Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand eight hundred and forty-one, system

1841. System

When it has nothing to do with interests, hello to me, hello to everyone.

But when interests are touched, how can the so-called good relationship be maintained?

When the cake is only so big, whoever eats how much and who eats it will have already divided it up.

At this time, any person who joins will have all their income divided from the person who originally received it. How can the divided person be happy?

If only a small amount is divided, that's fine. Seeing that everyone was carrying a large sedan chair in the past, it's not impossible to give you a small amount.

But if you get the biggest share right from the start, who can possibly endure it?

In the end, you, an idle guy, got the most out of the country we worked so hard to build. It would be strange if it didn't explode.

Not to mention anything else, this kind of approach is something that any lord must be wary of and must weigh repeatedly.

Because this involves an issue of ‘clear rewards and punishments’.

Giving and getting are not completely proportional, but they cannot be biased. Otherwise, those followers who put their heads on their shoulders will really become alienated from you.

These princes may bring in fresh water because they want to break up the original vested interests, but they will also have to be cautious.

For example, when introducing someone, a small position is given to them. Although it does not start from the bottom, the cake given to the introducer will also be a small piece.

This is a test and a trade-off.

If these inductees want to get more, they must show their own value and compete with the original vested interests. Naturally, they become balanced chess pieces in the hands of the masters.

This kind of approach is almost something that the monarchs and ministers have already known.

But it is very difficult to predict whether these living waters can achieve the goals that the masters have in mind.

The hermits of the Mythical Three Kingdoms, such as Pang Degong, Sima Caode, etc., although they have many disciples, if these people become scholars, will they really be willing to start from the grassroots level?

Will their inner pride allow them to do this?

Very unlikely.

They have raised their status and reputation too high and have been set up by the world. If they really choose to do this, will their previous reputation become less worthy of the name?

Is there still the status of the hermit in the past?

Obviously, they all have to worry about this kind of conflict, and it is very difficult to give up.

You can't just replace Pang Tong directly after joining Liu Bei's account because you are Fengchu Pang Shiyuan's teacher, right?

Once they do this, how should the world view them?

Is Pang Tong and Pang Shiyuan really willing to accept it?

Even if Pang Tong shouts welcome, how sincere is he in his heart?

Once Sima Wei really accepts it, it is very likely that the two teachers and students will completely part ways.

But just because you are a teacher, Pang Shiyuan is really not as good as you in martial arts and martial arts.

Pang Tong's talent has been verified by the entire Shu Han civil servants and generals over time, and his talent has been recognized by the entire Shu Han group.

Could it be that just because you are the teacher of the great genius Pang Tong, you must be more talented than Pang Shiyuan?

How could this be true?

Are there too few people in history who have high ambitions but low abilities?

Is it possible that you are just a new ‘Zhao Kuo’?

Not to mention other people, just Liu Bei himself. Could he dare to make a bet?

Once Liu Bei does this, it will cause more than just a crisis.

Not to mention other things, the first person to break away from Liu Bei must be Pang Shiyuan, and it must be a group of civil servants and even military generals under Liu Bei's account.

Civil servants will think that their past hard work and achievements are not as important as a reputation in the world. In this case, what is the point of working hard to help the lord govern the place and help the lord make suggestions?

If you have that time, you might as well go to the world to compliment each other, raise your own reputation, and earn yourself the status of a 'talented hermit'.

Once they have such an idea, can the entire Shuhan Group still operate smoothly?

Chaos in the court will also be inevitable.

This is the case for civil servants, and the same is true for military commanders. They will also wonder whether such a situation will occur on their own line in the future. It seems that their efforts in the past to build meritorious deeds have become meaningless.

They will definitely become 'lazy' because they know it's not worth it anymore.

Even though it is such a small choice, the consequences are far more serious than anyone imagined, and it will basically be the beginning of the collapse of the entire system.

This is what Obsession Liu Hao said. Fang Yun is a smart person, how could he not have thought of it? It's nothing more than getting used to the rules of the cultivation world and getting used to the crushing nature of high cultivation.

