Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 2123. Master Xuanwu’s arrangement?

2123. Master Xuanwu’s arrangement?

Luo Bing said it won't be long, it won't be long, only three to five years.

Three to five years is a long time for the monks at the bottom. It is a length that is likely to change their own structure. It is the key to whether they can stand out.

But in Luo Bing's eyes, it won't be long.

In Liu Hao's eyes, it was a person sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed for enlightenment.

If the world monsters of Master Xuanwu hadn't erupted again, Liu Hao's closed-eyes meditation would probably have lasted for hundreds of years.

You must admit that it is difficult to make further progress, and the time required is even greater. At Liu Hao's level, in many cases it is no longer a matter of time.

Real masters are always in retreat. It seems that if they don't retreat, there will be nothing to do.

This is not what the outside world thinks, nor does retreat really yield gains every time.

The principle of reviewing the past and learning the new is not only useful in reading. Many times, when a truly strong person is in retreat, he is more sorting out himself.

This is the case for Liu Hao himself this time.

The experience package obtained from the three major incarnations allows him to have a teacher when he learns these laws. But teaching it to you does not guarantee that you will learn it, and learning it does not mean that you can. Very good control.

Especially for the latter, there is no real deep foundation and no real solid foundation. Isn’t the so-called mastery just a mirror image?

As a fellow practitioner of the Three Thousand Great Ways and Three Thousand Principles, Liu Hao actually spends most of his time in retreat practicing, sorting out what he has gained, reviewing the past and learning the new.

This is also the reason why he can wake up at any time. He doesn't need any notification from Luo Bing at all. He has already noticed from the changes between heaven and earth. He has discovered it the moment the Xuanwu monster has just passed through the world passage, and its figure has appeared. Waiting for the other party's arrival above the sea.

His gaze penetrated the sea and went straight to the world passage. The monster that had just passed through the world passage was completely visible in his eyes.

This person is very different from the previous one. Although their realms are almost the same and they are both at the pinnacle of quasi-sages, their body shapes are completely different.

Last time, the monster that arrived was as big as it could be;

But this time, the quasi-holy peak monster that had just crossed the world passage seemed to have an extremely restrained body. The entire body was only three to five meters tall. The appearance of the monster was no longer ferocious at all, and it seemed as if it was an ordinary head. Like a beast.

What's more important is that this monster can no longer be called a monster, because it feels very aesthetic. Even if the human race sees it, it still conforms to the aesthetics.

It seems to be the beginning of the real transformation on the monster's evolutionary path, and it is clear and difficult to deal with.

Its smart eyes made Liu Hao feel that even if this guy's wisdom is not completely complete, it is not far behind. If you give him time, this completeness will definitely exist.

This is also the reason why Liu Hao didn't take action immediately.

He thought for a moment before taking action, but instead of taking action, he chose to try to communicate.

Sure enough, as soon as Liu Hao's idea came out, the monster that had just stepped half of its body into Liu Hao's earth stagnated, raised its eyes, and shot in the direction of Liu Hao.

When their eyes met, Liu Hao's inner expectation suddenly dropped by 90%, because the feedback in his eyes told Liu Hao that even if this guy could communicate, it would not be easy for him to communicate.

The animal nature in his eyes still accounts for 90% upwards. Even if he has wisdom, he is still used to opening his fist first.

What else?

Liu Hao's only choice was to step lightly with his feet, and a mighty formation would unfold, enveloping the opponent's entire body into his own earth.

This formation is actually an extension of a talisman seal. The talisman seal of heaven is just a siege, but the effect is significant, especially for those who don't understand.

The monster was obviously aware of it the moment it was captured, but even if it was detected, it had no effect at all.

Liu Hao was not in a hurry anymore. He locked his eyes on the undersea passage again and watched more monsters pour in. Those monsters were not much different from those that had arrived before. He didn't need to cross the passage to check, and he knew that the number this time was the same. huge.

He was not worried at all, and just sent a message towards the inside of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. Soon, a figure appeared next to Liu Hao, who could it be if he wasn't Emperor Zhenwu.

One thing that Liu Hao himself must admit is that the monks on his own earth seem to have had a 'test' that cannot keep up with the Great Master Xuanwu.

He didn't know whether Master Xuanwu had predicted that the heavenly soldiers and generals from the ancient world would come to support him, or whether he was urging the heavens to speed up the progress.

But he knew that Master Xuanwu would most likely block the sub-saint level monsters this time.

While he was thinking, Emperor Zhenwu had already waved the flag in his hand. After a while, millions of heavenly soldiers and generals appeared in the sky, and a huge dragnet formation opened again.

Thanks to their speed, otherwise, the sudden surge of monsters will definitely force Liu Hao's earth, the hub of the heavens, into chaos. If these monsters escape from here, the chaos caused will not be destroyed in a short time. of.

He soon saw Bai Ze walking out of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and he also gathered a large number of monsters. It seemed that he also understood the benefits of these monsters' meat to the monsters, and he couldn't wait.

Soldiers and horses are being mobilized from all directions, but the Wutang Empire, which has settled down, is not watching this time, looking for Shuyuan www. The team created by zhaoshuyuan.com should not be underestimated either. This represents the power of the human race in the prehistoric world.

With Emperor Zhenwu carrying millions of heavenly soldiers and generals to seal the four directions, he does not need to take any responsibility. It is like a group of wild wolves imprisoned in a small space. As long as he cannot break through the fence with his strength, there is no big problem.

Seeing that the four teams were already in place, Emperor Zhenwu commanded the heavenly soldiers and generals to open the skynet, causing the lower-level monsters to pour out. Then he looked around to see which side was able to handle it with ease, and then more threats were revealed. Give away.

Such a scene made Liu Haodu feel that Skynet, which came from the ancient world, seemed to be naturally able to restrain these monsters with incomplete intelligence.

As a monk, who doesn't know that there are two ways to break a formation, one is brute force, as long as your own strength exceeds the carrying limit of the formation, you can naturally break it, and the effect is very powerful.

For example, if the Skynet formation commanded by Emperor Zhenwu is destroyed by a monster from the inside, the damage feedback to the organizer will be huge, and it is even possible that Emperor Zhenwu will be seriously injured at once, including millions of heavenly soldiers and generals. There is an 80% to 90% chance of dying at once.

This is an answer that almost everyone knows, but no one can break the formation like this. The reason is simply that the power required is so vast that very few people can do it.

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