Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-one, Haina 0 Sichuan

Chapter 1965 The sea is open to all rivers

1981. The sea is open to all rivers.

These teams can be said to have taken their worship to the Empress Nuwa to a higher level.

It's hard to summarize why, but that's just the way it is.

Perhaps the fundamental reason is that the monsters and monsters are more deeply influenced by humans, which leads them to have a fuller understanding of Nuwa Empress, and respect and piety from the heart. This respect and piety are invisible. It affected the human beings among them and led to the current situation.

But no matter what, it’s done.

Although it cannot be said that these teams arrive at the opening of the Nuwa Empress Temple several times a year, they are never absent every year for the birthday of Nuwa Empress.

Isn’t that the day is approaching?

When Liu Hao walked into the Temple of the Empress Nuwa, he could almost see with the naked eye many teams approaching here.

Each of these teams carried tributes.

There are three animals, but they are all carved or clay sculptures, and they all have fruits, and they are all fresh and full of spirit.

Obviously, the three sacrifices for sculptures and clay sculptures must have been stipulated by the higher authorities.

But melons and fruits are the greatest expression of the worshiper’s inner piety.

Liu Hao could see a lot of good-level ones from them. This good quality was naturally aimed at these worshipers.

Obviously, they must have paid a lot of money for these fruits.

They even knew that the unit price they purchased at this time was higher, but they still made their choice, which is enough to show how pious they are.

There are not just one or two such teams, but a large number.

Liu Hao still didn't know that it was not what he imagined, but that the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance provided the supplies. Obviously, he did not think of earning more price difference from it. Instead, because these days, the supply was sufficient, it was these offerings. The biggest foler among them.

This in itself is also a kind of mutual fulfillment.

No one understands the benefits of these ‘festivals’ like the senior officials of the Yanhuang Alliance.

Among them, economic interests have become the least important point.

Not to mention other things, this time, when the quota of Zhoutian Xingdou Grand Formation is opened to monster clans from other regions, after these monster clans fight, when they are sent out of Zhoutian Xingdou Grand Formation, how can they not go to Vancouver, the Dragon Country? Take a tour of the base?

Once here, how could they not visit the surrounding demon cities?

Anyone who has gone through this experience will have no other revelations in their hearts.

It must exist, and it will definitely shock the hearts of these demon clans.

As long as these monsters have this shock in their hearts, it will be enough for Liu Haolong Kingdom and the entire Yanhuang Alliance.

This is completely a model to show the attitude of the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance to all demon clans in the earth.

This model is so clearly visible, and it took a long time to experience it. Obviously it cannot be a show, and it can only really happen in front of their eyes. They must believe it, even if they are doubtful at first.

With this knowledge, the Yanhuang Alliance has made a lot of money.

Sometimes, an attitude is better than anything else, and whether this attitude is recognized by the other party is more difficult than anything else.

How credible is the hype you say?

When the model is placed in front of you, even if you don't want to believe it, it is a fact, and it will definitely eliminate a lot of their original scruples.

Isn't this enough?

Regardless of the Liu Haolong Kingdom or the many worlds of the Yanhuang Alliance, they have never thought of establishing an alliance with the demon clan, but they have also never thought of having a life-and-death fight with them.

The former is due to the pride of the ethnic group, while the latter is simply unnecessary.

On the contrary, establishing a solid trade relationship with them is what Liu Haolong and the entire Yanhuang Alliance members hope for.

Countless products are produced, but they need a sales place. Which one is more suitable than the monsters and beasts around us?

Not only is it a matter of nearby transportation, saving countless shipping costs, but there is also the desire to get more minerals and elixirs from the demon clan and monster beasts.

It is beneficial to both parties, so there is no reason not to do it.

Even in the era of national cultivation, both Liu Haolong Kingdom and the entire Yanhuang Alliance must admit that some people just don't have the talent for cultivation, and no matter how much time they are given, it won't be of much use.

