Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-four, changes trigger promotion

Chapter 1968 Change leads to promotion

1984. Promotion caused by changes

There is a reason why Liu Hao chose Longguo Vancouver Base Business District as his last place to hang out.

It's not that he wants to be tainted by this human fireworks, but he wants to observe the difference from it, the difference between the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base and the Qinling human and monster trading center in the Dragon Kingdom.

Only when he really got into it did he realize that he had thought too much.

Also, all commercial centers are more or less very similar. Even if they are different, they are more based on needs.

Unsurprisingly, weapons-related products account for the bulk of the sales here.

This place is more of a pure trading place. As long as the materials are collected, they will be quickly transported through the teleportation array. It seems that they can digest as much as they come, and they never do anything in it.

Perhaps the only difference lies in the number of monsters among them.

Who makes this business center never reject anyone who comes? Even if the monster's intelligence has not fully grown up, it will still welcome them when they come.

After watching for a while, Liu Hao discovered the real difference, which was integrity.

If you think about it, you can understand that when it was first established and continues to this day, the biggest trading objects here are the monster clan, or monster beasts.

While the demon clan can still tolerate profiteers, it is difficult to suppress the demon beasts.

Once they get angry, even if they are suppressed in the end, the losses will be huge. The most important thing is whether other monsters are still willing to believe in this commercial center after the news spreads.

For this reason, we must come up with principles and firmly adhere to these principles.

Fortunately, this principle has now penetrated into the hearts of every participant. They all know that once they break this rule, what awaits them will be no different from the eighteenth level of hell, and they will not dare to touch it easily.

Over time, it became a specialty, unafraid to display daily prices to all comers.

Even if the objects appear to be the same on the outside, the differences on the inside are happy to be marked out.

Such straightforward display is the best way to build trust, and only then can this business center continue to this day.

In the future, businessmen from other regions will arrive in large numbers. Liu Hao cannot predict whether they can continue to persist.

But he knows that as long as Yang Jian is willing to continue this rule, and the commercial center patrol team never stops, even if there is a slight mistake, it will not really collapse.

Although it is somewhat fragile, it is also very stable.

This is not to give profits to the surrounding monsters and monsters, but the Yanhuang Alliance is doing an experiment with this. The real purpose is still to digest the surrounding monsters.

Isn’t the milk produced by pure demon cows delicious? That is truly highly nutritious and can be purchased with money. The top executives of the Yanhuang Alliance would laugh out of their dreams, right?

The high-quality wool of the sheep tribe can be purchased in large quantities every year. After a little processing, it can become a very good personal protective armor. Who would be willing to give it up?

Such things can be bought from demon clans in other regions, but aren't they very rare?

There is no such large-scale trading place as this one.

Even if many trading places were established in Liu Haolong Kingdom, even if this method was taught to the demon clan among them, it would still have no effect.

The reason is still a matter of living conditions. Those monsters who are always in danger, even if they know the value, do not dare to try it easily, because they need to spend most of their time practicing and improving their realm. Everything else must go to the back.

This is the fundamental reason why the Yanhuang Alliance is happy to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain the rules of trust in this commercial center.

Similarly, whenever these monster groups want to buy weapons, as long as they have them, there is no prohibition on selling them, even many books on techniques and skills are no exception.

From this, it can be seen that the monsters and monsters around the base have actually completely accepted the human race, at least they will not regard the Yanhuang human race as their enemies.

Isn't this enough?

Monsters and beasts are far more sensitive than humans. When you sincerely show your sincerity, they can also quickly feel it. When you do this for a long time, trust will be established naturally.

Otherwise, how could there be merchants going to the Monster Tribe?

In fact, even if Liu Hao did not see the merchant team, even if the unexpected wandering monsters saw it, they would not deliberately make things difficult for them.

When this is the norm, trust has been successfully established.

This level of trust even exceeds that of Liu Haolong's Qinling Human Race and Demon Race Trading Center.

