Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and fourteen, Hongjun

1914, Hongjun

Prehistoric times have always been special.

What's special is not how high his level is, but the fact that the Three Thousand Laws of Prehistoric Times were completely perfected from the beginning, and it is also destined that the three realms of heaven, earth, and human beings can be integrated, or they can choose to be divided.

Such a situation is difficult to see in other heavens.

Just one, reincarnation, is actually owned by all heavens, but among many heavens, reincarnation is just a vassal, a rule under the will of heaven and earth, and it is better to be a part of heaven itself.

In these heavens, it is difficult for reincarnation to be independent. In most of these heavens, there is even no possibility of establishing a reincarnation institution.

They are like a small lake, their territory is only that big, and there is no way they can create another reincarnation out of their territory.

Among these heavens, the mirror image of the Six Paths of Reincarnation seems to be naturally in line with their reality, and that is all that is needed.

If there are any more, it seems that there is a high probability that they will be rejected by the will of heaven, earth and heaven.

But by simply introducing such a reincarnation mirror, the heavenly will of these heavens will be very welcome. Otherwise, they also need such a stable cycle, especially the issue of spiritual energy circulation.

This was just the right thing to do, seeing a completely different scenery, a flash of inspiration in my mind, exploding countless accumulations of the past, erasing the dust in my heart, and becoming spiritually clear.

The fact is that Hongjun's arrangement was not a perfect one. The Eight Tribes became Hongjun's first vanguard. Our desperate battle also caused great losses to Luo Hou.

Daozu has never thought of standing on the line of heaven in the tomb world.

At that time, Hongjun's trump card was revealed. The eight corpse incarnations plus the seven good and evil deities could not break the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Facing Luo Hou, who was not seriously injured, Hongjun's victory was only Upright'.

In other words, their own level is not enough, and it is possible to rely on help from other lower worlds, but we still want to keep the leadership in our own hands.

I have become the first saint in the world. What I say naturally carries its own authority, and some people are not qualified to do so.

Even the only starting point.

No matter how little information pours into your mind, if it goes out of your right ear and out of your left ear, no matter how little it is, it means nothing.

Am I the weakest one among them?

If there is another person left on this day, that person is called Hongjun, and he will become the "Hongjun" of the world.

But if this is not the case, we still sit down and discuss the truth without a chance?

Because relying on their own original functions, it is difficult to achieve such a rapid flow, so that many heavens are forced to have a period of spiritual energy deposition, and then after a long time, these spiritual energy gradually become active, and the so-called spiritual energy appears. recovery.

But Liu Hao, who had no idea of ​​his own reincarnation, needed to make some bad plans.

For example, in this tomb world, as long as this heaven exists, it will definitely allow its power to be divided at all.

My change seems to be rapid, but in reality, how long the process took is not as clear as Tathagata himself.

These saints often achieve enlightenment for several years at a time. Before their enlightenment, even if the saints’ cultivation level has not improved at all, we will not care at all.

Our death was silent. It was basically a self-destruction in our desired state, and the damage caused to Luo Hou was only a little bit.

Then Hongjun himself knows how to deal with them!

Can you change your disadvantaged situation?

No matter whether Hongjun didn't have some calculations or not, there is no guarantee at all. This does not mean that Hongjun thinks that he can win surely against Luo Hou alone.

We may often have small victories, and our own cultivation level may often surpass us. One day, we may be immortals, but tomorrow we may not be golden immortals.

Since it is useful to say it, why say less? If you can only find it for yourself, it is just a restriction.

I summoned my friends and pulled a group of people to break the Immortal Killing Sword Formation on Luohou Bu, but at the last moment I basically exposed my trump card of killing eight corpses.

As my opponent, Hongjun is also not idle.

I built everything I thought I needed, and now I am waiting for the arrival of Hongjun in the wild west, or in other words, waiting for the arrival of the opponent who represents the "Tao".

The saints can guarantee it, so why can't we guarantee it?

When we are in a state like ours, how can other people think and see things so clearly? The Eight Clans had a lot of influence in the prehistoric times. Hongjun could see it, and I also had to calculate the future before I could win.

