Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Seven hundred and thirty-four. Treasure of the Witch Clan

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734. Treasure House of the Witch Clan

The three flowers are all blooming, and the Daluo Jinxian has been completed, and it is still in place in one step, reaching the peak.

But Liu Hao didn't intend to wake up, he was still immersed in his cultivation, and when Houtu saw him, he didn't bother him, and with one step, he arrived at the sealed place in the center of the Earth Immortal Realm.

One side of the towering mountains and rivers soaring into the sky, I don't know how high it is, as if piercing into the sky, this is the prehistoric Buzhou Mountain.

To be honest, today's Earth Immortal Realm is just a small area around Buzhou Mountain. This can be seen from this sealed place. This area is larger than any of the four major continents of Earth Immortal Realm. A few, but in this area, there is only one pillar of heaven. From this comparison, it can be found that the entire earth fairy world is nothing but the foundation of Mount Buzhou.

Speaking of which, this area is the real core of the Great Desolation, even if the five saints fight, they haven't really broken it.

Today's "Buzhou Mountain" can only be regarded as a part of the prehistoric Buzhou Mountain. Although it looks straight into the sky, compared with the ancient "Buzhou Mountain", there is not even one-tenth of it left. Unattainable state.

Hou Tu arrived here, sighed, sank into the ground, and arrived at a dark area, within this area, the sound of surging water continued for a long time, like a roaring sea.

"Little sister! You are here!"

"Fifth Brother! Do you know about the changes in the Earth Immortal Realm?"

"Such a huge change, if I don't know about it yet, I've failed the name of the ancestral witch! But, I don't know why!"

"A living being came from the Earth Immortal Realm, and it is a human race. He arrived in the Earth Immortal Realm and brought a cultivation system that is completely different from the Earth Immortal Realm. He spread it, and the luck of the Earth Immortal Realm has also greatly improved!"

"I see!"

After Gong Gong heard this, there was a slight fluctuation in his mentality that had remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years. The improvement of luck in the earth fairy world was a great supplement to heaven and earth. It has weakened a lot, and the prison life that was supposed to be suppressed to countless kalpas may also be released early, so he couldn't help but feel fluctuating in his heart.

Houtu would come to visit Gonggong, also to tell him the benefits of this side, how many times I visited, seeing Gonggong's heart was ashamed, as a little sister, Houtu also couldn't bear it, and he couldn't let it go, so he could only watch. Behold, such hope comes,

Being able to bear to visit now also shows that Houtu has a certainty in his heart, that is, the return of the earth fairy world to the prehistoric world is probably a foregone conclusion.

"Fifth brother, if you release it early, you will owe Liu Hao boundless karma, do you know?"

"Hahaha, no matter what, it's better than not seeing the sun! If you owe Karma, just pay him back! I have a flag here, and if I give it to him first, it's a thank you in advance!"

"In the Pangu Palace, there are quite a few spirit treasures, and he can choose a few of them himself. In this way, even if Fifth Brother is born early, there is some protection!"

"Oh? Could it be that something happened outside?"

"However, with the resumption of the Conferred Gods, many priesthoods have been added in the underworld. The outside world is very dangerous now. The fifth brother is born, and under the karma, the danger is even more dangerous. If it is really dead, the witch clan will have no ancestor witch!"

"That can't be done. My brothers and sisters have all returned to the earth, but I, the last ancestor witch, can't afford to lose! It's not to spare my life, but to make no mistakes!"

"Little sister knows, Fifth Brother, there is no need to worry. My little sister has already made up her mind. A few days ago, I granted him the position of the last King of Hades in the underworld, and even brought his inheritance into the underworld. In this way, he also enjoys the title of the underworld king." Luck, with these calculations, plus the gift of Lingbao this time, after Fifth Brother comes out, even if he suffers some difficulties, his life will be guaranteed!"

"That's great! It's embarrassing my little sister!"

"They're all brothers and sisters, why don't you say that, as long as Fifth Brother doesn't blame the younger sister!"

"Hahaha, over the years, I have already figured it out. With Na Hongjun standing in the way, the little girl is powerless to save her even if she wants to. Her own strength is not enough. If it is bad for others to plot, I can't blame others. If you lose, you lose. Fortunately, the demon The family has also become a bereaved dog, and for hundreds of millions of years, I have long wanted to be a brother!"

"That's good! Wait a minute, fifth brother. The luck of the Earth Immortal Realm is rising rapidly, and the faster you can extract the Qi of Primal Chaos, maybe it won't be long before the 'Buzhou Mountain' will show up in time. At that time..."

"Hahaha, okay, okay!"

Gonggong interrupted Houtu's words, but he didn't want Houtu to reveal the secret for him. Houtu also understood Gonggong's meaning, stopped talking in time, and smiled. let go.

