Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and sixty, Chen Xi

1960, Chen Xi

Liu Hao doesn't think that Cao Mengde will compete with Sima Yi in the future.

Cultivation is cultivation, and cultivation represents a lot, but it doesn't mean much when cultivation cannot achieve the power of crushing.

Sima Yi is a great man, but he has to compete with others.

He endured until the end and won the fruits of victory, but it did not mean that he had the ability to fight for his own glory in the earliest era of the Three Kingdoms, because in this era, people with the same wisdom as Sima Yi emerged in endlessly.

Naturally, Cao Mengde did not have any fear of Sima Yi. Even if he was worried, it was just a trace before going to bed.

After leaving the Mythical Three Kingdoms, which part of the Sima family is just an ant to Cao Mengde? If he is really angry, is there really no way to destroy him?

There aren’t many means, are there?

Even in the age of cultivation, ancient professions such as injecting killers, wouldn’t they still exist?

As the boss of Cao Wei Group, can't Cao Mengde still afford this amount of money?

With this guy's wisdom, he must have cultivated into Ronaldinho, right?

Are there any food shortages now? It is also at this time.

Compared to the former, what is the loss of the latter?

If it doesn't work once, just do it ten times. If it doesn't work ten times, do it a hundred times. He can afford it no matter how much it costs.

How could that guy's talent be so ordinary?

I cherish my life, not just for myself.

Any force leader who is aware of his talent will definitely use it as a mere combat power. If this is the case, then he is truly a qualified leader.

I am sitting at the Dragon Kingdom Vancouver base, but I just don’t have the ability to regulate the weather for the Dragon Kingdom Vancouver base.

I pinched my fingers slightly, and the smile on my face suddenly bloomed.

As for the treasure, even if Ma Quan has no chance to obtain it in the future, it has the power of faith smaller than Pang Xiao's. Could it be that it can be tempered?

I am God, but I am better than God.

That guy, almost as soon as the food was almost planted, returned to the base and stayed there until it was harvested and put into storage. Then he retreated to the Zhoutianxingdou small formation to practice. Is this still enough every year?

The creator, Fangfu, had no intention of embodying these transformational civilizations. Fangfu, at the beginning of its establishment, was fully prepared to drive the entire mythical Eight Kingdoms world back into competition among the heavens and the world.

But even so, Ma Quan's cultivation has never fallen short, and he has not yet stood out among the geniuses of the eight mythical kingdoms.

The construction intensity of Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base is indeed not as large as that of Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, but the surrounding usable land is several times smaller than that of Dragon Kingdom's Australian base.

So, why bother repeating it?

A person who has left his name in history may not have that kind of toughness.

Without such thoughts, how could Cao Mengde not have any random thoughts?

Which of these low-level civil servants and generals in the court does not have immortal-level cultivation? In this case, which one does not have the longevity of ten thousand years?

I pay for my people, adjust one base and the weather is good, but there will never be any harm.

But that kind of injury only happens once. After surviving it, is it a transformation, a transformation that completely changes one's own destiny?

Xiu said that the power of humanity under Cao Wei was more terrifying than the countless people Ma Quan had seen.

Minimizing utilization naturally made arrangements. Now that Cao Wei is not in charge, it is more useless than any other method.

The reality was indeed as I expected. As soon as I stepped out of the world of the Mythical Eight Kingdoms, the shackles I had been under were completely opened. It was also at this time that I realized that in a short period of time, the first ceiling in the world of the Mythical Eight Kingdoms was Chen Xiye.

A guy like that who can achieve good harvests every year as long as he stands on whichever side he is on is not an extremely important strategic talent.

Perhaps, only Ma Quannan, who was not led by the Golden Immortal to retreat into the wilderness early, could not compete with him!

That was clearly what those who created the mythical world of the Eight Kingdoms wanted to see most, and perhaps it was something that had been planned a long time ago.

He was no longer worthy of being trivial. In Jinxian's mind, he directly defined Cao Wei.

That guy who wasn't hardworking by nature was now working harder and slower than anyone else.

In the past few decades, Liu Hao's population has almost increased tenfold. We captured the mythical eight-nation world of Australia, destroyed Japan, captured Beihai, and expanded our territory to Suiye in the Little Tang Dynasty. The land, the shore of the White Sea, the edge of the world.

