Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand one hundred and seventeen, worthless

2117. Worthless

This is the case with many things. Until you reach that stage, you will never know what kind of things will happen.

Those things that happen before you reach this stage will only be devastating to your outlook.

It’s not that they don’t want to tell you, it’s that telling you will cause bad things.

Because when I tell you, I also need to explain to you why I do this. But once I explain it, will you really understand?

Often your cognition cannot truly understand these things, and you will only stubbornly believe that doing so is never allowed based on your superficial cognition.

But is this really good?

Some people say that your class determines your cognition, while others say that your cognition determines your class.

In fact, both sentences make sense.

In the former, your butt determines your head, while in the latter, your wisdom determines your position and height.

The former is because the interests of your so-called position determine that you must do this even if you don't want to.

The latter is because if you want to get this benefit, you can only think and execute in this way.

They are all correct and complementary to each other.

Because of this, you will find that class is something that can never be eliminated.

You can think that the reason why they exist is the product of interests, or it can be said that common interests led to their emergence.

But no matter what the reason is, he will always appear, if not here, somewhere else.

In fact, this is also a characteristic of human beings as group creatures, and it is inevitable.

The only thing that can be done is to force it not to form a pool of stagnant water. It must be allowed to flow forever, that's all.

This flow means that anyone can be a part of it, and anyone can fall from it. In this way, it is fair to everyone.

Doesn’t the thousands of years of history of the Yanhuang civilization prove this point?

From the beginning, the nobles were always nobles, to the subsequent Great Qin military merit and title system, which was the biggest transformation in itself. It allowed the Great Qin Empire to dominate the world, and the achievement was the First Emperor Ying Zheng.

Then the imperial examination system and the semi-imperial examination system were all developed for the sake of class mobility, right?

The subsequent improvements in the imperial examination system, even if they were not perfect, and even if a stable internal hierarchy would eventually be formed, were a great progress.

When these class movements become stagnant, won't a change of dynasty come?

Then haven’t most of the original strata been completely wiped out?

This is the true essence of Yanhuang civilization, the lessons learned over thousands of years.

This is why even if other countries know it, they can only know it but not the reason. If they cannot see through its essence, they cannot imitate it and cannot learn it even if they want to. Isn’t this how all the so-called ancient civilizations disappear?

Up to now, they are still not adhering to the theory of aristocratic blood, but still have all kinds of pride, but they don't know that what will greet them will only be the contempt of a truly intelligent civilization.

The key is that the nobles just talk about it, but their people are still proud of it, which is so puzzling!

Cheap or not?

The key to this city right now is that this situation is being implemented. Even if there is resistance, some scruples are still rooted in the hearts of many people. This is their 'tradition' that has continued to this day. To put it bluntly, it is Fear of authority, fear of the elite.

They always shout slogans like this, but what is the reality? The so-called fat and rice pigs are just slogans. No matter how loud they are, what's the point?

They just dare to shout here, and if they really return to their Hong Kong world, most or all of them will lower their heads. Even if their strength has made great strides, aren't those who should be afraid still afraid?

They may not dare to truly reveal their ambitions until they think they are strong enough to subvert in the next few decades, but in front of them, they are still just a group of castrated wild boars, nothing more.

Of course, in Liu Hao's eyes, their timidity and trial and error are better than doing nothing.

Finally took the first step.

What makes them happiest is that they took this small step cautiously and received the support and praise of Liu Haolongguo.

The praise from the nobler ethnic groups is the best medicine to inspire their inner enthusiasm.

Haven't you seen that when the nobler ethnic groups promote them, the people they choose to promote are all from their real bottom?

If this is not support, what is it?

It's just that the ideas deeply rooted in their hearts have not been eliminated because of the improvement of their status. After being promoted from 'slaves' to managers, they instead think that they are also part of the nobility, and they do not treat their original companions because of It was their original companions who had any compassion at all.

On the contrary, sometimes what these managers do is even more cruel. If they were not so, it would not prove that they are also among the nobles. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com How sad.

This phenomenon will continue for a long time. Some ideas cannot be changed if you want to. It is even very likely that it will be difficult for their generation to change.

This is also the real reason why Liu Haolong's base managers here are happy to promote the establishment of schools. They really see the bad nature of these people and basically don't expect them to truly transform.

Such things, to put it nicely, are part of tradition; to put it worse, they are the bad nature of civilization.

They are accustomed to their own civilization. When they need fire, they look to God for blessings. When the flood comes, they look to God for salvation.

They are accustomed to being a part of the Lamb, and words like "man can conquer heaven" have never appeared in their civilization records.

Even if their civilization has entered the modern era, it actually has little effect.

On the contrary, in the Yanhuang Alliance, even though the Yanhuang countries in many worlds are still stuck in ancient society, after coming into contact with the real modern environment, the changes have become more logical, and can even be said to have come naturally.

In sharp contrast to the cities in the Hong Kong Comprehensive World, there are many cities established in Australia in the mythical Three Kingdoms World.

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