Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand eight hundred and forty-six, Yan Lingji’s transformation

1846. The transformation of Yan Lingji

Liu Hao was obsessed with it, but he knew that the brilliance shed by Yan Lingji was simply the feedback collected by her faith.

As Liu Hao's student, he naturally made it clear to Yan Lingji about the role of faith and that it was impossible to absorb it.

But this does not mean that the thoughts of sentient beings are not good things. On the contrary, in all the heavens and the world, there are very few people whose value is greater than belief.

It is born with the properties of tiger balm and seems to be omnipotent. It seems that it can naturally be transformed into any useful properties.

It was as if Yan Lingji had transformed it into a healing light.

Of course, all these methods require individuals to explore and try.

In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that she doesn't care at all, and that she has it all at her fingertips. But in fact, who can know how much sweat Yan Lingji put into it?

It is said that one minute on stage and ten years of work off stage are nothing more than this.

At least in the eyes of Liu Hao, Yan Lingji at this time is definitely qualified and needs to be praised.

I asked about that, but I just wanted to get an answer to my doubts. I didn't want to see whether the Little Han Empire was more important to Ling Ji.

I said that, and Liu Hao believed it, because Liu Hao was so obsessed with Lingji that there was no need to lie to me. That was a very important thing.

I have not retreated from Taoist practice to the holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, but it doesn’t seem to be as bad as mine.

Hongjun was the only one sitting low in the clouds.

I just thought that it was not Yan Fangyun's various attempts at all, but a sign of confidence in his talents in all aspects.

It's as bad as in the ancient times. After Hongjun, there were not many living beings struggling on the road of Tao, but what about the ones at the front?

This is not the case in the prehistoric world, let alone a world that is far higher than the prehistoric world.

At this time, another thought appeared in our hearts. This does not mean that since those monsters were also defeated by Zuori, there is no reason to win. But we have never been afraid of anyone.

That psychological change is the smallest wealth of the Han Empire.

There are so few choices, and the scariest thing about it is that Liu Hao knows that this is not a waste of talent.

"How much cultivation do you have? It's okay to study less, but you haven't really made a decision yet!"

That was the first advantage that the soldiers of the Little Han Empire had in facing the attack of monsters. But it was not the first time that the advantage appeared. It made us understand that the enemy behind us did not seem to be as terrifying as we imagined. The same goes for It can't be defeated.

But that situation was immediately reversed in the hands of Yan Fang Yun, so there was no longer any obsession. In the eyes of Ling Ji and Liu Hao, the little Han Empire Ling Ji's earth under the city wall seemed like these firecrackers connected together were special. The hulala breakthrough situation exploded.

Anyone who practices in it must admit that the Abyss Frontline is the top training ground.

Liu Hao shook his head in his heart, threw away his thoughts, and focused his attention on Yan Fang Yun's body again. How could I see that Yan Fang Yun's body was coming out, as if he was coming or rejecting.

"Those ups and downs have also benefited the soldiers of the Little Han Empire for life!"

Yan Fangyun's talent can be said to be quite low, but it is definitely at the top of the batch.

All the heavens and worlds are compared to your Confucianism, Taoism and Holy World. The environment is too simple and too limited, and the choices are endless. In this case, why bother?

Outside such an environment, there is no unparalleled help for scholarship. The sublimation of hundreds of schools of thought is not the worst example.

That kind of situation has appeared in almost all heavens when they stepped into Lingji's earth.

What made Ye Wan even more sighing was that Yan Fangyun had not yet summarized and integrated the many medical methods I had learned.

But sometimes we meet unexpectedly in our minds. This is not the doubt of having an enemy belief, which makes us have no scruples. When we are unable to truly fight, how can we achieve a natural breakthrough?

He didn't try to figure out the reason, but he only had a few guesses. The reason why Yan Lingji was able to be so free and easy was inseparable from her energy on the abyss battlefield within the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation.

But before Hongjun, it seemed that the whole prehistoric world was released, and then saints emerged one after another.

I will at least continue to observe the next changes in Yan Fang's luck, but if there is a possible 'collapse', will I just stand by and watch?

Only then did Liu Hao realize that his companions in the Confucian and Taoist Holy World were protected too badly by me.

That may not seem to be a bad idea, but the effect is the same.

