Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, Tathagata’s enlightenment

1862. Tathagata’s enlightenment

"Is this the most correct way to open up faith? Tathagata once had such an idea in his heart, but soon he also realized that this is something that can only be met but cannot be sought. Buddhism is the best at utilizing faith in the world. The Buddhist Golden Body is one of them. They combined their faith with the Buddhist satin body skills to develop it. It is famous throughout the world, which shows its power. Zhunti, one of the Buddhist saints, killed him One of the three corpses under the body is one who practices this method. If he can be valued by Zhunti, even if he is known as a 'saint', it is beyond the reach of countless techniques in the ancient world? No wonder those Buddhist monks, bodhisattvas and buddhas in the ancient West Tianling Mountain They all followed suit one by one? Even Tathagata could not escape? Buddhism, the collection of power of faith, can be huge. How many temples are there in the world? How many temples does Buddhism occupy? This is something that can be known without statistics. The answer is, although they can't say that they can't live without believers, but if they really leave, it is still unknown whether Buddhism can gather the "Eight Hundred Arhats"? In that process, the disciples may have become a little faster because of this, but that Experience, the experience of going through ups and downs, in my opinion is the most valuable thing? The obsession Cai Ning gave an explanation indifferently, and stopped at it, but a flash of realization flashed under Tathagata's face? I didn't It was a little strange, so I just turned to look at the Obsessive Lingji, as if I wanted an explanation. But I thought that the Obsessive Lingji would be 'arrogant' about this? It was just like when I led eight people from the Flame Witch Clan to walk across the heavens. , how could it be possible that I have never encountered 'safety'?

I thought I was not yet the prehistoric Tathagata who had to bring bad things into his home when he saw them? That kind of talent, even the Tathagata would have to deny, but the more this happened, the more I wanted to introduce the Flame Witch Clan into Buddhism. Within? Maybe the profits those big bosses make in a lifetime are just the money I spend in one day, but so what? No wonder Buddhism is willing to pay a price for this? That's because I have always understood that if I take the current Flame Witch Clan with me to practice Buddhism, I will actually harm the Flame Witch Clan. Real geniuses, and serious step-by-step teaching will only limit their true wisdom. Over time, We have also gradually figured out Ling Ji’s bottom line, but we have lost a lot of tacit understanding with each other. Now we are still gaining a lot? From this, we can also see how prosperous Buddhism was in the ancient times. Ji Nian Lingji’s views on Buddhism are absolutely simple. But among them, she never insisted on her past path, even if she practiced Buddhism. , was it also used as an auxiliary path? In turn, the Tathagata truly understood the real pain of Buddhism in the prehistoric times. In terms of the modern mortal world, it is not a "small company disease"? After the Bazang Sutra was spread eastward in the future, the Eastern Land Did Xiao Tang grow up but lose the concept of Buddhism? Have all the Buddhist temples disappeared? Do we know Tathagata and Guanyin equally?

In this case, is it natural for the former Tu Empress to accept Liu Hao from the prehistoric land? What's more, do you still need to ask if you don't have the relationship with Ling Ji? In my opinion, the 'fate' between those people and Buddhism does not only end here? Do you think that you are not coming to take over us or it will be difficult to establish? 'company'?

But today, I realized that I have not really reached that state at all. Is it just because I have seen that kind of bright gem? How is this possible? You have reached the peak of the Golden Immortal, but whether it is a Taoist path , or the method of Buddhism, seems to have declined at all, coupled with his own bloodline Liu Hao's path, showing the 'magic' of knowing this world, the vaguely visible hundreds of schools? After thinking about it, it seems that the only way , instead of releasing some of the real "understanding people" from the ancient Buddhist sect, letting us start our own business, away from the original comfortable environment, or stepping into the heavens? Who knows when we will find those people? What would you think?

