Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, Zhang Sanfeng

Remember [new] in one second! 1949, Zhang Sanfeng

If the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei's enlightenment of Daluo Daoguo, Taoist luck plays an important part, then this is not the case for Zhang Sanfeng in the world of comprehensive martial arts.

The most important factor in why Zhang Sanfeng was able to realize the Great Luo Dao Fruit was his talent.

In the world of mixed martial arts, anyone can clearly understand the original level at a glance.

But even in such a low-level world, in such a world where only some people practice martial arts, Zhang Sanfeng was able to directly step from martial arts to the immortal path, and achieve this by himself. Even the immortals would be shocked if they saw it. Stunning thing.

The only reason is that Zhang Sanfeng's talent is really evil.

While others cultivate martial arts, he cultivates immortality.

He is someone who cannot cover his light even if the world level is restricted.

He can break through the ceiling of a world by himself.

The immortal skills that people have learned on their own are not rubbish. On the contrary, even many of the skills in the world of immortality are fundamentally different from them. They are so high-end that even many quasi-sages in the prehistoric world have to raise their eyebrows when they see them. Give yourself a thumbs up.

That alone is enough to make Emperor Wu's luck stand out from the crowd and look down on all living beings.

How could it know that even if its cultivation level is one level lower than that of the other party, in reality, it is just a miscellaneous knowledge? It seems that it does not have its own knowledge and understanding of the Bad Young Master Law, but in fact, it is only a knowledge and understanding of it. Understand, the power of control can be described as pitiful.

Even if the vast majority of those who have comprehended it are not actually considered to be the geniuses in Zhang Sanfeng's world.

That is not the essential difference between creating a dharma and cultivating a dharma.

This dagger is slightly large, and it seems that even if the opponent is allowed to pierce it under my body, it will cause a big wound, but is the damage real?

He looked at Geng Shanjing at this time. Apart from my seemingly fast movements, how powerful was the storm that was stirred up with each move?

Compared with the luck intercepted from Wudang, Zhenluo Daoguo is the most embarrassing. Even if Emperor Wu saw it, he would have to look down upon it and give him a real insult, let alone I'm on my own.

In terms of talent, Geng Shan thought that he was nothing compared to Emperor Wu.

The Abyss Demon God, who was fighting against Emperor Wu, couldn't be more embarrassed about this.

People don't bother to pay attention to the so-called laws. What they pursue is the essence of Tao.

The bad side is that Emperor Wu, through his own means, as long as there are no enemies within the Zhoutianxingdou small formation, it seems that even if there is no spiritual energy, he can permanently extend his combat effectiveness, even to the extent that he can continue to fight. oneself in the lowest state.

In a place hundreds of miles away from Geng Shanjing, with the movement of Emperor Wu's hands, a very small 'field' has already covered it. It seems that that area of ​​the world is basically within his control, and a huge Tai Chi ball is vaguely visible.

On the other hand, Emperor Wu, who has not completely controlled the entire battlefield, will definitely win.

In Yang Jian's view, Geng Shanjing's actions can be said not to be extremely bad, but it can also be said that they are definitely bad.

From the beginning of the battle, perhaps because he was not familiar with the enemy, he was a little more cautious, but now, the whole situation has obviously turned to the disadvantageous side of Emperor Wu. In Yang Jian's view, failure will be inevitable sooner or later. It's just a question.

Although he has a long sword in his hand, it is no different if he hits his opponent under the body or not?

The prehistoric world can be said to have crushed 44% of the other heavens in this regard. In reality, it was also a huge opportunity for Geng Shanjing.

There are only a very small number of monks in Zhang Sanfeng's world, even if they practice for a lifetime, only a handful can understand this.

On the contrary, Emperor Wu, who attributes all his great power to himself, even though Xiao Geng Shanjing's time of enlightenment was behind Liu Hao, even if he is now in the realm of Xiao Zhutianwan, he is much higher than Liu Hao.

Have you ever seen that even before Zhenluo Daoguo heard all about Geng Shanjing’s deeds, he called Emperor Wu a ‘fellow Taoist’?

But if Zhenluo Daoguo did that, Geng Shanjing would know it in an instant. Will he think more highly of Zhenluo Daoguo?

It's not something you do casually, but you have to verify your Tai Chi control in the process, so why bother doing it?

As far as the use of Tao is concerned, Geng Shanjing is obviously superior to Liu Hao.

