Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, chaos

1921. Chaos has arisen

Chaos has emerged in Xuanwu Continent, and it will be difficult to stop it.

The resurgence of the devil is aimed at Buddhism, but since it has entered the wilderness, it cannot simply target Buddhism.

They provoked a dispute in Xuanwu Continent, but they also followed the will of God, and they also started for the gods needed on the new list of gods.

But neither the demon clan nor the many sect forces of the Dao Sect are fools. The two sides can fight in secret, but if anyone really wants to provoke a war between the two sides, this guy will only have one ending, and that is internal annihilation.

No one is a fool. In such a catastrophe of heaven and earth, once any war breaks out, it will never stop, and it will definitely affect the roots. What about the demon clan and Taoist sects who have experienced the catastrophe of the lich and the Yin and Shang gods? Could such an incident be allowed to happen again?

But they also know that it is difficult to stop the private fighting between the two parties once it has occurred. They are all restraining themselves, but they also put the 'sin' on the cataclysm of heaven and earth, thinking that this may be the best way to vent their anger.

This kind of tacit understanding is what they think they are, and they all know that it may explode if they are not careful.

Therefore, they are more careful, such as arranging real masters at the front, and the people they arrange are also the people they think are the wisest.

It is impossible for them to send those who they think are the real elites and real geniuses to the frontier.

But the Taoist sect has not yet reached eight points. Even if there is less cooperation than confrontation now, can we really be as close as a family?

Among the guests in the Zixiao Palace who have survived to this day, as long as there are some who have not entered Buddhism, which one is the one?

What we want is not just a small part.

Obviously even if there weren't, it would still be very rare, and it might even be just a fake show.

For a long time in the future, the monsters and monsters that rise together with us will also be our smallest enemies. Is this any different from Liu Hao's competition between humans and monsters for living space on earth?

In the prehistoric era, due to the sudden actions of the monster clan, there was an uproar. Very rarely, the whole body was affected by a single move.

The same is true for the entire heaven.

Although almost all people in the Xuanmen continent can practice cultivation, how long does it take?

Wasn't the reason why the Lich Tribulation was triggered in the first place because it happened in ten days?

But those people, when the Taoist sect is not destroyed or there is a small crisis of inheritance, will we really pay for the Taoist sect?

Is it also a bad thing for Nan Zhan's current practice to straighten out the entangled cause and effect?

Nanzhan is a fool again. He calls out Xuan when he has no chance of defeating Zhunti. Is it bad to take this opportunity to return the cause and effect to Buddhism?

It is instinct for any intelligent creature to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

Those are not bad at all.

Daomen, even in ancient times, could not be called an emperor.

Those people have seen how much time it takes to study and accumulate the Tao of Hundreds of Schools, and then find that they can't make a choice without the Taoist system around them. How many people will be interested?

From that perspective, even Kunpeng and Nanzhan Taiyi cannot actually be called Emperor Jun's disciples.

The Tao of hundreds of schools of thought has indeed spread throughout the Xuanmen continent, but was it in the prehistoric times? The most solid foundation was in the Taoist sect? As far as Lingshan is concerned, as long as the demon tribe invades Xiniu Hezhou on a small scale, we are happy to turn a blind eye and wait for the outcome of Lingshan's power struggle.

The demon clan often crosses the border and retreats to Xiniu Hezhou for hunting or something like that, but the number is still very small, but it is not like this, and it still puts great pressure on Buddhism, and there will always be no Buddhist disciples. The rare lucidity disappeared.

If we were still in the Tathagata period, that kind of confidence would indeed be unreasonable.

So what if Buddhism defeats the demon clan? Is it possible that I will lose?

But those demon clans are definitely not bad looking.

At that time, the Wu clan had not yet prepared for a decisive battle. Even if he knew who he hated most in his heart, Nan Zhan had to grit his teeth and endure.

That might be a small calamity.

In reality, at the moment when the Prehistoric Dao Sect appeared, there has never been a real year. The so-called Heavenly Dao Sect is a family, and it is less of a slogan.

Apparently, we have done it now.

When Nanzhan took Qian Yi, this hatred actually came out. Now it is possible to pass on the remaining hatred to Buddhism.

Let's talk about myself, there is no such thing as cause and effect between the demon clan and Buddhism.

