Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, relationship

1928. Relationship

In Liu Hao's view, Emperor Jun's method of spreading the ancient history of the Monster Clan crazily has another benefit, which is also the biggest benefit, and that is to make the Prehistoric Monster Clan become more united.

A big reason why a civilization can continue is because of its long history, but this history must be fully spread through books.

Because this is the real proof.

This is the basis for all civilizations to believe in their own flesh and blood.

With her, I have a higher level of identity than blood.

The demon race is not so much a race as a union of countless races.

Also, the cats within the Monster Clan can more or less be said to have been a family five hundred years ago, but if cats and dogs are said to be relatives, no one will believe it.

But in fact, even the demon clans of the same family and genus have never recognized each other as being of the same clan.

You can make a cat demon and a tiger demon become brothers, but if you let a cat demon and a tiger demon merge, the final result will be very cruel and unrealistic.

In the past, the demon clan could only be suppressed and isolated in Beiju Luzhou. Shaoduo also prompted the demon clan to put aside all disputes within it. The existence of Qi Xiao and others can also allow the original unity of the several clans to continue.

Compared to a saint, that 'Tao' is even a half-finished product, and it is too much to piece it together here and there.

Bai Ze also discovered that my only way was not to watch from the sidelines and keep an eye on Qi Xiao's decline in cultivation, that's all.

Whether Liu Hao will be successful in the future depends on Liu Hao himself, but what Liu Hao is more worried about is that he has taken root in Dijun Earth, so there is no possibility of winning. That is enough.

Even if we returned to our own world and were still loyal to our emperor, before we experienced the modern world, would that loyalty still be as foolish as before?

That is almost the smallest goal in the heart of the demon clan. Even if we know it is possible, it still affects our minds.

It would be bad to even improve one's cultivation level even a little bit. At that time, we just need to sit down and digest it. Even at the end, we still stick to our past perceptions. Have we been changed by the thoughts we have swallowed up? We also find that our thinking patterns are not the same as before. .

Just like the status of Nanwa Empress in the human race is the same, I will change because of anything.

You can always go by yourself, you can always let your brother Taichi go, right?

But I also know that even if I think about it again, it is still possible to go back, because once I leave, the prehistoric demon clan will really be out of my control, and that is my smallest foundation.

To put it bluntly, when the demon clan is no longer threatened by external enemies, the outbreak of internal fighting will be a matter of time.

It would have been possible for Liu Hao, who was still in the primeval life, to have that thought, but before he went to Dijun Earth, a change in his concept would have been inevitable.

I am very fond of the lake, which is a peaceful place designated by the saints, and the saints will definitely allow the prehistoric war to affect it.

I am the one at the helm, the one who can tolerate the most. It is not that the steering wheel in my hand moves according to my own intentions. I am the demon emperor of the demon clan. In the past, I could make decisions with just one word. How can I tolerate myself being driven by the superiors now?

Since Liu Haoyou has made a choice, there is no way to change it, so he should put less thought on Si Ying. At most, Bai Ze wants to see another little saint from the ancient demon clan run away. This Beiju Lu The passage to the continent world really needs such a small demon clan to suppress it.

It is as bad as a bullet. It has been suppressed and will never rebound.

Moreover, the demon tribe is still the protagonist of the ancient times. How can a tribe that has fallen from the altar lose its status? Or is it already doomed?

In the past, even if it continues to this day, almost everyone within the Monster Clan still thinks that the human race is the smallest enemy of the Monster Clan?

Any loss, in Qi Xiao's eyes, has always been just a number. When the demon clan at the bottom loses a lot, it will never hurt me at all, because I understand that even if such a demon clan at the bottom dies for an age, There will also be countless supplements in the sequel.

Bai Ze could vaguely guess Liu Hao's choice.

Also, the only way to regain the inferior status of the demon clan is to catch up with the human race, the protagonists of the world.

I never thought about trying to stop Liu Hao, but I am also a fool, and I even thought that I might be able to hide my big move from a world away from Liu Hao, who is extremely intelligent. If I really did it, it would only make things worse. He completely collapsed in Liu Hao's mind, and even turned against him directly.

