Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine, pretending not to know

1979. Pretending not to know

When the cracks in the abyss first appeared, countless monsters and beasts in North America suffered as a result. It could almost be said that they collapsed at the first touch. There was no ability to stop them. The number of people who became nutritional supplements to the abyss was described as countless.

That is to say, as a nutritional supplement, naturally the higher the level of cultivation of the demon clan, the lower the possibility of escaping.

Therefore, to a certain extent, it can be said that these escapees are of very little value. Even without the emergence of abyss cracks, they are the batch that should be eliminated internally by the demon clan and beasts.

They were lucky enough to survive, and they fled to the original border between Jiajiana and Nianmei. They also thought about continuing to flee south, and some of them did so.

The part that can be done is actually choosing a general among the short ones?

In other words, those left behind in the end are the worst ones.

They were definitely lucky, because Liu Hao came and completely imprisoned the threat of the abyss that they were afraid of, so that they finally had a peaceful environment.

Subsequently, the arrival of Fang Yun gave them real relief, and many demon clan and beast cities were also built at that time.

So far, they have finally recovered. The reason for this is thanks to the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation Abyss Front. They are right around them. They have discovered such a place that can be selected with benefits, so they are not willing to miss it.

It's just the limitations of their talents. Even if they do it, in fact, up to now, it can only be said that they have caught up with the average cultivation level of the demon clan in other regions.

They have reproduced for several generations, and they have gradually replenished their talents. In terms of the future, there is no need to be surprised that they will surpass the demon clan and monster beasts in other regions. On the contrary, it is a matter of course.

They are already fundamentally different from the demon clans in other regions.

They have accepted human civilization from the bottom of their hearts. In fact, they have their own accurate understanding, and their behavior and handling patterns have undergone great changes.

To be precise, as far as the explosive tempers of the demon beasts are concerned, they have been fundamentally suppressed.

They will still be furious, but even if they are furious, they can actually retain a trace of reason and not be overwhelmed by anger.

All of these, in Liu Hao's view, they are already members of civilization.

The biggest role naturally comes from Fang Yun and the great Confucians in the world of Confucianism and Taoism.

Liu Hao knew that even to this day, the Confucian and Semi-Saints from the Holy World of Confucianism and Taoism have not given up teaching in the schools of these monster clans and monster cities.

They are like job rotation, each arrival stays for two or three years, like teaching, like a mission, but it is also because of their uninterrupted work that the demon clan and monster civilization here have been completely established.

The credit was all theirs. Liu Hao didn't care whether he gained luck from it. He understood that Fang Yun had no expectations for this from the beginning. Maybe Fang Yun just wanted to do an experiment or something else.

But no matter what the starting point is, if you can persist to this day and will continue to persist in the future, it is enough to be called great.

Liu Hao knew that because of the practices of Fang Yun and the teachers from the Confucian and Taoist Holy World, Chinese characters had completely replaced the beautiful language and writing in the entire North American demon tribe and monsters, becoming the only one.

This complete replacement has prompted those beauties who are still alive to this day to learn Chinese if they want to communicate with the monsters and beasts, which can be said to have intensified the destruction of the foundation of Western civilization.

Even if Liu Hao's cultivation has reached the current level, his enthusiasm for it has not stopped. He will not tell it in words, but when he sees it, he will smile knowingly every time.

He didn't know that what he insisted on happened not only here, but also in every world connected to his Dragon Kingdom.

For example, in the world below that person, the language and writing from the Yanhuang civilization are completely superior to those above, and can be called the only truly advanced language.

Of those aliens in the world under one person, after so many years, which one still doesn’t know the concept of the heavens?

Who doesn’t want to step into the heavens?

But if you want this quota, don’t you have to take the exam?

Your Chinese characters are not up to par, and you don’t understand the various customs of Yan and Huang civilizations. If you go to the heavens, aren’t you asking for trouble?

If you are not careful, you will cause big trouble, so it is okay to lose your life. But if your ignorance causes other heavens to think that this is an ordinary idea in a world under one person, then you are a sinner and the real sinner in a world under one person. .

