Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and ninety-two, different thinking brought about by different positions

1992. Different stances bring about different thinking

It must be admitted that the inheritance of the Shennong family is more suitable for the wild world than Liu Hao knows.

When the Shennong clan rose in the wild world, the human race was similar to the human race in the wild world today.

They have experience, they have done it once, and it has been verified and recognized by Yifangtiandi.

On the other hand, once this task is handed over to Liu Hao, it will really backfire.

It is like giving computer programming to an ancient person. It is divorced from the real environment and has no meaning no matter how authoritative the instructor is.

These teachings, when placed in the hands of Shennong, are a step-by-step process. Shennong can clearly understand what the human race in the wild world really needs at a glance, and then teach them according to their aptitude.

This approach may seem slow, but it has a solid foundation.

In a world where monks call the shots, this seemingly slow process is actually much faster than imagined.

They were just like climbing stairs, one step at a time. Maybe they would come back to watch in a hundred years. At that time, the wild world was already filled with dynasties, and there was a lot of modern flavor mixed in.

Don't think that Shennong didn't stay in Liu Hao's earth for a long time, so people know nothing about this. If you really think so, then you underestimate Shennong's learning ability.

The technology and composition of the modern world that Shennong learned from Liu Hao's Earth will definitely appear in the wild world in the future.

He is not a Confucian, a Taoist, or a Buddhist. For Shennong, he will definitely try anything that can promote mankind.

But in this process, the Shennong family will definitely not spread the Confucian ideological restrictions on the world.

It will be impossible for a single family to appear in the wild world in the future, and it will be inevitable for a hundred schools of thought to contend.

As for the war in the wild world caused by contention, there is a high probability that the Shennong clan will not stop it.

Isn’t this also a verification of Tao?

Necessary losses are necessary in the eyes of any high-ranking person. It is nothing more than seeing whether the loss is worth it.

Similarly, the possible battle of a hundred schools of thought in the wild world will hardly affect the people of the middle and lower classes, because the world is too vast. If this kind of competition for the top requires the participation of the people of the middle and lower classes, just wait for the time for these people to gather. I don’t know how many generations this idea has been derived from.

Liu Hao had a premonition that in the wild world, perhaps in another ten or twenty years, the Internet would rise on a large scale.

It was not something else, but necessity, which forced Shennong to erect it himself.

Liu Hao felt a little funny when he thought of this, but he couldn't get this possibility out of his mind.

The development of things is so overbearing.

When a need comes, if this need cannot be met, it will often only bring chaos.

This is true whether the need is material or spiritual.

Communication is a human instinct, or a living instinct. It is nothing more than the amount of communication needs.

Just like the current group of Bi Fang, they live in seclusion here, but that doesn't mean they have no contact with the outside world. They can quickly understand all the news around them, big and small.

They may not have established dedicated personnel tracking, but over time, they have formed their own set of information collection models. It may be primitive, but it is sufficient now.

As time goes by in the future, this information collection model will definitely become outdated, and they will inevitably make changes, such as establishing a truly professional department to be responsible for this matter.

At that time, this Bi Fang ethnic group is likely to form a 'nation' composed only of Bi Fang.

Isn't this the pattern of human tribes evolving towards dynasties?

This is the evolution of demand determination, and in this process, there will definitely be a trace of thinkers.

Liu Hao didn’t know if ‘Lao Tzu’ would appear in the wild world in the future, and whether this Lao Tzu would also write the ‘Tao Te Ching’ in the wild world.

He can't guarantee it because he has discovered that the Lao Tzu of the prehistoric world and the Lao Tzu of all worlds are basically products of the same mirror image.

He even thought about whether there was a legendary mythical Laozi in the chaos and the great road, and all the Laozi in the heavens and worlds were just this mythical Laozi who reflected the heavens.

He is a time traveler. How could he not have seen the vast majesty of the Mythical Great Luo before traveling through the world?