In the world of Ye Wanwan, there are only so few true sons of destiny.

I turned my gaze back and glanced under the young generals of the Little Han Empire. The first one still stayed under Yan Fang Yun. I found that the most worthy of study outside was still Yan Fang Yun.

For example, some people in the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism always stumble along the path of cultivation from hundreds of schools of thought, always getting twice the result with half the effort, which gives people the impression that they don't have much talent at all.

Liu Hao nodded slightly, but he also had to deny that those words of Obsession Lingji were unreasonable.

[Search "Spring Gift" on the Xiaoxiang app and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] Such opportunities and disadvantages are the reason why Ye Wan opened his mouth to admire, and it was also the reason why I once believed that there was no hidden meaning in it. Obsessed with Ling Ji's plan.

Whether it is cultivating immortals, witchcraft, Buddhism or Taoism, or even magic, they seem to have no involvement.

Those people all come from the real modern world and were originally just white-collar workers.

From Liu Hao's point of view, I also hope that Ling Ji will pay more attention to a certain member of the Yanhuang Alliance.

Where can you see the slightest bit of modernity beneath you? Where else can we see the ‘big money’ symbol that these big white-collar workers can’t get rid of? If any monk only relies on his own understanding, his gains may be more stable, but it will definitely be faster.

Obsessed Lingji will naturally regard Yan Fang Yun as an experimental product. He is also my student after all. However, he was taught by me as a Taoist boy for a long time, so he is also one of his own.

"That student of his has learned too much!"

After observing Yan Fang's bad luck for a while, Ye Wan became more certain that Yan Ye Wan was not simply trying in all aspects, but was not understanding every path, even Baijia.

"Is that part of his plan?" Ye Wan turned her head, as if she wanted an answer.

But now?

Liu Hao murmured in his heart, but he was also determined. The future will be safer. I am more confident than anyone else. Otherwise, how could the guy next to him start the game behind him?

At the very least, he will just say "I forgot" when the time comes. At the very least, the other party will be angry and it's just a one-on-one incident.

A monk who has been trained in such a normal and cruel environment is not qualified, and his self-confidence will definitely be far worse.

It's just that Guoyan Fangyun is accustomed to taking out his own medical books and using them.

You are as bad as Yan Yewan now, but if you really have to face eight or two monster opponents of the same level, you will be able to do it with ease.

But what about in reality?

Ye Wan's guess was absolutely correct.

When we overcame that 'trap', what we gained was only a smooth breakthrough of the disadvantages, and it did not give us a rare tempering of our inner will.

This is an almost visible reversal of the situation, from a situation that was not yet dangerous to the current situation with ease.

That belief, when we faced the monster, once gave rise to belief, but the appearance of Yan Fang Yun destroyed that belief.

Any monk who returns from training in the back line of the abyss will definitely have very low combat effectiveness, but it will definitely correspond to your cultivation level, and he will definitely be in a situation worthy of the name.

I also know that if you want to change, it will not be achieved overnight. You can always move all the human beings from the holy place of Confucianism and Taoism to the heavens, right?

Liu Hao also knew the reason clearly. It was just that those who came from outside were naturally rejected.

In such an environment, who dares to be distracted at all?

Because we understand that these abyssal species enemies also have no wisdom of their own. Lack of wisdom also means deliberately calculating during the battle, and calculating to the best of their ability, because in addition, there is no other way than life and death.

In other words, Yan Fang Yun has formed his own set of medical methods over a long period of time, and it is no longer necessary for him to display his medical books between heaven and earth.

As bad as it is now, Yan Fang is very lucky. You healed these last-line soldiers on the spot, which will definitely make the little monsters watching from afar very happy. It feels like it is clearly not cheating, but you still did it.

Liu Hao knew that although Yan Fang Yun was only Ling Ji's student, he was also the one who had followed Ye Wan for the longest time and the one who received the least answers from Ling Ji.

It's not that I'm happy, but I just hope that there will be various hills and mountains in the Yanhuang Alliance.

I know that Shao Duo was a choice caused by Yan Fang Yun's lack of inner sense of danger.

Maybe that guy's real talent lies in this, maybe he's very talented in the way of talismans and seals?

That is the same as tourists who are accustomed to traveling in wind and rain, and they will always have a better life than flowers in a greenhouse.

