Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand and ninety-two, group difference

2092. Group difference

In this regard, there is still a gap between the Dragon Kingdom of the nano-rising world and the Dragon Kingdom of the small broken ball.

This is not a question of the size of the integration capability, but a question of unity within the integration.

In the small broken world, hundreds of countries know very well that failure to unite is the only way out, forcing them to do so.

On the other hand, the world with the rise of nanometers has not yet reached that point, and internal noise is not so easy to eliminate.

Even if they pass through the world passage and enter Liu Hao's Earth in the future, these surviving countries will still quarrel with each other.

Only after they encountered other intelligent beings outside their own world did the noise gradually fade away.

When they truly understand the horrors of the universe, they can let their inner fear outweigh their greed and think more about the survival of the world and the continuation of mankind.

More than 80% of what they encounter will only be the world of small broken balls, which is much clearer than the world of the rise of nanometers.

For a person who has just entered the nano world of the dark forest, the first thought of anyone he sees is whether the other person is hostile, and most of them have to discuss it first before making any calculations.

Even if what he sees is someone who is engraved in the same mold as himself, this suspicion cannot be eliminated in a short while.

In this regard, without the guidance of Liu Haolong Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance, it would not be possible for both parties to establish trust in a short time.

It takes real top people to sit down and present themselves to each other before further negotiations can proceed.

In other words, at that time, the only people who can truly represent both worlds are Huang Xiuyuan in the nano world and Liu Peiqiang in the small ball world.

Fortunately, their language and writing are the same, and they are all from the Yanhuang ethnic group, especially after they have the endorsement of the Yanhuang Alliance.

As for other civilizations in the world on both sides, they had no say at all at that time.

In all the worlds, the weak never have a chance to express their opinions.

Those civilizations may still be able to struggle in their own world, but in the world, it is impossible for even a small bubble to struggle, and the final result will definitely be nothing more than a vassal.

This is already their fate, an unchangeable fate.

This is not the definition Liu Hao gave them, but the fact that the great battle between the heavens and the world was decided from the very beginning.

Only by following the Dragon Kingdom in their respective worlds and becoming vassals first can they gain more possibilities in the future, such as seeing other Xipi civilizations in the future and choosing to follow them.

Liu Hao even knew very well that in the future, after these two worlds truly have a foothold in the heavens, more men in these civilizations will make such choices. As for the women among them, do they still need to think about it?

Liu Hao’s own earth is filled with case studies.

This is not to say that women have a so-called strong nature, but that women know best how to choose the most reliable way for their offspring.

Just like the Dragon Kingdom in the current nano world, don't a lot of women from other countries marry into it every year?

These women know best what possibilities will await them if they stay in their own country, and in turn, that is the real paradise.

In the more than ten years since the rise of nanometers in the world, eight million women have been married off, instead of 10 million. How many of our own people would choose to marry outside the country now?

When you are strong, you don’t need to think and work hard to spread your culture. People will follow and come to your home to hire teachers.

A typical example is that when Nanbangzi was taken over by the Nano-Rising World Dragon Kingdom, it has only been more than ten years and a generation has not completed its growth. But what is the reality?

Throughout the Nanbangzi area, Chinese has become a truly universal language and a necessary language for truly advanced people.

In the past, they thought of countless ways to eliminate this influence, but now they have to think of countless ways to convince themselves.

Nano Rise World Huang Xiuyuan Suiren Group only used a small rule to mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone in the entire Nanbangzi area.

This rule is that employees who can speak Chinese and write Chinese characters have more opportunities for advancement and enjoy more benefits.

This little hook has completely taught them how to behave.

They really don't need any adaptation. They were so fond of pretty girls back then, so changing their daddy won't be any problem for them at all.

They are shouting crazily that they have been fathers for thousands of years, and they have found countless proofs from countless places. Haven't they been like this since ancient times?

Regarding the decline of Xipi civilization such as Laoou and Meili, they are the best at adding insult to injury.

All kinds of arrogance and all kinds of ridicule are their normal behavior.

They can fight for more than ten years over who is the real eldest son with Jiaozhi, and they will still fight over it for decades to come.

As for their childhood, they no longer take it seriously. To them, he is just a godson. They are so confident in terms of closeness.

In Liu Hao's spare time, when he saw them arguing about this on the Internet, he felt like he was back before the spiritual energy was revived. There was always a hint of curling up in the corner of his mouth to watch the fun. Even with his current cultivation level, look for Shuyuanwww .zhaoshuyua.com seems to be not immune.

Nan Bangzi is indeed lucky. You must admit that sometimes the effect of shamelessness is so obvious.

When you meet a guy who is so smooth and mellow, even if you had all kinds of dislike and disgust for this guy in the past, when he really kneels in front of you and flatters you, you will probably not care about the past with him. Dirty.

This is simply Nan Bangzi's way of survival.

In fact, isn’t it the real way to survive for those small countries with few people?

In this regard, the little Japanese boy doesn't seem to be much better.

This country has many ambitions, but it is clear that it cannot support it on its own body. The character of its people is clear to all the worlds.

Their wolf nature and dog nature are so prominent, such obvious characteristics, that even if you know it clearly, you still know that you can still use it.

Because once you subdue them, once they know that you are someone they are unable to resist, they will kneel down much faster than others.

Even if you know that Xiaowozi is still suppressing a reaction deep in his heart, you will tolerate it, because you also understand that the other party's loyalty is indeed not an illusion.

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