Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, Buddha

1885, Buddhism

It is understandable to think so.

As bosses, they naturally think that the CEO is just a hired worker. If they are unhappy, they can change them at any time.

But is this really the case?

Tathagata suddenly resigned and left immediately.

A power vacuum suddenly appeared. Who among those with ambitions would not covet it?

The Buddha said: one should abstain from greed, anger and ignorance.

It can be said that everyone in Buddhism knows this, and every Buddhist practitioner also practices towards this kind of state of mind.

But one thing everyone knows is that even if three corpses are killed, will these thoughts continue to grow in his heart?

This is inevitable. It is nothing more than a brief moment of enlightenment when you cut off the initial stage.

Human beings have a very strong social nature. Which practitioner can close his cave and recite the Huangting Sutra silently?

How many people in all the heavens and worlds can there be like Wu Tian, ​​who has been able to practice alone for hundreds of millions of years?

If there is no heaven, there is no way at all. It is no different from being in jail. The devil's world has not been able to be opened before.

If possible, would Wutian be willing to rely on himself to comprehend all the principles of heaven and earth?

Who doesn’t know that discussing things with others is an excellent shortcut when encountering something unclear?

Wutian is just impossible, and I gradually got used to it over time.

But just like this, after Wutian stepped into the ancient world, didn't greed, anger and ignorance swarm in his heart?

The resentment against Buddhism in his heart never disappeared just because he killed three corpses.

On the contrary, the sooner he kills his three corpses, the more these thoughts will grow in his body.

What's the difference between them and the weeds on the grassland?

They are very clear about this, but they are just choosing the lesser of two evils.

After a long period of breeding and complete release, I compared it and chose the former.

They don't have Liu Hao's open-minded mind, so they simply release the three corpses that were chopped off completely, allowing them to draw these thoughts from the original body at all times to enhance the independence of the three corpses' incarnations.

They also have too much trust in Hongjun, always looking forward to the day when they will be united after the last corpse is killed.

They have even subconsciously ignored that even if they do this, the integration of the three corpses into one cannot be achieved simply. When they reach such a position, which link can be simple?

Or maybe they had also predicted this, and did not dare to enlarge the original three-corpse integration link in any way. The reason for this was that they had inner confidence in this, and in fact they didn't have much confidence anymore.

Also, a group of quasi-sages who have been stuck in front of the incarnation of obsession for countless years will inevitably have to think more.

It is also because of these scruples that the three thoughts of greed, anger, and ignorance in the Buddhist sect are definitely not rare. It can be said that no one is willing to retreat when facing the throne left by the Tathagata.

Not to mention that their human brains have turned into dog brains, but they are almost the same.

Jieyin Zhunti knows this very well, but sometimes knowing it does not mean that he can cut through the mess quickly.

At this time, anyone who accepts Zhunti to appear in Lingshan will definitely be expected and even intimidated by all the Buddhas in Lingshan who may take over the throne of Buddha.

Among these people, everyone knows that the most suitable person to take over is Maitreya Buddha. But once Maitreya Buddha takes over, where will the future Buddha of Buddhism be? Could it be possible to randomly select one person?

Then is it time for the original Buddha Ran Deng to abdicate? Will the outgoing Tathagata take over?

But if Ran Deng and Maitreya still maintain their original positions of honor and do not move, could it be that the ‘Future Buddha’ will always be the Future Buddha?

The entire Lingshan Mountain knew that at this time, the best way was to actually refuse Tathagata's resignation, keep this throne, and wait for Tathagata to return one day. In this case, there would really be nothing to argue about.

But all those who are qualified to compete for this throne have completely ignored this. During this period of time, they have done a lot of things, canvassing votes and promising benefits. As old guys who have gone through countless years , Don’t you still understand?

In the process of canvassing votes, it is natural to say bad things about others intentionally or unintentionally. Whether it is the departing Tathagata or other competitors, they will not be polite. Even if they dare not publicize many dirty things for the sake of the overall situation, they can still do so in private. Didn't it spread?

