Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and thirty, Beiju Luzhou Wutang Empire

Chapter 1914 Northern Luzhou Wutang Empire


There are many cities in the Luzhou world passage in Beiju, and most of them are naturally built by the human race.

The territory they occupy seems to be the smallest among the three forces, but it is also the most prosperous.

In terms of land utilization, the human race has always been at the top.

Countless farmland has been opened up and countless mulberry forests have been planted in it.

From the beginning of the migration, most of the food and clothing had to be transported from Nanzhan Continent. Now we are already self-sufficient, and even half of it can be exported to the demon clan, which has greatly changed the food supply for the demon clan's garrison. structure.

This is the power of human beings. It seems simple and unpretentious, but it is earth-shaking.

Over the years, the Wutang Empire's population has migrated from Nanzhan continent to more than 100 million people, and it is still continuing today.

In the beginning, it was mandatory, under the emperor's decree.

Now, on the contrary, because of the better future here, many human races in Nanzhan Continent have the idea of ​​​​migrating.

Also, looking at the place where the human race originally lived in Buzhou in the south, the cultivated land has been cultivated for countless years. Compared with the newly opened land in Luzhou in the north, the fields are naturally very barren.

The most important thing is that the land in Beiju Luzhou has been nourished by spiritual energy for countless years, and there is a high probability that the food grown will become part of the spiritual plant.

Although this spiritual plant belongs to the lowest existence, it is still a spiritual plant, isn't it?

Long-term consumption is of great benefit to the body, especially for the next generation of children and grandchildren. Almost anyone can guess the starting point of talent improvement.

This alone is enough for many people who know about Nanzhan tribe to make a choice.

If you explain the benefits to any descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, as long as the benefits are related to the descendants of the descendants, there will be no success in persuading them.

Both Wu Zhao and Li Zhi knew this very well, and they had no reason to hide it.

They went to Liu Hao Earth and saw the struggle between the heavens and the world. They wished that more followers would gather here to leave them with enough reserve power.

How can they not understand that it is better to lure them to benefit than to drive them away to harm?

Facts have also proved that their choice could not be more correct, and the results are now extraordinary.

However, they still did not expect the changes. They did not expect that the prehistoric world would directly open up the shackles of the orthodox land of the human race in Nanzhan Continent, which was originally inaccessible to cultivation. This caused their original predictions to deviate and did not achieve the scene they were most looking forward to.

But that's it, they are more or less satisfied.

After migrating more than 30 million people to Liu Hao's Earth, among the many cities in the Luzhou World Passage in the North, the number of humans who migrated again from the Nanzhan Continent still exceeds 100 million. What is there to be dissatisfied with?

What's more important is that these people who have migrated are no different now than in the past. Everyone, even children, has their own cultivation level and has already entered the path of cultivation.

In other words, the Wutang Empire's foundation in Beiju Luzhou has been firmly established.

You know, the humans here are not only those from the orthodox land of the Nanzhan tribe, but also the Dongsheng Shenzhou Daomen arrangement.

When countless sects bring their disciples, they will naturally bring along some people living near the original sect.

They know best that the people near their sect who have followed the sect for countless years are their biggest foundation and their most sincere followers. Naturally, they are happy to let them take a sip of the soup if it benefits them.

During the countless years under the Taoist sect's rule, these people were somewhat different from the Nanzhan tribe, but they were of the same origin. With a little contact, wouldn't they be integrated quickly?

This process of integration also affects each other. For example, the dissemination of many skills quickly became natural in this process.

It is natural for people of the same kind to stick together. You must know that the demon clan is the mainstream around here. They are both humans. Isn't it easy to build mutual trust?

Thanks to the arrival of these people from Dongsheng Shenzhou, there was a buffer point between the Nanzhan tribe and countless sects. Over time, all humans were gradually integrated into one.

This power can still be used to some extent by Wu Zhao and Li Zhi.

