Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, changes at the passage entrance

Chapter 1910 Changes at the Passage Entrance

1926. Changes at the passage entrance

When the matter came to an end, Liu Hao was not a procrastinator. In exchange for Zhuge Liang, he made arrangements for Ziwei Star Territory and immediately chose to go.

He also understood to some extent why Empress Houtu and White Tiger Liu Hao chose this world.

In the final analysis, it is to ensure.

The completion of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror on Earth by Liu Hao does not mean that other heavens can definitely do it. To put it bluntly, more experimental data is needed.

In the world of tomb robbing, there are already these weird things, and zombies and the like appear from time to time. In other words, there is a demand.

Furthermore, the level of Tomb Raider World is also very suitable. It is not the lowest level, but it is just a little bit beyond the lowest level.

It is connected to the heavens, and the spiritual energy poured into the tomb robbery world from Liu Hao's earth world channel will definitely lead to the rise of ghosts and monsters in it. Many weirdness will inevitably become more rampant, and a reincarnation mechanism is indeed needed.

When there is a lifelong expectation for this, it means that the will of the world of tomb robbers cannot reject it. It is almost a matter of mutual benefit.

The prehistoric Luzhou in Beiju and the world passage of Liu Hao's earth are now very different.

The vast buildings have covered millions of miles around, and almost any of the mountains are occupied by all parties. As for whether these mountains are suitable for settling, it is not in the plans of these sects at all.

What they want is nothing more than a place to stay, a place to stay that is completely decided by themselves and is relatively clean.

They occupied it, and then they set up various mountain gate formations. Even though this mountain originally had sparse spiritual energy, now it has basically become a good place for practice.

They don't care whether such investment can recoup the cost, because they understand that this is also the general trend. If there is no independent space in this place that connects the heavens and the world, they may really be eliminated in the future.

There is naturally nothing wrong with their approach, and now, their original guess has become a fact. Even the huge investment at the beginning has basically been earned back.

Many of these sects have even invested most of their energy here.

The aggregation effect is vividly reflected here.

The countless chaotic cities seem to have become a unique feature of this place.

The Wutang Empire actually didn't occupy much of the base here.

But the territory occupied by the Wutang Empire was also the most elite part of it. Who made them the closest to the world passage?

The World Passage Soldiers and Horses, which were originally only stationed by the Heavenly Court and the Monster Clan, now have one more, and naturally they can only be given to the Wutang Empire.

In the prehistoric era, all monks could ignore the human race, but all monks must admit that after the prehistoric era, only the human race could represent the prehistoric world, because they were the only protagonists of the prehistoric world.

This quota must be given whether it is given or not.

However, after winning the quota, how to maximize the benefits has become something that both Wu Zhao and Li Zhi must face.

Their strength is the lowest, and their fists are not big enough, so they can only bring in more collaborators, and countless sects are one of them.

Of course, the greatest support comes from the ancestral land of the human race.

When Liu Hao came here, the first thing he sensed was the Suiren clan sent by the ancestral land of the human race.

This oldest ancestor of the human race is completely different from before.

Daluo Jinxian, and the Daluo Jinxian who has realized the Daluo Dao Fruit, has an aura that even some monks who have just stepped into the quasi-sage must pay attention to.

That thick aura seems to have been formed since eternity, and the purple divine dragon's luck above its head is clearly visible, even with the hair on its body.

This is the most fundamental difference between the nominal protagonist and the actual protagonist of the human race in the ancient world.

Naturally, it also fed back to Suirenshi.

Liu Hao himself was very sure that this eternal aura must have been formed nearby, because even compared to Emperor Jun Taiyi, this eternal aura was almost the same.

As time goes by, Liu Hao will not be surprised to catch up or even surpass him in the future.

Naturally, it is impossible for only one human ancestor to come to the ancestral land of the human race. Next to the Suiren clan, there is another person who has also fallen into the eyes of Liu Hao, and that is Cang Jie.

This ancestor of the human race is also one of the biggest beneficiaries of the prosperity of the human race.