But aren’t these people our own?

Since they are one of our own, we must support them. Just because they don't have talent doesn't mean that their children don't have talent.

Whether Liu Haolong's country or the Yanhuang Alliance, they all need to create living conditions for these people, and there is no better solution than employment.

Their employment will inevitably produce countless commodities, which will require a broad market to digest them.

In the past few decades, the alliance was enough to digest it. But as time goes by, when the supply of goods gradually exceeds demand, development becomes a necessity. The monsters and monsters around them are all Can't let it go.

When the Liu Haolong Kingdom established a trading center for humans and monsters in the Qinling World, wasn't it a precautionary measure?

The opening of this gap and the fact that it can develop so much now is a great proof in itself.

It is also because of the emergence of this gap that the alliance is now selling countless products to monsters and monster groups.

But this kind of sales has reached a relatively peak time and needs to be further developed.

As for the vast differences between the demon clans and monster beasts around Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base, isn't it a huge opportunity to urge the demon clan and monster beasts from all over the world to further develop trade with humans?

Of course, you cannot be anxious about this. Pushing hastily will only make the other party more wary.

But there is no other way.

Now that this place has appeared, wouldn't the demon clan that arrived have other thoughts?

Don't they know how to move some of the monsters under their tents to the surrounding areas?

Anyway, there is a lot of land, it is easy to find, and it does not require a large land. It can only be used as an office here if these monsters want to establish their own territory in the surrounding areas.

Even if they haven't thought of this, can't they be reminded?

As long as they establish their own office, won't they follow the example of other surrounding demon cities and tribes?

As long as you follow suit, you can see the benefits, and won't trust be built step by step?

Only the Yanhuang Alliance knows how vast the market is.

Among them, there is no rush or rush, and there is nothing wrong with being earlier.

The biggest development point of the entire Yanhuang Alliance is actually the world of Dou Qi turning into horses. Who allowed this world to combine into three thousand small worlds?

However, each of the three thousand small worlds stands in the void, and it is equally difficult to open them all.

At the same time, it cannot be used as a dumping ground. After all, they are also human beings. After all, most of them actually have black hair and black eyes. Their language is the same, and they are completely half of us.

Who knows when this half of us will become completely our own?

How is it possible to exploit people on a large scale?

Whether it is Liu Haolong Kingdom or the Yanhuang Alliance, they have never been short-sighted, and they have never been stingy in providing assistance.

Just like the network that I helped to build now, if someone in Dou Qi Hua Ma World wants to learn, wouldn't he know how to hide his secrets?

Even if they want to establish their own telecommunications department, they don't have any objections, nor are they helping to establish it?

It was modernization that was almost visible to the naked eye. Countless steel plants were born in it, railway tracks, power plants, etc., etc., one would appear every three to five days, leaving no dead space in any area.

In fact, from the beginning, the Yanhuang Alliance did not regard them as outsiders, and the anti-inflammatory effect among them was naturally the greatest.

In the future, such a situation is bound to happen in the world of mortals cultivating immortals.

The same origin, the same species, the same civilization, and the same writing speak for themselves.

Why not be more atmospheric?

In comparison, what are the miscellaneous names that occupy it?

It’s just assimilation. Which civilization is as good as the Yanhuang civilization?

At this point, no one can be as confident as the Yanhuang civilization.

You know, in the legend of Yanhuang, there is a character like Xu Xian, who is open to all rivers, and this is not just talk.

In the future, Liu Hao would not be surprised at all if a demon clan appears in the Yanhuang civilization.

Just like those demon clans and monster beasts around Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base, they are just talking about it. Are there still less of them now?

Among the monsters who joined the human team, which one has now completely transformed?

Which one of them doesn't look like a Yanhuang human? If you don't observe carefully, it will take a long time to see the difference.

The behavior and etiquette of these completely transformed monsters are essentially no different from those of real Yanhuang humans.