Therefore, the Yanhuang Alliance had the idea of ​​integrating them into other regions, but this idea was simply impossible.

Also, here, right behind the abyss front line, if there is no unity and internal fighting, that would be unjust.

In the sight, a colorful horse was walking, looking left and right, as if it was looking for something. It also carried many cloth bags on its back, which were tied firmly.

It was alone, and it looked like it was coming here for the first time. It seemed to be full of interest in everything.

This is a lonely stallion monster, its level is not bad, it seems that it has just broken through the seventh level not long ago.

Perhaps that's why I came here, and I must have heard rumors about this place for a long time.

It was very happy here, because it didn't encounter any troubles along the way, and the same was true when entering the commercial center. The patrol team seemed to see its curiosity, but they only glanced at it a few times and did not rush to help. .

Obviously, these patrol officers have already developed a behavioral pattern for this.

Not long after, another patrol team came from the corner of the street. Among the patrol teams, the leading row was composed of one person and one horse.

The horse was also wearing clothes, with the word patrol marked on it, so it was obviously a member of the patrol team.

It is normal here for some monsters to join the patrol team.

It seems that he wanted to give the new monsters a little more speed to get familiar with this place, so he recruited the same kind.

As expected, this colorful horse monster saw its own kind appearing in the new patrol team. The light in its eyes was so bright that it had already rushed towards the patrol team before they could get closer.

The two horse monsters did not exchange greetings at all and entered into a conversation directly. Liu Hao listened to the entire conversation, which made him laugh involuntarily.

Horses live in groups, but male horses, especially those that pose a huge threat to rival horses, are often expelled.

This makes it possible to see lone horses in the wild.

As long as these lonely horses can survive, they are often very strong, and this piebald horse monster is one of them.

Although this flowery horseman is still not enough to return to the horse group to challenge the original horse king, but after reaching the seventh level of cultivation, it becomes very difficult to continue to progress at a high speed in the wild.

It chose to come to Dragon Kingdom’s Vancouver base for this reason.

The horse monster in the patrol team is actually almost a copy of it.

When I got here, I simply joined the patrol team and lived a very relaxed life.

Judging from the desire in the eyes of the flower-horse monster, Liu Hao almost didn't need to think that the monsters in the patrol team were most likely recruited in this way.

Also, as long as those who have their own tribe, even if they join, it is mostly temporary. On the contrary, these lonely monsters are more concerned about this.

Liu Hao didn't look much afterward. Soon, he walked around the entire commercial center. There was nothing that continued to arouse his interest and he left directly.

The next person to appear was already outside the seaside hut at Dragon Kingdom's Australian base.

He just stood on the beach, looking at the sea. In the hut behind him, Liu Hao, the obsessed man, had already walked out. In a breath, the two of them merged into one. After a moment, they separated again. The two of them had exchanged all the information.

Dragon Kingdom Australia Base, the frontier has become peaceful. This peace does not mean that there is no war. Hunting and the like are still popular here. Compared with this game, it is not on the same level, but compared to the hunting battles before the game , several times more ferocious.

The reason is naturally that the number of arrivals has increased dramatically.

The information obtained from the obsessed Liu Hao shows that more than half of these surges in population come from Liu Hao's Dragon Kingdom, Under One Person, Liangjian, and Zongwu World, which have long been linked to Liu Hao's earth.

Because these people were connected to all the worlds early, their average cultivation level was higher than that of those who came after them. To put it bluntly, they gained greater trust from the alliance and believed that they were qualified to step out of their comfort zone. .

Their departures will naturally be filled by people, such as the new population of Kung Fu World in Zhonghai, the population of Huang Feihong World in Foshan, etc.

Liu Hao feels that his Dragon Kingdom area is more like a novice area.

Also, the controllability of the own dragon kingdom has obviously improved to a higher level. Although there is no agreement signed with the demon clan, the tacit understanding between them has penetrated into the top management of both parties.

