Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, clumsy imitation

, the clumsy tactics of the big demons

In the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, on the frontline of the Monster Forest, a new war is about to break out.

But this time, the accumulation on the human side is much deeper than the previous time.

This was caused by the unexpected arrival of Wu Zhao with the little swan, and it also confirmed the strong and rising destiny of mankind in the heavens and all realms.

Both the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance were extremely happy about this, but it would not be so for the demon clan in Australia.

But if these big monsters are very depressed, that's not the case.

In Australia, before the spiritual energy was revived, the number of animals had exceeded the entire Liu Hao Earth.

After the spiritual energy was revived, even if Liu Hao brought humans to settle down again, he actually did not put much pressure on the monsters in Australia.

Basically speaking, it is just the monsters in a corner of the entire Australian continent that are in conflict with humans, and they only account for one hundred of the monsters in Australia.

In other words, these big monsters on the Australian mainland don't care at all about the doubling of the number of humans arriving. Deep down in their hearts, they even welcome it.

The reason why they feel a little depressed is simply because they were too careful before and did not bring much loss to humans.

For them, perhaps the most regrettable thing is that this war has already been demarcated. If possible, these big monsters would rather use the entire Australian continent as a battlefield instead of today's thousands-mile front line.

Because of this limited frontline space, there is no way for the monsters to truly invest, and there is no way to truly utilize their greatest advantage in numbers.

Having lost their biggest advantage, the human side's reinforcements have already arrived, and they have the means to rotate and rotate again, which means that their subsequent losses to the underlying monsters will intensify.

But no matter what, they also didn’t care at all;

In the previous wars, they had already selected many elite monsters, and they had also sent these cultivable offspring who were recognized by them from the battlefield to the rear. The purpose was more or less achieved, but it was just a little crueler, and in their hearts Already prepared.

From beginning to end, these big monsters never thought of complete victory, such as driving humans out of the Australian continent.

This idea may have appeared to them in the dead of night one day, but they knew better that this idea could only stay in their minds. Liu Hao's existence was the real barrier to them.

In this case, for them, it is nothing more than making the humans they bring pay more, such as making the mortality rate of the humans higher.

For this reason, they don't care even if the lowest level of monsters in Australia are wiped out.

For them, keeping these useless garbage is a waste of resources, and its absence is actually a good thing.

From the entire war, only those who truly survived can be labeled elite in their minds, and they are the ones they think can be cultivated.

In a world of spiritual practice where one level of strength is drastically different, sometimes quantity is not the mainstream.

Compared to these, if they could, they would rather trade all the monsters on the entire Australian continent in exchange for them to go one step further.

They are not Bai Ze, they only have a little cleverness, and real great wisdom is not yet qualified to be born.

Even the obsessive Liu Hao must admit that it was absolutely reasonable for the saints in the prehistoric times to bury the two original protagonists of heaven and earth, the Lich clan, even if they had to pay some price.

Compared with the teachable human race, whether it is the witch race or the demon race, there is a huge difference in this aspect.

On the front line of Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, the fully-equipped monster beasts once again launched a massive attack, rushing towards the human positions like a tide. Various roars roared, causing tremors in the world.

All of this was within Li Jing's plan. The entire human front line was not filled with new recruits. Almost half of them were experienced hunters.

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This is not the first time they have experienced such a beast tide, it is just bigger;

When the monster beasts attack, there is no need for anyone to give orders within the position. The soldiers who possess the ability to attack from a distance have already been chanting words. All kinds of wind, water, fire, wind, rain, thunder and lightning are already attacking the surging monster beast army. Kill and go.

The monsters are not unprepared. Among the beast tides, there are also many high-level monsters jumping up to resist these killing moves. However, as the passive party, they are always the ones who suffer. The ones who can really be resisted by them, That's about half.

The other half of the attack, as long as it falls into the army of monster beasts, it will be like cutting wheat, and it will definitely make the beast army fall down in pieces.

The two sides have not yet met, and the monster army has already suffered a loss of millions.

The number of millions seems to be a huge number, but to the monsters in Australia, it is really nothing. Any of these fallen ones are not the lowest level of the monsters, or even cannon fodder at all.

The big monsters of the monster clan don't feel any heartache at all about this, and the high-level monsters who drive these low-level monsters away also don't feel much pain either.

High-level monsters are basically fully intelligent. How come they don't have any understanding of the thoughts of the big monsters of the monster clan?

It's not that they have also become cold-blooded, but more that they have no power to resist when facing the big monsters of the monster clan and must obey, even if they know that there are their descendants in the army of low-level monsters. .

Sometimes I have to admit that after experiencing such scenes too much, I gradually become numb. At least there is no so-called heartache in the eyes of these high-level monsters in front of me.

This was Liu Hao's first thought when he watched, but soon he discovered that this was not the case. He still underestimated the great demons of the demon clan.

Also, the big monsters are never fools, and their IQs are never low, so how could they not know how to summarize?

Even if they are not proficient in the art of war, it does not mean that they do not know how to learn and how to arrange things to be more efficient.

They must have seen the various fishing situations of the monster beast army before, discovered the reason, and made the arrangements for the monster beast army to set off again today.

Because of his obsession, Liu Hao discovered that most of the high-level monsters that drove away the monster army this time were not that simple.

Even more than half of these high-level monsters are accustomed to living alone, or they are already alone.

This must be the arrangement of the big monsters of the monster clan. Such high-level monsters will not have any sympathy for any low-level monsters, and they are also the most cruel group.

These high-level monsters, after resisting the large-scale magic attack by humans, did not continue to attack with the beast tide army. It seemed that they did not need to do so. Their arrival was just to help the beast tide army eliminate some obstacles on the way forward. Just a bumpy ride.

