Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and fifty-one, comparison

Remember [new] in one second! 1951, comparison

They are both children of destiny, but their situations are different.

Within the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation, Kurosaki Ichigo and Uzumaki Naruto are good examples compared to Xiao Yan.

Whether it is Kurosaki Ichigo or Uzumaki Naruto, strictly speaking, the time they entered the heavens was much earlier than that of Mianyang.

But entering in advance does not mean that the current Kurosaki Ichigo and Uzumaki Naruto are more advanced than the anti-inflammatory cultivation.

This is actually different from the initial stage of world level.

The world of Fighting Qi Transformed into Horses can only be said to be ordinary in the next generation, no different from the world of cultivation under normal circumstances.

But who allowed them to still have the existence of an upper world? After ascension, everything they had originally could be retained, and a new ladder was waiting for them.

At this time, the luck of their destiny children is still continuing, and all the improvements are as fast as they were in the next session.

They just walked down the stairs until they reached the so-called peak of their world and established a powerful force of their own.

Lu Chan also knew that in the future, Uzumaki Naruto's self-summarized and deduced techniques would still not have much room for improvement. Perhaps in the longer future, the techniques under his body would also become Qigong techniques. A branch has become the object of learning for those who come.

Compared to Uzumaki Naruto, you seem to be more rigid, but in reality, you are the one who has the most difficulty breaking out of the rigid rules. Once you break out, the world will be brighter.

But it must also be denied that as the destiny child of the Naruto world, Uzumaki Naruto has finally found something unique to himself;

Compared to other ninjas in the world of Naruto, Hinata is the one with the most desires and desires. It seems that you are naturally suitable for Taoism, even if you haven't gotten married yet and have children.

And that's what Liu Hao is really amazed about.

We are like fishes that have moved from rivers to small seas. Before we have gone through the difficult adaptation period from freshwater fish to seawater fish, we have also seen the real vast sky, and we no longer have any expectations for the big streams where we originally lived. .

I will establish one of the eight small forces in the next term. Will these people who follow me for dinner still choose to join forces with me?

Hinata's talent has always been high, and it has always been because of your personality that you were unable to truly utilize your talent.

Does it mean Uzumaki Naruto, among the ninjas who have stepped into the Australian base of Dragon Kingdom from the world of Hokage, there are not many who have maintained their own ninja path?

To put it bluntly, even though Uzumaki Naruto has experienced less and knows less about the world, I am still too naive.

The worries in my heart have grown old and allowed me to hunt for food as fiercely as a wild dog. I didn't dare to stay away for too long, or even dared to stay away.

When he was standing still, who knew how many people would quietly overtake him or even surpass him?

We may think of the big stream where we were born when we are leisurely, but we will only regard it as a good or bad memory, nothing more.

The seven small villages in the Naruto world are not in that state now.

Yes, Uzumaki Naruto is stubborn, but it means that I am not a fool. With such obvious advantages and disadvantages, which one is more transparent after looking at it for a long time?

Uzumaki Naruto still needs to thank me, Hokage Daitenchi, as the Destiny Child, for still continuing, and thank Hokage Daitenchi for not depriving me of the luck that originally belonged to the Destiny Child under my head, otherwise I might not have been lost to everyone by now.

Outside, I didn't have the mentality of a saint to help Hinata.

Outside, what is needed is persuasion, what is needed is to spread the interests under the table. After the interests have not been obtained, a reasonable distribution must be made, and the first is the closeness of the alliance. .

Not to mention his personal combat power, the group under his command that could command combat completely crushed Kurosaki Ichigo and Uzumaki Naruto.

Or maybe Hinata gave up decisively and was too old to explore possible paths for your children. However, no matter whether her mood was bad or bad, in Liu Hao's eyes, Hinata was successful.

The most important thing is that Hinata's character seems to have changed a little.

Even if your cultivation level is still shallow now, even if your fighting ability is nothing.

But this is whether the world of Naruto is connected to the world.

After all, the path of a ninja is too high and low.

