Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and forty-six, support

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What an excellent account this is?

Any transparent person will never ignore it once he sees it, right?

Liu Hao himself must admit that he, the most indifferent incarnation, is also very scheming.

While smiling, he once again analyzed the courage of this group of warriors in the Tomb World.

Treat death as if it were home, endure so much, and still be able to persist in this loneliness despite the layout of several epochs. How many people in the world can do this?

Their minds, even among all the worlds, are absolutely the same.

They both lack great will and great wisdom. The only thing they seem to lack is an opportunity.

This opportunity seemed to have been made up for them at the moment when all the heavens and worlds were connected.

In the past, they could only struggle in this state because of the limitations of heaven and earth.

In other people's eyes, the best result is a fight that is both right and wrong, and nothing is trivial.

Otherwise, how could Zhuang Zhou Qiangren, with his indifferent character, save almost every monk in the Qinglong Star Dou Formation?

I just need to truly digest the little ways and rules that I have learned from White Tiger Zhoutian, Zhuangzhou Zhoutian, and Future Obsession Qiangren, and then I may not be able to succeed one day.

On the other hand, as the deity, Zhou Tian deity, as a fellow practitioner of the Eight Thousand Little Paths and Eight Thousand Laws, must consider those issues.

He knew better that his azure dragon incarnation did not necessarily have to take this group of people under his wing.

When Zhunti released Patriarch Bodhi, was it just to do a task? Before the task was completed, or was he withdrawn by anger as soon as he came up?

However, Zhou Tian may also give any hints to Zhu Tianwan. Choosing how to walk and which path to take can always only rely on himself.

Zhuang Zhou and Zhou Tian did have love, but there was no love at all.

In the process of mutual confirmation, there will always be countless questions, and even among those questions, there will always be opposite questions.

Of course, there is no right or wrong, but the path is the same.

I want to return to the ancient world, because I understand that once I return to the ancient world, it is up to me to be able to pass through the world passage again.

This is someone else's private matter. Even if someone beats them to death for it in the future, it has nothing to do with me?

Zhou Tian's ambition has always been worse than anyone else's, even far beyond anyone else's.

Zhou Tian also knew that in the final analysis, it was because Zhuang Zhou and Zhou Tian had been sitting in the Qinglong Xingdou small formation for a long time.

He was very coy, but he still didn't do it, which shows that he made a choice after careful consideration.

No wonder Zhuang Zhou and Zhou Tian were so indifferent. When they saw it, they immediately chose the layout and placed their own chess pieces.

How many saints have he seen release their incarnations for a long time?

There have been many quasi-sages since ancient times, but so far, few can be as decisive as Haotian for this?

Among the saints, apart from the "promising" Lao Tzu, there is no one else who dares to leave his incarnation of Taixia Laojun in the heaven.

That vision, in popular terms, is not like "Heaven and earth are benevolent and all things are like cud dogs."

Or maybe I would be willing to be like Zhou Tian and simply let my Eight Corpse incarnation be completely independent.

I can see from Long Liuhao's body that the other party's realm has improved, and it's still a lot.

This is true venture capital.

No matter what happens to Long Liuhao and Haotian in the future, I still admire Haotian's decision.

The saints were equally clear about Kangin's choice.

Because I value them so much, I am the most beautiful person in the world. Compared with these ancient quasi-sages, there is no fundamental difference. This is not the foundation, it is difficult to compare with these ancient quasi-sages.

It is also the method used by the entire prehistoric world to teach disciples.

From the beginning to the end, they always start from the small situation, and the low level of the problem is always the entire sand table, not a local battlefield.

He will also tell his disciples the secret method of walking those paths.

Maybe all the evil thoughts in the world are still very young, but what about before?

Haotian made his own choice, which seemed to be similar to Zhou Tian, ​​but in fact, the correlation between the seven people was not fundamentally different from mine.

I seemed to have something to say, but once I lost my mind, not even the chess player in front of me could bring it back.

I am satisfied.

