Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, consider

Chapter 1922 Consideration

1938. Consideration

All things are interdependent, stand out from the world, and can only exist in the most ideal state.

All of these things become clearer as you get to higher levels.

This is also the biggest reason why Liu Hao has just returned to his home earth, but with just three or five glances, he was able to figure out everything clearly.

He always looks down at the human world from the highest level, and can easily trace the extremely complicated causal lines back to their source.

He does not need to filter out these causal lines one by one, and there is no need. He only needs the sources of the causal lines that lie on him.

He doesn't mind being used by his own Dragon Kingdom, nor does he care what the Yanhuang Alliance strives for under his banner.

Any loss is never a simple loss, there is always a gain. It is nothing more than a matter of how late or early it is, whether it is a big or small matter of what you get, and whether what you get is in line with your own wishes.

He doesn't mind that some things are small, and he doesn't mind that some things don't actually suit him.

Because these gains are just the icing on the cake for him.

The most essential point among them is the most long-term benefit, that is, the insignificant fortune sharing.

To put it bluntly, in the Yanhuang Alliance, any world that uses Liu Hao must also give a little of itself to Liu Hao when he attains enlightenment. This is enough.

Even if the saints see such benefits in the future, they will be greedy for it. So what is there to be dissatisfied about?

He also has enough containers (innate treasure suppression) to hold these fortunes. It is also because of this that his White Tiger incarnation can seize the opportunity when it comes and prove Hunyuan in one fell swoop.

He did not rely on any external force, such as the support of a strong person above the saint, and that was why he could choose the latter between the saint and Hunyuan.

Back then White Tiger Liu Hao was just the Great Emperor of Fengdu, so how could he do it?

If it is really feasible, the previous Emperor Fengdu had already done it a long time ago.

On the contrary, Fuxi can only be a saint from ancient times.

After Fuxi became a saint, I handed the Kongtong Seal to Fuxi. Whether the Kongtong Seal can be evolved into a new innate treasure in the prehistoric times is still unknown in the future.

Contrary to Fuxi, Zhen Yuanzi does not need to worry about this.

With the book of the earth in hand, in the ancient world, all the restrictions imposed by Zhen Yuanzi and the saints were only the disapproval of the saints' union.

Now that he has escaped from the prehistoric times, the land of mountain gods has been distributed everywhere in the heavens and the world. As he accumulates luck bit by bit, he is also one of the people who will have a smooth future.

But at that time, only Zhen Yuanzi knew best how to choose.

It is possible to choose the way of heaven, the way of humanity or the way of earth, or simply take the path of independent Hunyuan.

Then comes the Ancestor Minghe. This guy is different from the others. The red lotus of karma is on the Ancestor Minghe. In the past, releasing the Buddha was just a decoration, hidden and tucked away. But now it is not the case. Sooner or later, he will become a Shura. The most precious treasure of the Tao, a thing that suppresses the luck of the Shura Tao.

Relying on this, the chances of Patriarch Styx becoming enlightened in the future will also be huge, or even close behind.

But Ancestor Minghe had no choice but to take the tunnel path, unless he directly cut off from the entire Shura Dao.

But this kind of cutting is okay if you think about it, but it is basically impossible to do it. No saint will abandon his biggest base, that is the real fool.

In other words, the only thing that Patriarch Styx can hug is Empress Houtu's thigh. Fortunately, she is very happy about it.

I'm smart. Hongjun, the Lord of Heavenly Dao, has already sat down with many saints. Their intimacy is definitely not comparable to that of an outsider joining him, so why bother putting his hot face on them?

In the past, Hongjun liked to interfere in all kinds of things, but this is completely the opposite with Empress Houtu. Do you still need to consider how to choose?

The Shura Dao is originally one of the six paths. If you leave the underground path and choose to become a saint of the heavenly path, isn't that just digging your own foundation?

At least Liu Hao didn't think that Ancestor Styx would do such an unwise thing.

Suddenly, Liu Hao discovered that the prehistoric tunnels had gradually caught up with the prehistoric heavenly ways without even realizing it.

It seems that there has never been a lack of foundation in the ancient tunnels, it just lacks the opportunity to explode.

He even had a premonition that Zhen Yuanzi would most likely choose the tunnel. Also, whether it was the mountain god or the earth, they were both Yin gods, and they could not escape the control of the tunnel.