Liu Hao himself even had a premonition that after Cangjie went to the heavens in the future, this benefit would continue to expand geometrically.

Writing has always been the carrier of civilization. In all the worlds, there is no Yanhuang civilization that cannot adapt to the writing created by Cangjie, even if these writings have become very different from the original version over time.

As a true power, Liu Hao knows this very well. In fact, the source of the runes used by countless human races in the world are not the characters created by Cang Jie?

In other words, any character written by Cang Jie himself contains great power, and every one of them can be regarded as a basic talisman.

In short, the word "Thunder" written by Cangjie can really connect with the thunder method between heaven and earth. If you tap it lightly, it can turn into a thunder.

This also means that after Cangjie enters the heavens in the future, the human race's talisman and seal art is likely to be greatly promoted.

Of course, this is just a guess. If Cangjie goes to the heavens, there is a high probability that he will not spread the words he created on a large scale.

Because he knows better than anyone else that it is really difficult to learn the characters created by Cangjie.

On the contrary, only the simplest words can be used to the maximum extent. So what if there is no power in them?

Cangjie was clear to everyone which one was the best choice.

As for when Cangjie will go to the heavens, not even Liu Hao can predict it.

The many people who came here from the ancestral land of the human race seemed to be tasked only to sit here. After establishing a palace of the ancestral land of the human race here, they rarely went out.

I don’t know if this is the restriction of the Suiren family, or the result of everyone’s meeting, but I have to say that this approach is the best.

No one in power wants an emperor to appear above his head.

As long as it is done, there will definitely be internal fighting. When opinions differ, there will definitely be disputes and cracks will inevitably appear. Trust will inevitably collapse with the emergence of cracks one after another.

How do these ancestors not understand this?

Rather than letting this happen, it is better to stop it from the beginning, agree on your responsibilities, and never participate in anything outside of your responsibilities, no matter how big it is.

The only way for these ancestors to leave the ancestral hall is to go to major colleges to attend. Even at this time, they would refuse if they were asked to stand on the podium.

It seems that they believe that they belong to the past and are not willing to spread their ideas at all.

In this regard, Liu Hao, who thought about it a little, could understand the reason.

In the long historical records, there must be many deviations from the facts about human ancestors, and many even have huge deviations.

But this kind of deviation cannot be said to be right or wrong.

But it is definitely what generations of human beings have been looking forward to in their long history.

As people involved in Renzu, no one wants this expectation to be broken, even by themselves.

They will not admit it, but they will definitely not deny it.

Their only idea of ​​coming out to listen is to enable themselves to keep up with the times and master the art of hundreds of schools of thought that now belongs to the human race.

Most of them will not regard the Way of the Hundred Schools as the backbone of their practice, but each of them will master one or some of the Ways of the Hundred Schools as their next arrangement.

In fact, because of their approach, all the races who migrated here accepted the Hundred Schools of Thought from the bottom of their hearts.

You see the ancestors are very enthusiastic about this, why do you refuse?

As a bystander, Liu Hao could see the essence at a glance and could only smile.

In fact, Liu Hao himself does not have much obsession with this. In the ancient world, how far the hundred schools of thought can grow is not at all in Liu Hao's plan.

For him, as long as the way of a hundred schools of thought is deeply rooted in the world, he really doesn't care whether it is higher or lower.

Because he knows best that the prehistoric world is the territory of Tao after all, and the addition of any other roads can only be a supplement at best.

It’s really overwhelming. Who knows what will greet them?

He is not worried that this unrest will appear soon. As long as there is no saint born, the way of hundreds of schools of thought will never be possible.

If you want to see a sage emerge among hundreds of schools of thought, you can only count Confucius.

Is it that easy for this reincarnation of Kong Xuan to become a saint?

At least Liu Hao himself was very unfavorable, and even thought that it would be almost impossible for Confucius to become a saint in the ancient world.

Don’t think that just because Kong Xuan gave up the past completely and chose reincarnation, he could abandon everything in the past.

