Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, human mine

1794. Human Mine

Sometimes, not being able to understand is a matter of professionalism, but sometimes it is more of a matter of height, as is the case with Emperor Zhenwu.

He has very little understanding of the way of devouring, let alone comprehending it. He is not high enough and cannot be very sensitive to the changes in the overall situation. Naturally, it is difficult to see that the space field of Qiankun controlled by Zhuang Zhou has gained a trace of devouring. Power.

Even Qinglong Liu Hao had to admit Zhuang Zhou's cleverness. Perhaps he found that other methods would not be able to defeat the abyss demon for a while, so he added this method, and it was still soothing and silent.

Qinglong Liu Hao must admit that Kunpeng's way is indeed suitable for Zhuang Zhou. Combined with the Qiankun's way, this space area of ​​​​Qiankun that is completely controlled by Zhuang Zhou is simply turned into Kunpeng's stomach by Zhuang Zhou;

As long as any breath leaked from the body of this Abyss Demon God, there is no hope that the Abyss Demon God can take it back.

Everything was done so quietly, just like digging out soil from a huge mountain with a shovel. The ratio is so rare that it is negligible, but there are hundreds of shovels every second, and a little can always add up to a lot. By the time Jushan is actually discovered, it will be really too late.

Among them, it must also be admitted that Zhuang Zhou has restrained all the energy of the Abyss Demon God. The situation is evenly matched, who dares to be distracted?

This is where the power of the law field lies. With just one thought, it can only be said that the vigilance of the Abyss Demon God is not strong enough. From falling into the away game, the final outcome has actually been determined.

It is definitely unfortunate. It can only be said that the reason why the abyssal demon god was born at the bottom of the abyss is because he lacks an understanding of the battle method. Even if he escapes this time, he will most likely be buried here in the future.

This has the slightest trace of devouring in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, and the speed seems to be increasing. Every time the abyss demon erupts, it will be a kind of death without return.

He had to admit that this Abyss Demon God was a little anxious. Also, when you are fighting in an away game with the enemy and you can only use your strength to the best of your abilities, it would be strange not to be anxious.

The characteristics of the Abyss Demon Gods also determine that it is difficult for them to be as calm as normal creatures. The more anxious they are, the more irritable they become. Perhaps they have become accustomed to this. In the past years, they have always smoothly won one after another. God.

This may be the first time they have encountered real difficulties, but unfortunately, this iron plate is still too hard for them, and they can only die in it instead of taking this experience back to the abyss.

This cut off is the most precious to Qinglong Liu Hao.

Otherwise, he could not guarantee how long he would be able to control the Abyss Demon God, which was becoming increasingly difficult to deal with.

Emperor Zhenwu was still watching with great interest, and Qinglong Liu Hao could only patiently accompany him to continue watching, but his thoughts had already spread beyond the Zhoutian Star Formation to the collision between humans and monsters in his own earth. among.

On the front line of Dragon Kingdom's Australian base hunting ground, the endless expansion continues, as if there is no end. Outside the front line, the countless monsters seem to have never diminished.

This is also the reason why the great demons of the demon clan are constantly driving away the arrival of demonic beasts.

They seem to want to complete the battle. Of course, they do not want to completely defeat the human side this time, but to reduce the number of low-level monsters in the entire Australian continent at once.

No matter how many resources there are, there is an upper limit. It would be a pity for the big monsters to waste a little by these useless low-level monsters.

In the eyes of these big monsters, through this battle, the most important task is to select what they consider to be the real monster elites.

The second is to make the human opponent feel heartache.

This secondary priority of the big demons seems to have not had much effect now, but the tasks that they value most have also been reflected.

War is always the best catalyst, and this is not only valid for humans.

Those high-level monsters have basically complete intelligence. In other words, their learning ability is not bad at all.

At first, they may have been very confused and used to swarming up, but now, they have a lot of plans, even if they still seem a bit clumsy.