To put it mildly, even if Zhenluo Daoguo really intercepted Wudang's luck that time, it would only have allowed Emperor Wu to attain Dao and Xiaozhu Tianwan's time would have passed a little longer.

My choice is also more correct. Ever since Emperor Wu realized the Dao of Xiaozhutianwan, Wudang's luck has not improved significantly. It is almost visible to the naked eye. For me, Zhenluo Daoguo, it is not another kind of support?

That kind of teaching is not the teaching of a teacher to a disciple, but a collection of all the knowledge one knows, and gives it to Emperor Wu to read, understand for himself, and fill in the background of a visitor from a big world like Emperor Wu.

From this comparison, it is enough to see that Emperor Wu's talent is not low. Even if it is placed in the prehistoric world, it is enough to compete with these real innate demon gods.

I shook my head. Regardless of whether Emperor Wu took the initiative to think that way, or whether he chose to accumulate more of his own heritage for other reasons, in my opinion, it was a bad thing.

Looking at the entire small array of stars in Zhoutian, he was almost alone.

It is not itself. In comparison, it seems to be just a big child.

It seems that the Abyss Demon God is holding a long knife, and in Emperor Wu's hand is a slightly large dagger. However, the long knife is made of wood, but the small dagger in Emperor Wu's hand is really sharp. already.

But in some aspects, I am not fundamentally different from Guanshiyin.

But on the bad side, in Yang Jian's opinion, it is not necessary in reality. In terms of utilization rate, if Geng Shanjing can absorb 1% of the nutrients transformed from the Abyss Demon God, it is very impressive.

Just like now, with the improvement of Emperor Wu's cultivation, the Tai Chi I created is still a rocket that shoots straight into the sky?

It was as bad as punching out a fist, which should have shattered the 'plank' behind the eyes, but before punching out, I always felt that the power under the fist was difficult to activate, but I felt that the 'plank' that was obviously very strong was broken. It seems to have been blessed by inner strength, and it became softer several times.

Indeed, the reason why Geng Shanjing achieved enlightenment that time was without the indirect help of the real Geng Shanjing. However, that kind of help did not really change the situation, but it was just a matter of delaying Geng Shanjing slightly due to time.

The former requires a long period of time to learn and master the various principles of that realm.

I can hardly say that I haven’t lost the ability to cross-level challenges.

But I know that a true Gengshan Jingba will have to pass on everything he knows to Emperor Wu.

This is really without a clear understanding of the ‘Tao’, and only in this way can Tai Chi be truly created.

That is the real evildoer in the world of Zhang Sanfeng.

It thought about simply escaping several times, but before taking action a few times, it also found that it was unable to do anything. It seemed to retreat into a "ghost against the wall" situation, running away, and then returned to Geng Shanjing's face. Bite the bullet and keep fighting.

Did you see that Emperor Wu in the small formation of stars in Zhoutian was still evenly matched against the quasi-sage early stage abyss demon who was a level beyond his own?

But his fighting power, even against Liu Hao, is beyond comparison. The reality is not so incredible.

I, Zhenluo Daoguo, even in the prehistoric world, do not have any special mountain gate to worship me. I thought that it was not destined to me, but I didn’t know that after retreating into Zhang Sanfeng’s world, I would not have such a big surprise. Bring me?

It seems that nothing is worth the loss.

With me, the benefits calculated by self-study are still minimized.

That was enough to make anyone above the saints humiliate him from the bottom of his heart.

According to Geng Shan's observation, even if he had achieved enlightenment as Xiaozhu Tianwan, his combat effectiveness was indistinguishable from that of Emperor Wu today.

In other words, the time when it was able to realize its idea was just a little bit of time when it first fought against Emperor Wu, because at this time, the entire battlefield was not yet completely under the control of Emperor Wu.

But Yingying was able to make Emperor Wu, whose cultivation level was one level higher, kill the Abyss Demon God with one blow.

On top of this ebb and flow, the Abyss Demon God is disgusting to the extreme, but he is also capable of it.

That is the most terrifying thing, and it is something that has never appeared in Zhang Sanfeng's world.

It even thought about simply hugging the opponent and blowing itself up, and it tried it. Unfortunately, the idea was just an idea after all, and the result was shameful in its view, because it was done.

Before the attack, it felt that its own cultivation was superior to the opponent's. Even if it fell into their trap, as time went by, it would be able to see the opponent's flaws and retreat to do this one-hit kill.

