Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and four, feeling sad

1904. Feeling sad

There is nothing new under the sun.

Methods never need to be subtle or complicated, and they are always the most effective.

But sometimes it works, but it doesn't mean that the caster will feel happy.

All Di Jun does is solve troubles, and he is truly passive. It is difficult for the middle and lower class monsters to understand this, but it will not take long for the upper class monsters to understand the truth.

At that time, what thoughts will come into their minds?

I have to say that after Di Jun's return, his mentality was completely different from that of Di Jun during the Lich period. At that time, the Demon Emperor Di Jun didn't care about the different thoughts of his subordinates. He had plenty of methods and abilities to suppress them.

What about now?

He must consider these and respect them, because he knows very well that his current prestige is simply a continuation of the past. After he returned to the ancient times, he did not bring much benefit to the demon clan.

He didn't know that there was an 'expectation value' here, and it was also the 'expectation' that the demon clan placed on Di Jun, the emperor of the demon clan, that made Di Jun so embarrassed.

Only by understanding where you are can you have the mentality that they should not have.

The so-called right to speak has always been an 'interest' based on one's own strength, and has always corresponded to his own lack of strength.

I am just choosing the worst of the two. I know that I have no friendship with Fuxi anymore. From the moment the other party becomes a saint, the status of both parties has not been completely overturned. Once I really choose to be with the human race, The consequences of starting a war are something that I cannot bear.

My choice was more than correct. I didn't know that Buddhism was not even close to its peak. For the sake of the Buddha's throne, a group of Buddhas had long forgotten about the Xuanwu Continent Buddhist branch.

Dijun is very clear about those principles, and the lower-level survivors of the demon clan also know them clearly. However, these middle and upper-level demon clans may understand those principles, because the saint is too far away from us, as if it is just a legend.

That is the real shock, it requires any words, it also requires any display, and it is the real start of the human race from virtuality to reality.

It was as bad as that time. I knew that I had no choice but to fight against Buddhism. I also knew that before I made the entire decision, it was equivalent to stuffing half of the demon clan into a small tribulation of heaven and earth to wash away, but there was still no way to stop it.

I am also lucky. The one standing in front of us is Buddhism. Buddhism is so domineering now, even if the demon clan is not a little arrogant, it still dares to be arrogant.

Very few things are calculated that way.

But up to now, the expected situation has not appeared at all, and I know that I can continue to wait. If I wait any longer, the demon clan in the back line will really have a lot of resentment towards my demon emperor.

In fact, it is very likely that Taiyi has no fate with the Chaos Clock since then, which has led to us being targeted by other contenders without even a chance to touch it.

It seems that Buddhism is not as weak as we thought?

I am even more confused, the saints will definitely tolerate the ‘Chaos Bell’ falling into the hands of the demon race again, otherwise, will the human race, as the only protagonist of the prehistoric world, still want it?

He thinks now, can heaven still 'trample' on the human world at will?

The saddest thing is that Di Jun knew all about this and thought that the most correct and only way was to have fewer choices.

Perhaps among us, Ran Deng is the most transparent one, but if he is like this, how can he remind others of the Buddha? I still have to support it. If I suppress even the group that is most loyal to me, how will the other demon clans view it?

It cannot be said that if the choice Di Jun makes today is against the human race, all kinds of thoughts will definitely follow:

I am no longer the emperor who dared to suppress the world and dare to arm-wrestle with the saints.

We can only bite the bullet and fight upward.

I simply have a path forward, and I feel that everything I do now seems to be being driven. It is really up to me to make the decision.

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] Emperor Jun is trying his best to maintain the balance. I have also thought about simply sending those monsters who underestimate themselves too much to the heavens. But I also know that those people are the smallest foundation of my current demon tribe. Those demon tribes are the most loyal to my emperor Jun Demon Emperor.

I even thought that one day in the future I would join that battlefield and have a small battle with one or a few Buddhas in Buddhism, and it would even be impossible for me to fall again.

For us, as long as we sit on the Buddha's throne and unite the power of Buddhism, some losses can still be regained very slowly.

When saints govern the world, how much say do they have to give to the demon clan?

In ancient times, it was only the saints who had the final say.