He can take the independent path of Hunyuan, but if this happens, in the future, he will have to allocate a lot of the mountain god land management responsibilities to the tunnel. Will Zhen Yuanzi really be happy?

Even if you take the Hunyuan path, it's probably the authentic Hunyuan path, right?

And once Zhen Yuanzi is determined on his path to Hunyuan, it seems that the city god system of all the worlds in the future cannot be left to Zhen Yuanzi to manage.

Zhen Yuanzi is so smart, does he still need to weigh this choice of in and out?

Just because they keep a low profile doesn't mean they don't understand anything.

Doesn’t Zhen Yuanzi, a powerful person who has been ‘suppressed’ for countless years and unable to attain enlightenment, know the benefits of having a real backer?

He is used to being 'aloof from the world', but he also knows how 'lonely' and 'helpless' the so-called 'aloofness' is.

In the story of Journey to the West, is this man really willing to sworn sworn brother to Sun Wukong?

Even for the sake of Empress Nuwa's face, this is a bit humiliating, right?

Even if Empress Nuwa has now become the Lord of Humanity, even if Zhen Yuanzi and Sun Wukong are now sworn sworn friends, the reluctance that was felt when the decision was made cannot completely disappear, right?

From the white tiger Liu Hao at the beginning, to Zhen Yuanzi next, and then to the possible Ancestor Styx, there are three saints.

At that time, even if there was still a slight gap between the prehistoric tunnels and the prehistoric heavenly ways, which saint could still despise it?

Even Hongjun must give Empress Houtu more respect when the time comes, right?

It seems that Empress Hou Tu was not motivated by this from beginning to end, but instead became the one who benefited the most.

Even if there wasn't Empress Houtu's plot here, people would still know everything about it, right?

In comparison, it seems that Nuwa Empress is somewhat lacking, but who knows that Nuwa Empress, the Lord of Humanity, has just been acquired, and she doesn’t have much time even if she wants to lay out the plan. More time needs to be accumulated for herself. It is understandable that his cultivation level is insufficient.

Liu Hao didn't think that Nuwa Empress had any plans for this.

After sitting in the position of the Lord of Humanity and manifesting in the heaven and earth, there is no way out no matter what. Once Nuwa Empress continues to stay at home as she did in the past, she, the Lord of Humanity, will really be in heaven and earth for a long time. It's in name only.

Furthermore, since you have become the Lord of Humanity in the prehistoric world, you must perform the duties of the Lord of Humanity, especially in this situation where all heavens and realms are connected.

Suddenly, Liu Hao seemed to understand why Empress Nuwa never said anything to take back the Map of Mountains, Rivers, and Land after she gave it to him. It was as if she had given it directly to him.

Isn't this a 'calculation'?

The Mountain and River Sheji Map is the companion treasure of Empress Nuwa. It was born together with others when Empress Nuwa was conceived. It can almost be said that it is another incarnation of Empress Nuwa.

Now, I have incarnated myself to spread the map of mountains and rivers across the entire earth, to suppress the aura from the abyss and to balance the demonic energy in it. Isn't this the way for Empress Nuwa to manifest in all the worlds?

It’s no wonder that the statue of Nuwa Empress is becoming more and more like Nuwa Empress.

Did he simply know that he could not compete with Hongjun and Houtu in terms of cultivating saints, so he chose to directly follow the mass line, or did he do it half-heartedly?

Liu Hao could not predict.

He just needs to know that Nuwa Empress made this move just right.

He didn't have any displeasure about this, but was actually a little happy.

The triangle is the most stable, doesn't he know that?

At this stage, he can't even stop a saint, let alone a monk in the realm of heaven.

He also never places his own safety and that of his tribe on the kindness of others.

No matter who it is, those who should calculate should still calculate.

Furthermore, if Nuwa Empress really chooses to follow the mass line, that would be the best thing.

You need more support yourself.

He lightly swept the ground, and in the Mountains, Rivers, and State Map hidden inside, all the mountains and rivers had changed. It had been suppressed for a long time, making the Mountains, Rivers, and State Map like another earth, as if everything on his own earth was copied inside it. generally.