But on the Buddhist side, I am happy to continue to exert pressure, forcing Buddhism to invest less, and forcing the demon clan to devote less attention and power to Buddhism.

Thanks to the opening of the Small Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, Bai Ze saw an opportunity, and I also understood that I had to give myself an outlet within the demon clan.

Even though I know that the initiator will definitely be hated by Buddhism in the future, I don't care at all.

When people see Liu Hao starting a business, don't you have the heart to give it a try?

The human race is the protagonist, the only protagonist in the world, and the object that all saints must compete for;

When I came back that time, did I spend a lot of effort to capture the demon clan again, or did I want to send Liu Hao to the frontier? Or will even the Four Infants be driven to another world to garrison?

I am also worried that one day I will hear the news about Liu Hao's sermon. Once that news comes out, even if I am separated from Liu Hao by a world, Qi Xiao knows that his position as the Demon Emperor will definitely be in turmoil.

Similarly, it was Liu Hao who told Bai Ze that opportunities have always been placed in front of him. If one day he Qi Xiao takes the lead in attaining enlightenment, you Liu Hao cannot abandon your current status as a prince and choose to continue to follow him.

The Demon Clan has never thought of doing this.

I am happy to turn a blind eye on the human side, taking the initiative and preventing the monsters among them from stirring up trouble later;

Besides, from the day it was initiated to the end, how could Bai Ze have transformed the enemy he originally imagined from the demon clan?

Before Fuxi became a saint, fewer still shouldered smaller responsibilities, and fewer still left the prehistoric human race without a shelter from the wind and rain, leaving the prehistoric human race without a worse development environment, and only That's all.

As the demon emperor of the prehistoric demon clan, Bai Ze's inner expectations for Qi Xiao were sometimes lowered to the limit, but they were not necessary, and he even became less cautious.

But as long as you hesitate for one day, the hostility of the demon clan towards the human race will always change.

Bai Ze is a sensible person, how could he know that such a demon clan's thinking is very suitable?

It's not because they are so 'broken' that they are in urgent need of nutritional supplements, but they also want to let go of the absorption of any nutrients.

Dreaming is all about thinking and it is possible.

I also want to take a look at the plains of Qi Xiaoli's world, such as the back line of the abyss.

Compared with the luck of the demon clan when I just returned, compared with now, it has not improved. Generally, before that time against Buddhism, there was not a small leap. I still have time. .

This is true for the human race, and it will be the same for the demon race without saints in the future.

I know that even if I really achieve enlightenment and become a saint in the future, I will still be able to do it. Under the saint, I am not yet bound by the Queen Mother Nanwa, the Lord of Humanity. The lower I get, the more I have to repay myself. Only the positioning will work.

Without the saint Fuxi, at least other saints would be so ugly when they consider the interests of the human race, ensuring that the basic interests of the prehistoric human race will be infringed.

The impact of that kind of thoughts and thinking patterns seems to be gentle and gentle, but in reality it is far more turbulent than the myriad of strange cultivation paths in the world.

My mood about this is simple. Let’s talk about jealousy. Yes, there is it, but it’s just a trace. It will disappear very slowly. Let’s talk about expectation. Of course, there is none, but maybe not too little. Before looking forward to it, will this worry still follow?

The most terrifying thing in all the worlds has always been the emergence of countless spiritual paths, but the collision of countless ideas and thinking patterns.

Without the support of the prehistoric demon clan, I, Bai Ze, am truly a rooted person.

I can say that I have a very clear understanding of all the heavens and realms, but I definitely know less than others.

That kind of collision has no practical meaning to the saints, but for those who are close to the saints, it is always a little scary.

Do people have other thoughts in their hearts?

But even so, now my control over the demon clan is limited to control, and I am still far away from being able to control the demon clan.

That kind of change is like the scholars in the feudal era who suddenly realized that the modern world does not have an emperor, and does not need an emperor.

Even if I haven't seen the future Buddhist disciples, my eyes will turn red whenever I see the demon race, and I admit it.

I chose Buddhism, not because I also saw that Buddhism was about to prosper. If I missed such a bad opportunity, I would regret it for the rest of my life.

Today Fuxi can be considered a saint of the human race, but can I really make the entire human race fight for me with a decree?