His 'karma' originating from the Phoenix Clan will not disappear completely just because he gives up the past. Who makes him the legitimate son of the Phoenix Clan?

He was the first one, so he had to bear most of it. To be able to reach the current situation is actually an exaggeration.

The biggest thanks here is that the Phoenix Clan is still suppressing the Immortal Volcano. Otherwise, what will greet Kong Xuan will only be an even more terrifying reality.

In addition, he gave up the past, but still could not take back the body of the past life from the hands of Buddhism, which is the true body of the Peacock Ming Dynasty on the Lingshan Mountain.

He has shortcomings, but he can never achieve enlightenment. Which monk in the whole prehistoric era doesn't know this?

It is impossible for Jieyin Zhunti not to be unclear about this handle, and it is bound to be firmly in his hands. They will never be happy to see a new system emerge in the ancient times to compete with them for food.

Taken together, these reasons determined that Confucius would never be able to attain enlightenment in the wild world.

Even he can't do it, let alone the other monks in the ancient times.

According to Liu Hao's speculation, there is a high probability that Confucius is also planning how to take back the dharma body of King Peacock from Buddhism.

It's just that the support point for these calculations is also cultivation, otherwise even all kinds of strategies will not have any effect.

Perhaps thinking of Confucius, Liu Hao subconsciously glanced at where Confucius was. At this glance, Liu Hao himself was very satisfied.

In imagination, the anxiety that might have appeared in Confucius did not seem to appear at all.

Perhaps this is because Confucius' cultivation was still shallow, or perhaps Confucius had long erased this anxiety from the depths of his heart.

But no matter what, the calmest Confucius is what Liu Hao wants to see the most.

Behind Confucius' head, Liu Hao himself saw the five-color divine light, and a smile appeared on his face.

This characteristic that belonged to Kong Xuan finally appeared in Confucius.

How could he not see that Confucius had made a new analysis of the five-color divine light and had begun to gradually integrate his own "benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust" into it?

In the future, Confucius may use this method to incarnate "benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust" like Fang Yun, or he may find other ways.

But regardless of which path, this five-color divine light will definitely appear brightly in the ancient world and all the worlds.

Once this brilliance blooms in all the worlds, how many newcomers will choose to imitate it?

Is it impossible to say that the five-color divine light that will be imitated in the future will become the standard equipment for Confucian and Taoist monks?

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that.

It’s better to have a common goal among Confucian monks than not to have one at all, right?

Whether 'benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust' are reflected in these Confucian monks, just look at whether the five-color divine light behind their heads is bright enough.

You know, Confucianism is the most prone to hypocrites. No one is willing to associate with a hypocrite, even if it is only possible.

Liu Hao himself seemed to find that his thoughts were a little scattered.

He did not continue to watch Confucius, as long as he was satisfied. As for how Confucius would walk in the future, whether fast or slow, he would not interfere at all.

Confucianism and Taoism ultimately belong to Confucius. Find Shuyuan www. zhaaoshuyua.com

I don't know how big Beiju Luzhou is, but even if the world's surroundings are vast, they are still limited.

Liu Hao himself quickly calculated the division of territory among the three forces. The largest one still belonged to the Monster Clan. Who made it belong to them in the first place?

Below the Heavenly Court, it seems that the Prehistoric Heavenly Court has not invested many people here, but the territory it occupies is much larger than that of the Wutang Empire.

It seems that everyone who comes to the heaven is accustomed to a larger territory. Even if a heavenly soldier builds a house in it, it must be far away from other people. It seems that there is no place for hundreds of miles, and there is no sense of security. .

But it cannot be said that their development of the land they occupy is very low. On the contrary, their utilization is greater, even the largest.

For example, almost every heavenly soldier and general stationed here has his or her own medicine garden, even though in most of the medicine gardens, there are only three or two fairy grasses.

For example, many heavenly soldiers and generals are used to refining materials in the refining rooms they built after get off work, even if most of the materials they refine are sold.

They seem to be used to this, and it is most likely the same in heaven.

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