All this was clearly understood by Zhunti, who was sitting high in the chaos. They had weighed this countless times, but after each weighing, they did not move at all.

It's because they know very well that this is definitely not the best time.

Hasn’t the great catastrophe after Buddhism reached its peak already arrived?

At this time, Jie Yin Zhunti didn't know that all their "helping hands" would be half the result with half the effort?

What they are more worried about is that after taking action, even if they are resolved, they will actually return to the beginning due to the arrival of the great catastrophe. That is, even if they designate personnel to take over the position of Buddha, the Buddha will still not be able to do it for a few days. .

Although Na Wutian has been keeping a low profile since entering the prehistoric era, who can guarantee that one day he will have a sudden impulse?

In the general trend of heaven and earth, Wutian was given thirty-three days to seize the Buddha. This kind of seizure was directly directed at the Buddha on the throne. Wutian killed the Buddha and took over, and he also followed the will of heaven. , get help from heaven.

It is for this reason that even Jieyin Zhunti did not dare to show his face, and they did not dare to help their most trusted Maitreya in Xitianling Mountain to the throne of the current Buddha.

After thinking about it countless times, it seemed that the best way was to maintain the current situation, even though they knew that if this continued, the entire Buddhist sect would suffer a big blow or even fall.

But they are also not impatient about this. Anyway, the journey to the west has been completed, and anyway, their Buddhist scriptures have spread to the orthodox land of the ancient human race;

Anyway, their original wish before becoming a saint has completed the most important node. If it falls, it will fall. Don’t they still have time to continue to make plans in the future?

This is often the case. After making a choice between the pros and cons, all the previous entanglements seem to be over.

This is Jieyin Zhunti's current mentality.

But their mentality is unknown to many Buddhas in Lingshan, and there are still many who are waiting for the 'judgment' of the two saints, especially Maitreya.

He is vigorously canvassing votes with the help of the two Buddhist saints. If this news is known by those who support him in Lingshan, it will be a real terror for Maitreya.

But don’t think that the current Jie Ying Zhunti still retains trust in Tathagata. How is that possible?

Trust is such a thing. It can be said that from the beginning to the end, Jie Yin Zhunti never gave too many treasures to the Tathagata.

They always proceed from reality and always make choices after weighing the pros and cons.

At the beginning, they saw the inevitable division of Buddhism after Laozi became a Hu, and saw that if this happened, it would be fatal to the Buddhism they created. Therefore, they made a choice. In order to prevent Buddhism from splitting, they simply chose He completely retreated behind the scenes and directly pushed Tathagata onto the throne of Buddha.

Were they not unwilling in their hearts at that time?

Obviously this unwillingness was very huge. If Hongjun had not restrained them at that time, the two of them would have been willing to smash Duobao Tathagata's head into pieces and send them to reincarnation again and again.

They chose to take a step back. It seems that the entire Buddhism will indeed become more prosperous under the leadership of Tathagata, but what does this have to do with them accepting Zhunti?

In the entire prehistoric era, as time goes by, how many people still remember their introduction to Yin Zhunti?

Most people now believe that the biggest boss in Buddhism is Tathagata Buddha.

The resentment in their hearts cannot really disappear even if Buddhism reaches its peak state under the leadership of Tathagata.

It can be said that one day in the future Tathagata will no longer be of use in Buddhism, and Jingyin Zhunti will even be the first to take action.

Even if they are Buddhist saints, have the greed, anger and ignorance in their hearts really disappeared?

If you say this, no one will believe it!

On the other hand, if these resentments lead Chunti to believe that Tathagata can still lead Buddhism to greater heights after returning to the prehistoric times, they will suppress these resentments again and continue to welcome Tathagata Buddha back with a smile to stand for him as a sign of respect. .

The so-called right or wrong has never been important in Jie Yin Zhunti's eyes, it is nothing more than interests.