Di Jun thought it was his plan, but he knew that it was not inevitable due to the small situation of heaven and earth, but also a necessary experience of Buddhist small tribulations.

As a result, there was a long-term confrontation. During that process, there was naturally no large-scale fighting, and there were no casualties on either side. In detail, the losses on the side of the demon clan were naturally smaller.

I have always been worried that I know too little, which has caused me to fall into even smaller sufferings. Just because I have no ability to change, I can only passively wait. The same is true for the right, and the same is true for the left.

I can only hope that the prosperity before the peak of Buddhism will come more slowly. I also know that the Demonic Manifestation World is not designed for Buddhism. However, I can’t continue to wait for it. As the demon emperor of the demon clan, I have already been conquered by the entire demon clan. The clan is holding them hostage.

There is no deadline for the return of the Demon Emperor within the Emperor Junhan Lake Demon Clan.

For another example, even if Emperor Jun's order reaches the rear, an unexpected event will occur that will prevent him from pushing back.

Although the demon clan in Beiju Luzhou did not really participate, we know it clearly. This is hardly a pattern of being crushed. How many of the original demon clan in Xiniu Hezhou are left now?

These Buddhas who compete for the throne of Buddha will not care about disputes thousands of miles away, even if they know that they will not cause any harm to the entire Buddhism.

After this, the necessary sacrifices are worth it in our opinion.

Also, if Buddhism is really bad, it may only be able to guard a piece of land in Hezhou, Xiniu.

Is there any saint who has no fear in his heart and can realize the Tao with the fear in his heart?

Di Jun naturally saw this clearly. I didn't deliberately delay it to see if there would be a change of scenery;

I feel bitter, but I also know that the demon clan lost a real treasure to suppress their luck, and that's why they are not in their current situation.

The worst thing is to give him time to try. The later it brings harm to us and brings hope, the more disappointed we will be in our hearts, and we will even want to deny me, the emperor of the demon clan, in the future.

Within the Monster Clan, the only one who truly understands Di Jun is Guo Baize. There may be a Tushan clan in the future. It’s understandable, but there’s no way to really speak out. Emperor Jun has not yet been burned by the bonfire set by the entire Monster Clan. , and can only be roasted below.

I simply know that I am not in that state of mind, even if I firmly hold on to the title of Demon Emperor, it will be helpful.

At most, in the orthodox land of the Nanzhan tribe, it is basically impossible to issue any orders from the Heavenly Court without the permission of the Fuxi clan.

Of these remaining demon clans, excluding the Bull Demon King of Ji Lei Mountain, can they all still be enslaved by Buddhism?

In other words, the size of his fists has always determined the size of his voice.

Emperor Jun took away half of the demons that were confronting Nanzhan Buzhou, and also selected some small demons from Beiju Luzhou to follow him. His attitude was also very obvious in practice. This was not to put aside the grievances with the human race first, but to put his eyes first. Let’s talk about destroying the Buddhist roadblocks in the future.

When Fuxi became a saint, all the rights of the prehistoric people to speak naturally underwent earth-shaking changes.

Unfortunately, Di Jun guessed wrong after all, and I still have nothing to compare with.

When the cognition in our hearts has changed and the original awe of Buddhism has been eliminated, we will only care about this little casualty. In terms of fear of death, we are human beings, otherwise we will do the same thing during the Lich Tribulation. It's time to compete with the Wu clan in Zhan Tian Battlefield.

Of course, those saints who are against me only have a lower threshold. They have changed from being free to do as they please to insulting Fuxi and deliberation.

Besides, even if there is a crisis in the orthodox land of the human race, it should be caused by the ethnic group in the protagonist's home, and it can only be caused by internal changes.

I can only grit my teeth and give in. Of course, doing so is more of a 'show'. I can always compete for heaven, right?

This person has been suppressed in Luzhou, Beiju for several years, as if he was in prison. Now there is a glimmer of hope. The entire demon clan is showing its coldness. With my current prestige among the demon clan, I even have no way to suppress it. I can only Go with the flow.

I also really want to just leave, for example, go directly to the world. Who cares about that mess, but after thinking about it, I can still do it.

Don't think that in the past, the only protagonist of the prehistoric human race was as bad as a pick-up. His autonomy was not small, but it also meant a lot.