Who doesn’t understand this kind of thing? Exaggeration? Yes, but who can guarantee that it won't happen?

Wouldn't it be better to stop some things at the starting point?

The Dragon Kingdom, under one man, made the most of these exams, but even if they did so, the aliens among them still continued without any complaints.

Although it is a bit more difficult, isn’t that hope?

They clearly saw the horrifying improvement in the realm of the aliens who returned after going to the heavens. The information they got from these people also told them that the vast and vast sky was waiting for them to conquer.

Compared to such huge benefits, what’s wrong with paying a little?

Without these restrictions, they would still hesitate.

The world under one person with increasingly rich spiritual energy has naturally caused the number of practitioners to increase exponentially, especially in the Dragon Kingdom, which can almost be said to have become completely popular.

And this situation, as time goes by, has spread beyond the Dragon Kingdom under one person. Now, even if all the people are not cultivating, it is not much different.

The number of places is increasing, but compared to the total number, the proportion is decreasing, and the natural conditions must also be improved.

For example, if you don't reach a certain level of cultivation, you won't even be qualified to take the exam.

For example, if you don’t have a Level 4 certificate in Chinese, even if your cultivation level has reached the immortal level, you can only find other paths.

One thing that is almost unnecessary to think about and can be expected is who the first target of countless beauties outside the Dragon Kingdom will want to marry.

There is almost no need to speculate, and we can know that even if the world under one person moves hundreds of millions of people into the heavens, the population of the Dragon Kingdom under one person will not decrease at all.

This time with the opening of the Zhoutian Star Formation, more people will migrate from the Dragon Kingdom under one person. So the policy to encourage population reproduction will be introduced again, right?

This is not just about to happen in the Dragon Kingdom under one person, it is bound to happen in the world of bright swords, the world of comprehensive martial arts, etc.

Liu Hao didn't know how long it would take for the next wave of battle to come on the abyss front of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation behind him.

But he hopes that two or three generations of people in the world will be able to grow. This population explosion will be more fierce than the previous ones. In other words, by then, the foundation of the world will be more solid.

There is actually no shortage of land.

For example, in the Biohazard world, which is a novice village, how many zombies can there be for novices to kill now?

There is a high probability that there are not many left. Even after this world is cleansed, isn't it the best place to settle?

Even if the exploitable value is not high due to world-level restrictions, what about the land? Even growing food would be good.

That's a planet that could originally support billions, but can't it do the same now?

In the future, there is a high probability that this place will be occupied by the Qin Empire, but so what?

The First Emperor, Ying Zheng, was more enthusiastic about accepting people than anyone else, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he would not reject anyone who came.

This is just a world. Worlds like this are definitely not rare on Earth, right?

Liu Hao had no idea how many worlds were connected within his Dragon Kingdom, nor did he have accurate data on how many world passages the senior leaders of his Dragon Kingdom controlled.

But he knew that there were more than just Under One Person, Bright Sword, and Mixed Martial Arts World.

The newly added Kung Fu world in Zhonghai has been developed a lot now, right?

Among them, the territory of the Dragon Kingdom exceeds 1,000 square kilometers, but its population is less than 4 to 5 billion. It is also the time of World War II. When the war is over, how much territory should be expanded?

With such a kung fu world as Zhong Hai’s rear, how terrifying will the siphon effect that Zhong Hai will form next?

There is a high probability that the Zhonghai land in the Kung Fu world has been completely rebuilt, right?

There is no threat from monsters and monsters there, but if the long delta can be completely transferred to Zhonghai, how many people can be accommodated?

As far as Liu Hao knew, after his dragon kingdom expanded ten times, even if the mountains occupied by the demon clan and beasts were removed, there would still be many vast and sparsely populated areas waiting to be developed.

In the future, it is not impossible to have a population of tens of billions within the territory of our Dragon Kingdom, right?

What about the entire Yanhuang Alliance?

A population of tens of billions sounds very scary in a low-level world, but in some high-level worlds, that is the norm. For example, the Great Tang Empire in Nanzhanbuzhou has more than this number of people.

