Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand one hundred and twenty-seven, large-scale import

2127. Large-scale import

From all directions, countless people still come to help every day.

Even if the arrivals know that they are not qualified to go to the battlefield, they are still happy to come and "do a job", such as helping to handle the spoils in the rear.

And this is the industrial chain that has been formed many times when the world of Master Xuanwu has been flooded with monsters and beasts.

Some people with low cultivation even know that they can’t contribute much by coming, but they still come because as long as they contribute, they can earn a little from it. Even if they don’t earn much, they can still make some money in the process. Eat monster meat?

You can’t say they are thieves, but they are equally in need.

This is obviously another path of advancement provided by the Yanhuang Alliance for those who already lack the talent for cultivation.

In any era, bringing gains through one's own efforts is the most important thing.

There is nothing more terrifying than a class lying flat.

Whether Liu Haolong Kingdom or the major members of the Yanhuang Alliance, they have now escaped from survival. What follows is life and how to make themselves live a better life.

In this era of all heavens and all realms, in this era of cultivation in all heavens and all realms, individual cultivation is a symbol of their status, and it is also a better condition for whether they can live, or even one of the necessary conditions.

For the lowest level, the cultivation level is already the limit visible to the naked eye. It is difficult to advance to the next level even with great efforts. Even if you face the monster directly, you can only pick up some leftovers. At this level, you If we don't take care of them, they will be at a loss and worry about having enough to eat.

They will feel more and more inferior as they watch their original neighbors catch up with them one by one, and there will be countless despair gnawing at their hearts. In the future, one day an abyss demon will find them, and it is very likely that they will become "betrayers" '.

This kind of betrayal is often not voluntary for them, but they have to do it, because it is extremely difficult for them to resist the temptation, and even with the slightest benefit, they are likely to be seduced, and then become the staunchest followers of the abyss demon gods.

No matter whether it is a person or a living being, as long as you are alive, you need a driving force, an upward driving force. It is possible to gain something through your own efforts, even if the effort you put in is several times that of others, and the harvest you get is a fraction of others. One is better than none.

This is the real reason why Liu Haolong Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance would organize many people to come to the rear every time the Xuanwu Lord monster invaded.

Even if we know they are coming, the efficiency of slaughtering and cutting is very low, they still need to come, and we need to let them know that they are a group that is needed.

They are also the most unafraid of hardships. Even if they work twelve hours a day, they are still happy because every minute and every second, as long as they work, they can get the benefits they dream of.

Here, the salary is settled, but these monster meats are used, and you can eat as much monster meat as you want for three meals a day and midnight snacks.

To them, this is their coveted source of nutrition.

Perhaps their talents are already very low, but because of the nutritional supplement of these monsters' meat, they can improve a lot every time they come, especially for their own physical training.

The reason why even the lowest level people in Liu Haolong Kingdom are generally around the fourth level in cultivation now, these monster meats from the world of Master Xuanwu can be a huge boost.

Who doesn't know that the human body is a huge treasure basin? Who doesn’t know that the body is the container of all foundations?

Especially below the Immortal level, before the essential transformation of life, the improvement of personal physique, followed by other talents, such as Qi training and God refining, are bound to follow suit, just to a certain extent.

These are the biggest hopes for the bottom class. Isn’t that why they haven’t improved bit by bit in the past?

The so-called amount of sweat is nothing to them, just like the people in rural areas never regard their labor efforts as costs.

They will say to themselves: It’s just a little strength, take a rest, won’t you come back? 》

They are never as smart as capitalists, but it is because of this that they are more likely to be satisfied.

When they arrived, the smiles on their faces could not be hidden.

In fact, Liu Hao didn't need to guess at all. He knew very well that when the monster invasion was over and they returned, the salary they received, which was the monster meat, would basically not enter their mouths.

Or, after they return, someone will come to buy it immediately. The price is higher than the market price. Those people will most likely have a lot of money, such as Ah Li Ma Yiduo.

Before his spiritual energy was revived, this guy always imagined that he was a knight, but never had the heart of a knight. His talent was actually very poor;

Now even though the group company that belongs to him has fallen a lot, in terms of assets, he still has it. At this time, there is a high probability that he can buy as much as he can.

There are much fewer such groups in Liu Haolong Kingdom now than before the spiritual energy was revived, but they are not absent.

There are always some people who have their own natural talents in making money, and are always used to settling everything with money.

This is also an exchange of equal value.

The idea of ​​living in a big city will never go out of style at any time. People in small towns, even if it is not for themselves, even if it is just for the education of their children, choosing to live in a larger city is part of their dream.

Just like the Australian base of Dragon Country, why is it so easy to move people from the mainland to settle here? Isn't it because it has huge benefits that other small towns don't have. In the face of these benefits, even if it is dangerous, it seems unbearable, right?

Selling is part of it, but more of it, they will still keep it, not for themselves to continue to use after returning home, but for their children and future generations. It will be useful for them and it will be equally useful for their children.

This is even the only 'advantage' they can gain for their children.

Below, among the countless groups of monsters in the rear, one can see at a glance their age structure. Almost most of them come from the backbone of a family.

In fact, both the senior officials of Liu Haolong Kingdom and other members of the Yanhuang Alliance were selected in this way.

Those who have enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry, this kind of benefit that is almost welfare is not their turn.

This is almost everyone’s unspoken rule. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com is also to drive these people to form their own families faster and reproduce offspring, that's all.

In today's Liu Haolong country, in the country of today's Yanhuang Alliance members, it is easier said than done to get a wife and have children.

It is difficult to say that if your cultivation level is not high and your level is low, it will be difficult to win the favor of the same race and the opposite sex. Naturally, it will be difficult to ask for marriage.

It's easy to say, but as long as you are willing to give up marrying a member of the same race and are willing to target a foreigner as your wife, the choice is almost up to you.

Outside of the Bright Sword World and the Dragon Kingdom, there are many countries. Are there any shortage of girls in those countries?

After so many years, even the news that Liangjian World has blocked the world passage cannot be hidden until now.

In other words, it is almost the default fact of all countries except the Dragon Kingdom of Bright Sword World to have a passage to all the worlds.

Being in the same world, your technological explosion will be shocking, but it is not incomprehensible, even if your explosion speed is extremely fast.

But when technology explodes at an extremely rapid rate, every citizen in the country has embarked on spiritual practice, and every citizen is like a superman. This is incomprehensible.

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