The difficulty of that road is unprecedented. Although I have never seen it, I dare to say that such small chaos must exist, but even if it exists, it must be extremely rare.

That is the weakest point of the Eight Thousand Paths and Eight Thousand Laws monks.

We will only tell our disciples that in the process of practice, we have seen many roads, and those roads are not rugged without these potholes.

It's no wonder that Zhuang Zhou and Zhou Tian were on the verge of enlightenment. He didn't have a clear idea of ​​all the laws of Heaven. In reality, his approach was no different from a real Heaven's Dao.

The reason for this is that I am still cultivating all eight paths. I am not as pure as Zhuang Zhou and Zhou Tian.

In the eyes of special people, that is affection, but to all sentient beings, that is the smallest fairness.

I can get it back just by reminiscing about it, but if he has never experienced it at all, how can he get it back?

I am the incarnation of Zhuang Zhou who is lagging behind. Even if I am the incarnation of obsession, I am also lagging behind, but what I get from it is something that other monks of the same realm cannot imagine.

If Haotian didn't have that little perseverance, only one Qiangren Garden would have appeared.

But in the future, after stepping into the heavens, it is only a matter of time before all the steel-like ceilings are broken in front of them.

He will find that even the saint's disciples have all learned the same technique, and the techniques we use with each other seem to have always been the same. They are all summarized bit by bit by himself, no matter how powerful they are, they are all the same. What suits you best.

Now it seems that the effect is still very wrong.

Did he see the little mage of Xuandu releasing another incarnation of himself?

Haotian only killed one corpse.

It is necessary to combine the perspectives of eight angles and synthesize everything seen to obtain a true eight-dimensional image. I can let go of any detail. Any neglect may bring hidden dangers to my subsequent improvement.

This is not my way. Is it possible for the creator who chooses to walk on the same path as me and wants to transcend that path?

Zhou Tian has never regretted it before, because I understand that if that is the case, wanting to catch up with the people at the rear can only be a kind of despair. If you want to peek at the chess players in front of this Hundred Ninja World, you can't even dream of it.

At that time, any hints brought to the monk would be 'accurate', and the so-called guidance was just what he thought.

Did Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master see that there would be no harm in leaving their incarnations in the heaven together?

We were inherited from the Zixiao Palace, strengthened by the saints, and then spread to the entire prehistoric world. It has been spread to the present, and now it is also spread to the strong and benevolent earth. Because at that time, any push he made would probably cause the monk to ignore certain scenery.

After looking through the heavens several times, there seems to be no one that can't compare with it. How can it be cherished?

When saints preach to their disciples, they always just preach, and they always teach the Dharma.

To give an example, it is not the perspective from which to look at the problem.

Whether it is that choice can be seen very slowly.

It seems like losing the watermelon and picking up the sesame seeds, but that approach is also the safest choice.

As the deity, even though he has not gained the understanding of countless laws of heaven from Zhuang Zhou and Zhou Tian, ​​thinking about it casually, Zhou Tian, ​​the deity, also found that he still seems to have reached that point behind the scenes.

That is the way the saints teach their disciples.

We are all heavens, and we must leave the Victorious Buddha in the wild world.

Long Liuhao is a guy like Liu Hao who cares nothing about whether he is fused with his own body.

I basically feel that after the college entrance examination, every subject does not have a professional teacher's step-by-step guidance, and everything that is clear can be explained from it.

Compared to those, does it matter whether you are true to yourself or not?

Zhuang Zhou Qiangren's purity lies in the fact that I fundamentally care about the scene I saw underground, and I will only insist that what I saw is correct.

As for the new year, I might still worry about it once it’s over, but now, I’m too lazy to think about it.

If we can say, what we see must be right, and if we can say, it must be accurate.

On the other hand, even if Qiangren Xingdou knew that releasing his incarnation would not double his combat power, there was still no one who did it.

But even so, in the same realm, Zhou Tian's deity dared to say that he would be afraid of anyone, whether it was in terms of theory or combat prowess.

Our minds are far simpler than those in the universe. Billions of years of experience have long made our hearts as solid as iron.

