Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand eight hundred and eight, strong contrast

1808. Strong contrast

The third brother can be said to be at odds with each other, and the conquests between them account for more than half of the time.

However, the internal struggle within the demon clan still makes Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, amused.

This has to prove the essential nature of internal fighting among intelligent beings.

The funniest thing is the army formed by the humans and monsters who surrendered to them on the land occupied by these monsters. The harmony of this army exceeded the expectations of Liu Hao, who was obsessed with it.

From this point of view, these three brothers who have been ruled by the big monsters for a long time have indeed recognized their 'kings' physically and mentally. Even if they are the third brothers with weird minds, they still make Liu Hao obsessed with them. His brows furrowed.

He didn't think that these three brothers would be able to preserve themselves well if they truly surrendered to these big monsters.

He still doesn’t know what kind of character the demon clan is?

Once one day, a certain big demon has a whim or becomes angry, all these three brothers will become the big demon's food. There is nothing surprising.

How many truly peaceful demons can there be?

Which of these peaceful monsters has not practiced the true Buddhist techniques?

At least such a big monster, Liu Hao didn't see any obsession with these big monsters in the third brother's territory.

Even if more than half of these great demons come from the ancient world beyond the Hundred Thousand Mountains Passage, their bloodthirsty nature will definitely become stronger day by day after they have been out of control for a long time, and they will eventually break out one day.

Doesn't the current war between them prove this point?

These big demons control almost half of the land under the control of Third Brother, but they are still no different from a mountain king in the lands they control.

Can you expect these demon clans to establish a long-lasting civilization based on the land they rule?

How is that possible?

Not to mention the big monsters from the ancient times, but also the big monsters from the original local area. Apart from caring a little about their own group, in their eyes, other groups are nothing more than cannon fodder and food, and they will not care if they all die. Don't care at all.

What can be expected from such a great demon?

Their biggest task is nothing more than to provide talents for the city of one hundred thousand mountain monsters.

As long as the supply of talents is ensured, who cares what they do in these territories?

Jiuying has no interest in paying attention to them. Any bloody storm they cause is just a play in the eyes of Jiuying Demon Saint.

Isn't it possible that he, the Nine-Infant Demon Saint, was trying to complete the task assigned to him by Emperor Jun Taiyi?

They are all working people. Besides work, what else can they do to have some entertainment?

They know better than anyone else that relying on them to seize the last Brahmin territory is only possible unless all the big demons unite and take the field themselves.

But once this happens, it is not up to them to stop the war that breaks out.

They are even less sure about their chances of surviving once such a decisive battle occurs.

Faced with such a risk, they would never take it.

Isn’t it nice to be safe and sound? Aren't these days happy enough? Why fight life and death to make it impossible for everyone to come down?

They didn't talk to the third Brahmin brother at all, but there was no lack of tacit understanding.

The same question applies to them as it does to Brahmins.

In contrast, Tathagata is the third person that they and Brahman despise.

But unlike the Brahmans, every one of these great demons in San Ge's land knows the Tathagata's heels and feet clearly. They don't understand. Don't Jiu Ying still understand?

Jiuying didn't understand before that when the Wutang Empire brought it, wouldn't the Tathagata also show up?

How could Jiuying not know how to inform these big monsters?

Didn't you see that these big monsters sent countless monsters to attack the many gathering places under Tathagata's account, but no real monsters appeared?

What about the smart people?

The limits of control are very appropriate, leaving no chance for Tathagata to get angry.

For them, these countless useless monsters need a place to die, so where can they go?

They are very happy to cause trouble for Tathagata, but they will never put themselves in any possible danger.

They hope to see these gathering places that Tathagata finally won being attacked and destroyed by countless useless monsters, but that is limited to this. If they are all destroyed by the monsters, they will be worried.

But there are too many useless monsters, and they need to be consumed a lot, which will simply stir up the original grievances among them. As for them themselves going into battle, it is impossible.

However, among these armies that are conquering each other, whether they are monsters or human beings, they all think that they shoulder the great responsibility of their own kings, and think that they are fighting for them and their own living space. In fact, they are just simply fighting. Just cannon fodder.

They are all pathetic, and they are also the biggest pathetic thing at the bottom.

But all the higher-ups, even the enemies, will not say anything about this after seeing through it.

Just like the current obsessed Liu Hao, frowning is already the greatest comfort to them and them.

What is even more tragic for them is that after the war, whether they lost land or gained more living space, it was actually just an illusion;

Even the joys and sorrows brought about by these losses and gains are all to enable them and them to have greater enthusiasm for the next war.

They and they are just chess pieces, and even all the participating creatures, taken together, are just chess pieces.

No one can predict how many of these creatures will finally be able to see their own class leap, but this ratio must be very dazzling, but this ratio will never be seen by them.

What is left to them is 'survivor bias', which will inspire them generation after generation.

How sad!

"Is this what humanity calls?"

"Is this the only way humanity can do it?"

These insights made Liu Hao confused for a time, but he soon calmed down. He knew that the form of human society changes with development.

Isn’t this the human history of our own earth?

How cruel was the slave age? Cannibalism was commonplace, and was even recorded in the form of banquets, which shows that it has become a norm.

But won’t such cruelty disappear with the improvement of productivity?

The improvement of mankind as a whole also improves everyone in the entire social form, and the bottom class cannot be abandoned.

The improvement of productivity can not only be driven by the development of science and technology, but also by spiritual practice.

Just like now in Liu Haolong's country, several farmers cooperate with each other and are separated from all machinery. Wouldn't they also be able to take care of thousands of acres of land?

Aren’t the countless alloy materials produced by today’s weapon refiners?