Don’t let Buddhism disappear completely because of this. If we don’t want it, Jieyin Zhunti might allow it!

On the contrary, it would be more in line with my inner aspirations for the demon clan to lose some.

And when the Ten Days crosses the horizon, who is causing trouble and promoting it?

Of course, those news can be hidden, and they are all sent back to Lingshan one by one. We hope that these Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan can make decisions for us. Unfortunately, we don’t know our life and death. In the eyes of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan today, there is nothing at all. value.

With such fighting power, the demon clan would naturally seize the opportunity, so we did not choose to attack them.

Yi Cai is also a stupid person. Even though he knows that his demon clan and Buddhism have not yet broken up, he still wants his demon clan to bear the brunt.

Nanzhan knew clearly in his heart that Huchu knew that it was necessary to mention it. Before it happened, I knew everything about it, but even if I knew it at that time, the demon clan had to make a choice.

At most, those who think they have little talent in reading will have a small chance of making a choice, right?

It's okay, even if you know it, you still need to exercise restraint.

That cause and effect was caused by Zhunti, one of the Buddhist saints, but the hatred was naturally inherited by Buddhism.

Without such an enemy, the natural tendency of human beings to fight among themselves is also greatly suppressed, and some selfish thoughts will disappear, allowing for a smaller level of communication and mutual promotion.

As a demon emperor who could lead the demon clan to rule half of the ancient world, how could he be stupid?

On the contrary, we should be glad that the demon clan today is still not rational. If the demon clan just swarms down and wants to have a small battle with Buddhism, then it will be Muggles to take Yin Zhunti.

In terms of the number of quasi-sages, it is really difficult to find a force that cannot compete with Buddhism in the entire prehistoric era.

Otherwise, given the strength of the monks currently arranged by the Taoist sect to preach in the Xuanmen continent, even though they can be captured easily, it will only consume a lot of energy.

This is the case in Xuanwu Continent, but in places close to Beiju Luzhou and Xiniuhe Continent, it's a different scene.

It originally originated from Emperor Jun. He created four hundred right sects, built his own side sect, took the name of Buddhism, and broke away from Emperor Jun, but the source may be changed.

There is nothing that can be said out loud, but it means knowing the inside story.

We dare to show our teeth to Buddhism, but we dare to truly bring his life-and-death thinking to the entire Taoist sect.

Can the remaining strength be able to withstand the demonic attack?

If the Taoist sects unite together at that time, the attitude of Jieyin Zhunti in the chaos will be the current attitude.

Is there any difference between that and the symbiosis of power and obligation?

If he were a Buddhist, Nan Zhan would have a different attitude.

I allowed some monsters from Beiju Luzhou to cross the border and retreat into Xiniuhezhou, but I also made restrictions. I didn't want to consume the Buddhist power bit by bit and continue to be my "eighth one" to replace the devil. Being the first target of Buddhism is what I want.

The demon clan's lack of action will also make the demon clan in other areas less energetic.

Even Nanzhan Taiyi can guarantee that once he does it, not many demon clans within him will choose to betray him overnight.

Even the Xuanmen continent is an exception.

As for the loss of the demon clan, which was difficult to recover because of this, Nan Zhan actually didn't care that much in his heart.

At that time, I thought that while the demon clan was fighting against the witch clan, they could also use their strength to destroy Buddhism.

Knowing that monsters and even monsters may appear around you at any time, the humans among them still have to find ways to improve themselves?

Compared with those, the most real thing I care about is my own cultivation. If I can become a saint, this is the way and the only way to solve the most fundamental problem.

Of course, if he compares Taoism to Buddhism, it will be a different picture.

The situation is so small, what can I do?

Also, after Nanzhan Taiyi has not returned, everyone knows clearly what the situation of the demon clan is. It means that everyone is shouting to kill, but the difference is much less.

If the Taoist sect encounters a small crisis, they may not be able to unite. Otherwise, they can cooperate without limit at least.

The bad thing is that Nian Zai has seen hope, can those monsters still escape?

This is more or less their intention to retain the seeds of hope.

But only the Baqing and the Baqing Sect can be called Taoist sects.

Nian Zai is around, no matter how small or big it is, the pressure can also become a very bad motivation, and will also greatly promote the slow rise of the orthodoxy of the human race in the entire Xuanmen continent.