That is an existence that can create all heavens and worlds at every turn, and destroy all worlds at every turn.

However, he was not sure whether this really existed. If it existed, what did the abyss represent?

At what level should my current cultivation level be ranked in the realm of mythology?

How far away are we from the so-called mythical immortals?

It's not that he doesn't think about this, but when he thinks about it, he feels that there is no difference between himself and an ant. Even the universe is just a small plaything in the realm of mythology.

He didn't dare not admit it, but he didn't want to admit it either.

The mythical realm in his thoughts was so far away from him that he felt that maybe it was just a product of his imagination.

But isn't he waiting for me to appear in the wild world?

He didn't know if Shennong had ever thought of spreading Laozi's Tao Te Ching directly into the wild world, and then proclaiming it in the name of Laozi.

If this is the case, then it will no longer be possible for me to appear in the wild world.

But, would Shennong do this?

Does he need to consider the idea of ​​​​the moral deity of the prehistoric world?

If the Shennong family in today's wild world did not come from the ancient world, there is a high probability that this factor would not be considered.

But on the other hand, we have to consider whether the moral heaven of the prehistoric world is willing.

Because once you do it, you will definitely have a cause and effect with the moral god of the prehistoric world.

Whether this cause and effect is good or bad will only be decided by the moral deity of the ancient world.

People may thank Shennong for spreading his thoughts and inheritance in the wild world, so that he can get some luck from the wild world.

But it is also possible to simply use this as an excuse to think that Shennong had other thoughts when spreading his ideas and inheritance.

Otherwise, why would Taoism be so weak in the wild world?

Whether it is weak or not, I won’t be able to decide at that time?

It can be said that it is a thankless task at all, but not all actions are done with good intentions and will definitely yield benefits.

Similarly, if Shennong ignores Laozi's thoughts and inheritance in the wild world, will he be really satisfied when the moral god of the ancient world arrives in the future?

how? Are you so disdainful of my Lao Tzu's thoughts and inheritance, and have taught everything else but ignored mine? Do you have such a big problem with me?

There are also countless excuses, whether you do it or not do it, everyone can find them.

Suddenly, Liu Hao smiled bitterly. Most likely, Shennong had also thought of what he had thought before, and was also waiting to see if a figure like me would appear in the wild world, right?

There is a high probability that I have set a timeline for myself. For example, at a certain point in time, I am still not born in the wilderness world, so he can only take action himself.

He didn't think that Shennong would be timid. Even if he knew these things, he would still do what he had to do.

People are very high-spirited, and when they settle down here, they already regard this world as the greatest, or even the only, way for them to achieve enlightenment in the future.

This kind of Shennong clan gave Liu Hao another reason not to contact him this time.

For a Shennong like this, every minute and every second of his schedule is bound to be full of plans. How can he have time to take care of himself?

Anyway, all I have to do is help others and get a nod from Shennong, so why bother with all the red tape?

With a decision in his mind, Liu Hao no longer hesitated. As he raised his hand, a dark yellow light appeared on his fingertips. It quickly grew into the shape of a water drop. After another moment, the shape was completely stable. It was clearly a tiny jade sign.

This was something Liu Hao did deliberately. It showed the greatest respect for the Shennong clan. It also told the Shennong clan that even if Liu Hao comes, the wild world is still your territory. When I come, I also need to hand in the greeting card and come to the door. Visit also.

The tiny jade token escaped from Liu Hao's hand, sank directly into the void, and appeared directly across space in front of the Shennong clan in a tribe who was explaining various knowledge to the human race among them.

Shennong was stunned when he saw such a solemn approach. After reading the information, Shennong couldn't help but shake his head and laugh.

From the perspective of outsiders, it is inevitable to overthink some things and whether there is any hidden meaning in every move of the other person.

But where is the hidden meaning among the parties concerned?

Just like the Shennong in front of him, he just felt that this was the best way. He thought so, and naturally did so.

