

They also know that if they want to get this opportunity, they must get the nod of Emperor Ziwei, but since they can give the demon clan in the Wuyi Mountains a chance, it seems that the demon clan in the surrounding mountains can also do it, right?

Thinking of this, they suddenly realized that they didn't seem to need to learn from other areas this time to start a wave of beasts.

Since these low-level monsters have value, they naturally need to be protected, right?

What if after this period of time, Emperor Ziwei gave permission for them to participate?

Don't let yourself be given the opportunity, only to find that you don't have many monsters to speak of, then you really can only despair.

They are not stupid at all. They naturally know how to weigh the pros and cons. They have also obtained a lot of information about the magical world of goblins from the three big monsters in the Wuyi Mountains. They also know that there are some elixirs that are not available even on the planet below them.

If these are just what make their hearts flutter, then the world outside the endless forest is what really makes them firm in their thoughts.

They know too well that there is so much exploitable value in such a world that has developed for hundreds or tens of millions of years.

They know better that there must be many passages controlled by the Dragon Kingdom. Once the Dragon Kingdom develops the world of other passages in the future, they will definitely not be willing to miss this one.

At that time, what will happen to them?

If they don't take advantage of the current situation when humans are unable to develop it, they believe that they will definitely regret it in the future.

Isn't this the right time to talk about numbers?

As a result, the demon tribes around the Wuyi Mountains stopped the beast tide that had just started. Naturally, their actions could not be hidden from the eyes of the Dragon Kingdom masters.

After careful consideration, Long Guo also made a decision, that is, to agree.

Naturally, this news also reached the ears of Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it, and he had nothing to do with it.

How could he not know that if the Dragon Kingdom wanted to develop the magical world of Goblins, it would be impossible without decades of accumulation.

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The goblins there are as inexhaustible as bacteria, so asking the demon clan to lead the army of demon beasts to attack the vanguard is not in line with the secret joy of the Dragon Kingdom?

Isn't this just like discovering a gold mine and bringing in countless workers?

The benefits that the demon clan discovered, such as elixirs, not to mention most, but about half, were sold to the Dragon Kingdom without repayment?

Compared with the spiritual grass, the elixir refined from this is the real good thing. The demon clan is far behind the human beings in this way. The real rich are not the human beings themselves?

To take a step back, even if the demon tribes in the surrounding mountains unite and occupy a corner of the goblin magic world, that is not a big deal.

The vastness of it, Long Guo and Obsessive Liu Hao, are clear. Even if all the demon clans and monster beasts in the surrounding mountains are filled in, they will only occupy a small corner.

After all, as far as the Goblin Magical World is concerned, the humans and demon beasts that enter it all come from the same world, so how can they be considered one of our own?

Under such a plan, there was silence within the three thousand miles around the Wuyi Mountains.

The monster beasts that had been gathered seemed to just gather for a while. After that, they all followed the orders of their leading monster and began to sit quietly, waiting for the answer they wanted.

The answer came quickly, but only the monster clan itself was cheering. As for the monster beasts, they were nothing more than cannon fodder.

Since I agreed, I naturally wouldn’t delay.

Even the three big monsters in the Wuyi Mountains have no complaints about this. During this period, they have fully withstood the 'terror' of countless goblins who are not afraid of death.

Every monster, even the lowest monster, can fight one against a hundred goblins. But with such a strong contrast in numbers, how could the three big monsters not know that there are too many ants and they can kill an elephant?

They also need someone to bear this pressure with them. When they see the surrounding monsters joining in, why don't they feel relieved?

Besides, compared to the big monsters in other mountain ranges, they have already established a base there and have the upper hand, so there is nothing to worry about.

The monster beasts gathered in these mountains finally have a real place to go, not to mention being consumed by humans. It seems that peace is really beneficial to both parties.

But how did they know that countless hunters had also gathered in the surrounding mountain ranges, waiting for the arrival of the monster beast army, but now they disappeared, so they had to duck?

Fortunately, there is no place for them to hunt, and the Dragon Kingdom Australian Base is a place that can accommodate as many people as they come.

A few days later, in Liu Hao's consciousness, he saw his eldest brother and sister-in-law.

He could only shake his head at this, and knew that his eldest brother and sister-in-law came to Longguo's Australian base not to fight, but to lead a team.

This is the arrival of nearly 10 million new troops, and it also means another wave of monster beasts in the base.

Don’t think that the great monsters of the Australian mainland know nothing about the situation in the base. How is that possible?

They knew that Liu Hao was sitting here and did not dare to use their spiritual sense to observe, but their sight was never blocked. They just chose the sky and watched from a distance. The teleportation array had no cover. For these big demons, it was still Not at a glance?

It can be said that these big monsters have a clear understanding of the number of people added to the base every day, and their assessment of the combat effectiveness is not too bad.

They didn't dare to really destroy the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, after all, Liu Hao placed it there.

It doesn't mean that they don't want to take this opportunity to teach the humans in the base a harsh lesson, telling the humans that the demon clan is not easy to mess with at all.

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