Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand eight hundred and three, a mistake

1803. A mistake.

Liu Hao's words did not make any promise to Wu Zhao, but they were better than a promise and gave Wu Zhao unprecedented confidence.

What he wanted to see was Wu Zhao's high spirits.

He didn't say anything about protecting Wu Zhao, but deep down in his words, he was actually telling him that if something unexpected happened, he would never sit idly by and ignore it.

Liu Hao is not only thinking about the prehistoric human race, he has always been thinking about the Yanhuang human race in all the worlds.

But even if Liu Hao views the human race from a higher perspective, he does not want to see the prehistoric human race as a pawn in the hands of the prehistoric saints. He will never hesitate to get the support they deserve.

At this moment, he was not grateful that when he traveled around the world, he had never cared about what was right or wrong about what he saw when he reached such a height. All he cared about was whether it was beneficial to the Yanhuang civilization.

The Yanhuang people brought them back one by one. He must admit that the size of the population is the greatest foundation of his own civilization.

He is not the only one who has seen through this factor now. Zhu Yuanzhang, who did not see Zongwu's world, when he saw the population of Huang Feihong's world, the first thing he proposed was to capture most of this population?

People know very well that the Yanhuang people in the modern world have inner resistance to the feudal era, but the Yanhuang people in the Huang Feihong world are not the same. When it is time to take action, Zhu Yuanzhang will not hesitate at all.

Who can become an emperor, especially a founder, who doesn't have a seven-aperture exquisite heart?

Wu Zhao in front of her will probably discover this soon. By then, she will definitely think of countless ways to sneak away the people of her ancient geophysical empire.

There was no shortage of population in the prehistoric and Tang Dynasty empires. The orthodox human race in this empire had more than tens of billions. Even if one tenth came, it would be a huge base.

In the future, as time goes by, Wu Zhao will definitely embark on the path of attracting more Yanhuang people to join the Wutang Empire.

After settling in Meng Lala, the demon clan has long since disappeared, and most of the demon beasts left behind are just meat and vegetables. In a few months, won’t the entire Nanyang Peninsula be in the possession of the Wutang Empire?

Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, does not think that there will be no world passage in such a huge land. It is just a land that has lost humans. Once these passages appear, they will only be occupied by monsters.

When the Wutang Empire takes over this territory, even if these world passages still need to be jointly developed with the demon clan in the future, aren't these Yanhuang humans in the world the biggest source of supplementary resources for the Wutang Empire?

With the support of the entire prehistoric world, the Wutang Empire could explode at a speed that would only shock people. This point is clear to any member of the Yanhuang Alliance.

The bringing of the Wutang Empire can be said to have put a huge pressure on other members of the Yanhuang Alliance to a certain extent, forcing them to speed up their own pace. Only in this way can they leave their own legacy in the future great competition among the heavens and the world. own imprint.

Obsessive Liu Hao also knew that the prehistoric saints could not really make the Wutang Empire truly independent in the world, and they could not stop the actions they should take.

But so what?

Some things are inevitable. When your strength is not enough to support yourself, and any external factors affect you, what right do you have to complain about it?

What he wants is Wu Zhao's inner firmness. Isn't any external factor, whether beneficial or detrimental, something that can be relied upon?

Smart people would only think about how to use this factor to improve themselves, and he believed that Wu Zhao was also such a person.

Isn't it because he couldn't wait to visit him today to maximize the benefits of the teacher-student relationship between Liu Hao and Wu Zhao Family?

Most ordinary people would be too realistic about such students, but the real people at the top know best that only such smart people are truly worthy of training, and only they can truly have a future in this chaotic world.

The world has always been so realistic. Stupid people have always been stepping stones for others, and these people never know it. They will always sum up their own set of rules and use them as standards for all living beings.

As everyone knows, their set of rules is often the biggest mistake, and it is also imposed on them by those with real vested interests.

Just like the 'honest man' who was obsessed with Liu Hao's idea of ​​traveling to the previous world.

Later, didn’t this word also become a symbol of sadness?

When the urban population sneers at 'honest people', are the rural people still proud of it?

But this kind of thinking will never appear in Wu Zhao. His decisiveness is also something Liu Hao admires very much.

After getting a 'hint' from the obsessed Liu Hao, Wu Zhao obviously felt a lot more relaxed. She knew that she had come to the right place.

Her pressure is not small at all, especially the external pressure, which is as overwhelming as the sky, and she knows that it is definitely not something that her current small body can bear.

She continued to look for a 'spiritual sustenance' to support her 'ambition', and after searching for it, only Liu Hao was suitable. Who allowed the Wutang Empire she carried to sneak into the heavens, which was where Liu Hao was. , if you don’t choose Liu Hao, who else can you choose?

Even though she knew that Fuxi had already become a saint in the ancient world, how could she dare to bet her 'future' on Fuxi?

Past history has told the entire prehistoric human race that the three emperors and five kings of Huoyun Cave have never had real power. Now that they have become saints, can they really compete with those old saints?

As a female emperor, Wu Zetian knows the integration of power very well, and she can't wait.

She bowed to thank Obsession Liu Hao. Although she didn't say anything, everything was self-evident.

On the side, Fang Yun saw all this and had a lot of thoughts in his mind. He also had a clear understanding of the prehistoric world and knew all of Wu Zhao's psychology. Therefore, he praised Wu Zhao's heart.

He and Obsession Liu Hao actually have many similarities, such as never caring about the right and wrong of reality, but more about the results. This may be the mentality they should have at this level.

The place where the Wu Tang Empire settled down was not long after they stepped into the heavens. Now, the original land of Menglala has been completely occupied by the Wu Tang Empire. Countless buildings have risen from it to accommodate the tens of millions of people and families who have migrated here.