The effect of this change on the monster beast side is still extraordinary. A typical point is that the mortality rate of monster beasts has been reduced by several percentage points.

Don't underestimate this mere percentage point. In the thousand-mile battle front, every percentage point means that a large number of monster beasts have survived. These surviving monster beasts have escaped from the death line. For them, it is the greatest number of monsters. His wealth will also be what really catches the eyes of the great demons of the demon clan.

Almost every one of these monster beasts that survived the front line has been upgraded to a level. For them, it is not only a leap in class, but also a complete release of their own shackles.

Monsters are not humans.

Whenever there are shackles on a monster beast, it basically tells the monster beast that you can only stop here in this life.

But once this shackles are opened and one's own level is raised, it also means the bloodline of this monster beast is further purified.

In other words, this is already a transformation.

Even though this kind of transformation is still only a small level compared to the improvement of cultivation realm, for these monsters, it is an improvement in status. It is like the poor people have been certified at once, even if they are still far away from the true nobles. Some distance away, but also part of the 'Knight'.

It is also because of this that they can really catch the eyes of the great demons and have real cultivation value.

The demon clan has always valued bloodline the most.

From this gain alone, these big monsters are already very happy, and they are also happy to make this collision even bigger. This is why there is a steady stream of monsters arriving now, as if the big monsters have truly decided to destroy the entire Australian continent. The momentum of killing all the low-level monsters in one fell swoop.

On the human side, there is nothing wrong with this.

It is nothing more than extending this war from one or two years to now lasting ten or eight years.

The top management of Yanhuang is very happy with this. Doesn’t this fit in with their strategy?

Increasing the sense of urgency on the human side is already part of their plan. Who should they fight with? For such a controlled battle, the senior officials would like it to last longer, preferably for decades.

The recognition of this by the senior leaders is that this is the real training ground. Even if it is cruel, it is still inferior to the Abyss Frontline. Those who stimulate their potential again and again in such battles are the best Abyss. Replenish personnel on the front lines.

As a result, there is a 24-hour non-stop operation of the dragon country's Australia base teleportation array. Every moment, countless soldiers are transported from the mainland.

Liu Hao, who has been observing obsessively, has already seen that among the numbers dispatched, there are nearly 30 million troops from the Bright Sword World.

This world, which has been connected to the land of Liu Haolong since the earliest days of the connection between the heavens and the world, has indeed kept up with the rhythm over the years;

Even though the overall average cultivation level is still somewhat behind Liu Hao's Earth Dragon Kingdom, it is still useful.

Obsessive Liu Hao even feels that this war between humans and monsters on his own earth is the real opportunity for the world of Bright Sword to transform. Once they gain confidence, they can truly stand up in the world in the future. .

Sometimes, you have to admit that a world itself does not have the confusion that existed when the fantasy system existed.

Just like the comparison between the world of Liangjian and the world under one person, an adaptation process requires a lot of energy in Liangjian World.

This adaptation period does not exist at all in the world under one person. It is nothing more than going from low martial arts to medium martial arts and then to high martial arts.

They already have such an environment, and after joining, it just feels a little more cruel. They are the most excited to have this foundation.

Just like this time, the army dispatched from one person obviously has more experience than the army arriving from Liangjian World. Especially the composition model of the army is what Liangjian World needs to learn.

Such as a small-scale servant army.

In the world under one person, there is not only one dragon kingdom, but it is also a modern world with as many as two hundred kingdoms, which is not much different from Liu Hao before the earth's spiritual energy revived.

There are also many strangers in other countries.

How could these strangers from other countries not know that their world had a passage to other heavens for such a long time?

Any living being who enters cultivation will not want to continue to improve. If they can only huddle in a world under one person, even if there is the possibility of continuing to improve, compared to the Dragon Kingdom under one person, That can only widen the gap.

Will they be happy?

Don’t they want to have such an opportunity to step into all the worlds?

How is that possible?