This is a clear example of the many sect disciples who followed Wu Zhao and Li Zhi to migrate to Liu Hao's Earth.

In the human race, the first gap was also opened in these sect disciples, followed by the heavenly soldiers and generals, and then the demon army stationed here.

Time is the best buffer and the best medicine for mutual trust.

With the development up to now, even the Nanzhan tribe, which has a deep-rooted fear of monsters, has now put down a lot of vigilance against the monster army stationed here, and knows that doing business with them is not a big problem.

Otherwise, how could there be a bargaining scene where humans and monsters are spitting?

The human city here is no different from the other Wutang Empire.

To be honest, the human race here is more or less influenced by the demon clan. It is more aggressive and more violent than the human race in Nanzhan Continent.

There is almost no need to guess. Whenever these humans go to Liu Hao's Earth, none of them will be afraid of monsters.

Liu Hao, who was standing in the void and observing, was even guessing that maybe in a few decades, this demon army abandoned by Emperor Jun might be completely integrated into the human race. Form a joint army with them.

But this kind of alliance is not about who is in charge. It is more about equality, just like the contract is not between master and servant but 'brothers'.

Liu Haoke knew very well that even if his own Wutang Empire on Earth did not disseminate numerous information from all the worlds to it now, he would definitely do so in the future.

The first people to know about the countless intelligence coming from all over the world must be these people stationed here.

Knowing this, their ‘ambition’ will definitely open up to enjoy more possibilities.

For example, the day they learn about the front line of the Abyss and that by killing the visitors from the Abyss, they can obtain merits from the Great Dao, won't they be tempted?

In their lives, they know better than anyone else that it is difficult to break through their own constraints simply by relying on their own talent and hard work. If they have such a chance to gamble, they will not miss it 90% of the time.

At that time, even if there are various constraints above them, they will definitely think of various ways to break away from the team, or simply set up a fight with their superiors and force their superiors to fight for this opportunity.

Once such a pattern is formed, applying one level at a time will eventually force Wu Zhao and Li Zhi to make a choice and approve their joining.

And Wu Zhao and Li Zhi allowed these human armies to join, what about those monsters?

Will they be willing to watch the opportunity before them disappear?

If you don't get a chance from Di Jun, wouldn't you think of other ways?

There is almost no need to think about it. In the end, you will definitely join the human army, choose a human soldier to become the most important partner, swear an oath of heaven, help each other, and share the future.

The human soldiers must be willing to do this. In terms of human shields, which human race can compare with the monster race?

He seemed to know that he was just guessing, and Liu Hao couldn't help but smile.

He shook his head slightly to expel these thoughts from his mind, and scanned many cities. Soon, he discovered that the cities closer to the world passage were more or less affected by his own earth.

He didn't know whether this influence came from his own earth, or whether it came from Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.

If it's the latter, that's fine, but if it's the former, it can only be said that Wu Zhao and Li Zhi did it deliberately.

Moving from an ancient world to a modern world, if nothing else, the ideological impact is enough to cause an ancient person's worldview to collapse.

As rulers, there was no reason why Wu Zhao and Li Zhi couldn't find out.

They have the ability to comfort them, but they are definitely not willing to comfort the people who step into the heavens again and again. It's not that they can't, but that they don't have the time.

Then, it makes perfect sense to make such a choice.

Some items originating from the modern world are slowly integrated into many current cities, and then there are some slowly improving ideas.

In this way, these "ancient people" can gradually adapt, so that they will not have a mental breakdown when they are exposed to modern ideas.

If they had a choice, neither Wu Zhao nor Li Zhi would want their people to be affected in this way.

But now that we have entered the world, we can only bear it.

Who knows what kind of weird thoughts other heavens will have?

In contrast, even the modern world does not seem to be unable to accept Liu Haolong's country, which has the same origin and species.

Aren’t people gradually returning to ancient times because of the way of hundreds of schools of thought?

Before he arrived, he had experienced countless shocks from the thoughts of the heavens, and he had adapted very well, hadn't he?