These principles are fine in the sect and in the world, but in the court, even if the level of cultivation is the most important factor, it cannot be said that he is the only most important factor.

It's like everyone who comes now is in the Shuhan Group. Even if Guan Yu becomes the first breakthrough and has become the highest cultivation level in the entire Shuhan Group, can he put his status above Liu Bei?

How is that possible?

Not to mention Liu Bei, even Pang Tong and Guan Yu could only succumb to him. The second person to command the entire army could only be Pang Shiyuan. Guan Yu also needed to follow Pang Shiyuan's orders.

This is the rule in the court and the army.

Even if Guan Yu knew that he had the highest level of cultivation and the strongest strength, he would not feel insulted at all.

On the other hand, if Guan Yu wants to overpower everyone else and take his place because he is the strongest, then what will greet him will be the rejection of everyone in the entire system.

"It seems like it will be difficult for those hermits to get ahead!"

Fang Yun sighed slightly, Liu Hao was obsessed with it but he also understood why Fang Yun sighed. He simply wanted to see if these so-called hermits lived up to their rumored reputation. This is simply the mentality a theatergoer should have. I am afraid that the world will not be in chaos.

"There is a high probability that they will step into the heavens and enter my home earth. They still have this little bit of face!"

"How do fellow Taoists think these people will choose to stay away from the Three Kingdoms system and join certain sects after entering the heavens?"

"It's okay. Don't you think they are naturally suitable for Taoism?"

"They are not at all unwilling and their ambitions are never small. The situation of the Three Kingdoms is as it is today. I wouldn't believe it if they weren't pushing it from behind!"

"Hahaha, how many people can be pure in heart and have few desires? A saint would not dare to call himself that, let alone others. It's just that the people think that Taoism is like this!"

Fang Yun could only shake his head and laugh after hearing this. He seemed to have thought of something, and the smile on his face suddenly turned weird:

"I remember that Zhang Daoling was after Zhang Lu. Is Zhang Lu of the Three Kingdoms still alive today?"

This time it was Liu Hao's turn to be stunned, but soon he laughed again: "Even if it's okay, I guess he won't be able to hold on for long!"

"Is it luck? That makes sense. Aren't you worried that Zhang Liang will be like this in the future?"

"That's different. Zhang Liang, the old Zhang family, traces everything back to its origins. He can take over just a little bit!"

"You made a good chess piece!"

"But I did it casually. I didn't think of this at first. Maybe that's why I was able to do it?"


No one can be sure how much Fang Yun believed what Liu Hao said in his heart. Even if Liu Hao stood on Fang Yun's side, it would be impossible for him to believe it. There are too many coincidences here.

The two of them were indifferent to Zhang Lu's life and death, and regarded him as a dead person. If they could not withstand the backlash of luck, they would be dead.

In fact, this is the normal state of theatergoers. Watching the big show in front of them, they will talk about whatever comes to their mind. They don't really care about the "characters" who are trying to get on the stage. These "characters" can only It flows through their mouths and is forgotten.

In front of them, the Shu Han army arrived and quickly went to the front line. Among them, Zhao Yun and Ma Chao stepped forward and flew high into the sky.

They did not join the original battlefield, and they knew that it was of little significance. They were still here to challenge.

Their approach also attracted the approval of those demon clans, and soon two demons flew out from them to fight against the two of them. The originally three battles now turned into five.

Don't think that the joining of Zhao Yun and Ma Chao is nothing, their joining is also of great significance.

At least in terms of morale, a lot has been regained. From being able to cope with the situation, to now facing it head on, the mentality of the soldiers has been completely different, and they are no longer as passive as they thought before.

As for the fact that Wei Yan, Zhang Ren and others did not take action, it was Pang Shiyuan who suppressed them. From this, it can be seen that this guy has a lot of control over the army, and the trust of these generals in him is not low at all.