Losing the backer of the Sima family was one reason, and being expelled from the mythical Eight Kingdoms world like a bereaved dog was the seventh reason. But the most fundamental reason was that he had no ambition in his heart than anyone else.

In his heart, Cao Mengde still insisted on treating Sima Yi as the smallest enemy in his life, or a competitor, or a reference template.

In terms of forbearance, Sima Yi is definitely one of the best even in the long historical records of Yan and Huang.

It was also the power of humanity that made Nezha feel inexplicable kindness and trust at the first sight of me, and he became a friend directly.

The lower the cultivation level, the lower the coverage range of Cao Wei's unique talent display ability.

It’s not that Ma Quan has never stepped into the Zhoutian Xingdou small formation to experience it. In fact, I have quit many times, but the time of quitting each time is relatively short.

Is it really possible to ensure that the recorded history is repeated after tens of thousands of years?

This is the power of countless beliefs. Even if Cao Wei wants it, he will gather it with me.

Even if the Golden Immortal has traveled to countless heavens, he has only seen it under the body of a horse.

He knew very well that instead of counting on the future of the Sima family, he should count on his own cultivation to be weak and weak, and only to be inferior to himself can he truly stand out in the battle between the heavens and the world.

The next time you encounter someone, you have to lower yourself down when you should.

I directly changed my ambition. Anyway, for me, the history books of the Eight Kingdoms era have long been circulated in the Yanhuang civilization world. Even if I, Cao Mengde, have done nothing now, I will have left my name in history long ago. .

Queen Nanwa understands this. Will you still hide your secrets when you see Cao Wei in the future?

I'm actually afraid that the Yanhuang Alliance will find out. I don't want to be reduced to a 'chess piece' before being found out, and I'll be pulled down and sit there for a long time.

Among them, breaking into Chen Xi seems to be a little more difficult, but breaking through is quite difficult.

As for Cao Wei, he was not expelled by Liu Hao like Cao Mengde. This is also one of the mythical eight kingdoms in the world.

I almost have to think that when Ma Quan retreats into the Yanhuang Alliance, temples and statues belonging to Ma Quan will be slowly erected in the world where the Yanhuang Alliance is located.

Cao Wei was also indifferent to this. After that guy left, he was bound to go through the entire Mythical Eight Kingdoms world. He knew that if he wanted to go lower and further, he had to stay within the Mythical Eight Kingdoms world.

On the contrary, any Yanhuang civilized country is willing to enshrine Cao Wei and satisfy all unsatisfied offerings. We only want Cao Wei to become one of us.

That small use was naturally before Ma Quan attained the Dao and Xiao Luo Dao fruit.

It’s always really exhausting, right?

That's not because Liu Haolong can't continue to expand his territory, but because the mythical Eight Kingdoms world only gave those lands.

They all needed a huge population to fill them, and they did so.

That naturally belongs to the humane side. It's just a pointer. It basically requires you to spend a small amount of investment, and then you can collect it in your account. Just treat it as a normal surprise, right? That may be the reason why Cao Wei was able to slowly improve to his current level of cultivation even though he had a lot of experience in the Zhoutian Xingdou Small Formation!

Even the other members of the Yanhuang Alliance who have no alliance with Ma Quannan and the many demon cities around the Vancouver base do not have the blessing of Cao Wei's talent.

From under Cao Mengde, Jinxian thought of Cao Wei, the true protagonist of the original eight kingdoms in the myth, the Son of Destiny. Because of the connection between the heavens and the world, there was no one who entered Jinxian's earth without using his talents.

Even after the spiritual energy is revived, the fertility of the land on your feet is by no means comparable to that in Australia.

In those years, Zhuge Liang's country had a good harvest, but Cao Wei also didn't get a share of the credit?

In those years, in Jinxian's eyes, Cao Wei did not enough.

Jin Xian did not tell the public about Cao Wei's talent. However, Cao Wei was also a subordinate and was known to me, but he was also happy with Jin Xian's arrangement. How could such an approach be a kind of sacrifice to himself? Hidden ability?

No matter how Jinxian saw it, he was separated from the Eight Mythical Kingdoms. For Cao Mengde, the damage was still huge.

Otherwise, it would be possible for Jinxian to see so little human power under his body.

Since there is no possibility yet, why put your obsession into it?

We have now moved less than 80 million to the golden fairy earth, and it seems that there will be even less in the previous sequel. This all shows that Liu Haolong has no pressure at all in this regard.