Because he is so pure, he has received the absolute blessing of the will of the entire wild world.

Sometimes, you have to admit sincerity in order to gain the greatest trust. This is also the best proof in Shennong's case today.

It can be said that he has obtained it. At this time, no one can replace the Shennong family's position in the wild world.

Not only because of the recognition of the will of heaven and earth in the wild world, but also the respect of him by all the beings in it.

This cannot be replaced even by the arrival of saints.

The so-called countless plans and arrangements that Liu Hao thought were not reflected in Shennong at all. He just completed what he thought was the knowledge dissemination here and immediately headed to the next tribe.

Also because Shennong did not think that he could gain any benefit from his actions, he was already being looked forward to by the people of these tribes before he arrived.

When he arrived, all the people saw it, and they would unconsciously put down all their actions, sit quietly in front of Shennong, and wait for Shennong to spread knowledge to them.

They firmly believe in this, and it can be said that they have never doubted the Shennong family in the slightest.

And the fact is, as they expected, whether it is the farming methods, medical methods taught by Shennong, or the many cultivation systems and methods spread by Shennong, they can achieve transformation in a very short period of time. .

Such a true god-like figure came so quietly when he and his tribe needed it most, taught them, and then left quietly. What is that if he is not a true god?

Whenever Shennong passed through any tribe, there would definitely be statues of Shennong in that tribe, either clay dolls or wood carvings, all kinds of strange things.

These practices have allowed the Shennong family to unknowingly complete the layout that Liu Hao thought.

This is the position of the Shennong clan in the wild world, the position of master.

It's just that he didn't know that the countless calculations he thought did not occur to Shennong at all.

As an Earth Emperor Shennong, he could only be placed under house arrest in the Fire Cloud Cave after becoming enlightened.

He was able to become the co-leader of the ancient human race, but it was because of his merits. The reason why he was able to obtain such vast merits was also because of Shennong's deep love for mankind. Otherwise, there would be no Shennong who tasted hundreds of herbs.

He is such a pure human race, even if he is already one of the three emperors.

It's not that he doesn't know how to calculate, it's that he doesn't need to calculate at all.

Liu Hao guessed that the Shennong family would have various considerations about spreading Laozi's thoughts and inheritance, but there was no concern about the Shennong family at all.

People don't bother to think too much. When imparting knowledge, they think of the Tao Te Ching and teach it. They think of the cultivation techniques and skills of Tao Te Tianzun's disciples and teach it directly.

On the contrary, the Shennong clan is so pure. Even if the Moral Goddess comes in the future and sees that his thoughts and inheritance are in a mess in the wild world, he can only thank the Shennong clan.

The Shennong family had no starting point at all, and they never thought of making profits from it.

The so-called cause and effect, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Even if it exists, the prehistoric moral heaven that will come in the future must be marked as a good side. Even if it is owed, it can only be the cause and effect of I owe Shennong.

There was no caution against Liu Hao at all, but Shen Nong was so wise. He thought a little and guessed what Liu Hao was thinking, so he shook his head and laughed.

But he did not push away Liu Hao's kindness, because he found that Liu Hao's 'politeness' was not a manifestation of 'property'.

In the relatively primitive wild world, isn't this an obvious teaching case?

It can only be said that the current Shennong family has become more and more calm on the path of being a cultivator, and every move and every move is geared toward this goal.

It's no wonder that the Wild World directly scattered many inheritances that Liu Hao left in this world. Compared with Liu Hao's mentality of losing his son, the Shennong clan is what the Wild World really needs.

If it were Liu Hao, it would be the will of Yifangtiandi, and he would only choose this way.

In the Bifang community, a figure slowly walked out of the void. Who could it be if it wasn't Shennong?

His appearance also surprised Liu Hao, but he soon discovered that the Shennong clan who arrived was not the real person, but an incarnation. This made Liu Hao feel relieved and the smile on his face became a little wider. (End of chapter)

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