Chapter 2001 Optional Happiness

2017. Optional happiness

At the foot of Wuyi Mountain, Liu Hao's hometown, Liu Hao, who was sitting under the second-generation ginseng fruit tree and meditating on the great road, closed off all perceptions of the outside world.

As he expected, a large number of people of all kinds had gathered at the door. Most of them were people from their hometown, but there were also others such as garrison personnel.

Whenever these people see the strong Taoist charm in Liu Hao's body, they all connect with the slightly confused truths deep in their hearts, and seem to have a sense of sudden enlightenment.

This kind of perception is not an illusion, but a reality.

It's like an arithmetic problem. I always feel that I have some impression, but no matter how much I think about it, I can't remember it. No matter how much I think about it, I can't get started.

But at this moment, this stuckness seemed to have a key to open it, allowing me to enter the proposition and create a method to solve this problem.

Although this does not mean that these propositions can definitely be solved by these people, it is still a huge improvement compared to before.

As long as these improvements happen to oneself, which one will not become addicted to them?

However, after a few days, they discovered that when their confused propositions were solved one by one, the effect became very low.

Dao Yun was restrained by Liu Hao and could only watch from a distance, which was destined to end there.

Therefore, in a few days, a large number of people would change in front of Liu Hao's house.

When they arrived, they all knew that this was a great opportunity, and everyone was very quiet, not discussing with others or making a single sound.

But once they leave here, they will either quickly return to their own residence to further understand what they have gained, or they will get together in twos and threes to have a good discussion.

In fact, such benefits are also limited for them. Most of them can only improve one or a few of their skills, which is just a slight improvement in combat effectiveness.

Only a very few people can use this understanding to break through their own bottlenecks and reach a higher position.

Decades have passed since the revival of spiritual energy. Except for the latest young generation, the past few generations, especially the first generation of spiritual energy recovery, actually have almost no room for advancement.

In other words, this batch of people have actually developed their potential to a certain limit.

This limit is actually the limit to which they can cultivate their own realm due to their luck and talent.

If you want to go further, you must have a great opportunity.

That was the case on the abyss front line of the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation to a certain extent.

The Liu Hao in front of me is just a watchable Dao Yun, which cannot reach such a level, because he is more of a guide, and it is actually difficult to adapt it from the real overall situation.

But even so, it's actually very satisfying. Don't you see groups of people coming in one after another?

That is to say, Liu Hao has enough deterrence, otherwise the doorstep of Liu Hao's house would have become a huge market.

As time goes by, everyone who comes understands that this is what Liu Hao did on purpose, and it was clearly left for them to watch. How much they can get from it depends on God's will.

The villagers are simple. Even in this era of spiritual recovery, even if everyone in Liu Hao's village is already a member of the monks, in fact, their simple character has not changed at all.

And because their character continues to this day, they actually don't have a very high future.

In such an era, people who really do well often don't have so many scruples, and their inner bottom line is often much lower than that of Liu Hao's fellow villagers.

They belong to a group of people who are protected, and the reason is naturally because of Liu Hao's existence.

Sometimes it seems like there is no care, but in fact the care is real.

The simplest truth is that the village has developed into a township and now looks like a county town, which is a huge improvement in the welfare of the villagers in Liu Hao's hometown.

Just like urbanization in the mortal period, how could the locals not benefit?

The soaring value of the land they previously owned has already made outsiders salivate, and they cannot become wealthy;

But every household is therefore considered wealthy, and it is also a kind of continuity, because the value generated from it is often continued from generation to generation.

For example, the hotel built with funds raised in the village is specially built for guests who come here for a short stay, and can have a safe space for practice.

This value, distributed to every household in the village, is actually enough to provide them with food, clothing, housing and transportation.

In other words, they have long been able to lie down.

In the modern world of mortals, they have a more specialized name, that is, demolition households plus land households.

They are comfortable, especially the villagers of the same generation as Liu Hao's parents.

This generation of people actually has no so-called dream of competing with heaven.

The reason why they pursue their own cultivation realm is actually so that they can live longer and have more time to take care of themselves, so that they can watch generations of descendants grow up under their care.

The combat effectiveness of these people is often not directly proportional to their cultivation level. Find Shuyuan. zhaoshuyuan. com Many monks who are at the first level of cultivation than them can often defeat them.

Combat experience, for them, is also scarce. Most of it is just fighting monsters in the early stages of spiritual energy recovery. In the days to come, many people have not had it for more than ten or even thirty or forty years. Any fight is over.

But if you say they lie down completely, that's impossible.

With a lot of time, they all also kept themselves very busy and no longer pursued fighting, but it did not mean that they had no pursuit in other aspects.

Whether it is out of pursuit of their own hobbies, or they just want to find an interest for themselves to occupy their time, they will never let themselves be truly idle.

Just like Liu Hao's mother, isn't she so busy now that she doesn't need to devote so much energy to her grandchildren?

It can be said that she is the one who stays away from home all day long.

They are not playing cards or anything like that, but gathering together to pursue a certain cultivation skill.

Even Liu Hao's father often appears in the alchemy interest group in the village, doesn't he?

In a safe environment, people like this will always appear.

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