But now, Uzumaki Naruto does not have that ability, and he can at least share his experience with other ninjas in the Hokage world to learn from.

Now, the world channel connected to the Dou Qi Horse World is also my original predecessor. With my own cultivation and all the past, I have already integrated it. Although it is said that one call can make everyone do it. I tried to die, but it was much worse.

The four hexagrams palm in your hand has obviously been improved by learning the four hexagrams boxing method of the Dragon Kingdom, and adding Tai Chi to it. Before the fusion, it has been slightly improved. With his own white eyes, Fa Lao can see the prototype of the 'big field'.

The Four-Tails have not yet walked down the path of the demon clan, but they have not been left behind by Uzumaki Naruto at all.

I also need to thank the four lamas under me. The tailed beast in the world of Naruto is far less adaptable to all the worlds than few people.

The only thing we can look forward to is perhaps the large group of people at the top.

Liu Hao knew that in the Australian base of Dragon Kingdom, the Hyuga family had lost a lot of wealth, bought a lot of land and houses, and had no plans for the future. In the future, they would be scattered and merged into this huge population. In the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, he became a part of all living beings.

But very slowly, Liu Hao didn't realize that maybe it wasn't Hinata's personality that had changed, but that in Hinata's eyes, the visitors from the abyss were just the same species, and killing them would not put any burden on Hinata's heart. Naturally, they were also heroic. A little less sassy.

In the fighting spirit horse world, anti-inflammatory also rises from the bottom, and that’s when all the education I gained after time travel really blossomed into dull flowers.

You have not yet become the true leader of the Hokage Hyuga clan. Any path that has been proven by you will soon be promoted by the Hyuga clan. This cannot be seen from the other Hyuga members around Hinata. Clear and clear.

A human race that traveled from the Yanhuang civilization to the world of fighting energy transformed into horses. Even though I had a very high status in the Yanhuang civilization after the time travel, after four years of compulsory education, I still know what I should know.

To put it bluntly, even if Uzumaki Naruto and Xiao Yan have the same cultivation level, for Liu Hao, the former's status must be much higher, not to mention that there is still a big gap between Uzumaki Naruto and Xiao Yan's cultivation level. .

Therefore, in Liu Hao's eyes, although Uzumaki Naruto still carries ninjutsu skills, the actual energy in his body is no longer chakra.

The chakra under your body has almost completely disappeared. Walking inside, you are actually no different from a real Dragon Country person.

Nothing in our bodies is worth more than Hinata Hinata who was the instigator of this crime.

We left the world of Naruto. Before we went out, the trust between each other might have improved a lot, but if he said that we would definitely issue the orders of the old Uzumaki Naruto, he didn't think too much.

Liu Hao could tell at a glance that Hinata hadn't thrown away her original ninja skills into the sky. Perhaps at the moment when Hinata and Uzumaki Naruto got married, you hadn't completely abandoned your identity as a ninja. Only then could you So open-minded.

Even if my current cultivation level has not crushed the rest of the people in the Naruto world, any so-called alliance I can achieve in the past still needs to rely on my own escape skills.

In other words, a small part of the population from the Naruto world will only be used as low-level mercenaries in the future.

That's the essential difference between a changer and a follower. Liu Hao must deny that the ninjas who have stepped out of their own world in the Naruto world are increasingly following the next generation.

Uzumaki Naruto left the great world of Hokage, retreated to the Australian base of Dragon Kingdom to settle down, married a wife and had children. It seemed that he had stepped out of his comfort zone, but he also retreated into another comfort zone.

Liu Hao was basically concerned about this, and it was bad, and it was bad. After my eyes lit up when I saw the Hyuga family from under them, at least I just glanced at them.

In terms of population alone, its potential is several levels ahead of the world of Naruto.

It is also a practice technique that can find its own path. Now the so-called "immortal way" has been spread in the world of Hokage for a long time. No matter how stupid you are, do you know how to degrade your own technique?

I should be grateful to the Abyss backline in the Zhoutian Xingdou small formation, otherwise staying comfortable in the Dragon Kingdom Australian base will only make me more slack, and even become an old man at the end.

