Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and ninety, the sense of accomplishment gained from Bifang

1990. Bi Fang’s sense of accomplishment

It's like a billionaire lending a million to a poor person.

For a poor person, one million is already a wealth that he cannot accumulate in several lifetimes, but for a billionaire, it may be just a matter of a short period of time.

This debt completely crushes the backbone of the poor, forcing him to no longer have dignity in front of billionaires.

This is what Liu Hao wants.

When Ginseng Master no longer has dignity in front of Liu Hao, he will become more scrupulous about the humans outside Shennongjia, and will always think about what will happen to Liu Hao once he causes huge damage to humans. an attitude.

Will he simply come to collect debts under the pretext of repaying karma? If so, the only result he can have is to pay for it with his own life.

Perhaps after waiting for the ginseng man in front of him to calm down completely, he could also sense Liu Hao's thoughts.

But what if you know?

Will you be happy instead?

Following the future that Liu Hao hopes to see, wouldn't it be repaying the cause and effect bit by bit?

It may take more than 100,000 years to completely repay it, but it’s better than impossible, right?

The Ginseng Man was still kneeling on the ground, but Liu Hao's figure had long since disappeared, and the passage across the world had never been noticed by the defenders.

Stepping into the wild world at the other end of the passage, it was still the same.

He was used to this, and when he arrived in the wild world, he only glanced at the monster clan guarding one end and compared the gap in the cultivation level of the two guarding monster clan groups.

At first glance, it’s really quite big.

At this end of the wild world, it is obviously beyond a small realm.

It must be admitted that even if there is no difference between the intensity of spiritual energy on our own earth and that of the wild world, there is still a big gap in the great opportunities contained in the two worlds.

This richness in the wild world is something that even our own earth will never be able to achieve in countless years.

People say that the more they reach a place with broad horizons, the broader their mind will become.

This seems to have been verified by comparing the wilderness world with the location of our own earth.

How could he not know that even if his earth were expanded ten times, it would still be just a taller mountain in the wild world in front of him?

Such a strong contrast has already explained everything.

Any monster clan that migrates from their home earth to a wild world must have their inner ambitions greatly strengthened, right?

The longer they stay here, the less they will want to go back to that small village.

This may be why the guards at both ends of the world passage have no difference in talent at all, but in the end there is such a significant gap in cultivation level.

It’s no wonder that the entire Shennongjia demon clan in their own Dragon Kingdom is too lazy to go to the nearby Qinling human and demon trading market.

With such a vast world, how can they see the bottles and cans in the market?

They want materials. In this wild world, they can dig out countless materials within a few steps. Even if they know little about weapon refining, there are countless materials for them to practice. As time goes by, they can always make progress.

The old fox and ginseng man couldn't possibly not understand this. Those monsters who yearn for the Qinling Mountains as a trading center for humans and monsters, just need to let them experience the wild world, and all their thoughts will disappear.

It's no wonder that in the entire Shennongjia, this old guy still firmly controls the throne, and no one dares to really go against his edge.

Thinking about it carefully, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this.

In such a vast world, with the gate of Ginseng Gong and the Shennong clan in it, in the future, even if Emperor Jun Taiyi of the ancient world knew about it and coveted it, he would never even think about taking it, right?

Liu Haoke has never stopped dividing the demon clan. Whenever there is a slight possibility, he will be overjoyed.

As for whether Ginseng Gong will be as threatening as Emperor Jun Taiyi in the future, it's not that Liu Hao underestimated Ginseng Gong.

The fundamental essential gap determines that the chance of this happening is almost slim.

Just imagine, Bai Ze can tolerate himself succumbing to Emperor Jun Taiyi, can he tolerate himself to succumb to Ginseng Gong?

Not to mention Bai Ze, even those great demons in the ancient world couldn't do it.

In that case, what's there to worry about?

In the wild world in front of us, there are countless demon clans with deep bloodlines, and there are also three-legged golden crows among them. Aren't they proud in their hearts?

It's impossible for them to be willing to bow down and salute Ginseng Gong, right?

