Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand and seventy-seven, Xiao Huohuo version let nature take its course

2077. Xiao Huohuo’s letting nature take its course

That is to say, Xiao Huohuo's realm is insufficient and his knowledge is very shallow, which is why he is so shocked.

Liu Hao's method was just a small use of the law, and what he changed was only a small half of the street, just casually.

In fact, it is not much different from Liu Hao drinking water.

From the perspective of the weak, the crushing of the weak by the strong is actually no different from the crushing of Mount Tai. It is difficult for the weak to understand even with all their knowledge.

The change of this law is nothing more than half a street, only half a street for the little miscellaneous fish, isn't it easy to get it?

If it were to change Xiao Huohuo alone, it would be far more difficult than what Liu Hao is doing now. At most, the change could only be made for a while, and Xiao Huohuo himself would be able to react soon.

This is the biggest gap between cultivation realms.

Shocked, Xiao Huohuo did not stop. When he arrived in front of Liu Hao, he bowed and saluted, but Liu Hao stopped him and asked him to sit down.

Liu Hao summoned Xiao Huohuo not just to have a chat with him, but to hear Xiao Huohuo's subsequent positioning on Doucheng.

The disadvantage of the location of the Dou Qi Horse World Passage has resulted in Doucheng being unable to expand and build cities everywhere like other regions.

In the future, the scale of Doucheng is likely to exceed that of Zhonghai in Liu Haolong's country today, but in the final analysis, the Douqi Horse World will only be located in this city in Liu Hao's earth.

The monsters in the surrounding Amazon rainforest are not vegetarians.

Even if Doucheng is expanded, the price paid in the process will be extremely huge.

But he had to do it. After all, the population of Douqi Transformed Horse World was not just a tiny bit, but tens of billions. Even if Xiao Huohuo wanted to restrain himself, Liu Hao would not allow such a large amount of 'combat power' to be wasted. .

Of course, Liu Hao had no intention of urging Xiao Huohuo. Isn't it urgent now?

The reason why he wanted to summon Xiao Huohuo was not just as simple as asking. If he asked, wouldn't it be an 'expectation'?

Even if he didn't express any opinions, Xiao Huohuo would definitely think too much, which was enough for Liu Hao.

The result made Liu Hao himself very satisfied.

It must be admitted that Xiao Huohuo's ambition has never been low.

Also, how come this guy doesn’t understand where his greatest advantage is?

Isn't the population of the tens of billions of Douqi Transformed Horse World the biggest support for him, Xiao Huohuo and the others?

How could it be allowed to go to waste?

Don't think that Xiao Huohuo and the others are indecisive, for example, worried about huge losses when expanding Doucheng in the future.

It doesn't exist. When they reach the level of cultivation like Xiao Huohuo, their overall situation is completely different.

Just like before the spiritual energy was revived, Na Mei didn't care at all about the loss of his own soldiers.

The slogans say how much we cherish the lives of soldiers, but what is the actual practice?

Aren't you lighting up lights everywhere?

The overall view of those in high positions is always so cruel.

Xiao Huohuo was talking about his future plans in front of him, and the lack of any emotional changes was enough to explain everything.

This is already a very qualified person in the world.

During the whole process, Liu Hao also had no emotional changes. It was as if everything he heard was not what he asked and had nothing to do with him. It was just mentioned in a casual chat.

After Xiao Huohuo finished speaking, Liu Hao also didn't express any comment, whether it was appreciation or anything else, he just let it go as if the matter was over.

Next, Xiao Huohuo brought up his doubts in practice to Liu Hao. This was a rare opportunity, how could Xiao Huohuo miss it?

As for the possible cause and effect, Xiao Huohuo has no idea at all. Improving his cultivation level earlier is his greatest purpose and determination.

Otherwise, he would have returned to the fighting spirit horse world to collect the rewards that should have been his.

Faced with the questions raised by Xiao Huohuo, Liu Hao answered all the questions he knew, but he could only provide guidance. The real answer needed to be found by the other party himself.

Xiao Huohuo was extremely satisfied with these. I don't know how long it took before the two of them separated from the 'discussion'.

It was said to be a discussion, but in fact Xiao Huohuo understood better that this was the face given to him by Liu Hao, and it was telling him that neither Liu Hao nor the Yanhuang Alliance would interfere in the slightest with the dominance of the fighting spirit horse world. .

Some emphasis depends on who gives it. For Xiao Huohuo, Liu Hao's hint today is enough.

Why can't he see the transcendent independence among the major members of the Yanhuang Alliance?

The Yanhuang Alliance actually only provides help to any member. If the leader does not ask, others will not give any advice. They only answer when asked, and the answers are only suggestions. Will you implement this suggestion? Outsiders won't care too much.

What the Yanhuang Alliance really took over were only those very chaotic worlds, such as the Kung Fu world that was just linked to Liu Haolong's Kingdom in Zhonghai, and the Huang Feihong world that was linked to Liu Haolong's Foshan.

Such a world is so chaotic that it can only be caused by the intervention of external forces.

Because it’s impossible if you don’t take over. They don’t have a real leader, otherwise they wouldn’t be so chaotic. You have to give a lot of guidance, especially in terms of education, which requires a lot of energy and financial resources to support.

Moreover, it is also not easy to transform.

For example, in the world of Kung Fu, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. There are so many warlords in it. It can be said that they are everywhere in every county, region, and province. With such a three-link rifle, they dare to dominate.

These people cannot be shot away.

You can't expect these people to give their benefits to the people. The essence of their existence is exploitation, extreme exploitation.

There is no possibility of negotiation between you and them.

Just like monkeys who have firmly grasped the fruit in their hands, they will not understand that they can break free from the cage as long as they let go. They have become accustomed to greed, and most of them will even die.

If you don't give someone a ride for such a person, don't expect things to progress.

Fortunately, in many cases, these guys have almost no resistance when facing practitioners.

It's like the transformation of the Kung Fu world in several worlds such as Liu Hao's Dragon Kingdom, Bright Sword World, and the World Under One Person.

Unification actually did not take much time.

However, sorting it out takes a long time.

The best way is to start the big infrastructure of the Kung Fu world.

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