In the past, Hinata was able to create her own Liger Guardian Boxing Technique from the Hyuga family's four hexagram palms, and entered the heavens. It makes sense that she could carry it forward even further.

That surprise was not because Hinata's cultivation level was not that low, but compared to Hinata's front and back, it was as if she had not had much to do with ninjas.

In Liu Hao's eyes, the Uzumaki Naruto who was killing the abyssal species in the Zhou Tianxing Dou small formation at this time, the level of luck under his head was compared with the anti-inflammation, not with being carried to the prehistoric world by me. Compared to Aizen, it was slightly less so.

Hokage, seven small villages, as we know the situation in the inner world and the heavens, such a union has long been possible.

The so-called alliance is just a trend of interests a small number of times. When we find that we are alone and the benefits we get are far less than those of the alliance, even if the alliance still exists, in reality it is only in name.

I have the passion and decisiveness that a true leader should have, and I am enough to make other ninjas in my village risk their lives to follow.

This is actually the biggest difference between Xiaoyan and Kurosaki Ichigo and Uzumaki Naruto.

Combining everything he had originally, he added Taoist Qi training methods. Although in Liu Hao's eyes, he seemed a bit out of character, in the end he still fit in perfectly with the big guy.

Perhaps he would think that with Uzumaki Naruto's mouth escape power, it would be less difficult and less energy-intensive, and he could always do it in the first place.

The fact is that what I did was not entirely wrong.

Perhaps Fa Lao, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama belong to this group of people in Qinling Magic World, but they are only slightly expected.

For Ichigo Shirosaki and Naruto Uzumaki, this can only exist in fantasy.

From Liu Hao's point of view, the members of the Hyuga family behind him seem to have not completely left the Hokage world. Regardless of whether Hyuga and Hizashi did it intentionally or pushed it intentionally, we will never be able to return to Konoha, the Hokage world. Village.

Comfort and lack of time are the biggest hindrances.

The battle between the heavens and the world has always been about retreating before advancing.

Lu Chan could see that compared to Uzumaki Naruto, Hinata actually changed less.

The Hokage Crown Princess finally became the empress, and her big life was going very wrong.

Once something like power is contaminated, who would be willing to leave and leave the stage?

The level of my world is originally low, and the population is not even large. For Uzumaki Naruto, it is completely incomparable.

Liu Hao could also see that the ninja aura under Uzumaki Naruto had not gradually disappeared.

Hinata has not yet fully integrated her Byakugan. Opening her eyes and the like is basically to give herself another vein, but it has not yet turned into the inherent function of her eyes.

I am now in my own big world, and I am willing to entrust all my future hopes to me. I mean 100%, 40% or not.

As my status as the youngest has improved again before I stepped into the heavens, that 'loyalty' will only become more stable.

To be realistic, it's not that Uzumaki Naruto simply lacks the domineering haki.

Also, Hinata, who looks the softest, is actually weaker inside.

That only eliminated Hinata's "amazing" look in Liu Hao's eyes now.

No one has any selfish motives, even if the hatred between us has been put aside for a long time now, is the wariness between us really gone?

In turn, replacing Uzumaki Naruto with the combination of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, this is another situation.

There is always no limit to the energy in your own body. If you extract limited spiritual energy from the world and use it for your own use, which one is better or worse is still clear at a glance?

Now that she and Uzumaki Naruto have started a family and are completely free of Rili's interference, Hinata's true talent has been fully stimulated.

And those are all present under Xiaoyan.

Perhaps thinking of that, Liu Hao moved his gaze, and in a moment, I was locked under Hinata.

But it is limited to our union. If we take it out alone, although it can be said that we are reduced to the common people, it is much more than that.

It's like anti-inflammatory. Although he is one of the three top strong men in his world, it cannot be said that he can mobilize the entire world to fight for himself, but one third is still not a problem.

The combination of the two of us has indeed deprived us of the fighting power that the top group of people at the same level cannot, allowing us to thrive in the abyss behind the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

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