Yang Jian also saw whether Emperor Wu was slow or anxious about this. There was a small chance that the guy felt that his cultivation level was growing too slowly? Are you taking a step back slowly?

I am not the child of destiny in one world, but I haven’t even cared about it. I really took it from the chaos with my own ability. Even if the destiny is long, it still needs to give me a small insult. .

How can we cherish Zhenluo Daoguo?

Such an advanced technique, even when Zhang Sanfeng first created it, was only a prototype within a prototype. Its level was so low that countless monks in Zhang Sanfeng's world still had to step forward.

Yang Jian even felt that even if the Abyss Demon behind him was replaced by an old enemy in the early stage of Quasi-Saint, Emperor Wu would still be able to give anything to him, and he would still be able to quickly consume him, and even defeat the first one. Shaoban is still Emperor Wu.

In fact, in the early stages of the battle, the Abyss Demon God, who was Emperor Wu's opponent, had not yet fully understood this, and had not yet seen Emperor Wu's purpose, but even if the Abyss Demon God placed that obvious purpose After meeting, I can only accept it.

In that little time comparison, even Yang Jian would have the upper hand.

How cruel was that to Emperor Wu's opponent, the Abyss Demon God?

The latter means that as long as you step into a certain realm, you can truly unleash your combat power that you don't have in that realm.

Only Geng Shanjing is the most powerful person. A guy who can understand the true meaning of Tai Chi by studying the world when he is a mortal is not that scary.

A mere mortal has already overwhelmed Geng Shan, the god-man from the ancient world.

To put it bluntly, the strong have no say at all.

The Abyss Demon God can be said to be transparent, but the more transparent it is, the more despair surges out of its heart.

But that kind of thinking, as time goes by, makes it more and more clear that it is not impossible at all, and it is even absolutely possible.

That is something unique to Taiqing Daode Tianzun;

Geng Shanjing was not at all impatient about this. In fact, it was the first time for me to face such an opponent, and I already had rich experience.

What does Tai Chi represent in the prehistoric world? Don’t those quasi-sages in the prehistoric world understand?

That is very close to the essence of Tao, and above that, it is chaos!

In such a battlefield, Emperor Wu naturally has no home field advantage. He can fully activate his own strength and reduce the enemy's combat power by nearly half.

How could Geng Shanjing, who was able to create Tai Chi, have such high combat effectiveness?

It’s not that Geng Shanjing didn’t fully understand this. When he thought about it, he didn’t completely give up on it.

It's not the word 'grind', it's just an action of treating the enemy as a whetstone. It has not yet reached the realm of Tai Chi, the Great Emperor, and grinds everything under the Abyss Demon God into powder. Through the conversion of Tai Chi Yin and Yang, Turn it into nourishment for your own use.

On the other hand, Emperor Wu was like this.

How could it understand that the opponent behind it was terrifying without understanding the Tao?

Even if the absorption of that nutrient is just over one percent, the transformation is real.

It's like even old men and women in the mortal world can start Tai Chi very slowly after seeing it. Over time, they can also cultivate their bodies and extend their lifespan.

You are Yin and Yang, Liangyi, opposites, and unity, etc.!

That transformation can be found in Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. In fact, it is not the same as the 'Pure World White Lotus' on Yang Jian's throne, and it is impossible to obtain merit from the path of chaos.

For Emperor Wu, I did not create a path, but made a detailed analysis of that path.

My approach is actually not the same as Guanshiyin's, which is frustrating.

But before Yang Jian's careless observation, Shaoduo also understood why Emperor Wu made such a choice again.

From the Zongwu world to Yang Jian's earth, it was only a short time before Emperor Wu knew the situation in his own world, and little Geng Shanjing had not yet been enlightened.

It cannot be said that if Zhenluo Daoguo is asked to choose a side between the Great Heaven and Wudang at this time, there is a small probability that Zhenluo Daoguo will choose to side with Wudang.

It may be difficult for others to see its essence, but in Yang Jian's eyes, it can be hidden.

At that point, as the Ziwei Little Emperor of Heaven, Yang Jian can be said to be the best in Hanhu. Within the Ziwei Star Territory, the countless Taoist books and skills and skills collected by the later Ziwei Little Emperor Boyikao are hundreds of thousands. It's less than 10,000 yuan. I've made a lot of money after reading it before me, let alone Emperor Wu. Which one is lower and which one is higher is clear at a glance.

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