But they know better that exerting pressure has no meaning at all for the Dragon Kingdom, which is now a world under one person. Even if Zhang Zhiwei, the old master of Longhu Mountain, is not in it, aren't there still many Dragon Kingdom masters?

If they really use their powerlessness, they will only be left with a dead end, so a servant army was born among the army under one person.

Opportunities are given, but they also come at a price.

These servants knew it, but they had absolutely no choice.

Even every servant army that comes is prepared for a narrow escape. They can only gamble with their lives. Isn't this the case in the alien world in the past? There doesn't seem to be anything to fear.

The promise they received was equally bright. As long as they could survive this battle, they would escape from the world under one person and become part of the residents of Liu Haolong's Australian base.

Under one person, the Dragon Kingdom will not take any gains from their process. It is just where the danger is greater and they need to block it.

That is the real universe!

They had seen everything clearly during their journey. At this time, even if they were allowed to go back, they would probably fight tooth and nail.

In fact, in the world of Liangjian, the spiritual energy poured into it from Liu Hao's earth is also huge. How could there be no practitioners in the countries other than the Dragon Kingdom for such a long time?

It's just a matter of how many, it's just a matter of how many inheritances are left over from the history of these countries.

Today, Liangjian World saw this action by one person. Is it impossible for them to imitate it in the future?

This is also a ‘human mine’!

If these resources are not used, wouldn’t they be wasted?

Liangjian World is now suppressed by their Dragon Kingdom. Isn't it a very good dog?

That's a mine with 100 million people. It would be a pity not to dig into it.

We can't let the dragon kingdoms of these worlds fight at the forefront, while these people and mines enjoy it in the rear, right?

Even though the Dragon Kingdom of the Bright Sword World has taken over nearly 3,000 square kilometers of living space in their world planet, after decades of development, it now has a population of nearly 2 billion. Isn’t every one of them precious?

If a dog goes to explore a dangerous minefield, it's better than having one of your own take the risk, right?

In the future, in the battle of the abyss, no matter how many numbers come, it will not be enough. Now that the human mine has discovered a method that can be used, there is no reason to hide it.

Of course, this is the future that Liu Hao thinks he has. As for what the future will be like, he will not give any hint.

In front of us, the more and more arriving armies also require huge amounts of logistics. Almost the entire original Dragon Kingdom Australia base has become a resettlement place.

Even if the front line is thousands of miles wide, it is still limited, and the number of people who can be arranged to face the monsters directly is still limited.

Therefore, the human side could only activate the rotation system, and the big monsters seemed to ignore it. After a while, the monsters seemed to follow suit.

Everyone is training, and it seems to be okay.

There is a tacit understanding at the top, but this tacit understanding has never meant anything to the bottom. The enemy will not let go because of the tacit understanding at the top. If you die, you will really die.

Therefore, the front line has always been cruel. In the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, any monk who survives will develop nerves like steel. These people will also be the best supplement for the future abyss battlefield.

Even the surviving monsters are the same.

Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, does not think that the threat of the abyss will intensify in the future, and the demon beasts on his own planet can just watch. When the time comes, he will not be polite. Even if he is forced, he must let the demon clan bring the army to the battlefield together.

He is not worried at all that after the monsters and beasts go to the battlefield, they will choose not to work hard and die if they carry them. Whether it is abyss spores or visitors from the abyss, they are always cruel. If you want to live, you must fight to the death. ;

After a deadly battle, as long as you find the benefits of killing the enemy, you will not be unhappy. At that time, you will not be able to drive away even if you rush, right?

Now in the Zhoutian Star Formation, isn't it the same for the demon army led by Bai Ze?

Which of the monsters and monsters gathered around Dragon Kingdom’s Vancouver base, and those monsters and monsters that have built many cities, are not like this?

Compared to humans, the demon beasts are more friendly in their use of merit and luck, such as constantly purifying their own bloodline, which is very difficult for humans.

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