Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand one hundred and one, controllability comparison

2101. Comparison of controllability

The big monsters in the Amazon rainforest don't know that in Liu Hao's inner plan, he hopes that the monsters in the Amazon rainforest can become their own faction.

Even if the strength of this faction lags behind other demon clan groups, it doesn't matter.

Because the tomb world will soon step into the heavens, with their emphasis on all living beings, they will never have a destructive attitude towards the birth of countless demon clans and monster beasts in the Amazon rainforest.

Similarly, the powerful people in the tomb world, such as the Demon Lord and others, will not allow the Amazon Rainforest Monsters to seek refuge with other distant forces.

Therefore, even if Liu Hao guessed that the ape demon in front of him had various thoughts, he was still happy to continue watching.

Bai Ze is also a smart man. How could he not know that there are a large number of high-level monsters in the Amazon rainforest that can be subdued?

But he didn't show up even once, so he obviously had a plan.

Isn't this a tacit understanding between Liu Hao and Bai Ze?

There is also a tacit understanding between Bai Ze and Emperor Juntaiyi of the Great Desolate World.

Bai Ze's wisdom is never worse than anyone else. How could he not know that even if he is vaguely separated from Emperor Jun Taiyi, he cannot really shout out for separation?

In other words, Bai Ze knew best that he could form his own force in Liu Hao's earth, but this force must not be too high or too powerful. It would not be a good thing if it truly threatened Emperor Jun Taiyi.

Besides, the other quasi-sages from the prehistoric world who came together would not allow it.

That being the case, why bother finding discomfort for yourself?

Deep down in Bai Ze's heart, he only needs to have his own private army. What is the upper limit of this private army? He has already made various plans in his heart.

This great ape demon doesn't know that his fate has already been sealed.

If he looks for a backer, Bai Ze will refuse. If he goes to seek refuge with Jiu Ying in the Shiwan Mountains southwest of Liu Haolong's country, he will have a huge headache.

The constraints on the demon clan are not limited to the prehistoric world. Those quasi-sages who entered Liu Hao's confidence from the prehistoric world, even if there is no negotiation, how can there be no bottom line in everyone's heart?

Not to mention other people, not even Zhou Han, the sage of Confucianism and Taoism who took root in the central part of Beautiful Continent, would not allow it, and Fang Yun would definitely not allow it.

In truly high-end games, there are often not many choices at all, and the division of future power territories is often doomed from the beginning.

On this chessboard, those who have not reached a certain level of cultivation can only be used as chess pieces. They may seem to have a big voice, but in fact they only look big.

Wasn’t it true that only the Five Greats had the final say in the dungeon before the spiritual energy was revived?

Among the five majors, aren’t it just the top three that really have the right to speak?

For others, no matter how they are called Xuan, can’t they just be called Xuan?

No matter how much they talk, the storm they can stir up is not just a little, three to five meters at most. No matter how high it is, they must act under the three major instructions. At this time, they are already chess pieces, and they can How many people are in charge?

This cruelty will never cease to exist due to the revival of spiritual energy, it will just be transferred.

The ape monster at the top of the Amazon rainforest in front of me is very smart, but it still lacks in great wisdom.

To put it bluntly, I still don’t understand the real general trend.

But these are also insignificant to Liu Hao. Whether he understands it or not, it is just a small chess piece. If he wants to drive it, it is just a matter of how many means he uses.

Liu Hao also did not feel complacent just because he had the ability to drive chess pieces on his own earth.

He clearly knew that with his cultivation, he was not just a chess piece in the hands of the person behind the scenes who linked the heavens together.

What he sees as the general trend of his own planet, in the eyes of the people behind the scenes, is not a trivial matter.

One ring suppresses another, you can see it everywhere in the world of spiritual practice, and there is nothing to be complacent about.

He also does not reject it. Once you are in the situation, you have to do it. If you don't get used to it, you won't have this experience in the future. When the real trend of the world emerges, you will definitely be at a loss. That's terrible Not a good thing.

He wants to flip the table, but he also needs to have the ability to flip the table, right?

The boss is drinking tea, and if you go up and overturn the table, your only result will be to become fresh meat in the boss's hands, the target of killing chickens and respecting monkeys. There is no second way.

He knew that he might be a little special among all the worlds, but he never thought that this little specialness of his could become his own rampant capital.

In the final analysis, it is your own strength that has the final say. You have as much say as your level of cultivation, that's all.

There are never many people who think like him. To put it bluntly, they just have a full understanding of their own positioning. It's no big deal, and there's nothing to praise.

Especially those immortals and gods from the ancient world, which one has no idea about this?

Even if Sun Wukong arrives, doesn’t he have a full understanding of this now?

To put it simply, I just learned more knowledge and learned to be in awe.

The great ape demon in the Amazon rainforest in front of me is just wandering around in his own one-third of an acre of land, and his knowledge of the outside world is not as high as imagined.

But this understanding will soon be improved, because the emergence of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation Abyss frontline quota will give them more opportunities to contact each other in the future, and the exchange of information will naturally become larger, which will naturally make them become Have to be more cautious.

This guy has some idea of ​​the prehistoric world, but he doesn't have much knowledge of how powerful and vast the prehistoric world is.

He knew that many truly powerful people had come from the ancient world, but how many there were was also unknown.

Because those quasi-sages who arrived from the wild world were far more low-key than he imagined.

Even if it is Buddhism, it has no intention of making any big splash about it. Even if it is to spread its own Buddhism, it is actually just a taste of it. It is not that it does not want to, but it is not in a hurry.

Didn’t you see that Tathagata Buddha, who is the most enthusiastic about spreading Buddhism, is now doing things step by step?

Haven’t you ever thought about using the influence of Tathagata Buddha to promote Buddhism on a large scale?

They all have their own plans, and no matter what their plans are, being low-key is never a bad thing.

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