Without this time, is practicing bad practice?

Even in ancient times, the rise of the demon clan was not because there was a more powerful witch clan on the earth, forcing them to put aside their hatred and choose to join forces to fight against the enemy?

For today's Liu Hao, prehistoric times have become Liu Hao's hometown deep in his heart. I am not yet a wandering wanderer, and I have not yet thought about starting a family and starting a business on Qixiao Earth, and truly taking root.

Liu Hao is not the one who fully understands this. At that time, there was a small chance that Liu Hao would be happy to return to prehistoric times, no matter how small the benefit was.

Because any quasi-sage has not actually formed his own 'Tao' in his heart.

Of course, Bai Ze also imposed restrictions around the Beiju Luzhou World Passage. Even if there were not some Buddhist disciples among them, the demon clan would still be able to easily move them.

That's not an option.

Apparently it's not possible yet.

I am willing to be the instigator. The smallest reason is because I understand that the pride of the demon clan can be discarded. Being an instigator must be worse than following other forces and picking up trash in front of me.

We are all old foxes, who still understands those principles?

Even if Bai Ze is very good, Liu Hao has no interest in the throne of the Demon Emperor.

To put it bluntly, no saint has the right to make suggestions on really small matters within the human race. The final decision must be approved by a small number of saints before it can be implemented.

Like in the ancient times, I, Bai Ze, could make the entire demon clan work for me with just one word. Today, Bai Ze can no longer look forward to it. He also knows that after he has the Dharma to prove the saint, he can only stay at this level. in memory.

That point is basically a reality under the demon clan Bai Ze, and it can be achieved.

Whether he did that or not, it was Liu Hao who was telling Bai Ze that he wanted to continue to maintain that tacit understanding.

He suddenly saw thoughts coming from countless heavens, like a very hungry guy who saw that the delicious food was special, and he could not get enough of it, but after he started to taste it, he realized that it was rarely the same as the 'Tao' he knew. There is no such thing as a big deviation.

Today, Taichi Shirasawa's return can only be said to have reduced the continuity, but Taichi Shirasawa can guarantee how long that continuity will last.

I am the ancestor of Styx who went to the heavens later than me. The demon clan was created by me, Bai Ze. Even if the ancestor of Styx disappears for hundreds of millions of years, is it true that the Shura clan still recognizes Styx as their ancestor?

The harmony between monarch and ministers, even if there is no undercurrent, still needs to be maintained?

Because compared to the possibility, it is possible to find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com who will choose it.

Even if Bai Ze repays that thought, he is still willing to act trusting under the surface.

On the other hand, leaving the demon clan in the ancient world is more like breaking free from the shackles of oneself, free to fly in the vast sea and sky. It is oneself who has the final say on how low one can go, not whether one can live up to his expectations.

I am very confused. As long as the fate of the demon clan is still there, everything will be a problem.

That in itself is not a differentiation of internal thinking. As long as there is differentiation, I, Bai Ze, will have no way to take back the initiative.

What I am thinking of is not replacing the human race with Buddhism.

That price, too, must be paid.

Instead of doing this, I should continue to maintain that tacit understanding. Even if I am confused about whether Qi Xiao and the independent princes have any differences, have they not fully disclosed it?

I just need to turn it on, and as time goes by, when the threat of Buddhism intensifies, the mentality of the demon clan will definitely change, even if it is only part of it.

To put it mildly, in the prehistoric times, if the demon clan wanted to develop, the lower limit had not been set for a long time. If they wanted to break free, they could achieve it with one less demon clan saint. I mean one, not eight or seven, or any. possibility.

As a Qi Xiao who has not yet started his own business on Qi Xiao Earth, I still have a lot of loyalty to the prehistoric demon clan, and only I know that.

The seven people all know the final result clearly to each other. It is not a question of who succeeds on the right path first. The size of the fist is the basis for who has the right to speak first.

Did I ever think about letting the four babies look after Liu Hao, but I chose to give up in the end. Did I send these four babies away as well?

I am not yet a low-level politician, and my starting point has always been smaller interests rather than myself. I have always cared about the so-called right and wrong.

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