Although they cannot be said to have a wealth of knowledge after living with humans for a long time, they are by no means illiterate. If you discuss the Analects of Confucius with them, they will be able to tell you something.

Isn't this a kind of assimilation?

In a few decades, if they have exactly the same customs and behaviors, what will happen if they have an ID card?

Is it impossible to marry a human?

Can't they be another Bai Suzhen?

As long as they combine, their offspring will definitely be recognized and even valued.

In Western civilization, there will always be legends, movies, storyboards and novels about the devil's son.

But have you ever seen it appear in the Yanhuang civilization?

The Yan-Huang civilization would never imprint the theory of good and evil on children. This in itself is a cultural taboo.

Even if he appears, he will be like the devil boy Nezha, telling the world that the so-called good and evil are never predetermined and always need education.

No civilization respects teachers more than the Yanhuang civilization.

There is no figure like Confucius in Western civilization, but if they do, will they respect Confucius as a teacher for all generations?

Absolutely impossible.

The orientation and nature of civilization dictate that such a situation is impossible for them.

In their eyes, betraying one's master is the norm. It is called proving oneself to be a master. In essence, it does not produce the mentality of respecting one's master and will not do so.

If they lack such a foundation, they have lost the greatest foundation for embracing all rivers. Nothing they say makes any sense, and no matter how much they propagate, it will never be realized.

In Liu Hao's earth before traveling, the Chou Country was said to be open to all rivers. Essentially, it was because he was strong enough and lost this foundation. Go and see him!

It will definitely break into pieces, just like red beans and mung beans, with almost no possibility of fusion.

On the contrary, this situation is completely different in the Yanhuang civilization. ,

After one or two hundred years, only one person will become a person, that is, a person from the Dragon Kingdom, and only a person from the Dragon Kingdom.

The same situation can occur in humans, and it can also accept groups other than humans.

Of course, one thing must be explained, that is, these monsters must have the ability to transform.

The same appearance is sometimes very important. Only with the same appearance can the aesthetics be consistent, right?

In the temple of Empress Nuwa, one team after another offered sacrifices, and one demon clan city and one tribal team representative appeared one after another. They were all extremely respectful, which already explained everything.

There is time and a common object of worship, which is the basis for common recognition.

The so-called God can be popular among humans in Western civilization, but it is absolutely impossible to popularize it among the monsters and monsters in the land of Western civilization.

The demon clan is essentially unruly and unruly.

It's okay to let them kneel down to a common demon emperor, but if they can only become lambs in the hands of this emperor, it's better to kill them directly.

They can give respect, but they cannot lose themselves.

They can contribute their beliefs, but if the person they believe in is replaced by God, they will definitely become betrayers in an instant.

At this point, the demon clan is similar to the humans of the Yanhuang civilization.

In essence, the only person you trust most is yourself. In essence, what you believe in is that man can conquer heaven and compete with heaven and earth.

In terms of ideological level, those who kneel at the feet of the so-called God are the real inferior people. No wonder they are called lambs.

These people, from a certain perspective, are also members of the animal realm.

They think that they have confessed their sins to the so-called God. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com can already redeem your sins.

It doesn't seem like a big deal to turn around and commit any sin again. Isn't it just a matter of repenting again?

In the eyes of outsiders, they always show a bright and beautiful side, but as everyone knows, their descendants have long been rotten.

If this is not the way of animals, then why is it?

They will never have the foundation to embrace all rivers, even if they develop for countless years.

On the other hand, as long as they integrate into the Yanhuang civilization, they will find how ridiculous their past is. Once they wake up, they will change it most thoroughly.

This point has been confirmed by countless cases at the Dragon Kingdom Australian base.

The fact that the elves from the Nordic forests never considered joining when they saw the foundation of Western civilization explains everything.

You know, in terms of appearance, they are very close to Western civilization.

Their choice has actually confirmed the essential level of the entire civilization.

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