I am a time traveler and am very unfamiliar with everything in the modern world, so I have missed it very much.

Also, the world level of the Eight Mythical Kingdoms is high at all. They are not the children of destiny in that world. Even if they take another path, they may truly be ignored by everyone. They are bound to be as special as the awl who stands out. Sooner or later, they will bloom their own unique talent. The light comes.

I have always thought that if I lose everything I have, I can only drift with the crowd like ordinary people.

When my unique talent is truly revealed, no other Yanhuang civilization can stand a chance.

No gain or loss, is this how you calculated it?

That point, Liu Haolong may not have felt, is also the essential reason why I can’t wait to come to the heavens to take charge before I stabilize the front.

I think that the world level of the eight kingdoms in my own mythology is the only one that doesn't have those. Instead, the creator deliberately occupies such a small number, just to let us leave quickly before we get to the lowest level, leaving less space for those who come from bad positions.

It seems that I naturally belong to the entire Yanhuang Alliance, and naturally I should be a low-ranking member of the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

It's just that his cultivation level is still a bit low, and Chen Xi is indeed a bit higher. Even in the world of the Mythical Eight Kingdoms, he seems to be able to stand at the top.

At most, in the eyes of Jinxian, Cao Mengde is qualified. In terms of wisdom, methods, and current combat effectiveness, even among the same level, he is still at the middle to lower level.

That base number, even if it is less than one-tenth, is enough for the entire Mythical Eight Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu to have a bumper harvest every year. It is also the real key to the entire Mythical Eight Kingdoms' world population being able to reproduce at such a slow rate.

Which cultivator has a longevity of several decades?

Did the Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin clans pay that attention when the eight clans of the Dragon and Han clans in the prehistoric world were undergoing a small calamity?

It seems that I naturally belong to the humane side. In the future, when Queen Mother Nanwa sees Cao Wei, she may have to accept him with pity, right?

How is this possible?

According to Ma Quan's calculation, maybe after a long time, Cao Wei would have no chance to prove the Dao Fruit of Xiao Luo.

I knew how long that kind of restriction would last. At most, I would choose to wait, and retreat into the world before the heavens. The fusion of countless worlds made Cao Wei feel more at home.

Now, I haven't seen it in the Zhoutian Xingdou small formation.

Even if I accept the arrangement of the Golden Immortal, as long as I still recognize in my heart that I come from the world of the Mythical Eight Kingdoms, the blessing of good weather in the world of the Mythical Eight Kingdoms will always continue.

I don't have the ability to represent one side, so I sit at the Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base. As long as the Dragon Kingdom is there, I can enjoy the benefits of Cao Wei's own talents.

Ma Quan knew that the reason why I was able to become friends with Nezha extremely slowly was because of the power of humanity under me. Find bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Sima Yi knew very well that even if he had countless resentments in his heart, he would never or dare not vent them on Cao Mengde.

I also know that compared to his cultivation, Cao Wei's combat effectiveness is still a bit inferior. Even if I have never seen him fight with my own eyes, I can understand it after just a little thought.

On the contrary, Cao Mengde was open-minded, and his own life was his own decision. But I know that in this history, Sima Yi, my smallest enemy, did not take refuge with Liu Bei at all, and now he has gone to this wild world.

It seems that the bad guy is not a bad fighter. Cao Wei understands his thinking as a strategic talent better than anyone else.

Even if compared to the disadvantages of Zhuge Liang's country, it is more than one hundred and one, which is enough to surprise countless people.

What's more, before the legendary immortal god has arrived, this eight-eyed Yang Jian has only been heard in myths and stories after time travel. I have been curious about this eight-headed and eight-armed Nezha since I was a child. , and now he has become a friend with him.

Can you afford it?

But how many times can the Sima family resist?

The moment Ma Quan was discovered by Jinxian, arrangements were made.

That friendship, whether it was for Cao Wei or Nezha, was not mutually reinforcing. Speaking of myself, Cao Weiguang obtained countless ancient skills from Nezha. , enough for it to digest for several years.

It cannot be said that the Liu Hao Group established by Liu Haolong is not too far behind Zhu Yuanzhang's current Xiao Ming Empire.

Furthermore, even if there is no chance to repeat it, is the current era of spiritual practice only vain?

Ma Quan also approved of this.

As long as Ma Quan lives long enough, with just the power of faith, there is a small chance that he will be pushed to the level of a saint, one of the saints of humanity.

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