Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

2019. The efficacy of new tea leaves

Chapter 2003 The efficacy of new tea leaves

2019. Effects of new tea leaves

Nowadays, every batch of leaves on Dahongpao's body is very precious, and if placed outside, it is definitely a rare treasure.

In the entire Dragon Kingdom, apart from Dahongpao, tea leaves from other areas have gradually become treasures, such as those old tea trees that have been around for a long time.

Although they did not give birth to any spiritual intelligence, due to the infusion of spiritual energy, they themselves also evolved, and a few of them even moved towards spiritual cultivation.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom, or the Yanhuang civilization, cannot live without tea.

Wuyi Mountain, before the revival of spiritual energy, was one of the hometowns of tea, and now it occupies a significant proportion.

It's not other things, but many tea gardens before the revival of spiritual energy. Now there are not many that can really be controlled by humans.

In the mountains and forests, it is very difficult for humans to compete with monsters. This is true even in the Dragon Kingdom today.

Fortunately, the demon tribe that now occupies the tea gardens has gradually realized the preciousness of these tea leaves, and has gradually begun to invest their energy in taking care of them, hoping to sell them to the human race in exchange for possible profits.

Similarly, under the indoctrination of the Yanhuang civilization, the demon clan may have just started walking in Handan, but now they have gradually become accustomed to drinking tea.

This is the influence of culture, and a lot has been accomplished quietly.

The demon clan, why don’t they understand that there is a big red robe in Wuyi Mountains, which is a real top-level demon.

In fact, they also thought about coming to visit, for example, in exchange for some tea leaves.

However, those who can truly succeed can only be described as very few.

The Dahongpao Old Tea Tree really doesn't have much desire in this area, and there really isn't anything worthy of wanting to exchange it from the demon clan.

Those so-called precious medicines had little effect on Da Hongpao, who was born as a plant. Before he transformed, they were just for good looks in his hands.

Therefore, the most he can do is exchange some for his disciples to use. This may be the fundamental reason why his disciples can reach the Dragon Transformation so quickly and succeed.

These are all Liu Hao's guesses. He has not confirmed them, but he has already recognized them in his heart.

The entire Wuyi Mountains, he had observed a lot of details when he returned this time. Compared with the previous trip, the entire Wuyi Mountains were much more peaceful now.

This is because Liu Hao had previously introduced many of the demon clans and beasts into the world passage in his back mountain.

But it also has Dahongpao Old Tea Tree’s more detailed control.

To put it bluntly, Dahongpao Old Tea Tree understood the spirit of what Liu Hao did last time, and knew that Liu Hao did not want the internal fighting of Wuyi Mountain monsters to cause a large-scale reduction in their numbers. These losses caused by internal fighting would be sent to his own back mountain world Isn’t the world of goblins at the other end of the passage bad?

Dahongpao couldn't leave his birthplace, not because he couldn't, but because he didn't want to.

But this does not mean that this old tea tree is ignorant of these details. On the contrary, with his level of cultivation, he only needs to take down one or two little demons for consultation.

Within the entire Wuyi Mountains, no demon clan could resist Da Hongpao's inquiry, and no one dared to hide anything.

They are very smart.

Now that we have understood the spirit that Liu Hao left behind last time, there is no reason not to follow suit?

This is not because Lao Chashu wants to flatter him, but this approach is also in the interest of the entire demon clan and monster beasts within the Wuyi Mountains.

Keeping up is the real thing that kills two birds with one stone, why not?

Old Tea Tree had already chosen to join Liu Hao in his heart.

As a Taoist plant, he knows best that even if he has reached the realm of Daluo True Immortal, he is not really far away from the crisis.

If someone with the cultivation level of quasi-sage really falls in love with his body, the chance that he can resist it is almost non-existent. Even if he knows this, how can he not know how to choose?

Perhaps the only thing he was lucky about was that Liu Hao still respected him and joined him, instead of becoming a 'servant' as he had imagined. He was already content.

The old tea tree, which is also a plant, is not like those monsters born from carnivores. Whenever anger arises, it is easy to approach more extreme ideas. On the contrary, he is more peaceful and equally happy to be at peace.

Perhaps in the future, his idea will change as his cultivation reaches the quasi-sage realm, but the current old tea tree is quite good in Liu Hao's eyes.

Liu Hao's acquiescence in Dahongpao Old Tea Tree's surrender was also among them.

Otherwise, how could this guy give away all the tea leaves in his collection every time we meet.

Don’t people know the value?

People know it all too well, and they also understand that this is the only ‘certificate of nomination’ that this old Dahongpao tea tree can have.

But even so, when Lao Chashu faced Liu Hao, he lowered his body again and again, lower and lower.

The reason is naturally that Liu Hao's cultivation has become more and more advanced in the eyes of the old tea tree, so much so that he has long been unable to see through it and can only use his inner sixth sense to measure it.

In front of him, when Liu Hao saw the crudely made tea set of the old tea tree, he immediately wanted to take it as his own. This move, in the eyes of Dahongpao, was a manifestation of true intimacy, and he really did not take it as his own. The old tea tree treats him as an outsider.

How could this make Dahongpao Old Tea Tree unhappy? How to make him not feel so relieved inside?

Liu Hao himself also knows this. For some things, talking about them openly may not necessarily achieve the greatest effect. Instead, it is some 'little show' that can really make the other party feel at ease.

The other person, who is in such a high position, is able to let go of himself and play a scene with you. Even if the scene is so small, it still reveals the other person's true intentions.

I am telling Dahongpao Old Chashu that I, Liu Hao, still regard you as a 'friend'. Even if both parties know that this friend has become more and more worthy of the name due to the gap in realm, they are still willing to continue this relationship, even if it is superficial.

The effect is naturally good and could not be better.

After all, this is his hometown, how could Liu Hao be unwilling to maintain this rare peace?

He also needs this. His old parents are both here, and they will only be here for a long time in the future.

What about himself?

He couldn't even predict that he still seemed to be in control of everything on his planet, but how long could this last?

After the arrival of those ancient saints, the power of speech will no longer be as strong as it is now, right?

He also knew that because of him, the Wuyi Mountains in his Dragon Kingdom had become very special.

If we want to classify the level of danger, the area around our Wuyi Mountains can be said to be at the lowest level among all the areas around the mountains.

The reason is not only because of himself, but also because of the old Dahongpao tea tree in front of him.

Even if this guy didn't make any moves in the past, wouldn't the entire demon clan in the Wuyi Mountains have no choice but to follow his lead?

It is almost instinctive for the strong to dominate the weak among the entire demon clan.

Old Tea Tree didn't even need to take any action. In the entire Wuyi Mountains, the respect that all demon clans should give him must also exist.

If he doesn't unite these demon clans, no other demon clan will be able to control them. Otherwise, it would be the greatest disrespect for him, and he would be qualified to kill them directly.

In other words, the Dahongpao Old Tea Tree did not make any moves, but instead reduced the demon clan in the entire Wuyi Mountains to a pile of loose sand, and its danger level naturally became lower and lower.

Similarly, this also makes the number of monsters in the Wuyi Mountains become more and more numerous, which is due to their instinctive reproduction.

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