As far as Obsession Liu Hao knows, the deserts of the Dragon Kingdom in the Bright Sword World have now been completely developed into farms and pastures. Isn't the weather in it due to the layout of the formation?

Many members of the Yanhuang Alliance have not and will not suffer the same fate as the third brother that I see now.

"Such a strong contrast, isn't it a humane development path?"

He immediately shook his head again. What kind of virtue could he not understand about Third Brother?

How difficult is it to break through the caste system that has completely solidified class and divided all levels?

These big monsters must be very happy about this, right?

Such submissive humans are simply the best gift to them. Raising them can not only provide them with a steady stream of faith, but they can also serve as excellent experimental subjects at critical times. It can be said that they serve multiple purposes.

It is also because of this that they have restrained their saliva time and time again, prompting these three brothers to continue to be under their rule to this day.

Their restraint actually brought them greater loyalty, which was an unexpected surprise.

No, let them follow the army of monsters and march out, wouldn't they join in dancing one by one?

As for how much fighting power they can generate and how much role they can play in it, these big demons are not thinking about it at all.

The big monsters gave them a safe environment, but they didn't want to see them multiply indefinitely. This time, these big monsters started war mode with each other, but they had no idea that this was the beginning of their suffering.

Yes, they are weird to begin with, and maybe they will be extremely happy because of it. Wasn't that what they were like before their spiritual energy revived?

Obsessive Liu Hao had to admit that after seeing his third brother, his eyes turned to his own dragon kingdom. This strong contrast made him feel very relieved.

In Liu Haolong Kingdom, humans and monsters are fighting the same battle.

However, this battle was also divided into the real main battlefield due to the tacit understanding between Liu Haolong Kingdom and the top leaders of the Monster Clan.

Such as the Northeast, such as along the grasslands, such as those famous mountains and rivers.

This division does not mean that there are no wars outside these battlefields, but that it becomes very controllable.

The great monsters of the demon clan in Liu Haolong Kingdom are all extremely shrewd.

They know best what the goals of this war are. One is to consume more and more low-level monsters. For this purpose, as long as this war starts, there is no need to worry.

The other is to intimidate the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance, telling them that even if they have reached many tacit understandings and established a lot of mutual trust with the Dragon Kingdom, they are by no means easy to mess with.

They only need to push those useless low-level monsters to form an infinite army. In fact, this goal has basically been achieved.

That being the case, why bother to do something unnecessary? What is the difference between really destroying a certain city and Liu Haolong's country breaking up?

They wouldn't do such a stupid thing, so what good would it do to them?

Do you get more resources from it, or can you buy higher-level treasures?

If it doesn't work, why bother making both parties unhappy?

They are like this, and so is the Dragon Kingdom. From the beginning, they chose to defend and did not leave any city walls at all. It can be said that the two sides have a tacit understanding to the extreme.

It seems that both sides intend to continue this war for ten to eight years.

Anyway, as far as the top management is concerned, the Qinling human and demon trading market will not be closed for a day because of these wars, and business will still be done?

In fact, if the war hadn't suddenly broken out, Liu Hao's senior officials were planning to give some of the "Abyss Frontline" quota to the great demons within the territory.

The benefits naturally need no introduction.

This is not only to recruit a large amount of combat power for Zhou Tianxing Dou's abyss front line, but also to let these big demons understand who the real enemy is.

This is truly killing two birds with one stone.

Unfortunately, the sudden outbreak of this war destined that this plan could only be postponed.

It was also because they did not tell Liu Hao about the plan that this incident occurred.

It can only be said to be a coincidence, and it can only be said that the great demons in these territories are not lucky enough.

Who's to blame? In the future, when they truly see this benefit, even if they are full of anger, will they still dare to vent their anger on Liu Hao?

At that time, they will only want more participating lists, hoping that the whole family can benefit from it, right?

Returning to the war itself, with just one glance, Liu Hao, an obsessed man, discovered that his people did not have many life-and-death crises to speak of.

It’s no wonder that a steady stream of troops are dispatched to the front lines of Dragon Kingdom’s Australian base.

He was very happy to see such a strong contrast, which could not only put more pressure on his civilian owners, but also get excellent training without losing much.

He could see that almost all of the truly powerful armies were relocated to the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base. From this, he could also see that the Dragon Kingdom's senior officials attached greater importance to the Australian base.

Is this already focusing more attention on the abyss front?

Obsession Liu Hao's thoughts flashed across his mind, and his eyes were slightly complicated.

He seemed to have the feeling that his child had grown up and no longer needed too much care from him, as if he had become an adult.

He knows better that once adult children enter society, they will realize how high true cruelty is.

The front line of the abyss will never be gentle with you, and it will always be the most cruel to cover you, and it will only be life and death.

Now that such an enemy has appeared, there is never any way out. If victory is achieved, not many people in the world can really benefit from it, even only a small group of people with the highest cultivation level. That’s all.

But so what if you know this? Is it possible to retreat? If you retreat, won’t you have to rely on your own descendants to step up?

Logically speaking, as a vested interest in the future, Liu Hao should not have such emotions, but as a humane practitioner, it is inevitable.

If he does not have this 'great love' in his heart, his future as a humane practitioner cannot be long-term.

He thought of countless ways, but still couldn't find the real method.

After counting, it seems that I can only do more to avoid more losses for my people.

Just like the front line of the Australian base under his feet, such a 'playing house' battle seemed like it shouldn't have happened, and he shouldn't have brought it up, but after all, it did happen and was mentioned from his mouth.

It's not because after many calculations, such a war is still the most cost-effective even if it costs a lot.

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