"It's just a coincidence!" Zhu Nian Lingji really didn't think about that.

But if things continue to be like this, are you still rising slowly? And still on all roads, there is no trace of failure.

Compared to Liu Hao, who focused all his energy on Yan Fang Yun, Obsessive Ling Ji was more interested in the group of boys who were brought out of the nano-rising world by Yan Ye Wan.

Even if you fight against a Taiyi Celestial Immortal demon who is one level below you, he will definitely be killed by Zhongyi, and the possibility of escaping with his life will still be much slimmer. That is not a difference.

"It seems that smaller personnel exchanges must be opened!"

But it was also the case that it made me neglect the rest of me. Thinking about it today, it seems that that is not a bad thing.

In addition, morale has skyrocketed again. The healing directly at the last line is enough to make those soldiers truly brave and fear death.

The pressure can be imagined. In almost every battle, you have to hang your head on your waist. In such an environment, you can also imagine the improvement of your own cultivation.

Yan Yewan can now stand at the pinnacle of Jinxian, which has not explained everything.

A sudden ups and downs is always worse than smooth sailing.

In such a situation, the so-called gentleman has never had a way out, and he has long been reduced to fertilizer.

Those soldiers who were carried into the heavens by Liu Bang and Zhang Liang have been following us in our expeditions to the north and south, and have taken over the entire planet in our world.

We have won every battle, and the long-term small battle has long implanted in our hearts the belief that the Han Empire is afraid.

The bad thing is that the satin body method that I retired has now been promoted to a small extent, otherwise I would have to believe whether I was doing something useful.

The reason is that it is inheritance, and there is still no one person teaching all sentient beings.

No wonder Liu Hao sighed.

If at this time in the Mingyue World of the Qin Dynasty, these people who knew Yan Fang Yun very well met Yan Ye Wan, most of them would dare to believe it, and they would definitely shout: "Is this the real Yan Fang Yun Hu?"

Liu Hao also knew that the real subject of Yan Yewan's medical books came from the Wu clan, otherwise I would be really surprised.

That kind of Yan Yewan is even more appreciated in the eyes of Zhuan Lingji, even if it is not completely different from the Yan Fang Yun in my impression, because it is all my credit.

Ever since I put down the evil scourge of demons and barbarians, it seems that the humans among them have no real enemies, only long-term peace and stability.

Because even if what he learned was mixed, Yan Fangyun seemed to be doing something wrong in every path of cultivation.

These little monsters think that our protests have not yet achieved results, but we don't know that when the city of Zhen Xiaohan Empire is in crisis, Yan Fangyun will still release small-scale healing methods.

The elite soldiers of the Little Han Empire have followed Liu Bang for such a long time, and each of them has accumulated countless knowledge. In fact, it will be a long time before we step into the heavens, and it will be our breakthrough again. time.

In the eyes of Obsessive Ye Wan, Yan Fang Yun has not truly transformed yet, or in other words, that was before Yan Ye Wan's first transformation was truly displayed in the eyes of all living beings.

I even guessed that Yan Fangyun Shaoban had not yet melted out his own 'medical book'.

He must deny that without a master, there would be no difference in the world of spiritual practice.

What those soldiers of the Little Han Empire experienced was not just a mental setback.

That is the essential reason for the real surge in morale, and it is also an ultimate breakthrough in the monk's inner shackles.

What Ye Wan said is that the road to spiritual practice is bumpy.

However, it was then that Liu Hao seemed to realize that the human race in his Confucian and Taoist sage world had too few choices.

From Yan Fangyun's body, I saw a trace of Confucianism, a little bit of military strategist, and a wisp of historian. How could I see that under Yan Fangyun's body, the medical family was the strongest?

Obviously, I got the answer I wanted, and I didn't want to continue thinking about it.

Because in this, any crisis is a crisis, and if you are not careful, what you will be left with will be ashes.

That is also the 'character' that comes with the monks who have returned from the back line of the abyss. They can say that they have something to offer, but it is still far from enough.

There seems to be nothing bad about the ever-changing flames' luck.

Sure enough, soon you heard the protests from those little demons. You just smiled slightly, as if you hadn't responded to them yet. You were shaking your head in denial or nodding in agreement.

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