In other words, even if the demon clan in the wild world wants to unify, it will take endless years and countless fights.

Rather than looking forward to this, it is better to look forward to the Shennong clan shouldering the responsibility in the future, that is, integrating the human race among them, and also covering the demon race among them.

Become the truly supreme ‘Tao Ancestor’ of the wild world.

There is a high probability that the Shennong clan is also looking forward to this, right?

Otherwise, why did Shennong never leave after entering this world?

People know very well that this world is their true destiny, and they can only look forward to how high they can reach in the future.

When Liu Hao drove Yunduo towards the address of the Shennong family, what he saw and heard confirmed Liu Hao's guess.

All the human tribes he saw along the way have each received the inheritance of Shennong's Baicao, and countless grains have been grown among them. Although the farming civilization cannot be said to have been burned into their bones and blood, it has also taken root.

It seems that Shennong didn't give them any plan at all. Besides farming, these tribes were also domesticating monsters and developing nomadic civilization.

But compared with true nomadic civilization, these tribes seem to be different because they rarely migrate or even almost never migrate.

The deeper you walk, the larger the tribes become, and there are even tribes similar to cities.

Among these tribes, Liu Hao saw the development of medical treatment, and the collection of many herbal medicines could obviously only be attributed to the Shennong family.

These two major inheritances are enough for the Shennong family to gain immeasurable merit in the wild world.

Liu Hao also saw the emergence of many cultivation systems without thinking at all, and knew that this was intentional by Shennong.

It seems that people have never thought about forcibly promoting any set of roads. Instead, they teach all the roads they know to the creatures in the wild world, allowing them to make their own choices, and allowing them to combine their own talents with them. Yes, create a path that truly suits you.

This is the greatest responsibility.

This is the key to the Shennong clan being able to be recognized by the wild world to the fullest extent.

Liu Hao almost didn't need to think about it, but he could feel that there was a huge gap between the luck of the Shennong family now and before he entered.

He didn't know how many times Shennong's luck increased, but he also knew that the Shennong in today's wild world would most likely have richer luck than Fuxi before he attained enlightenment.

In other words, killing all three corpses would pose almost no obstacle to the Shennong clan.

It's just the difference between what people want and what they don't want.

It's just a question of whether the Shennong family can find the path that best suits them.

What Liu Hao expected was not that the Shennong family would continue on the path created by Hongjun.

Shennong, who merged with the original Shennong clan in the wild world, is essentially different.

Liu Hao didn't know if it contained the blood of the Wu clan or something else. He didn't care about this. Instead, he was looking forward to whether the Shennong clan would create his own path.

He knew that it was probably impossible for him to do this, but it didn't stop him from learning from hundreds of schools of thought, and he was doing the same.

At least now it seems that the effect is very good, isn't it?

He has cultivated all three thousand avenues, and has not given up on any of the three thousand laws. It is also destined that he can only do this. He needs to learn everything he sees and imitate everything he encounters.

Isn't this a unique path?

He followed Shennong's aura and had no intention of rushing. As he walked, he seemed to have arrived at a territory that he was very familiar with. Soon, he also understood that this was the place where he stayed last time.

The loud chirping of the Bi Fang tribe nearby said it all.

He expected that after the Bifang tribe got more skills from him, they would become "arrogant" and embark on the road of expansion, which did not happen.

It seems that they have always followed their 'instructions'. Even if the group has expanded a lot, it has only expanded a little in the surrounding area.

They should belong to a more violent group, but because they have always followed the principle of keeping a low profile in their hearts, they have an extraterrestrial aura, which was originally only possessed by the crane group.

When Liu Hao saw such changes in the Bifang ethnic group, he didn't know whether to be happy or smile bitterly.

But he must admit in his heart that he was secretly happy, just like a group of students he inadvertently taught. Even if he left for a long time, they still respected him from the bottom of their hearts.

Even if they already have the strength and qualifications to dominate a party, they have not abused their power. They are waiting here, as if waiting for when they will return.

Liu Hao could see that Bi Fang had more or less understood the many sword marks he had left on the cliff.