There is no one who can't just get the disadvantages but pay nothing. This is true for individuals, and the same is true for Wei Zhen.

What we really gain from it is only that we are the most incomprehensible. We will basically be interfered by external factors, and we will remain the same as we should be.

The stone from my mountain cannot attack the jade, Hongjun probably understands that truth.

If there was no link between Liu Hao and the Ten Thousand Realms, there would be a small chance that the former Earth Empress, the tunnel lord, would always manifest in the world, right?

That news was probably only known before Hongjun became a saint, right?

Xiaojia was destined to be an enemy from the very beginning.

Any low-level monk is stubborn and insists on his own path.

I liked them, but I didn't do that, because I understood that I needed to truly digest what I saw and heard, and truly use it for my own use.

I preached to the ancient world and became the heavens. And then I merged with the heavens and became the spokesperson and the master of the heavens.

Even if there was no such factor, Guang Qinglong Dao Ancestor majored in the way of heaven, so he had reason to let this guy go.

But those people often only need one victory. Once they fight with them, they often lose everything, including their lives.

How is this possible?

I chose to help Chen Nan, but it was because of the so-called 'friendship' and 'sympathy', and it was because of Hong Guoguo's interests.

Do I know that if I go to Liu Hao's Wandering World, I will get less?

After counting, it seems that there is only Hongjun. Now he looks at this Hongjun, Wei Zhenye, looking down at the whole world. The saint must obey me, and any words I say are like heaven and earth. Legal decree.

Integrating the digested knowledge into one's past insights and arriving at the latest is what Tathagata wishes.

Even if there were no eight assistants including Tai Chi Tu, Pan Gu Banner and Qian Kun Ding Hongjun, he still died in the Immortal Killing Sword Formation in the first place?

My new Buddhist path also requires long-term establishment, and it cannot be achieved overnight.

On the contrary, no matter how much it is, it must be yours if you digest it.

The land was like this before, so where is Nanwa, the lord of humanity?

We lose because we start, we can only win, but who can guarantee that we will always win?

Covering up is like that, uncovering is like that, what is known is always clear, and even if it is known, it is always difficult to understand the reason.

Now this Tathagata has remained in Aba and is the smallest proof.

The lower the level of cultivation, the slower the monk will be in seeking success.

On the other hand, one must think that these little talents sacrificed by Hongjun have no selfish motives of their own.

After we participated in that little battle, each one of us had almost reached the pinnacle of our cultivation, and we all knew that if we killed Luo Hou together, we would definitely not be rewarded by the world, regardless of whether it was merit or luck. Soaring, and based on this, the possibility of breaking through the original cultivation level will also increase slightly.

Furthermore, until the eight tribes fought one after another and suffered huge losses, they were able to persuade one.

It seems like it should be like this, and it can only be like this.

In order to win, Luo Hou, I provoked a small battle between the eight tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, causing the first tribulation of Longhan. I used the side evil energy formed by the small battle between the eight tribes to temper myself, and at the same time, I also established a home field that best suits my demonic path. .

Outside, there is no such thing as right or wrong, and there is no such thing as right or wrong. Everything is so 'let nature take its course'.

In any world of cultivation, any monk understands a truth, this is not the true genius, he will always be the one who lives first.

Just like the Tathagata, am I really the one who understood my own Buddhism before I went to Earth?

It is also for this reason that whether it is White Tiger Wei Zhen or the former Earth Empress, there has never been a mirror image of the Eight Paths of Reincarnation that is difficult to promote in Liu Hao's world, because we really need it.

When those words were said, Luo Hu would be the first to approve.

The death of those eight guys was not obvious, but it also paved the solid road for Hongjun's initial failure.

It's a complicated truth. Without that help, the possibility of those worlds being upgraded from your level is even lower. That disadvantage is enough for us to compromise.

What we need is not to gain access to the "Tao" of other Taoists, but also to select out our own unhelpful nutrition from the experience value of other Taoists' understanding of the small Tao.

As a Buddha, one can imagine the inner will of the Tathagata. If it is so difficult to change, it has already changed countless times. How can it be possible to become the same after just one trip?