In fact, they also vaguely discovered that the Tathagata had undergone tremendous changes in the heavens and the world. However, across the heavens, Jieyin Zhunti could not clearly know the inside story, nor did they know what kind of changes the Tathagata had undergone. Are you already on the road to enlightenment?

They also made many predictions about the latter, such as what to do once the Tathagata returns to enlightenment in the future, whether to let the Tathagata return to chaos like them, or to continue on the original throne of Buddha.

Returning to chaos is naturally the best for Jieyin Zhunti, otherwise, their influence in Buddhism will really disappear completely as time goes by.

Can he return to chaos, and will his successor really be able to bring Xitian Buddhism back to life again?

Today's prehistoric world is no longer what it used to be. They have vaguely seen the improvement of Haotian's cultivation level in heaven. Who can guarantee that Haotian will not become enlightened in the future?

Are there saints and powerful Hunyuan warriors sitting in the prehistoric world? Perhaps they will become the standard configuration of the truly powerful forces in the prehistoric world in the future?

Regarding this, Jie Yin Zhunti could vaguely guess it, but wasn't it not yet time?

They dare not and cannot make their own decisions before seeing a truly clear future. Not entering Lingshan and continuing to watch with cold eyes has become the only thing they can do.

Only then did they realize that, to a certain extent, they had been kidnapped by Tathagata, the Buddha;

It was also because of this that they discovered that the Tathagata Buddha's status in the ancient Buddhist sect was really not that of a laborer as they imagined. They had already established the true status of the Tathagata Buddha in the entire Buddhist sect and even in the ancient world.

In this game, it cannot be said that Jieyin Zhunti lost. It was just that they did not meet their greatest expectations, and it was just that some things were vaguely out of their control.

If the Tathagata still has not attained enlightenment when he returns to the wild world in the future, then won’t everything still be under the control of Jie Yin Zhunti?

Under the saints, how can anyone else have the right to speak?

Therefore, they can only watch and must watch.

Naturally, they were anxious. How could they not see that after its peak, Buddhism had lost all elements of unity within it? Just like when a fruit ripens, everyone wants to pick the biggest and most, but no one wants to be the biggest and most. were picked off by others, internal fighting was inevitable.

To a certain extent, they are also grateful to the heavens and all realms. It is because of the existence of all heavens and all realms that they have discovered that the possible decline of their own Buddhism may be reversed.

In the prehistoric world, they know best that the subsequent fall of Buddhism is absolutely inevitable. In this case, what about outside the prehistoric world?

However, they also know that some things should not be too impatient. It is as if they want to send all the competing Buddhas in Buddhism into the heavens and worlds, but they cannot do so and cannot do it. arrive.

No, because Jieyin Zhunti was very clear that Sanqing would not allow it.

Even if they, the saints, have never been to the various situations in the heavens and the world, how could they be able to hide the numerous information from them?

Furthermore, the great calamity of the world will not allow such a group to escape, and the many entangled causes and effects must be properly sorted out.

This just can't be done. Under the general trend of heaven and earth, even if Jieyin Zhunti gives this group of Buddhas a decree, there will always be factors of one kind or another that delay these Buddhas. The battle for civilization will soon lead to large-scale real internal fighting, and it will be very bloody.

Jieyin Zhunti didn't dare to gamble. They never thought that they were already saints and could withstand the path set by heaven for all living beings.

They also know that Sanqing will definitely have many eyes on them. Once they make any move, Sanqing will never stand idly by. Perhaps in their minds, the Moral Heavenly Lord, the Yuanshi Heavenly Lord, and the Lingbao Heavenly Lord will also They will all come to have tea one by one!

During this time, I was definitely depressed.

They also experienced the feeling of powerlessness when the general trend of heaven and earth was against them.

When the Yin Shang Dynasty conferred gods, they were always smiling. At that time, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master were probably in the same mood as themselves now, right?

Many things, many times, are like this. When you don't really experience it, you can never know how you feel when you stand in it. But when you stand in it, countless emotions can really resonate with you.

But after they resonated with each other, they also realized that they could not do better if they put themselves in the position of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader.

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