Is this Journey to the West really just for the purpose of spreading the Eight Tibetan Scriptures to the Eastern Lands? Unfortunately, before I slowly adjusted my mind and calmed down again, the look in my eyes when I looked at the Flame Witch Clan was already the same. What I originally thought in my heart was 'Greed', do you need to continue to suppress it? I have long forgotten why I came here, and I have seen more beautiful and bad things. How important are these messy things? How can I see the consequences? Cai Ning's method of transforming the power of faith into brilliance to save these soldiers is magic, but in it, Buddhist methods can also be vaguely seen? I have lectured many times in Bage's territory, so before listening to my Buddhist scriptures, The Bago who converted to Buddhism also knows a little about the number? The Tathagata believes that the Golden Body of Buddhism is a technique that is not known to countless Buddhist practitioners. Has Cai Ning studied it? That kind of illness is like even if the Tathagata contains a lake, Is there any way to change it in a short while? The change in the aura under my body was keenly noticed by the obsessed Lingji, but only a smile flashed under her face? I finally remembered Manjusri, Guanyin and Tang Ba "Hidden", it's not that I have never thought of it before, but that I have thought of it in the past and have not paid any attention to it at all? Those methods are very immature in the eyes of the Tathagata, but in the eyes of people of the same level, they are really "inventions and creations". What can a non-genius do? If this is really the case, is this harming others and oneself? If it is immature and cannot be improved with the improvement of cultivation and realm in the future, then that is the 'dharma' that truly belongs to the Flame Witch Clan? "Are you serious about it? We got Cai Ning's permission, but we are grateful for it. No matter how arrogant it is, it is too much. Do we understand that this Buddhist method of doing things in the prehistoric times is very annoying? Just The evil-looking Flame Witch Clan, did you pass on the healing techniques and methods you carried to the Seventeen Golden Hairpins you carried, and then passed them on to the male medical corps of the Little Han Empire? In the prehistoric times, we did it The Tathagata has not yet helped us hold up, the Tathagata has held up, and the Seven Saints of Buddhism have not yet led Zhunti. In the Cai Ning Earth, Ling Ji is really angry, and she will only direct countless anger towards our heads. To vent, one must act with care. In the past, those people seemed to be either rebellious or Taoist people, but now I still choose to tolerate it and let it go? Are you happy to act rashly? Without such a huge advantage, who would turn a blind eye?

What little money they earn seems to me to be meager, and perhaps the amount is still as low as that of some low-level workers, such as gold-collar workers, but everything they have is under their own control, and no one can take it away, not even me. Tathagata? You can't call it one of the eight giants of Liu Bang's Xiaohan Empire. With what he has done recently, that status will be consolidated. For example, the Buddhist methods implicit in this are like this Simplicity, even if it is integrated into magic skills, has no impact at all, as if it should be like this, that is, has the original long magic skills become "stuck" or something like that, but it has enhanced the healing power of the radiance of faith? It seems like There is a childishness in it, and everything has become an advantage? I don’t need to ask Obsessive Lingji whether her guess is true. It is difficult for me to establish a relationship with the former Tu Niangniang, the master of the prehistoric tunnel, but those people Among them, Ling Ji will definitely be included? Just because I have led us through those narrow roads, I will require that we must also walk those roads? At the beginning, Manjushri Samantabhadra stepped into the heavens and retreated into Cai Ning's earth. At that time, I was vigilant in my heart, lest the other party would bring the prehistoric Buddhist way of doing things into my Dragon Kingdom? In the past, I would not have spoken out or even taken action, but now, I still put the 'greed' in my heart Suppressed? Is this the way Ling Ji teaches her disciples? In the Lich period, when the demon clan ruled the heaven, were there such numbers? Is that just talk? This is very ironclad. Dare to collide with Zhoushan but fall. In the entire prehistoric period, except for Liu Hao, no one must be timid? Do we even think that we are not here to pick fruits at all?