Nanzhan is very confident. I don't want to take advantage of the small disaster in Buddhism. I have also laid out my posture. This conspiracy is also a conspiracy. It shows that there are no problems.

Extending it further, how can Buddhism be a part of Taoism?

In front of me, almost the entire Taoist sect is happy to watch. If the time comes and things get messed up, will the Taoist sect be willing to watch?

At least in the prehistoric times, such a situation has never occurred.

In this regard, how can anyone understand this? The most fundamental reason for this is still entangled cause and effect?

Most of the principles of heaven and earth that we understand are from people like Hongjun in Zixiao Palace, and they are not as comprehensive as our own.

In Buddhism, a small part of the combat power has also returned to Lingshan. In order to compete for power and profit, the quality of our personnel there has become much more special.

We were so confident when we were young, and we always thought that the demon clan would not be able to cause too much trouble when facing Buddhism.

Otherwise, what will greet us will definitely be targeted by monks that have never been seen in the entire world. The demon clan in the lich period can't stand up to it, but today's demon clan, let's forget it.

I thought something had happened, but it meant that I had forgotten it, and it also meant that there was no cause and effect among the seven.

You must know that the Seven Saints of Buddhism at that time were in the process of becoming saints.

In the ancient world, as long as it was cause and effect, there would never be a day to settle things. When Zhunti did it, he didn't even think of today.

Even if people's brains now reach the level of a dog's, have they forgotten their true enemy in that disaster?

Apparently it must be.

Is Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, a member of the Taoist sect?

In the Tongtian River where Youzhou and Zhongzhou meet, there are always many demon clans that successfully sneak across. Before those demon clans retreated to the Xuanmen continent, the violent ones got worse. After a while, they Will be found and eliminated.

As soon as those monsters escaped, the local order was naturally turbulent, and the personal hatred that was originally buried deep in the depths broke out.

But these monsters who chose to hide in a certain mountain forest before retreating and have been training monsters for years are the smallest hidden danger in Xuanmen Continent.

Only if this is not the case, can these little demon sects in my account make ambitions that are in line with their actual situation. Only if this is not the case, can I be able to lead the demon clan back to the ancient times and be cooled down.

How many people can face death calmly even though they know they are going to die?

Where there are no people, there must be no world. This sentence is the truth of heaven and earth.

That is not Buddhism full of confidence;

The Dao Sect has been here for a year just because it thinks that it cannot take over the inheritance of the entire Dao Sect continent. This is the orthodox place of the human race. Even if we guard it tightly, we may be able to stop it for a long time. The financial resources and energy spent for this are basically proportional to the harvest. , Looking for Book Garden www.zhaoshuyuan.com Why bother to find it for yourself?

In essence, we are still the lowest realm in the entire prehistoric world. We may become the mainstream in that minor catastrophe, but it is still difficult to completely avoid it.

The more stupid a person is, the more he knows how to choose at that time. Others say that there is a small chance that Nanzhan Hanhu, the Tushan clan he summoned with so much hard work, will be the first.

There is no time to worry about whether there are enemies. If you are too comfortable, it will be more difficult to sink.

I was also worried that the Buddhists would become angry because of this, and simply swarm down to have a small battle with the monsters.

That's almost possible.

I basically hope that the demon clan under my control can return to the pattern of the demon clan that dominated the sky in the ancient times.

Furthermore, how could I be willing to miss such a bad opportunity to add insult to injury?

Within the Monster Clan, Nanzhan Taiyi naturally knows all about this. Although most of our techniques come from inheritance, less of them come from Zixiao Palace.

How much should we lose?

On the other hand, Baqing believes that the Taoist sect is authentic and must stand in the last row to protect the Taoist sect's interests. If we can't support the Taoist sect, we will have to be replaced by others.

In comparison, we are not as authentic as Baqing.

That may be the smallest reason why Daomen chooses to turn a blind eye even though they know that there are many monsters infiltrating the Xuanmen continent.

Furthermore, we also know that there is no essential difference between him sending it to the door and asking for it.

The reason why they became independent was that they lost two saints and had no real qualifications to build a mountain gate on their own, and were denied by all sentient beings.

There is a small chance that they will come forward to mediate, right?

When Buddhism was at its peak, did it really overshadow the entire Taoist sect?

Don't blame Yi Cai for turning a blind eye to the 'revenge of killing his son'.

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