Sure enough, the obsessed Liu Hao found that his guess was absolutely correct. After resisting a large-scale spell from the human side for the second time, these high-level monsters still did not advance at all, but gradually retreated.

With such an arrangement, it can only be said that the great demons of the demon race have changed their original battle plan, and seem to be more willing to let the lowest level of the demon beast army carry out a large-scale impact on the frontier of the human position for a while.

They already had sufficient arrangements, and Liu Hao understood in an instant that the arrangement of the demon clan's great demons could not be limited to this point.

Don't think that long-range magic attacks are just a human method. Who among the demon clan doesn't understand? Not to mention most of the high-level monsters, more than half are owned, and it's just a matter of proficiency.

These high-level monsters retreating slowly are not really retreating, but are looking for the best output point, waiting for the opportunity to suddenly send a shell to the front line of the human position.

When Obsessive Liu Hao understood it, he once thought of giving the human side a reminder, but he immediately chose to continue watching.

It's not that he doesn't want to break the original balance, but that he chooses to believe in Li Jing. This guy's acumen on the battlefield has never been defeated by anyone, and he is absolutely proud of it.

Obsessive Liu Hao's trust was quickly rewarded. He had already seen the ninth-level monks from behind entering the front line of the position. These people did not make any attacks on the beast tide, and each of them was almost staring at the high-level monks behind them. Monsters.

Obviously, they had received the order from the headquarters commander and knew what their mission was to enter the frontline position.

Their arrival was definitely timely. They had just established a foothold, and the long-range spells in the hands of the high-level monsters had begun to condense.

The plan of the demon clan's great demons cannot be said to be bad. If Li Jing did not react in time enough, the human position would definitely be caught off guard this time.

It's not that humans will suffer much loss from these high-level monsters, but that a large part of their energy will be restrained by these high-level monsters, and it is even possible that the position will be overwhelmed by countless beasts.

Once this happens, the losses will definitely be huge, and it will definitely have a huge psychological impact on the human soldiers waiting for rotation in the rear.

On the other hand, seizing the opportunity is the "opportunity" in the crisis.

Just like now, when the high-level monsters begin to condense long-range spells, it is also the time when they are most vulnerable. These ninth-level human monks who have arrived will not let go.

Everyone knows that the longer a spell is condensed, the more powerful it will be.

And these high-level monsters who have received orders from the big monsters of the monster clan most likely think this way, but this approach also puts themselves in danger. When they devote all their energy to the spells in their hands, naturally It also makes one's own defenses etc. vulnerable.

When the ninth-level human monks saw such an opportunity, they would naturally not let it go.

Of course, not every ninth-level human monk can seize the opportunity when he sees it.

It takes time for high-level monsters to gather more powerful spells, but this time is not long. In the eyes of mortals or middle- and lower-level monks, it is also very fast. Even if they know that the opponent is amplifying their moves, they can't do anything.

This forced the ninth-level human monks to reduce their output and choose a faster speed, attacking first and arriving first.

When this kind of back-up method is a flying sword, the effect is naturally excellent, but in Liu Hao's earth, there are not many people who have such a method. Most of them choose spells to give The damage caused by these high-level monsters was not too much.

Many of them just gave these high-level monsters a scare, forcing them to stop concentrating their spells and instead resist the incoming attacks.

And the damage caused by these attacks falling on them is not even as great as the damage caused by the backlash caused by forcibly stopping the spell condensation.

Therefore, only a hundred or so high-level monsters were seriously injured, and only three or five were actually killed.

But sometimes, it is not the amount of losses caused to you that means victory. Disrupting your original arrangement is also a victory.

Faced with such a situation, one can imagine the depression in the hearts of those great monsters sitting high in the clouds.

This was an arrangement they finally made, thinking that it would make them feel good, but the reality told them that this was just child's play, and they were easily destroyed by human wise men. You can imagine their depression.

They know that their arrangement has failed and they can only take back the original order. Compared with humans, the thinking of monster beasts is rigid. If they do not take back this order, those high-level monsters will most likely still be stubborn. The scalp obeys this order.

In the face of war, even if these monsters have reached the upper echelons of Liu Hao's earth, they are still like children, let alone reacting on the spot.

When their arrangement lost its effect, after thinking for a long time, I realized that there seemed to be no other better way. However, during this period of thinking, no new orders were issued, but it also made the army of monsters extremely vulnerable in front of humans.

You must know that the army of monsters that attacked at this time were only middle and low-level monsters. Such a wave of monsters could almost kill a large number of middle- and high-level human monks in one fell swoop just by relying on their bravery. There are very few objects that can resist.

When the big monsters of the monster clan reacted, they also discovered that the mountain of corpses had piled up in front of their own beast tide army. If they didn't react, it was almost clear that this beast tide was bound to fail.

A roar spread across the sky and the earth, and the high-level monsters that were waiting for orders finally reacted. They did not hesitate at all, and integrated into the original beast army almost instantly.

This also means that the real war has begun, once again returning to the previous pattern of continuous wars between the two sides.

In fact, what monsters do is the most detrimental to humans.

As the commander-in-chief, Li Jing was probably upset in his heart. He felt that he should not have completely destroyed the 'strategy' of the great monsters so quickly, and should have left some thoughts for them.

But what can happen now?

Only then did the obsessed Liu Hao see the human flag waving, and the army waiting for rotation in the rear gradually moved forward.

Obviously, this time the rotation does not start until the front line is tired, but can happen anytime and anywhere, but from beginning to end.

Almost as soon as the frontline personnel are injured, they are immediately replaced by the rear personnel. As long as the frontline personnel feel that they have consumed a lot, they will immediately choose to withdraw.

This approach is absolutely wise, at least the casualties will be greatly reduced.

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