Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand and seven, permission

2007, permission

Simple offensive and defensive easy type.

But there are not many people who are transparent about this.

Regarding the evil taste of these monsters, Liu Hao just shook his head inwardly and did not feel displeased at all.

If you can do it, can others not do it?

Whether they have bad tastes or just want to vent, it is their own business, what does it have to do with you?

For Liu Hao, his own talents are the real human race, just like the human race has always been unified in the world.

For Liu Hao, the human race outside the Dragon Kingdom in the tomb-robbing world has little value at all, and it is not worth his attention at all.

That's all.

To him, the value of the entire world is only this world and the Dragon Kingdom in it.

No matter how everything else changes, to him, it is like the water in a river flowing, and it is completely natural.

Since God's will is like this, why should I do any thankless things that go against heaven?

It doesn't make sense, does it?

He was already very satisfied with the monsters in front of him who had entered the world of tomb robbing. If they were so obedient, it would be wrong not to reward them. How could they still attack and kill them?

Didn't you see that the big demon who was sitting behind the beast tide was acting?

He works so hard in acting and doesn't hesitate to get drunk every day. It can be said that he has lost face.

Not only did they put huge pressure on the Dragon Kingdom in the world of tomb robbers, they also maintained the majesty of Liu Hao and Ziwei Emperor very well. What more?

Liu Hao was very satisfied, but he would not tell Zhang Qiling anything about these words, and this guy was not qualified to know these details.

The last glimmer of the setting sun between heaven and earth has disappeared, and night begins to spread over the entire world.

On the Great Wall, the lights have been brightly lit, and the soldiers and horses stationed there have been rotated into another batch. The arrivals have not become relaxed just because the beast tide has receded. Everyone is still patrolling conscientiously, using various methods.

I don't know how many soldiers and horses were full of energy. It seemed that they had slept for enough time before, just to be extremely vigilant during this night.

Although Liu Hao knew that such an approach was unnecessary, he silently praised it.

He subconsciously swept his consciousness across other battlefields outside the Dragon Kingdom, and the smile appeared on his face again.

He was even a little amused, because not only the area under his feet, but also all other battlefields seemed to be stagnant, as if the monsters and beasts must also have enough sleep at night.

He didn't know if this was an illusion deliberately created by the demon clan for the humans in the world of tomb robbers, just to confuse them into giving the humans a ruthless blow one night in the future.

But Liu Hao must also admit that once this illusion is recognized by the human race outside the Tomb Robber World Dragon Kingdom, once it breaks out, the blow to the human race will be devastating.

This is just the simplest strategy, but it must be admitted that once it works, it is more effective than any other strategy.

Not all countries' soldiers and horses can be the same as the Dragon Kingdom. Even if they are peaceful every night, they can still persist until now.

There is actually a fundamental difference between the battlefield patrols in Liu Hao's consciousness and the Dragon Kingdom soldiers and horses on the Great Wall in front of him.

It is a routine for others, but here it is orderly and without any slack.

The strategies of soldiers and horses cannot be hidden in front of the people of any Yanhuang civilized country.

He believed that the senior officials of the tomb-robbing world Dragon Kingdom had also informed other countries of his analysis, but it was hard to say how long they would be able to believe it.

In his spiritual consciousness, Liu Hao must also admit that the demon clan is not just doing this strategy.

Those monster beasts that retreated have indeed found their own places to lie down, as if they really wanted to sleep.

Under detection by any means of technology, this is how the monsters are now perceived by those high-level officials in the country.

But in fact, they are practicing at all, and they practice both combat and practice. This big monster who rules the entire world of tomb robbers is not just smart.

Based on this calculation, Liu Hao could also understand that in the future, humans in the world of tomb robbers, except for the Dragon Kingdom, would most likely have no future.

Perhaps by then, this big demon will also have a showdown with the Dragon Kingdom in the world of tomb robbers, right?

For example, divide their respective territories?

Many agreements reached?

Aren't these practices already being practiced on Liu Hao's home planet?

It is just a copy of everything Liu Hao has done in the Earth Dragon Kingdom in this world. Of course, the initiative is mostly in the hands of the demon clan.

