Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

One thousand nine hundred and ninety-four, it's still an accident

Chapter 1978 It’s still an accident

1994. Still an accident

If Liu Hao left something here last time, it was just a small trick, this time, it was a purposeful experiment.

He also wanted to see what the group of Bi Fang he had tamed could learn from them.

He had almost no reservations, and even the Supreme Tao Te Ching of Taoism was inscribed in it. However, the more advanced it is, the harder it is to peek into it.

He is not worried about the benefits he left behind. When other ethnic groups in the wild world hear about them in the future, they will create a phenomenon of "three-year-old children holding gold" for the Bifang ethnic group.

He left a restriction in it, and he never thought about using it as a basis to inherit it for the entire wild world.

That's not his job. He won't compete with the Shennong family for this luck, and there's no need for it.

The inheritance he left behind was for the group of Bi Fangs in front of him.

It's just a simple bloodline restriction. Although the method is simple, it is also the most effective.

He is also not worried that if he does this, the Bifang tribe will develop into the throne tribe of the entire wild world in the future.

If it does not exist, the will of heaven and earth in the wild world will not allow it, and the laws of heaven and earth will not give any support.

He didn't know whether the wild world in the future would be like the prehistoric world, in which the human race was recognized by the will of heaven and earth as the only protagonist.

But regardless of whether such a development trend occurs, Bifang will not be the protagonist.

Because they were not taught by Shennong, to a certain extent, they can even be said to be an ethnic group subject to external intervention.

He is not worried about whether the Bifang tribe in front of him will be targeted by the entire wild world because of this identity. Such a possibility also does not exist.

When things happen, no matter how absurd they are, they are reasonable. If they are not targeted by the entire wild world at this time, they are already recognized.

They may encounter various ups and downs in the future, but isn’t that wind and rain?

How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?

As for whether the Bifang ethnic group would be exterminated because of this, Liu Hao was not worried at all.

Although there is no advanced formation here, his inner recognition of being a vassal of the Bifang ethnic group is the greatest protection.

In other words, even if the Bi Fang group will face endless ups and downs in the future, this place will be the biggest safe haven for the Bi Fang group, and it will not be affected unless there is a calamity of heaven and earth.

The reason why Liu Hao is so confident is his confidence in his own luck.

The incarnation of the Shennong clan has just arrived. Seeing the change in the temperament of the Bifang tribe, this guy is also happy in his heart, right?

This experiment was not so much conducted by Liu Hao, but rather that all subsequent observations were left to Shennong.

As for the domestication of other ethnic groups in the wild world, as the first recognized supreme being in the wild world today, the Shennong family is the one who cares.

The Shennong clan is also the one who least expects that the tribes that they have finally succeeded in educating will face continuous wars in the future.

Shennong also knew that it was impossible to completely eliminate the disputes in the wild world.

But isn’t that an expectation?

Conflicts can happen, but wars can definitely be avoided if possible.

Previously, the Shennong clan's biggest idea was to simply expel both parties to the wild world when the war was inevitable, and to expel both parties to the abyss battlefield in the heavens and worlds.

But now, seeing Liu Hao's unexpected domestication of the Bifang ethnic group, wouldn't this possible situation be postponed for a lot of time?

Once this possible war is successfully postponed, wouldn't it be able to buy more time for practice for all sentient beings in the wild world?

In other words, even if they still cannot escape the fate of being expelled to the front line of the abyss in the end, the cultivation realm of those expelled people must be much higher, right?

As your cultivation improves, your chances of surviving in the abyss frontline will also increase a lot, right?

This is the result that Shennong wants to see most.

Even if those two groups are disobedient in the future, aren't they still his children?

Shennong has made up his mind that he will never inform the sentient beings in the wild world of any benefits of the Abyss Front in the short term.

It's not that he doesn't look down on the benefits. On the contrary, even if the Shennong family covets the benefits, they still choose to be patient. To put it bluntly, he just doesn't feel confident enough about his children. He feels that they are still too immature and want to keep more. Give them time to grow.

In any other mature world, the Shennong clan would not be like this, but the wild world in front of them is an exception.

Even if it's ancient times, isn't it just the beginning of civilization?

Liu Hao understood the Shennong family's arrangement very well.

Even though he knew that the fighting power of all the races in the wild world should not be underestimated and was much stronger than many other heavens, he was still happy to continue waiting.

The reason for this is that Liu Hao saw that the creatures in the wild world were indeed immature.

This kind of immaturity is the immaturity of civilization. Even if they are already giants, it still cannot change the fact that they are children.

This is not determined by the amount of strength they possess, but rather by the fact that their civilization has not yet truly established its own foundation.

Such a population, once they enter the heavens, will be easily assimilated, and even a person who is not careful will be led to the evil path.

Who can guarantee whether they will choose to stand on the other side of the abyss?

They may have a sense of right and wrong, but they have no real stance, and these require civilization to consolidate.

Just like the mortal world in North America, those Indians treated the white-skinned people who set foot on their land the same way.

The lack of civilization foundation caused them to never expect that when they saw these white-skinned people, they had already entered the countdown to genocide.

On the contrary, those lands that originally had civilization, even if they are suppressed by these white-skinned people for a while, as long as the foundation of their civilization remains, the final victory will still belong to them.

This is the most essential difference between civilization and non-civilization. It means that even a piece of loose sand can quickly coalesce to form the greatest force.

On the contrary, even if the population on this land is as large as the sand in the desert, it is still just sand.

The Shennong clan knows this best. Didn't the human race in the ancient world also come through this?

He didn't want the creatures in the wild world that he worked so hard to educate to end up becoming the foundation of other worlds.