Zhou Tian hopes that Zhu Tianwan will make the same choice as himself. I only care about him.

Are you still sticking to your past choices?

Once Haotian takes it back and transforms into a new dragon, Liu Hao, will it still be the same Qiang Renyuan behind him?

As for whether Zhu Tianwan sees the harmless side in it, who knows?

Seeing Long Liuhao's full devotion in the battle, he just gave him a slight thumbs up.

Perhaps thinking of that, I glanced at Qiang Renyuan in the small formation of Qinglong Xingdou. Very slowly, I also shook my head.

Or maybe, even if others knew about it, they would still dare to do it.

It is truly a dead end!

As long as there is no choice, most of them will be like this.

I even felt that it would take me a long time to truly digest those insights for my own use.

This is simply a group of people who do not need to invest much resources in training. As long as they are given a chance, they will find ways to climb up and then give you unimaginable rewards.

Perhaps Hongjun is the only one who is truly transparent about this, right?

From this, we can see how precious Haotian's decisiveness is.

Yes, if you don’t have it now, how can there be no future?

That advantage is beyond the imagination of others.

Is this Avalokitesvara, or is the incarnation of Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara being used as a magical power?

Maybe people have already understood this and don't care much about it.

From that point of view, it is also clear that Haotian is confident. He is confident that even if the incarnation of Long Liuhao is released, it will be poorly integrated and digested in the future.

To a certain extent, how is Qiang Renyuan's lack of training time similar to Qiang Ren?

And once Zhou Tian’s deity has attained the Hunyuan Realm, even if he only doesn’t have the first level of Hunyuan, I will actually dare to fight against the opponent from the seventh or seventh level of Hunyuan.

But have others followed suit?

At that time, the only result of any Lili's intervention is that the two parties who were originally fighting for life and death joined forces to kill him, right?

Maybe those scenery will be important for some time in the future, but when he really needs it, he will find that he will never get it back.

Qinglong Liu Hao only needs to know that after this group of people stepped into the world and discovered the threat of the abyss, they will definitely go forward bravely, even if they pay the price of their lives.

I don't feel sorry for Long Liuhao. How can I be the most proficient in the Eight Corpses?

The one who sees less is the most exposed to the threat of the abyss, and the one who thinks the least is naturally how to improve his own strength against the abyss.

It's not that Zhou Tian's deity has too few distracting thoughts, but that I always have the habit of confirming the laws of heaven, earth, and the eight realms of people, even though they are not gathered together, with each other during enlightenment.

The dragon Liuhao behind his eyes seemed to have escaped from Haotian, but in reality he had not escaped much, and he was not as young as myself.

Obsession will become a natural barrier in the future because of the lack of foundation.

It is also because of this that the current Zhou Tian deity seems to be the one with the highest level of cultivation.

I have no intention of commenting on this, even though I know that Qiang Renyuan behind me probably doesn't have my own thoughts in mind. Those thoughts are definitely not the same as Haotian's, and I don't have any intention of intervening.

To put it bluntly, knowing some truth means that you have mastered it yourself.

Do I, the little sage Qiang Renyuan, still need to be afraid of a mere incarnation, a ‘fighting and victorious Buddha’?

Qiang Renyuan himself, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.com may not have any guesses, but what if he can guess?

This is Qiang Renyuan before he learned how to be smooth in Journey to the West and was cleansed in the modern world. However, he is not as smart as expected.

But we always tell our disciples how to choose those paths and how to walk those paths.

That guy hasn't reached the point where he is ready to have evil thoughts.

Because of this, I want to completely release my eight corpse incarnations. I understand that if I do that, maybe my expectations can only be expectations.

For Liu Hao, maybe this was just a dream. The guy who had a dream and was confused about whether he was a butterfly or Liu Hao was a different kind of person.

Because we understand that we can only choose our own path. Before we choose, we will tell you how to go on it and what method to use to go on it.

The scene you see from above is always the same as what you see from below.

Because for Qinglong Liu Hao, whether or not to surrender to himself has no meaning at all.

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