Another example is that in a perfect world, who can count how many people there are?

Even if Dou Qi turns into a horse world, the total of three thousand small worlds will be more than this, right?

These are all the foundation.

But compared to the enemy abyss in the future, it is still limited.

Even if Liu Hao knew that the decisive battle with the Abyss in the future would only involve the top monks, but didn't the top monks also come from the bottom?

The pyramid is nothing without its underlying foundation.

He knows this truth best.

He has taken enough care, and must admit that sometimes it is not a good thing to know too much, and it is not a good thing to know the most only yourself.

It's not like he hasn't thought about sharing his knowledge with others, such as those saints from the prehistoric times.

But when the words came to his lips, he chose to give up again.

Without him, he could not guarantee what the saints would think after hearing this.

In the face of the vast chaos, the saints can only look away and sigh. When they know that the abyss, which is full of worries in the entire Chaos Avenue, will be their future enemy, is it possible to have a desire to escape?

Even if the possibility was only one in a billion, Liu Hao would not dare to gamble.

The only thing he can do is to keep it secret and then improve his cultivation.

He was fortunate that the Abyss Crack was connected to the end of his earth, which belonged to the outermost layer of the Abyss. It was only a small cave-like existence. So far, it had only attracted the attention of some Abyss Demon Gods around the passage.

He followed carefully to block this information, hoping that such attention could continue to be blocked, waiting for himself to grow better, and for his side to gradually become stronger.

He doesn't expect this blockade to last forever, he can only hope that it will be a little later.

It is also because of this that he has an extraordinary obsession with his own population.

He knew that Qinglong Liu Hao and himself always saved those combatants in the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, which would create a dependence on them. He also thought about simply ignoring them and leaving their fate to the monks themselves.

However, he has been unable to make up his mind, just like a parent who knows that his child who is learning to walk will be better off if he falls a few times, but isn't that heartbreaking?

Anyway, there is still plenty of time now, and it seems that there is no need to be so anxious. A little help is a little, and in this way, these monks can be saved more. They have finally reached the current level of cultivation, and they can be regarded as seed players.

Fortunately, there are countless arrogant people among them, especially the higher the cultivation level, the more fully aware they are of this.

Those monks above the immortal level, after being rescued by Liu Hao several times in the first place, also knew that such rescue could not last forever, and would eventually disappear one day, such as when the war became more intense.

They will not place all their hopes on being saved. Nowadays, most people have become cautious.

As for those monks who have figured it out but are still trusting their lives in Liu Hao's rescue, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Liu Hao naturally knew why they were like this.

Isn't it just that you see the huge merits and benefits right in front of you and think you can earn more?

He also understood this very well. Among these people, he also saw their essence. They were just not confident enough in their own talents and wanted to obtain greater merit to break through themselves.

There is nothing wrong with this. Maybe they will lose their lives in the future, but it is better than losing their lives now.

At least in the future, their cultivation will be much stronger than now, and the opponents they can deal with will also be much stronger. In terms of value, they will still be profitable. Therefore, he can only ignore the inner calculations of these people. Happy to fulfill them.

It's nothing more than a personal choice. It's impossible to say who is right or wrong. It's impossible to say that just because they are such rogues, will they really break free from the shackles of fate in the future?

The reality is always like this. Many people know many things clearly but pretend not to know.

Many of these are not lies, but there is no need to expose them.

Because once the challenge is revealed, it is equivalent to directly putting the choice on the table and forcing the other party to make a choice. In fact, isn't this a complete tearing of face?

Human nature is so self-deceiving sometimes.

But isn’t that human nature?

Otherwise, human nature is the most complex thing?

Among the saints, there are still those who persist in playing sex, let alone mortals.

In mortal terms, this is a manifestation of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence, in monks, isn't it also the word "wisdom" in wisdom?

Walking on the streets of Vancouver, Dragon Country, the more you walk, the more you feel that it is not much different from ordinary streets. There are all kinds of hawking sounds, and they are not reserved just because the buyers and sellers are already members of the monks.

Fireworks in the world never disappear.

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