At that time, maybe the demon clan in the tomb-robber world will also open a small part of the world passage to the Dragon Kingdom?

Liu Hao shook his head slightly in his heart. Even if the demon clan was willing, it would probably not happen quickly. At most, it would only open a small gap.

For example, only monks who are above a certain level among humans can pass through.

Another example is that at that time, the entire world of tomb robbers made an agreement between the demon clan and humans. Once their cultivation reached a certain level, both demons and humans must leave the world of tomb robbers and travel to the heavens.

Liu Hao also knew that he was thinking too far.

But his heart told him that his conjecture would probably come true at some point in the future.

It’s not anything else, but the inner ambition of any practitioner.

Just like these monsters who have entered the world of tomb robbing, are they really happy to spend a lot of time in the world of tomb robbing?

How is that possible?

Yearning for a world with richer spiritual energy is the inner necessity of any practitioner. He will not be swayed by anyone's will, and he must be as tough as the law.

This means that these monsters in the world of tomb robbers are just mission-driven.

After they have completely completed their tasks, there may not be any monsters that are willing to stay in the tomb robbing world by then.

They know very well that the speed of cultivation in Liu Hao's earth world is much faster than that in the tomb robbing world.

Even if we encounter a bottleneck, isn't there a front line of Zhou Tian Xing Dou's abyss that can gain merit to tear this bottleneck apart?

If he stays in the world of tomb robbers, this great opportunity will really have nothing to do with him. Which practitioner can endure such a loss?

These monsters who entered the world of tomb robbers from Liu Hao's earth were never those who had never seen the world.

But among those who have some idea of ​​the universe, who doesn’t have a sense of urgency in their hearts?

Who doesn't know that if they don't make progress, they will definitely be eliminated in the future?

They are accustomed to the weak and the strong, and they know best that if their cultivation level cannot catch up, they may one day become the food of other companions, and go further to help other demon clans.

Which monster clan can tolerate such a possibility in their heart?

They just discovered that the world passage was right there, and then they felt that most of the land in this low-level world could be used as a pasture for their own middle- and lower-level monsters.

Before the level of the Tomb Robbery World continues to increase, the actual value of the entire Tomb Robbery World to the demon clan is not as high as imagined.

They are no longer the ignorant monster clan that they were in the early days of spiritual energy recovery.

Their vision is no longer limited to a small world.

Isn't this the real reason why these monsters didn't take action against the tomb-robbing world Dragon Kingdom?

Don't think that Liu Hao's face is the only thing here, it's as if they also know that doing things right before Liu Hao enters will not allow Liu Hao to vent his anger on them.

It’s a fait accompli, can’t they still do it?

Just sending some monsters under his account has already caused a dimensionality reduction blow to the entire world of tomb robbers. It's just that they are stronger.

Similarly, when they saw Liu Hao entering the world of tomb robbing today, they were also happy in their hearts.

After giving Emperor Ziwei so much face, will the number of places on the Abyss Front of the Zhoutian Star Formation also be increased for them?

It has to be said that their ideas will be verified soon. They are just a few quotas. How could Liu Hao not give up?

It must also be admitted that Liu Hao's previous attempt to set up a threshold on the front line of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation was a mistake.

He even guessed that once the 'story' here in the world of tomb robbers spreads, most of the demons in the world where other cameras appear, even if they appear in the territory occupied by the demon clan, will be happy to follow suit.

Similarly, in the future, Liu Hao will be happy to increase the number of these great monsters if he knows about this.

After all, the number of Yanhuang tribes in the world is soaring, which is a great blessing for the entire Yanhuang Alliance. For Liu Hao, it is also a gift worth paying for.

The abyss is bottomless and immeasurable, and its magnitude is also infinite.

Facing such an opponent, no matter how many manpower your side has, it will never be too small, right?

Aren't the most trustworthy people our own people who share the same bloodline?

As for Western civilization, whenever they encounter some kind of doomsday, they always want to build a spaceship to escape. What can they expect?

Without being able to escape with the Earth, the only way is to face it and shoulder this responsibility together.