Neither of them wants to make things big, and they both want to control the competition between the two sides at a certain level.

Those who have gained experience earlier will naturally be 'expelled', which is a good thing for both parties.

This time, the population arriving at the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base was exaggerated. It amounted to tens of millions at a time. Most of these people were between the fifth and sixth levels.

It's not that those with higher cultivation levels don't want to come, but those who are above the seventh level, even when they arrive at the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base, they quickly leave and go to Vancouver.

Don't underestimate their ability to collect information. Once the news spreads, won't they learn it quickly?

In the Internet age, spiritual energy has not disappeared because of its revival. Even if you are still doubtful, wouldn’t it be clear after a visit?

Naturally, those who stay at the Dragon Kingdom's Australian base are not eligible to go.

This place has become a transitional area. It seems that everyone wants to be closer to Vancouver and is happy to come here to have a try.

This is how the aggregation effect appeared. The effect of such aggregation effect is also extraordinary.

Just like a group of students who all have higher goals, they will inevitably open up their knowledge to others for learning, because only in this way can they learn more from others and improve themselves faster. s level.

They are not just simple competitors to each other. They know that as long as they step into the seventh level, they can leave at any time and go to the Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base at any time.

In their minds, that is the real highway. Compared with these, what does the lost thing mean?

Of course, there are also some people who, even if they exceed the seventh level, don't have much thought to cross over. Such monks often have a clear understanding of themselves and know that they are not good at fighting. If they go, they will not reap much benefit.

Here, there is a face that Liu Hao is very familiar with.

Xia He, the Zhang Lingyu woman from Longhu Mountain under one person, is one of them.

Before that, she had always settled near Longhu Mountain in Liu Haolong's country, and she was very well-behaved. How could she be so 'open-minded' under one person?

She seemed to be tired of living in a world under one person. After arriving on Liu Hao's Earth, because Zhang Lingyu was missing, she simply chose to open a shop in a city near Longhu Mountain and wait.

This time, she was also part of the deported group and had no choice but to leave. But when she arrived at the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom, she still seemed to have no desire to fight. She was as peaceful as a bean curd beauty and even hid her natural charm. Clean and tidy.

Her cultivation level is not low at all. She has already passed the immortal level. The reason why she has not been able to improve rapidly in these years is most likely because she cannot find a goal to move forward, right?

Not everyone in the universe is happy to see the connection between the universe and the universe. A large proportion of them are more willing to have their own world closed, because in such a closed environment, they are more comfortable and comfortable. They are the ones who are most willing to live a comfortable life.

Xia He is an extreme person. In the world of one person, she has never been a bad person. Due to her physical talent, she has to become a member of the whole world.

But in reality?

More often than not, she couldn't get out of the limitations of her own talent. She couldn't get out of the skill limitations brought by her talent, so she had to do it as a last resort.

Xia He was once happy with the appearance of All Heavens and All Realms, because monks were the mainstream among the Lords of All Heavens, and she no longer needed to worry or fear because of her innate skills;

But soon, she discovered the blow that the heavens and worlds had dealt her, that is, once her lover entered the heavens, it would be extremely difficult to find her, and it would even be impossible to find her.

She is open-minded, but is this open-mindedness really what she thinks in her heart?

Feo Jitai's coming and going happened in such a situation. She let go of a lot, but she couldn't let go of her inner love for Zhang Lingyu no matter what.

She chose to live in seclusion, but while living in seclusion, she was also expecting that Zhang Lingyu would find her and take her away.

Unfortunately, her inner expectations did not appear. How did she know that Zhang Lingyu was directly dumped into the wild world by Liu Hao?

She had no choice but to come to Dragon Kingdom's Australian base this time, but it was actually an opportunity.

Just like now, Liu Hao saw it and immediately passed the news to Zhang Lingyu.

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