It makes no sense that others can do it but they can't, and they have no way out.

For this reason, Liu Hao himself believed that even if there were factors such as Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao, it was probably Wu Zhao and Li Zhi who did it deliberately, just to guide and make the originally violent impact into several stages and proceed slowly.

He also found that the effect seemed to be pretty good. After gradually accepting items from the modern world, the prehistoric humans also discovered the benefits.

For example, the Mohist disciples have begun to develop machinery. No one can count the number of magical modifications it has undergone, but its effects are real. The seemingly simple structure is not only good at plowing farmland. ?

Liu Hao could tell at a glance that these machines were powered by spiritual energy, and it was almost impossible to mass-produce them on a large scale.

But even so, its popularity seems to be not low.

There is no need to think too much, and you know that this is simply the Mohist disciples completely making the manufacturing method public.

It's not something difficult in itself, it's just a matter of precision in refining the parts.

But these accuracy issues are really nothing to any monk.

As for motivation, it doesn’t matter even if you don’t understand it at all. Just look for professionals, right?

It's nothing more than carving a formation into the core power, and almost any sect can do it easily.

Perhaps seeing the huge value in it, the Wutang Empire also joined in. Within the Ministry of Industry, large-scale collection by Mohist disciples has become a reality.

Liu Hao even had a premonition that the Ministry of Industry of the Wutang Empire would most likely be dominated by Mohist disciples in the future, becoming the largest base of Mohist disciples.

He could only smile bitterly at this. Isn't it true that competition is everywhere, even among hundreds of schools?

Confucianism still dominated the imperial court of Wutang, but their dominance was much lower than in the past.

They must give in, otherwise the resistance from hundreds of schools of thought besides Confucianism will be enough to make them drink.

Think about it, if the Mohist family did not cooperate with the court and the Wutang Empire moved to Luzhou in Beiju, would it be possible to quickly build so many cities?

If you work hard, you must gain something. This principle applies everywhere.

Confucianism can be deceived once, but after that, if Mohism does not get the benefits it deserves this time, there will definitely be no help next time, and other schools will definitely not believe in Confucianism again.

It’s impossible for Confucians to not understand this truth. You must compromise when it’s time to compromise.

It was as if they were holding back the pain in their hearts and handing over many powers of the Ministry of Industry to the Mohists, and they would certainly place their own people among them to continue fighting for power.

But this kind of competition must also be controlled within a certain range, and the Mohists must not be driven out of the Ministry of Industry.

It's not like they haven't thought about simply majoring in Mohism themselves, and they have also selected many disciples of Confucianism to give it a try.

But what about the end?

When one of these Confucian disciples truly discovers that his greatest talent lies behind the Mohists, will he still be that pure Confucian disciple?

It was inevitable that his mind would gradually gravitate toward the Mohist family. In the end, he ended up sending talents to the Mohist family.

The Ministry of Industry is like this, and the Ministry of War is even more unreasonable.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Confucianism's losses in the court of Wutang Empire as huge. Find bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

But many things are relative.

These changes must be accompanied by the increase of many departments. In the end, it seems that it is not as huge as imagined, and it does not seem to be unacceptable.

This is also related to the arrangement between Wu Zhao and Li Zhi, who entered the heavens and went to Liu Hao's earth. As emperors, they know best where the importance of Confucianism to their emperor comes from, so they are naturally happy to support it secretly.

They don't want to work hard to build a huge territory in all the worlds in the future, but in the end they will be pushed off the emperor's throne.

Even though they knew that this possibility was very rare, they still had to take precautions.

In Liu Hao's view, the Wutang Empire was located in Luzhou, Beiju, and the changes in the court were the first changes to come out of the ancient world.

This change is like a prehistoric trend and cannot be stopped.

This is also where the biggest impact comes from the thoughts of the heavens. There is a high probability that Wu Zhao and Li Zhi have already understood this.

It is believed that it is better to be proactive than to be passive.

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