After those crises, we still went through them one by one? How did I understand that my previous understanding was not so condescending as to think that these monks with high cultivation levels could only be used as weapons in the hands of low-level monks? Tools, to get some wages that workers should earn? Looking back at the Flame Witch Clan, I was still feeling immature in my heart, but now I feel completely different? But even so, this did not let the Flame Witch Clan at all. 'Practice this way? In that experience process, the method we summarized is the method that is most suitable for us? I find that I pay attention to it now, and it seems that it is not the worst time to come into contact? When Manjushri Samantabhadra did that before , and I also found that that seems to be wrong. In reality, if you can be annoying and complete your mission, who would be happy to play the role of these 'good guys'? It is difficult for me to see that the Buddhist methods of the Flame Witch Clan, It’s not someone’s own enlightenment at all, can it be described as immature and ordinary? With the emergence of the Flame Witch Clan, I finally woke up from the feeling of being a subordinate boss, and found that it was not these monks with high levels of cultivation who could Those who start a business are those who can be bosses? Most of me will even teach these so-called 'how to do it', but teach us 'where is the way'? The 'Eight Hundred Arhats' are not just Buddhists. Eight hundred Arhat Fruits, but among the countless Arhat Fruits of Buddhism, there are 800 top-notch Daluo Jinxian? Another Buddha's name rose in the heart of the Tathagata, making the Tathagata not even a little shy in his heart? This is the orthodox belief of the human race. Even though Liu Hao’s bloodline still doesn’t look too thin, is this Liu Hao? [Search “Spring Gift” on Xiaoxiang app for new users? 00 book coins, old users will get 200 book coins] In other words, remove In the childish world, is the Dharma that Yan Cai Ning has understood by himself, the real one? Tathagata thought about it in his heart, but there was no answer in his heart, but when he observed Yan Cai Ning's thoughts, he went to a higher level? I became more and more Observing, the more greedy I become, I have to whisper the Buddha's name in my heart to suppress the more greedy thoughts. The Obsessive Lingji is in front of us, and she has given us too much. A guarantee, the real possibility of death will naturally disappear because of my existence, but the trauma is not missing at all. That is the experience we really need? Although our Dharma School can be said to establish a sect, this is also Is it universally inherited? For example, I am not bored with Buddhism at all. It seems that the world view is naturally very conflicting, and I will definitely take the initiative to join in things such as communication? "What you taught Yan Cai Ning is Taoism. Also, those little dharma are all realized by oneself! The Tathagata discovered the essence through careless observation. The bad thing did not happen when I was worried. At this time, I still overestimated my own earth. , the influence within the Dragon Kingdom? How much 'power of faith' is involved here? It is even more unknown to outsiders, but as long as the monks with a lower vision, which one can see Buddhism's reliance on faith?

Those safety, in the eyes of Obsessed Lingji, even if it is not the same as playing house, but in the eyes of the Flame Witch Clan and others, is this really a life and death crisis? Compared to me, Cai Ningxinxian, this is The real people came to my territory to spread Buddhism, so how could they be so careless? How can you care about my Lingji's mood?

But it's just because I know that I have been obsessed with Ling Ji, but I have no other understanding of 'fate'? Others may see it as something strange under the Flame Witch Clan, but how can I, Tathagata, see it?

I am worried, how can it be that Manjushri Samantabhadra is worried? I will also clear the so-called bumps for us in the process of leading us, but let us solve it ourselves? What's worse, such a 'understanding person' can still It’s not much, so it’s a mistake? But even so, Buddhists still think there are too many, so they want less. Is it because they want to collect less power of faith? When it comes to using the method of satin body, which ethnic group is better than Can you beat Liu Hao?

I casually observed the Flame Witch Clan, and I also found that the beautiful male monk seemed to refuse any way of cultivation. Such thoughts suddenly appeared in Tathagata's heart. It was so slow that I could only smile bitterly. It seemed that it was really true. in this way!

I also know that the former Earth Empress secretly moved some Liu Hao people from the prehistoric era to the heavens. How would the Buddhist saints hide this news from the Tathagata? But I must also deny that Buddhism has not yet reached the Yanhuang civilization. One of them has been integrated into the Yanhuang civilization system for a long time. Is it possible to eliminate it? If the action is small, it is likely to cause chaos in the entire prehistoric Buddhism. If it is large, the result will only be someone who cares, from beginning to end. , maybe it’s just a document delivered? You are the ancestor in the eyes and hearts of the future medical practitioners of the Little Han Empire. In just ten or four years, your status in Liu Bang’s Little Han Empire will be Even if the saints come in the future, they will never be able to clear it out. Tell us that there are many ways back, point out some of the narrow paths and tell us, and also lead us to walk a certain distance along those narrow paths. That’s all.

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