From another perspective, this is also an alternative line of defense. If there is a problem with the Zhoutian Star Formation in the abyss, wouldn't there be a Shanhe Sheji Map to stop it?

Today's Mountains, Rivers and Sheji Map is a spiritual treasure in the hands of a strong person in the realm of heaven. Its power is equivalent to that of a true saint, right?

Doesn’t this kill two birds with one stone?

Everything is going well, and it seems that there are no derailments when I go to the prehistoric world. This is enough.

He stepped lightly, broke the originally planned route, crossed the sea, and reappeared in North America.

He was not in a hurry to hand over his insights to Qinglong Liu Hao and Obsession Liu Hao who stayed on his home earth, but now he realized that it would be a good thing to do it earlier.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation would not stop him in the slightest. As soon as he stepped into it, Qinglong Liu Hao had already sensed his arrival, and a white light path also appeared under his feet. As soon as he stepped in, the white light path Shrinking to the limit, but in just a moment, his figure appeared in front of Qinglong Liu Hao.

The two people didn't need any words at all, their bodies had already merged, and they separated again in a moment. Everything they knew was completely exchanged in just a moment.

This is the greatest benefit of Liu Hao's complete release of his three corpse incarnations, allowing four people to gain enlightenment from what was originally only one person.

It directly increases one's own cultivation speed by four times or even more.

Since they are independent and in different environments, even if they understand the same path, there will never be consistency.

This is the biggest expansion.

When they reach a realm like theirs, any slight difference will be expanded to their limit, and they will even discover things that they have ignored in the past and never thought of in the past.

This is a kind of bypass, and it is also the best way to look at the problem from multiple angles and understand the essence of the problem.

At least so far, they have done very well.

Therefore, almost as soon as their bodies separated again, the aura of both of them had increased to a certain extent, an increase that was visible to the naked eye.

This is terrifying for any monk who has reached their level.

It is true that every intersection and fusion brings a lot of gains.

To give an example, not to mention the content of the heavenly enlightenment that Qinglong Liu Hao got from the deity, the many insights into the earthly and human ways that he got from the deity were enough to save Qinglong Liu Hao countless time.

You know, there is no independence at all in the Three Thousand Dao.

When you understand one of them, if you directly ignore all other roads, then the repaired road will always be full of potholes.

In turn, these potholes need to be filled with nutrients from all other roads, and you have to rely on yourself to understand them. Not to mention other things, the energy you expend is enough to keep you in the years for countless years.

In these countless years, most of them were almost eliminated in this short period of time, so that most of the potholes on the road originally repaired by Qinglong Liu Hao were filled in just a moment.

This kind of benefit can never be known without experiencing it.

In other words, even those who know it give up because of other reasons.

These scruples no longer exist for Liu Hao. When he first made his decision, he didn't care about it, and that's how he achieved today's results.

As the two of them consolidated their gains one after another, they both saw a stronger sense of saintliness in each other.

"It seems that you are already waiting for the trip to the tomb world?" This was Liu Hao's question. It was said to be a question, but in fact it was further confirmation.


When Qinglong Liu Hao answered, he looked for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com There was also a hint of exploration in his eyes, as if he was very curious about this question.

"The risk is not small. The Heavenly Dao of Fangtiandi has managed many epochs!"

"I'm already prepared in my mind. I went there last time and met with Chen Nan to evaluate Chen Nan's luck. Although there are risks, it's not a problem!"

Liu Hao himself knew very well the reason why Qinglong Liu Hao did not say it, that is, risks are accompanied by benefits. The risks are great, but the benefits are also huge.

Besides, Qinglong Liu Hao is not the Heavenly Dao who wants to devour the tomb world, which means that the situation of completely breaking up and having to fight to the death is much less, and it can indeed be supported.

In addition, Liu Hao is clearly obsessed with this and also acquiesces and supports it. As the deity, there is no reason to stop him.

He did not continue to delve into this topic. He stopped there and believed that his incarnation of Heavenly Dao had this strength. Even if he went to someone else's home court, his incarnation would still be a strong dragon.

Does he know that the last time Qinglong Liu Hao went there was not without success, so the most dangerous situation, that is, there is almost no possibility that the entire Tomb World Heavenly Dao and the Tomb World local monks will jointly target his incarnation, so what is there to worry about?

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