They seem to have moved, but in fact, it seems like a paradise, as if the war between humans and monsters on the entire Liu Hao Earth has nothing to do with them.

There are monsters on the land they occupy. On the contrary, their number is also very huge, but most of these monsters are not up to standard.

The army and population that migrated from the Wu Tang Empire seem to be very happy to "keep" these monsters in captivity, letting them wander in the wild, and when they want to eat meat one day, they can go out and hunt them.

Their mentality was brought from the Northern Julu Continent where they settled before. They have actually become accustomed to living with monsters and monsters.

In addition, the most important point is that it is difficult for the population that has migrated here to fill this land. It is not cost-effective to spend that much time to clean up these garbage monsters.

This situation may even last for quite a long time. Perhaps in the future, these lowest-level monsters will also be "tamed" by several people who will come from the prehistoric world. In this regard, they are professional.

Haven't you seen the immortals and gods in the prehistoric world, as if each of them has his own mount?

Such a promotion degree can only mean that they have already formed a set of effective systems in this regard, and it has been spread among almost all practitioners.

For Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, he is also very welcome to it.

He doesn't promote it himself, not because he doesn't know how to do it, but because he chooses to let it go after thinking about it.

Because many times, promoting something is not just about telling you the method, sometimes the formation of the environment still occupies a large factor.

Just like the earth before crossing, when the network speed was still very slow, how difficult it was to promote video.

Who doesn't know that occupying this track can support an extremely large group in the future?

But what if you know it? How much wealth needs to be invested?

No matter how much wealth is invested, the effect is still pitiful, and it is more just telling the world that there is such a track that is feasible.

When the network speed is fast enough to support video playback, at this time, will you still worry that no one will invest in this track?

In this process, there are already countless investors waiting. Once promoted, it will be like a volcano erupting, and the effect will naturally be much better.

Turning back to the large-scale promotion of mounts, the cultivators on Liu Hao's Earth, seeing Liu Hao's cool mount, will only think that it is because Liu Hao is too powerful, and such a big monster cannot be subdued?

If you really go and try it yourself, the possibility of losing your life must be very huge. Who dares to really gamble?

But when they see that cultivators with similar cultivation to them can also have a cool mount, this concern will be thrown out of their mind immediately.

At this time, when the method of how to regain the mount spreads, almost every cultivator will try it out. Only when they rush in can it become the norm, which is the real way to get twice the result with half the effort.

There are countless such magic skills in the prehistoric world.

The prehistoric world has been accumulated over hundreds of billions of years, and Liu Hao's earth cannot catch up in just a few decades.

Time is the most powerful force in most cases.

It can change mountains and rivers into vicissitudes, and it can also allow you to accumulate vast wealth in these countless years.

In the eyes of Liu Hao, the most valuable wealth of the prehistoric world is not their spiritual treasures and skills, but rather that the prehistoric world has countless solutions in almost all fields.

If Liu Hao were to spread these methods in his own home on Earth, it would take hundreds of millions of years.

But if the spreader is a prehistoric person, one person selects one method, and countless people act together, the time spent will also be saved countless.

This is what Liu Hao is most looking forward to seeing.

He no longer needs to compete with these people for this bit of spreading merit. On the contrary, he hopes that the prehistoric sects will discover these merits early, because only in this way can these cultivators truly promote them sincerely.

Benefits are always the most reliable driving force, and this is not the case in the heavens and the worlds.

Inside the cabin, Wu Zhao got the result she wanted most and had no intention of staying any longer.

She was a queen of the first generation. She had just moved into a new world, and she had an indescribable amount of chores on her hands.

She also knows that with her own cultivation, it is almost impossible to find a common language with Liu Hao and Fang Yun, so why bother to find discomfort for herself and the other party?

She was very free and easy, but the little swan that came with her was reluctant to leave. When she left, she still hovered in the sky above the hut several times.

As everyone knows, Xiao Honghu's reluctance to leave has given enough fear to the monsters of the entire Australian continent, and they are constantly thinking about whether they were too much for Meng Lang before. They have already reached an agreement, and they These big demons have made the war so huge. Will they give Emperor Ziwei the idea that they regret it and want to negate the previous agreement?

They thought that the appearance of the little swan was simply done intentionally by Emperor Ziwei, telling them that since they had reached an agreement, they must abide by it. Wasn't this a warning?

The thousands-mile front line of the entire Australian continent has been at a standstill since the arrival of Little Honghu. Even after Little Honghu left, it was still alive and kicking. Especially the monsters on the front line had retreated dozens of miles.

The great demons of the demon clan need to wait, waiting for Obsessive Liu Hao's warning words to spread in their ears, but they wait and wait, but there is no result. This makes them think that it is just a simple warning from Emperor Ziwei, and they know that even if they I had thought about breaking the contract before, but I definitely don’t dare to do so now.

They were indeed a little aggrieved in their hearts, but this aggrievedness quickly disappeared without a trace. The crushing cultivation had made them accustomed to obeying the rules of the strong. In this case, there was nothing to be depressed about.

They did not immediately join the war again, but chose to give the monsters on the front line a buffer time. It was not easy to recover after being 'terrorized' by the little swan.

Their approach also gave the human side more time to assemble, and also gave the frontline personnel on the human side who were fighting endlessly a lot of time to digest.

It must be said that Wu Zhao's visit was a mistake.

At this time, on the entire thousand-mile front, the monks who had been fighting finally had a rotation of personnel. This replacement also gave them a real time to rest, and it was also a real opportunity to drive the entire Dragon Kingdom's Australian base to report. The driving force for development.

These frontline survivors are not short of money at all now, and their retreat will inevitably trigger a wave of crazy consumption.

These are not part of the calculations of the Dragon Kingdom and the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

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