After talking about the business, Houtu and Gonggong chatted about the past, and then reluctantly left.

In the Pangu Palace, Houtu returned, holding a small blue flag in his hand. On the flag, it was like a raging sea. If he were a powerful monk in the earth fairy world, he could tell at a glance that this flag was the flag of the five directions of heaven and earth. One of them, the 'Xuanyuan Water Control Banner', was also the only flag that had not appeared during the time of Conferring the Gods. Yuanshi Tianzun's personality must also be borrowed and used.

For the Wu Clan, the best spirit treasures are all refined by themselves. They are not good at primordial spirits. Once the spirit treasures are in their hands, they don’t know how many years they want to refine them. The more it fits itself, the more powerful it will be.

The disadvantages are also very obvious, that is, the Wu Clan lacking innate spiritual treasures will have nothing to suppress their own luck, and even the ancestor witches can only end up dead.

Later, when the primordial spirit of the Wu clan entered the underworld, these spirit treasures were also taken out one by one by them. However, the people of the underworld seldom participated in external battles, and it was difficult to see them. In addition, they were not used to them, so there were still treasures in the Pangu Temple. For many years, it has rarely been opened. If it wasn't for Gonggong today, Houtu would have never thought of this. For her, even if it is a top-quality spiritual treasure, it is not much different from a stone, even if it is all given to Liu Hao , she will not feel distressed.

The reason why Liu Hao was asked to choose a few pieces is because he knew that Liu Hao already had the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Merit Ruler' and the 'Tiger Soul Knife' on him, which meant that he no longer needed the attack, and he only gave it to him when he had the Gonggong for defense. It is useless to have too many 'Xuanyuan Water Control Flags', and it is already the limit to choose a few.

In the hall, Liu Hao opened his eyes, smiled all over his face, and his heart was full.

At the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, in the world of earth and immortals, he really has the power to protect himself. There are many quasi-sages, but they are definitely not many, and there are very few wandering outside. If it is not for Journey to the West, it is very unpredictable , this is no joke.

According to the entire "Journey to the West", except when the monkeys are making trouble in the heavenly palace, the saint incarnation of the Taishang Laojun has some roles, and only Haotian and Tathagata have a soy sauce. Earn some merit and call it a day.

As far as Zhunsheng is concerned, unless there is a big event, he will hardly go out, and during the catastrophe, it will only increase the cause and effect, and he is more willing to recite the Huangting Sutra quietly at home. In this way, Da Luo Jinxian is already a master, and self-protection is enough.

"you're awake!"

"Goodbye Empress Empress!"

"No need to be polite, the luck of the Earth Immortal Realm has improved. As the master of the tunnel, I have to pay back the karma I owe you. The more you gain in the Pangu Palace, the happier I will be!"

Liu Hao smiled, but he understood that neither Hongjun nor Houtu really wanted to repay the karma. There are ways, such as setting up a trick, finding a quasi-sage to kill him, and it will be over.

Of course, when Hongjun and Houtu have cultivated like this, they will not really do this unless it is absolutely necessary. Repaying the cause and effect may be difficult for others, but for Hongjun and Houtu, it couldn't be easier , This lends out the Pangu Palace to allow Liu Hao to practice. For Houtu, there is no loss at all, so why not do it?

"This flag, named 'Xuanyuan Water Control Banner', is one of the five banners of heaven and earth. It is made of chaotic green lotus leaves. Among the spiritual treasures, it is also the top innate spiritual treasure!"

Liu Hao was also very surprised. Hearing what Houtu meant, was he going to give it to himself? Do you dare to accept it yourself? He doesn't know how to calculate karma, but in his opinion, he would rather Hongjun and Houtu owe him karma than he would owe them karma.

Houtu seemed to sense Liu Hao's thoughts, smiled and continued;

"I have an elder brother named 'Gonggong', who knocked down 'Buzhou Mountain' during the 'Lich Tribulation', and has been suppressed until now. The way of the hundred families, the luck of the earth and immortal world has risen, and the trend of returning to the prehistoric world has been achieved, and my elder brother will not need immeasurable calamities to escape, so I owe you a great karma!"

Liu Hao heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, and sighed in his heart that he was too correct to spread the way of hundreds of schools. However, 'Xuanyuan Controls Water Banner' is the best among the best innate spiritual treasures. It is also difficult for the saint to break through, and when he lacks the defensive spirit treasure, he sends it to his door, and there is no danger, so how can he not accept it?

Seeing Liu Hao's reaction, Hou Tu smiled again.

"The cause and effect are so great that even this 'Xuanyuan Water Control Flag' is difficult to pay off. In the past, when the Wu Clan was in charge of the land, they also collected a lot of spiritual treasures. I will open them and see what fits them. Things, choose a few!"

Liu Hao was a little suspicious again. Is the cause and effect so great? How big should a top-grade innate spirit treasure be?