The Dragon Kingdom in the world of tomb robbers now has more than one billion of its own people. Even if the only one who is truly worthy of relying on in the end is only one percent, there are tens of millions of them, which is enough.

After all, isn't Zhang Qiling next to him worth looking forward to?

Others don't know, can't Liu Hao see it?

Just a little bit of the energy of the second-generation ginseng fruit has already made the Kirin bloodline in Zhang Qiling's body go a step further. What if it is completely digested?

What if Zhang Qiling gets the first-generation ginseng fruit from Zhen Yuanzi in the future?

That would be a perfect fit.

Its expected value is bound to get a real surge.

Although the prehistoric Qilin clan is still secluded in the world now, it does not mean that they will remain secluded in the future.

In the future, after the Qilin clan is born in the prehistoric world, what should we do if we meet Zhang Qiling?

If Zhang Qiling's Qilin bloodline is recognized, will more help be given?

By then, Zhang Qiling's talent will not be much different from that of Yang Jian in the ancient times, right?

Although the world of tomb robbers that this guy is in is just a low-level world, he is still the son of destiny of this world. Why can't it be worth looking forward to?

Of course, Liu Hao did not have any intention to encourage others.

But he also knew that the task he wanted to complete today would also be of great help to Zhang Qiling beside him.

Don’t think that it’s simple just to create the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror.

Not to mention anything else, as long as Liu Hao establishes the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror in the tomb robbing world, it is equivalent to helping the entire tomb robbing world to complete the many laws of the tunnel.

Such an approach would have an extraordinary promotion effect on the entire world of tomb robbers, which is beyond the imagination of an individual.

It is the kind of mad rush that once the world of tomb robbers digests these authentic laws for its own use, it is likely to raise the level of the entire world by one or two levels.

Does its function need any more explanation?

As Zhang Qiling, who collaborates with Liu Hao to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror, how much luck can he share in it?

His identity as the Son of Destiny was short-lived before the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror was established, perhaps only a few decades. But after it was established, the recognition of his identity as the Son of Destiny would really last for tens of thousands of years.

If Liu Hao hands over the place where the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror is to Zhang Qiling and guards it, his luck will increase. In the future, can’t Zhang Qiling be one of the managers of the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the world of tomb robbers?

This is genuine recognition in the true sense.

By then, Zhang Qiling may really have half of the luck in the entire world of tomb robbers at some point.

With such huge luck, wouldn't it be possible to quickly push Zhang Qiling to a high position in Da Luo?

The possibility is not generally high.

However, Liu Hao must also admit that it is not an exaggeration to say that Zhang Qiling in front of him is Liu Hao's only choice.

It is impossible for him to ask the entire world of tomb robbers to hold a vote just because he wants to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror in the world of tomb robbers.

But he couldn't act rashly without the permission of any creature in the world of tomb robbers.

As the son of destiny in the world of tomb robbers, why is Zhang Qiling not qualified to be recognized by the world of tomb robbers?

All Liu Hao wants is this recognition.

Seeing Zhang Qiling on the Great Wall and looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com is not a good thing for Liu Hao.

He asked Zhang Qiling for his opinion, and as expected, all he got was a nod.

Regardless of whether Zhang Qiling really wanted to or not, it was impossible for him to shake his head when Liu Hao asked him directly.

He believed that Zhang Qiling and others would definitely pass on this information to the senior officials of the Tomb Robber World Dragon Kingdom, and then, it would be recognized by the entire Tomb Robber World Dragon Kingdom.

This will make it easier for him to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation Mirror in the world of tomb robbers, and will hinder the disappearance of most of them.

He really doesn't need to worry about these obstacles. What's wrong with maybe it being easier and smoother?

He gave Zhang Qiling one night and got what he wanted.

The next day, when he saw Zhang Qiling again, he felt a lot lighter. It was as if he had let go of a heavy burden. He didn't need to think too much, the answer was obvious.

For the dragon kingdom in the world of tomb robbers, isn't it also a great comfort to have a six-path reincarnation of creatures?

Even in this night, the Dragon Kingdom of the tomb robbing world had moved all around Fengdu Mountain and was waiting for Liu Hao's arrival. (End of chapter)

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