Not many people understand this detail, and Liu Hao and Fang Yun are naturally among them. However, they don't have much interest in it. Instead, they put more expectations on Zhao Yun and Ma Chao.

The two new Shu Han generals who joined the battle had completely different results after taking over.

If we say that the cultivation levels of Zhao Yun and Ma Chao are actually almost the same, they are both Golden Immortals, almost perfect.

But after fighting against the demon clan, it gave people the feeling that Zhao Yun's combat power was much greater than that of Ma Chao.

The biggest factor here is still the essential difference between horse fighting and infantry fighting.

As a person who has fought on horseback since childhood, Ma Chao seems to be naturally very uncomfortable with this kind of high-altitude infantry combat. It is already very good to be able to display his strength to the best of his ability.

This made Ma Chao unable to resist the same opponent at the same level. He was firmly at a disadvantage as soon as he came up, as if there was no possibility of counterattack.

On the other hand, Zhao Yun has never been affected by this, and the spear in his hand has not slowed down at all. Every blow is so perfect, and it is like a goddess scattering flowers. A seemingly ordinary spear always hits the target. It can form various patterns in the sky.

This was obviously stabbing countless times in an instant. This is also the biggest feature of Zhao Yun's spear technique inherited from Tong Yuan. After entering the world of practice, there seems to be no change, or in other words, entering the world of practice and entering the Golden Immortal level. After that, the true power of this marksmanship was unleashed.

A hundred, a thousand or ten thousand blows, as long as one of them is not resisted, you will be greeted by a hole.

He looks very fancy, but he is also very simple, and it seems that there is only one word "thorn" in him.

This allowed Zhao Yun to completely take over the initiative as soon as he came into contact with the opponent Monster Race. It seemed that only Zhao Yun was attacking. The opponent Monster Race could only deal with it in embarrassment, and could only devote all its energy to resisting every assassination. among.

The reason for this is that when Zhao Yun was learning martial arts from Tong Yuan in the mountains, they were fighting on foot. To put it bluntly, Zhao Yun's combat effectiveness was truly stimulated when he got off his horse.

The reason why he used all his fighting power when he came up was because he also had his own calculations. It was still more initiative, and he came here to quickly kill the monsters he was fighting.

His approach has obviously had results. Even among the demon clan watching from behind, most of them frowned at this time. How could they not see that it was not possible for the demon clan on their side to fight Zhao Yun to continue like this?

But they also knew that they couldn't come forward to rescue them, and that was not the reason for their frowns. Don't think that they would care much about their 'companions' on the battlefield.

What they really care about is whether Zhao Yun, after defeating his demon opponent, will join the others in a one-on-one battle.

This is the key to their next personnel dispatch.

Before they could come to their own conclusion, Zhao Yun had already accomplished something in front of them. The demon clan he was fighting with was accidentally seized by Zhao Yun and stabbed in the shoulder. This time it was really fatal.

It could barely keep up with Zhao Yun's pace. Now that the shoulder is injured, even if the injury is not fatal, it has slowed down its response speed by several levels. If it fights like before, there is no need to think too much about the consequences. .

It was afraid, and in the first instant it lifted up its body and retreated. While it retreated, it was also frightened in its heart, because it understood that once the human opponent in front of it also bullied it, its life would still be in danger.

But soon, it discovered that its worries did not happen. It retreated, but the human opponent had no intention of coming forward. Instead, it stood there with the spear in its hand, looking up at it indifferently, as if waiting. , waiting for its decision.

This is clearly a sign of confidence, and it feels as if you are not considered at all. It seems to give you enough time to think about countermeasures, and also gives you enough time to recover from your injuries.

The injury of this demon clan fighting against Zhao Yun is not serious. It is just an extra hole on the shoulder. It is just that the 'true meaning' of Zhao Yun's spear technique still remains in this hole. In the eyes of outsiders, that is Shedding some blood only made the demon clan move a little slower.

But those who truly understand know that this demon clan has no chance, especially in close combat.

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