"Don't be suspicious. If it weren't for you, my elder brother would only appear when the world was destroyed. When he appeared at that time, he would not be able to escape death. So you understand?"

Liu Hao finally nodded, this is even bigger than the karma of saving lives, which makes sense!

"Put this 'Xuanyuan Water Control Flag' away, and come with me!"

"Thank you Empress Houtu!"

Liu Hao bowed slightly and saluted, allowing himself to enter the treasury to choose, this is kindness, otherwise, Houtu gave him some spirit treasures at random, would he dare not accept them?

Only after entering the treasure house of the Wu clan did Liu Hao realize how rich the Wu clan, one of the overlords, is. A treasure house has exceeded the limit that Liu Hao could have imagined before.

This treasury is clearly a piece of heaven and earth, even a vast world is nothing more than that, with an endless starry sky and a piece of land, in the land, countless spiritual plants can be seen everywhere like weeds;

Looking around, there is always a feeling that this land is not as small as a continent when it is changed to the earth fairy world. In it, even spiritual roots will not be lacking. It may be that the best spiritual roots also exist in it, such as that Huang Zhongli, who has never been in the legend, was probably collected by the Wu Clan.

However, in such a huge world, let alone choose a few spiritual treasures, even if you search for them, you don't know how long it will take, is it really all right?

Liu Hao expressed his doubts. In the king's sky, there was a bright sun, and there seemed to be a few smaller suns farther away from the bright sun. Only then did he know how rich the Wu Clan was as the overlord in ancient times;

If the witch clan is like this, the monster clan must also have a very deep background, right? So what about the three ancient tribes? Compared with them, the human race is like a dilapidated household. Liu Hao only felt a deep jealousy in his heart, and his nose was a little sore.

"You just follow the induction, this is the best choice! Let's go!"

"Thank you Empress Houtu!"

After Liu Hao said that, he closed his eyes and began to sense carefully. This sense showed several opportunities in directions. One of them was the position directly in front. With the permission of Hou Tu, he was not polite, and walked forward with one step. However, it took more than half a day for this walk before he found the place he felt, and what he saw made Liu Hao very entangled.

In front of my eyes, a tea tree stands upright quietly. Although it is small, it exudes infinite light. There is no greenness left in the tens of thousands of miles around this tea tree. It is not ordinary at first glance. After watching it for a long time, I can feel it. In the past, there were always flaws in Taoism, and my heart was even more enlightened.

"Could it be the legendary 'Enlightenment Tea'?"

Liu Hao exclaimed, and an answer came from behind;

"It seems that you really have a relationship with tea. You opened a teahouse when you arrived in the Immortal Realm! What you said is correct. This is 'Enlightenment Tea'. Although it does not enter the top ten spiritual roots, it is still top-notch!"

"It's just that even if I take it, there is no place to plant it!"

Liu Hao sighed, thinking in his heart that he could only give up. Looking at the domineering people with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it was simply not something he could support.

"It's not impossible, I remember that there is a mountain and river spirit treasure here, but it is also suitable!"

While Houtu was talking, she stretched out her hand and a three-foot-high emerald mountain-shaped spirit treasure appeared in her hand;

"This spiritual treasure is called 'Cuiping Peak'. Although it is very common in terms of attack and defense, it has its own spiritual veins and self-produced spiritual energy. It is also a small world. If you take it, it is just suitable for raising this spirit treasure. A tea tree!"

Liu Hao was very happy. Speaking of which, he really didn't have much covetousness for Lingbao. In other words, he had greater ambitions and wanted more innate treasures. Now defending Lingbao wants an innate treasure. The ultimate treasure is almost impossible, 'Xuanyuan Control Water Flag' is enough, but it is not as practical as this Cuiping Peak, plus the innate spiritual root rhyme of 'Wu Dao Tea', what is there to ask for ?

I am happy to take over 'Cuiping Peak' and refine it on the spot. The level of this spirit treasure is not bad, with 42 restrictions, it has reached the top level. In terms of offense and defense, it is really nothing, but it is definitely a rare spirit treasure However, just one that can be carried with him is enough to satisfy him. You must know that carrying it with you is a cave, a treasure house of elixir, so what can you be dissatisfied with?

Liu Hao was already very satisfied after collecting the 'Enlightenment Tea', Houtu nodded slightly when he saw it, and found that Liu Hao is really not a greedy person;

"You feel it again, if it suits you, take it, if it doesn't suit you, let's talk about it!"

Liu Hao thought about it for a while, and was happy to check it out. He thought that even if he didn't need it, he could leave it to his disciples. If the newly recruited girl in the teahouse doesn't have a spirit treasure to defend herself in this fairy world, I'm really worried. I'm not joking about the lack of something to suppress my own luck.

As soon as this idea came out, when the induction was made, there was one more induction.

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