It is also because of this that the sword light occasionally emitted from the mouth when Bifang is fighting in front of them has clearly become part of their signature, and has been passed down from generation to generation to this day.

Seeing this, Liu Hao no longer had the intention to observe the humans nearby. Whether those humans inherited the skills he left behind or not, it seemed to be irrelevant.

The more he watched, the more Liu Hao felt the cuteness of the Bi Fang people in front of him.

However, how to deal with them next becomes a problem.

Carrying them away is not an option.

Our earth is only such a big territory, so taking these Bi Fang away and placing them is a problem.

Furthermore, are the Bi Fangs in front of us really suitable for development on their own earth?

The human family group has been multiplying in the wild world for countless years, and has long been in tune with the environment here.

On the contrary, on our own earth, the Bi Fang tribe has long since disappeared in the long history. So far, it seems that no bird has evolved into a Bi Fang.

This situation itself illustrates many problems.

Then, we can only continue to let them stay here, even if Liu Hao feels a lot of reluctance, he can only do this.

But continuing to stay does not mean that Liu Hao cannot give more.

He is not willing to change the wild world on a large scale, because this is the responsibility of the Shennong family, but it does not mean that he can't do anything.

It's just one ethnic group, and it's just the tip of the iceberg among all the tribes in the wild world. Changes won't cause the entire world to shift, and there's no need to worry too much.

In the future, the Shennong clan will not still be stationed here for countless years. Anyway, the Shennong clan itself is enough to suppress it, so there is no need to worry.

However, Liu Hao was confused about which benefits to give and which benefits.

Bi Fang belongs to fire, and they are born as spirits of fire.

To describe them in online game terms, they are born to be fire mages.

Logically speaking, teaching them how to further control flames is the best choice.

But Liu Hao thought carefully and found that this was not the case.

They already have excellent talents in the flames. Even if they don't teach them, they will slowly find the path that best suits Bifang.

In other words, no matter how much I teach now, it can only catalyze the development speed of their talents, and cannot truly promote the transformation of the Bifang tribe.

That being the case, why bother?

On the other hand, what is the best arrangement to pass on another option to the Bi Fang ethnic group, such as the swordsmanship that has gradually been mastered by all the Bi Fang ethnic group?

The more he thought about it, the more Liu Hao thought that this was the best choice.

He must admit that talent can be inherited. The Bifang ethnic group who have been exploring the way of swordsmanship for generations seems to have added the talent of swordsmanship to their genes.

Even if it is still weak now, it is still nothing compared to playing with fire, but isn't that already there?

The emergence of this genetic inheritance did not have the slightest impact on Bi Fang's talent for playing with fire, which was what Liu Hao valued most.

Also, if Bi Fang appears, it is impossible not to know how to play with fire, otherwise it is impossible to have the title Bi Fang.

On the other hand, in addition to the talent of playing with fire, Bifang has also added a branch of swordsmanship talent. His status among birds is that even if he cannot catch up with the top Phoenix and Golden-winged Dapeng, he is bound to follow them. Is it over?

In the future, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com Who knows if there will be someone among the Bifang tribe who possesses both the top talent for playing with fire and the ultimate talent for swordsmanship?

By then, this Bifang will be able to hold its head high even in front of the golden-winged roc, right?

The reason why nurturing games have always been popular is because every nurturing gamer can always find a sense of accomplishment in it.

Even Liu Hao is not exempt from vulgarity.

Now that I have met, discovered, and is inextricably related to myself, or because I changed it unintentionally, there is no reason to give up.

He didn't appear with any fanfare, but with a wave of his hand, he immediately put everyone in a deep sleep.

Using a method of preaching in a dream, demonstrating the way of swordsmanship, it can be achieved as soon as the mind moves.

Doing this also means to imprint these kendo demonstrations in the minds of all Bi Fang.

As for how much they can digest in the future, whether they can combine it with their own talent for playing with fire to create skills unique to the Bifang tribe, Liu Hao is still no longer expecting it.

What he is more concerned about is how long it will take for this talent to be burned into the Bifang ethnic group, and how many generations it will take for it to be stable. (End of chapter)

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