Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand and eighty-two, crazy infrastructure

2082. Crazy infrastructure

Liu Hao has always had great expectations for his family, hoping that everyone can be like a dragon.

What he wants is not a group of guys who will just follow him and wave flags and shout, but what he needs is a group of companions who can stand up and face the crisis head-on when encountering real danger.

Even if he knew that the possibility of realizing such expectations was very low, it did not prevent him from continuing to look forward to it.

He very much appreciated what Liu Peiqiang did next.

This guy didn't tell anything about his rescue, because he knew that once he told it, everyone else would probably have expectations in their hearts, and would think about whether he encountered danger when he went out to explore. will be saved.

Anyone who has such a glimmer of expectation in his heart is likely to have gaps in his subsequent protection of the world's passage.

How could he not know how powerful human curiosity is?

He was even glad that he had a lot of wounds on his body, which allowed everyone to see how weak the most powerful person in the Little Broken Ball World in his eyes was in this world.

He doesn't mind at all that his tall body collapses in the eyes of others, because only in this way can everyone take him seriously in the future.

He is already a qualified leader. From this point of view, this guy is in the world of small breaking balls. The senior leaders of small breaking balls in the past did not just talk about his training.

Yes, that is a turning point in the world. As an introduction, as a follow-up guide and instructor, it cannot be overemphasized.

His approach couldn't be more correct. Almost as soon as he returned to the passage, numerous messages were immediately sent out from here, calling back one by one the other teams who were out exploring.

All their subsequent actions have also been changed. The first idea is to circle the territory around this world passage and build a high wall, even a high wall of ice and snow.

Even if they know that this approach will not improve their sense of security much, they have to do it. For them, even a slight improvement is good.

Soon, larger teams migrated from the world of small breaking balls, and many machines followed.

In terms of technology, the world of Small Breaking Ball is not bad at all. In terms of mechanical manufacturing, it is far more powerful than Liu Hao's Earth before the spiritual energy was revived.

In almost half a month, a towering ice and snow wall had been erected within a thirty-kilometer square area.

It is nearly a hundred meters high, but this is only for temporary use. The real demand is for the real materials to come.

The execution power of the world of small broken balls has always been low, or in other words, it is unmatched by any mortal world.

The huge stones, steel plates, tracks, etc., were transported from the small broken world in batches.

It is almost needless to think that this is also the result of the large-scale transformation of the industry in the world of small broken balls. In other worlds, the execution ability that takes three to five years can be achieved in the world of small broken balls in just a few months. .

Liu Hao can imagine how much manpower and material resources were involved.

Similarly, it also shows that the Little Breaking Ball World did not stop any actions on the surface of the earth after Liu Hao left. It must also have cut through the surrounding ice and snow on a large scale. Otherwise, how could so many stones be transported here?

This power of action also fully illustrates how strong the sense of crisis is in the hearts of human beings in the world of small broken balls.

Also, how can it be simple for a world that can escape with its own planet?

It's not that Liu Hao's own Dragon Kingdom and Yanhuang Alliance don't have such crazy infrastructure, but compared to these mortals, they must be given no less respect.

They didn't know that it was because they were so crazy and gained Liu Hao's respect that they had such smooth transportation and that they directly ignored the blizzard that this Antarctic land should have.

All these disappeared in Liu Hao's thoughts, and the temperature of the entire hundred miles surrounding the passage even increased slightly.

Liu Hao is willing to do this. He must admit that he is very willing to see the unity and self-rescue of mankind.

This is also the fundamental reason why so many people have arrived in the small broken world, but few have died in this crazy construction.

He watched the ice and snow city wall being built bit by bit, and then a new wall was raised thirty kilometers away from its periphery. A stable 100-meter city wall was built that could make the population of the small broken ball world truly feel a sense of security.

He watched Liu Peiqiang, who had just recovered, put aside his time to improve his cultivation and walked around the entire city, taking out the functions of the formation he had previously understood bit by bit;

Even these formations seemed to Liu Hao to be no different from those of a small college student in his own Dragon Kingdom. They were so picky and powerless.

But for some things, whether it is useful and whether to do it are completely different things.

The peace of mind is not only owned by Liu Peiqiang himself, but others know that it is also the greatest spiritual comfort for other visitors.

As Liu Peiqiang who has already fought against the Penguin Monster Clan, doesn’t he know that what he has done is basically useless?

He knew very well, but he knew that he also needed to do it, even if it was just to give his companions a temporary breath of relief, it was worth the effort.

Construction has not stopped at all.

A huge dome is what Liu Peiqiang and everyone at Xiaopoqiu are planning next.

The huge and outrageous steel structure was erected bit by bit, and then covered with brand new glass, just to block the wind and snow from the dome.

Liu Hao can be sure that this is the biggest research and development of Xiao Poqiu since he left. It seems that they are so good at these super large projects.

Suddenly, Liu Hao found that the population of the Small Breaking Ball World seemed to be very suitable for following the Mohist path. It seemed that they were already more talented in this area?

He didn't mind giving Little Breaking Ball a try, so he did it as soon as he thought of it, and handed it directly to Liu Peiqiang in the form of a book. As for whether the people in the Little Breaking World will choose next, please find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com That is their own business.

He still underestimated his position in Liu Peiqiang's heart. Even if it was just a book, Liu Peiqiang's cherishment and promotion of it far exceeded Liu Hao's imagination.

He didn't even know that his little guess would soon be verified. The world of this wandering planet was exactly what he had guessed, and his talent on the path of Mohism exceeded that of most heavens.

They seem to be born for this, and it seems that most of the population can easily get started in this area.

As a result, there were many mechanical upgrades that Liu Hao saw next, and the control of the single version became smoother.

Not to mention the integration of heaven and man, but we are already moving towards this path.

Liu Hao even had a feeling that maybe he wouldn't be shocked at all by the human-manufactured 'mechas' in the entire world of small broken balls in the future.

However, he didn't know whether this was a blessing or a curse.

The so-called mecha is a good thing in some science fiction worlds, but in a world where fantasy reigns supreme among all the worlds, can it really be used?

If those mecha materials are not hard enough, wouldn't they be easily torn by the enemy?

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