Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand one hundred and nineteen, complacent

2119. Complacency

When the lower merges with the higher, there are only two results.

Or, these low-level people gradually progressed because they entered a high-level environment, and gradually became part of the high-level.

Otherwise, we can only let these low-level ones be eliminated unconsciously.

This is the future of all human beings outside the Dragon Kingdom in the Hong Kong Comprehensive World.

The opportunity has been given to them, and it is up to them whether they can take it or not.

They also know this, don't they, in the face of such huge losses, haven't they always been able to bear it?

Just because they know that there are some things that they cannot be afraid of loss. Compared with the future, even if the current loss is larger, they must still bear it.

They know that it is not only for themselves, but also for their descendants and whether their ethnic group can continue in the future.

They have indeed begun to compete for power, but even if they are clear about each other, they still have some restraint.

It's like some countries in the Hong Kong integrated world use family members of some power grabbers here as threats, but they are just threats and they dare not take any action easily.

The reason why a high-hanging sword has a deterrent effect is because it hangs high above your head. Once it falls, no matter how great the damage is, all the deterrent effect is lost.

What should be fought for is still fought for, and what should be restrained is still restrained. They may compromise with each other at some point in the future and form a new balance, or they may not, until one party falls.

But what does this have to do with Liu Hao, and what does it have to do with Liu Hao’s Dragon Kingdom and the Hong Kong Comprehensive World Dragon Kingdom?

All changes within a family are their own internal affairs. In this regard, Long Guo has never been in the habit of forcibly interfering with other people's internal affairs.

This has been tested by time, and it is a principle that Liu Hao still adheres to even after the drastic changes in the earth.

Even if your own people still exist in your country, Liu Haolong's entry into the country will only be done with your consent.

Of course, this consent is definitely consent. How outsiders understand it is their own business.

In fact, Liu Hao's Dragon Kingdom is more willing to take over lands that have been completely occupied by monsters and monsters, such as Australia on Liu Hao's Earth, such as Dragon Kingdom's Vancouver base, and the North Island of Luzon in front of them.

Any territory captured from the demon clan is the greatest victory for humans, and it is something that no one can cheer for.

Similarly, neither the Liu Haolong Kingdom nor the Yanhuang Alliance had the habit of handing over the land they acquired to others.

As far as the current Hong Kong Comprehensive World City is concerned, this is where Liu Haolong's country occupies the next starting point.

There is no habit of sacrificing one's own people to help outsiders seize territory.

They help guard and only charge a little protection fee, not much, which is about 5%. The more countries there are, the more they get.

But all the countries in the Hong Kong Comprehensive World are shouting about benevolence and justice.

As for whether they chanted from the heart? Or they had to chant, does Liu Haolongguo care?

The rules are set by us. If you want to participate in this game, you must abide by it. The truth is that simple and applies to all worlds.

Isn't the same situation the same for the Dragon Kingdom where Liu Hao was before traveling through time? At the beginning, the WTO had to agree to various conditions, wasn't it just to integrate into a mature rules system?

Aren't those rules set by the other party, and the process isn't all kinds of discomfort and depression?

The only way was to adapt. Fortunately, it broke out later and had the strength to switch to customers. At that time, didn't the other party think of simply establishing another system of rules?

Is it easy? Even if the other party did it, it would be almost starting from scratch, and it would even increase one's own credibility. Wouldn't that make you timid?

Liu Haolongguo is not worried about this at the moment. To put it bluntly, his strength is no longer in the same dimension.

It is still unknown how many people from white-skinned countries such as Hong Kong Comprehensive World and Beauty will be able to truly adapt in the future.

Those who can't adapt are not facing elimination, but now it is much crueler than the peaceful world before Liu Hao traveled through.

They also know it, but they have no choice but to grit their teeth and keep up, even if they know that in the process, they are likely to ruin generations of young people.

In fact, they have run away from the original legal system and formulated a brand new law to adapt to the new future. With this brand new law, you can say that they are going backwards, but for what reason, who doesn't understand?

Symptoms of coercion have never been easy in history, and have always been accompanied by countless resistances.

When facing two people, at least one of them will never have a chance to return. Which person who has been signaled can truly feel at peace in his heart?

Who doesn’t tremble all over at night?

There is no need to guess, Liu Hao can also know that the black screens in Hong Kong, the world, and other countries must have become more violent, but the results of the anger are also obvious. They are either suppressed or cleaned up. At this time, They won't be polite to the black screeners.

Before the black screen people in their country are completely sacrificed, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com They can still continue to be strong to some extent. Before they exhaust the population of Heizhou, they can probably continue to be strong.

They will most likely set their sights on the Asan Kingdom in their world, and they will certainly use various discounts to attract the people here to move their territory, in order to still get more cannon fodder.

However, even if they tried their best to avoid more casualties among their own people, it was still difficult for them to achieve full success. Their idea was good, but when they arrived on Liu Hao's earth, those who were signposted and those who were forcibly brought here had to withstand it several times. After that, how could we not know how to resist?

At that time, will we still have to compromise with each other, or will we let the black screens have their own ethnic group's territory in this city?

These black screens, who finally got their own territory, hate Baipi in their hearts no more than when they faced the monsters, or even more.

But they also know that no matter how much they hate, it will be difficult to take revenge in a short period of time, because the rule of the city under their feet is not in their hands, but in the hands of Liu Haolong's country, and they are not allowed to fight in the city, even for the revenge of killing their father. allow.

They understand this, it's all for human beings, and they can only surrender if they are placed there.

Besides, they didn't feel any discrimination from the city management. They were all treated equally.

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