Not to mention that he doesn’t want all races other than the human race in his wild world to become part of the demon race in the future.

The hatred he had for the demon clan in his bones did not disappear just because he left the ancient world.

Today, Shennong received another news from Liu Hao, which was also the main reason why he became more and more energetic, that is, Fuxi became a saint in the ancient world and became the first human saint.

The three emperors are most aware of the hardships of the human race in the ancient world. What is the most essential reason? How could the Shennong family not understand?

To put it bluntly, isn't it just a lack of strength?

When your fist is not strong enough, even if you risk yourself to die with others, you will only get the contempt of others, who will only think that it is your last struggle.

Conversely, when the fist in your hand is strong enough, it is also the beginning of the words in your mouth being valued by others.

The right to speak in the prehistoric world has always been only in the hands of the saints. This is clear to any prehistoric monk.

The human race also has saints. It can be said that the biggest shortcomings have been made up. In this case, why should he worry about other races besides the human race in the wild world?

The Shennong clan is not only proficient in the method of demon transformation. As long as other races transform towards the human form, aren't they a part of the human race?

The wild world is no better than those mature worlds. Even the human race is very few in it, and the number is still scarce. There is even a high probability that most of the other races have never seen the appearance of the human race.

On this basis, you can achieve your goals with a little guidance.

Once this concept is persisted for decades, the human race in the wild world will become another template.

Shennong didn't know whether his plan would succeed, but he wouldn't let him be cautious because of it.

The power of the sea has been integrated into the bone marrow from the moment Yanhuang appeared.

Even among the human races in the prehistoric world, there are not many who have the blood of the Witch clan in their blood.

What's there to care about?

If you join our human race, you become our human race. If you join our Yanhuang civilization, you become a part of our Yanhuang civilization.

Liu Hao didn't know that just a small piece of information he gently mentioned would change the foundation of the entire wild world in the future.

Of course, maybe Liu Hao would be happy now that he knew it.

It's not like there are no sun demons in the legend, so hasn't Xu Xian already set an example for those who come after him?

In Eastern civilization, there have never been any orcs saying how noble is the blood of the human race of the Yanhuang civilization?

The offspring conceived can only be in human form and will never change at all.

After a few cases, the foundation of Shennong's expectations in the wild world will most likely have been formed.

From this we can also see how grandly the world has been changed by the actions of one of the world's supreme figures.

This is something I won’t mention for the time being.

Just speaking in front of him, Liu Hao watched those Bi Fang wake up one after another. After getting through the initial confusion, he didn't know that his master was back.

This time Liu Hao did not continue to hide. When these people woke up and saw his appearance, the joyful screams from their hearts made Liu Hao feel happy.

He must admit that the races outside the human race in the wild world are by no means as simple as the demon race he saw in other worlds.

They are so simple, yes, they are simple.

They don't have any concept of monster clan, they just have a clear understanding of their own clan.

Perhaps they have an instinctive reaction to their natural enemies and food, but that's all.

It's like when they see the human race, they don't think it's food, they're just an unrelated ethnic group. They may play pranks and cause great losses to the human race, but they don't think it's a sin.

They just live with their own perceptions, that's all.

To a certain extent, they are no different from the cats and dogs before their spiritual energy was revived.

It's okay to say that they are beasts, but there is no problem in saying that they are not beasts, because their most basic wisdom has already been completed. The biggest problem is that no one has pointed out a clear path for them.

Liu Hao's appearance at the beginning was to play the role of the leader, shocking them severely and making them understand that the person in front of them was definitely not someone they could provoke, and was someone they must surrender to.

Therefore, they chose to surrender, and then ensured the greatest safety of the group. It seemed that the strong man in front of them who could not resist at all only needed their surrender.

After that, their clan leader became Liu Hao's temporary mount, and after that, they had a piece of land of their own, giving them a real 'hometown'.

At first, they were very uncomfortable with it, but over time, they found that this seemed better, and it seemed that they no longer needed to migrate here.

With just simple instruction, they knew how to farm and raise fish.

Yes, that’s right, farming and fish farming.

Farming means they know how to bury their favorite seeds in the soil, give them the necessary care, and wait for a period of time before they can grow the food they like.

Raising fish is even simpler. There are already a large number of fish in the lakes they occupy. All they need is to restrain themselves from eating those small fish.

It is nothing more than preventing the fish in the lake from escaping towards the downstream river;

It is nothing more than attracting fish from further upstream into the lake.

Up to now, they have learned to plant more aquatic plants in the lake and so on.

They have complete wisdom and have opened up the direction. They will know how to summarize everything they need next. Even if some of them are detours, they will always find the most suitable method for farming and breeding. Find bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

Their approach is like the original nomadic group stepping away from their horses and entering land development. Even though their horses are still so strong, they are no longer a nomadic group.

Among them, the biggest change is that the explosive temper has been restrained, making their mentality more and more peaceful. If they don't ignite their best flames, looking from a distance, they will only think that they are a branch of the crane group.

They are still primitive, extremely primitive, but they also have faith, and the object of faith is naturally Liu Hao.

Perhaps it is also because they are primitive enough that their beliefs become more pure.

As long as Liu Hao says a word, they can tie their lives around their waists and go through fire and water for Liu Hao.

This kind of belief is destined to be an outlier in the entire wild world in the future, because the followers of other ethnic groups will only be the Shennong clan.

As soon as this idea appeared in Liu Hao's mind, it was inevitable that Liu Hao would feel a little worried, because that was the real enemy of the world.

Can the group of Bi Fang in front of them really survive?

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