Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand and forty-six, mutual respect

Chapter 2030 Mutual Respect

2046. Mutual respect

In fact, this mutual hunting ground and training ground is already the greatest tacit understanding between the Yanhuang Alliance and Liu Hao among all the demon clans on the earth.

Almost as long as there are Yanhuang civilized cities around them, as long as there are monster clans and monster beasts, and as long as there are mountains, they are bound to exist.

There are countless details in it that will make people shocked and numb if they really understand it.

For example, the Liu Haolong Kingdom would set aside a piece of land to cultivate a variety of grains near these mutually agreed upon hunting and training areas.

The food on this land is only cultivated and ignored later. It is basically grown specifically for the herbivorous monsters in the surrounding hunting grounds. To be precise, it is for the immature food of these herbivorous monsters. Planted by future generations.

At first, the demon clan were a little surprised by the Dragon Kingdom's approach. They only thought it was a return gift and did not tell the demon beasts anything.

But as time goes by, the monsters gradually understand that these are planted for them and belong to them.

Similarly, once you have obtained these, you cannot arbitrarily waste the food grown by humans in other plots.

Then, they discovered that if the cubs bred by the monsters entered the human food base, they would not be killed, but expelled into the land cultivated by the monsters.

Why don't they understand the intention?

Most of them have actually gradually perfected their wisdom. If you give me a foot of respect, I will naturally give you a foot of respect in return.

What the Dragon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance did to their cubs was a clear message to them that humans had no intention of exterminating them, not at all.

This is the foundation of true trust between both parties.

Both sides are fully aware of the struggle outside this foundation, and they both need each other, right?

At least Liu Hao's demon clan and the great demons on earth now also agree with this.

Why don't they know how to let the monster beasts reproduce? It won't take long to fill up the entire Liu Hao Earth, and then all the heavens and worlds. By then, how many resources will be needed to feed them?

How much of it is waste?

The big demons of the demon clan have no interest in these wastes, so why not use human hands to remove them?

In this case, it can also make the monsters rely more on them, and then form a real dependence, so that their rule will last forever.

Don't think that the big monsters like the monster clan have no selfish motives. How is that possible?

They are crueler than humans, but they also have emotions. Otherwise, why would the ethnic divisions in the Amazon rainforest be so serious?

Passing through one monster tribe after another, Qinglong Liu Hao even saw elephants that were impossible to appear in the Amazon rainforest before their spiritual energy was revived.

Although the number is not large, it has become a phenomenon.

He didn't know where these elephants migrated from, but they had already arrived, and they had even taken root here, and even established their own tribes like other ethnic groups.

The environment can transform any group. Aren't these elephants the most striking case?

In comparison, the number of elephants in the Amazon rainforest is rare, but it seems that the monsters in the Amazon rainforest are happy to give them a period of protection.

The big demons are highly competitive with each other, but they are not fools. How could they not know that these elephant groups may also have unexpected gains?

Isn't the leading elephant now almost at the level of an immortal?

So the many plantains and bananas in the surrounding area must have been grown by these elephants themselves, right?

This is the biggest difference between the monsters and beasts.

If you have your own wisdom, you will definitely make your own conclusions, and you will definitely make attempts and learning that are impossible for wild beasts, such as planting.

Suddenly, Liu Hao also discovered that even if the demon clan and monster beasts do not have human beings as their learning objects, their own civilization will definitely appear in the future. This is also the general trend.

Aren't there already cases of this among the higher heavens?

For example, during the time when the demon clan ruled the world, wasn't their civilization very advanced?

It can only be said that because there are humans on the side who can learn, the demon clan and monster beasts have shortened this time limit countless times.

What Liu Hao is very happy about among them is that many of them subconsciously follow the Yanhuang civilization and this is enough.

Can Liu Hao not know the assimilation ability of his own Yanhuang civilization?

In the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism, after Fang Yun led the human race to become the protagonist of the world, which of the failed demon and barbarian tribes are now learning from humans?

They think they have found a better way, but little do they know that this approach has actually completely deviated their original civilization. The more they learn from the human race in the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism, the more likely they will become a part of it in the future. big.

When those high-ranking demon-barbarians all put on Confucian robes, what kind of changes will occur within the demon-barbarian tribe?

In the legends of the Yanhuang civilization, there is a model of Xu Xian with a sun snake. How many men in the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism will follow him in the future?

Once this hole is opened, how many demons and barbarians will be integrated into the human race in the sage world of Confucianism and Taoism?

Once a stable dam opens, it is only a matter of time before it collapses.

In the future, Liu Hao will not be surprised at all if Fang Yun accepts all the demons and barbarians among them.

People may already have this ambition.

Is there no place to send away those demons and barbarians who still have stubborn thoughts?

Liu Hao still has a lot of land on the earth that can be settled. Now in Central America, Fang Yun must have a lot of places to settle, right?

Suddenly, Qinglong Liu Hao remembered that these elephants in front of him might have been deliberately placed in the Amazon rainforest by Fang Yun?

This possibility is not impossible. Fang Yun is also a guy who likes experiments. Find the book garden www.zhaoshuyuan.com

When this guy has a lot of chess pieces in his hand, various experiments will never fail.

Qinglong Liu Hao didn't confirm the meaning of his guess. Whether it was Fang Yun's fault or not, it didn't matter to him. If he really wanted to confirm it, it might ruin Fang Yun's chess game. Why bother?

Of course, there is also a possibility that these elephants come from the Han Empire and the Ming Dynasty world in the south.

When the world passage appeared, not only humans entered it, but the nearby demon clan also sent people. However, the goal was not achieved, or in other words, all the efforts went bankrupt after Liu Hao entered these two worlds.

Now that you are bankrupt and know that you can't do anything, you can't bring back some of your thoughts, such as these elephants in front of you.

Qinglong Liu Hao shook his head and took back his scattered thoughts, and did not stop at the elephant tribe in front of him. After going deep again, he soon saw the emergence of a real city of monsters and monsters.

There is no open space in the Amazon rainforest.

In the past, these so-called open spaces had no value to the monster clan and monster beasts, but now it is very different. It seems just right to use them to build cities.

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