Everyone is destined to lose his own position.

Those eight guys didn't understand the whole situation until their death. We basically knew that the treasure in our hands was just not destined to be with us for a while.

Do we need the ‘Tao’ from other fellow Taoists?

The benefits brought by the position are also the smallest starting point for the final choice.

At this time, Hongjun was a saint, but he was not as omniscient and omnipotent as a saint. Even in such a distant future, I might just sacrifice some fellow Taoists to reduce the possibility of my own failure.

The winner is king, and they are temporary, but the leftover is king, which is often the real result.

It wasn't that calculation that made us embark on the road to hell.

How many of them have survived from the beginning to the present?

My first-mover advantage was so small that before I came, Tu Niangniang had become the master of the tunnel, and she had no way of thwarting her. I watched helplessly as the Witch Clan was almost completely destroyed in the Lich Tribulation.

When the Dao Demons were fighting, if Hongjun really thought he was the best in the world, he would have formed a group of people to fight against Luo Hu.

Before the Eight Tribes, it wasn't Hongjun who led a group of people to retreat into the Luohu Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

But if you want to truly become the first winner, you must lay out as few chess pieces and plans as possible after participating.

The longest-lasting approach is always to give nothing and get nothing in return. Everyone takes what they get and everyone is angry.

Just like Hongjun, if we travel through the world passage and see the way of heaven in the tomb world, Hongjun will definitely swallow it up without any hesitation.

Perhaps the only thing that Hongjun didn't expect in the whole process was that the eight tribes were not so decisive at the very first moment. They directly chose to launch the prehistoric stage of history and use his own body to pay for the damage caused by the first catastrophe of Long Han to the destruction of heaven and earth. .

At this time, the Eight Clans still dominate the wilderness, which is a bad thing for any winner. Therefore, Hongjun is also happy to see the Eight Clans suffer small losses or even collapse.

Am I not the most gifted person?

At this time, as long as the person who stirs up trouble is revealed to be Luo Hou, he will naturally be able to pull the most capable of the eight tribes out of his chariot to fight against Luo Hou. If such a natural cannon fodder still knows how to use it, this is Hongjun. .

In that Dao-demon battle, there was never a predetermined outcome, and no one could win.

I had been holding back until I saw all the companions I had brought with me died, and until I saw Luo Hou being consumed by the young Taoist friends I had exchanged for him, then I exploded and directly caught the previous one by surprise. And, he achieved the ultimate failure, and therefore got the title of Wei Zhen.

Because I understand that with a layout like Luo Hou’s, it would also be unfavorable for me to find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com.

Those who value the gains and losses of a city and a pool more than their lives are often the ones who are likely to come to the forefront.

On this day, Hongjun came to the front and became the only one left.

In Liu Hao's world, there is never absolute justice, and any justice can only be relative.

As for our own destiny being divided a little bit, we really care about it. We know how to weigh the pros and cons better than anyone else.

It was all a calculation, but no one knew how much Hongjun had planned in it.

In the ancient times, from the beginning of the world to the present, how many heroes have gone through?

Even the former Tu Empress and Nanwa Empress were at least a little angry about this. When their strength is as strong as a human being, what does it matter no matter how little he says?

After that, Tathagata had already thought about it many times in his heart. I knew that I had accumulated a lot of thoughts, but after I went to Taozu Earth, my heart was still not touched.

Because no one who knew anything about it was left alive. The leaders of these eight tribes, at the moment when we made our oath, were equivalent to not yet dead.

As soon as it was over, Hongjun knew full well about Luo Hou's instigation of the eight dragon, Phoenix and Qilin clans, but I knew it but pretended to know it, as if it was none of my business.

There is a small chance that he can only be one of Hongjun Wei Zhen's disciples, right?

After Baqing was born, who knew if Pangu would still retain Zhengzong?

Even if the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World is nothing more than an ant in front of Hongjun, is it still a worthy and rare nutritional supplement?

Any change in our hearts can always be persuaded by others, and it can only be a decision based on our own inner transparency.

But those are all important to Hongjun's calculations, and everything that comes here proves that.

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