Overestimating himself will cause him little loss, but underestimating himself will only bring disaster to himself.

For example, the demon clan who passed down the destiny may have died on the way because of a certain intention, and was later devoured by other demon clans.

If it really happened, what forces and ethnic groups would be willing to fight for the prehistoric world in the future?

To the saints, no matter how many ants there are, they are just ants.

I know that I want to become a saint, but it seems that I have not firmly grasped that authority. Only by not doing so, can I have less chance than other prehistoric monsters.

But these expectations can only be expectations after all.

Not to mention the returning Emperor Jun Taiyi, so what if all the powerful demons from the entire Lich Era are back?

Recently, Buddhism has received a lot of fresh blood from Lingshan, and everyone who has arrived has a low level of cultivation. It has also put a lot of pressure on us, but it has not caused us any blows. Those who should bear it down. The demon clan is not afraid at all.

In Honghuang, 44% of those who are now setting out to conquer the world are mortals. They come from the Wutang Empire and from the place where the human race is orthodox. How could Honghuang be willing to see the human race who went on the expedition suffer attacks from their own people in front of them? ?

As everyone knows, even if I am always surrounded by Taiyi, who is in charge of all the food of the demon clan, the chance of enlightenment is still much lower than mine, which is so sad.

The appearance of Xuanwu Continent made Di Jun feel relieved for a time. Indeed, I sent countless demon clans to join the fight and gained a lot of territory.

Perhaps the demon clan also needs the existence of such a scapegoat. Without such a scapegoat, the entire prehistoric demon clan can truly clarify its position in the prehistoric world;

The one who has the deepest understanding of this is Wu Xiong. In any case, I have been victorious in a crazy struggle, so it is most reasonable not to have the fullest understanding of this.

The human race is the only protagonist in the ancient world, but its luck is booming.

From now on, what kind of achievements will the Buddha Sect achieve in the face of the demon clan?

Those thoughts made Wu Xionghanhu realize that there is no lower limit for the monsters he controls. The lower limit of tolerance for saints. Once that lower limit is exceeded, the saints will definitely be hit by violent storms and heavy rains.

Regardless of the reason, it is not a bad thing for him to sit on that throne, because only by sitting down can he have the luck that that throne deserves.

Because as long as my title of Demon Emperor exists for one day, I must support my share of responsibilities, unless I am willing to give up even the title of Demon Emperor.

It's not because I've won before that it's no longer possible for me to continue this madness and I don't dare to take a gamble again.

Those principles have no meaning at all if they are explained to the middle and upper classes of the demon clan. The concepts of the people at the bottom are far less important than anything else.

I feel sad in my heart, but I can only grit my teeth and persist. I have to walk to the end of the path I have chosen, even if I have to kneel down.

When did the demon clan no longer stand up to Buddhism?

What can I do?

But during that process, I also exercised control. I knew whether we could give too little hope to the demon clan above. Once we thought it would be difficult to take over the territories, should we still be ambitious?

Even Di Jun thought that the evil ones had made the demon clan more honest.

If this is the case, this is the smallest loss to Emperor Jun. The luck directly brought by the demon clan and demon emperor is lost. Let alone the enlightened saint, it is difficult to say that he can return to the past.

Wait, wait, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. That is the small power of heaven and earth, and it is definitely not something that a mere saint or above cannot resist.

Emperor Jun was willing to give it up, not because of the power brought by the Demon Emperor, but because of the blessing of his luck.

This expectation is naturally that the demon clan hopes that the returning Emperor Jun Taiyi can lead them to climb to the highest peak, regain the heaven, and recreate the era of the demon clan.

I am either doing it or resting, knowing that I have not yet started the battle with the Buddhists in Xuanwu Continent. Any determination will only make it more difficult for the demon clan. Instead of doing this, it is better to risk it all and fight a small battle.

However, I know better that even if the 'Chaos Clock' appears, with Taiyi and I's cultivation, even if we fight for our lives, there is still a chance that we won't be able to seize it.

It is the will of heaven and earth that drives the decisions made by the demon clan.

Based on those good fortunes, he can make his tribe have fewer practitioners and encourage those practitioners to move to a lower position.

I rarely feel that I should come back at that time, but what if I haven’t come back yet?

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