Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand one hundred and thirty-seven, fairy sword

2137. Fairy Sword

Liu Hao added Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er to his list of expectations, but he also did not leave out the Moon Worshiping Cult Master.

This villain from the world of Sword and Fairy is also a real scientist.

This leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, who originally had an over-the-top mentality in the world of Sword and Fairy, became more open-minded after entering the world.

This open-mindedness is not a change in his thinking, but an understanding of looking at problems from a greater perspective.

This guy didn't waste his scientific talent. In fact, the reason why this guy's current cultivation level is lower than that of Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er is because he spends more time studying, studying and researching.

As far as the Mohist practice system is concerned, the current leader of the Moon Worshiping Sect has not fallen behind at all. On the contrary, the vast majority of monks majoring in the Mohist practice cannot even say that they are as good as Worshiping the Moon in terms of their mastery and understanding of the knowledge system.

In the entire world of Sword and Fairy, as far as the laboratory is concerned, the home of the Lord Worshiping the Moon is the largest and most complete.

Nowadays, in the entire world of Sword and Fairy Tales, which disciple of the Mohist family does not know about the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult? Who wouldn't call this guy respectful when they see him?

He is completely different from the blackened worshiping moon in the original impression. It can be said that he has truly embarked on a path that he likes and is bright and correct in all the worlds.

Perhaps, in the future, this guy will change all his original majors and become the real Optimus Prime of the Mohist disciples. Who knows?

But if someone really made such a choice, the Mohist family would definitely be happy to accept it.

Liu Hao did not go to the World of Sword and Fairy Again. He had no idea that in Nanzhao today, the level of modernization is the highest in the entire World of Sword and Fairy.

In fact, this is understandable. Doesn’t it mean that what kind of leaders there are will bring about what kind of changes there are?

This leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, who seemed out of place in the world of Sword and Fairy, is now very popular in the world. Even when he first connected to the world, he didn't have many mental barriers to communicating with the modern world. existence, isn’t this more reasonable?

In terms of changing one's fate, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult in front of him was far superior to the others.

However, this guy's fate still has a huge disaster waiting for him, and that is Empress Nuwa.

Who knows if Empress Nuwa will be angry in the future when she finds out what the leader of the worshiping moon has done to the descendants of Nuwa in the world of Sword and Fairy Tales. However, when the time comes, a trace of anger flashes through Empress Nuwa’s heart and falls on the worshiping moon. The leader of the cult is also an existence that can only be crushed to pieces with the weight of the mountain.

This guy most likely knows it himself. Maybe he was a little afraid of it at first, but now he is calm about it.

This guy has always been steadfast in his scientific literacy, which is one of the reasons why Liu Hao admires him.

We are already in the age of fantasy, and it sounds ridiculous to still appreciate science, but only those who truly understand will know what they really appreciate.

Science, to put it bluntly, is the spirit of exploration.

Who has a scientific thinker who is not single-minded and dedicated to exploring the unknown?

What if these scientists can’t keep up with the pace of the times in many things in this fantasy era?

As long as they explore it, even if they get only a little bit, it is a big progress for everyone. No matter what aspect they get, whether it is just the simplest theory, its effect is impossible. rare.

In terms of application, they have discovered a certain synthetic material, which means that there is no need for experts to refine it, but an industrialized production is possible.

Even if these materials are produced, other monks with higher cultivation levels will still be needed to carve inscriptions on the prototypes of spiritual weapons refined from these materials. This is also a great improvement in manpower.

You might say that it wouldn't take much time for any expert to spare some energy to refine these materials.

But this situation more often makes the government agencies lack initiative and ask for help. Can the planned time be smoothed out?

There is a high probability that it will not work. On the contrary, if the government understands that the industrial production of this material is nothing more than a waste of money, which common person who has experienced the modern world does not understand the value of industrialized production capacity?

This is still application, what about theory?

This is even more remarkable in the age of fantasy. Who doesn’t know that any theory can already reveal the true nature of the world?

Even if it belongs to the most superficial level of the true nature of the world, its value is also immeasurable.

This is also the real reason why Liu Haolong Kingdom and the major members of the Yanhuang Alliance are very happy to keep in captivity those scientists from their own world who do not have much talent in cultivation but are happy to explore the unknown.

They can really contribute a lot of value. Spending some human and financial resources to raise them is a cost-effective thing.

This is especially true for those who are already talented in cultivation and scientists.

Doesn't worshiping the moon satisfy these to a certain extent?

Isn't it because of this reason that Liu Hao kept this guy in the first place?

He is like this, and Zhu Bajie, who is now in charge of the world of Sword and Fairy, is also like this. He may be smart, but he knows too well how to act stupid.

There is no need to guess, Liu Hao can also guess that Zhu Bajie will not give any support to Bai Yue openly, but secretly he will not hinder him at all if he should let it go;

That guy definitely doesn't have any intention of blocking the land of Nanzhao now. In fact, he must be paying attention to many things in private, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com while trying to get the wool out of it.

He would be happy to help the Great Song Dynasty in the world of Sword and Fairy to conquer the entire world of Sword and Fairy, but he would definitely continue to keep Nanzhao in order to create a stable scientific environment for Bai Yue.

Liu Hao's guess couldn't be more correct. This is how the world of Sword and Fairy is going now. The Song Dynasty, which had a runny nose in history, is now really awesome in the world of Sword and Fairy.

It's just that compared to the heavens where the Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties are located, the Song Dynasty government office in the world of Sword and Fairy does not have much authority to speak of.

In the Song Dynasty, scholar-bureaucrats were always aloof, and even if they were suppressed, it would not be easy.

Compared with those of the heavens, the imperial power of the Song Dynasty in Sword and Fairy World does not have much majesty. To this day, it continues to rule the world together with the scholar-bureaucrats.

Who made the scholar-bureaucrats of the Great Song Dynasty gradually control their strength in the world of Sword and Fairy? Of course, it was not just Confucianism.

In fact, they have already developed towards the structure of the Confucian and Taoist Holy World, and are already learning from the governance model of the Confucian and Taoist Holy World.

It cannot be said that they are evading the imperial power, but that they are safeguarding the rights that originally belonged to their scholar-bureaucrats. It can be regarded as an alternative way to achieve the same goal.

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