Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Seven hundred and seventy-seven. The way of the law

777. The Way of the Law

"Is 'humanity' coming out? That's how it is!"

After Nvwa won Hongjun, Tu Yanming understood her way forward in an instant, and turned her head to look at Liu Hao who was sitting cross-legged under the star fruit tree, showing more gentleness;

"No wonder when I saw you for the first time, I felt very kind, but it turned out that thanks to you, the 'Human Way' appeared earlier, which would give me more time to improve my cultivation, and it would not be in vain for my three years." I will support you twice."

The incarnation of Hongjun Houtu has already left. The two of them got the information and left contentedly. Speaking of which, the two of them were depressed. It opened up the upper limit of the cultivation base of the living beings in the world, but it was also the reason for birth. When it was suppressed, it made the three ways of "heaven, earth and man" work together to support them.

There are gains and losses, that's what I said, if it weren't for this, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is already the limit, and when he reaches that level, he must leave the prehistoric world, just like the 'raised eyebrow immortal'.

After Hongjun and Houtu joined forces, they successfully entered the realm of the "Day of Heaven", but they could only be bound together with the prehistoric world, not to mention suppressing the world all the time, and also need to worry about various conditions of the world, for example, they must not Don't face the problem of the decline of the aura of the earth fairy world, and have to spend a lot of time to extract the chaotic aura to replenish the world, lest the world level of the earth fairy world will drop again, and finally the immeasurable calamity of collapse will appear.

Therefore, the appearance of Liu Hao greatly improved the luck of the Earth Immortal Realm, fed back the Earth Immortal Realm, and prompted the Earth Immortal Realm to return to the prehistoric times. Hongjun and Houtu are the happiest two people. Integrating into the heaven and the earth has ensured the return of the prehistoric world. This situation not only greatly benefits the mission of the two of heaven and earth, but also makes it possible for the two of them to improve their cultivation base that has been stagnant for a long time, and has a chance to break away from the shackles of the heaven and the earth.

The two left, but Nuwa chose to stay. The star fruit tree refined by Liu Hao also needs her to suppress the dojo to prevent the breath of the star fruit tree from leaking.

The spiritual root can also be refined, just like Zhen Yuanzi refined the ginseng fruit tree. It will not harm the level of the spiritual root, and it can also be used as a thing to suppress luck. The most important thing is that after refining, It is completely private, and others want to take it, many beheaded the owner, and forcibly took it away after defeating it, and the difficulty of refining has also increased greatly.

Although the star fruit tree is not one of the top ten spiritual roots, its level has not dropped at all. If it is really going to be completely refined, few people will never think about it. It is also Liu Hao's luck. In the past, Nuwa gave it to Liu Hao. At most, he would take action to suppress the breath, but now that Liu Hao is in the vortex of the catastrophe, how could Nuwa let Liu Hao sit in the dojo for countless years?

For the sage, what is the greatest ability? The monks in the earth fairy world can't explain it clearly, but the saint understands it very well, that is to roam the river of time at will, no matter how high your cultivation level is, as long as you don't have the cultivation base of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian,

The saint can find your real body in the long river of time, kill it, and solve the problem once and for all.

In other words, a sage is a strong man who can manipulate time.

Don't say "one thought is eternal", "one glance for a thousand years" is like playing in Nuwa's hands.

For saints, the rank of immortals is just something that can be easily made. For example, if you eat one of the nine-turn golden pill refined by Taishang Laojun, you can reach the Daluo Golden Immortal. This is not a joke, but a real situation. It's just that Da Luo Jinxian, who took this as a breakthrough, is like a man-made creation, not to mention overdrawing his talent, he is still a monk with a rather low combat effectiveness.

A elixir can do this, and manipulating local time changes is easier in the hands of a sage.

In normal times, saints would not do this to their subordinates. The most important reason is nothing else, but the huge amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy absorbed by the disciples will make the karma bless the saints, which is absolutely taxing for the saints. As a flattering thing, think about it, "all saints are ants" is enough to show that a saint would bear the harm in order to promote ants?

This point, even if you want to go crazy, you will not do it, let alone the Taoism that advocates Taoism and nature.

Nuwa will help Liu Hao adjust the time, and it is Liu Hao who refines the star fruit tree, and she has enough merit to offset the little karma that comes with it; in addition, she also knows that Liu Hao is indispensable in the catastrophe. Participating, helping Liu Hao, to a certain extent, is also a kind of conformity to the general trend of the world.

Liu Hao, who does not know the age of cultivation, has no idea that he has sunk into the refining star fruit tree. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed by the time he opened his eyes again, but in the outside world, it is only half a day's effort.

The star fruit tree was refined by him, and even the congenital treasure "Star Orb" collected by him innately matched with his primordial spirit. The congenital treasure 'Star Pearl' is recognized, and the refining in the future will be extremely fast.

With this idea in mind, Liu Hao tried it out, and found that the laws in the 'Star Orb' penetrated into his sea of ​​consciousness like indoctrination, telling him how to control these laws;

Under the situation that he couldn't see, 365 extremely small chains appeared around his body. These chains are the embodiment of law. At this time, Liu Hao seemed to be tightly entwined by these 365 chains. When he broke these shackles, he could directly step into the 'quasi-sage' class.

This is the way of the law of the Chaos Demon God's practice, which is different from the prehistoric cultivation system. It is impossible for the prehistoric creatures who have not been inherited by the Chaos Demon God to practice it. It should be noted that it is too difficult to comprehend a complete law;

Especially in one world, these laws have been fully integrated into every space and substance in the world, which makes the way of laws a kind of "fantasy" existence. Everyone knows that this road is feasible, but it is only It is feasible, if you really step into it, there is a high probability that it will be a road of no return. It would be more practical to take Hongjun's way of killing three corpses.

Refining the 'Star Bead' is so fast that Liu Hao is a little weird, thinking, then do it, do it, and then it will be done. It is not just a matter of course, but it will directly place the Kangzhuang Avenue in front of your eyes and teach you how to walk.

This is the law instilled in Liu Hao by the 'Star Pearl'. Now it is like a book in Liu Hao's sea of ​​knowledge. Whether it is for enlightenment in leisure time or for retreating with a calm heart, it will be immeasurable inherited.

"Huh... really made a lot of money! Another innate treasure!"

Liu Hao said to himself, and it took him a long time to calm down. When he first obtained the acquired merit treasure "Heaven and Earth Black and Yellow Merit Ruler", he was almost insane, even if he got it, he didn't dare to expose it;

Then I got the 'Xuanwu Seal' given by Xuanwu Dazun, and directly refined it with the help of Xuanwu Dazun. However, that's all. Whether it is the Dao or the law, you need to comprehend it according to the restrictions, but It is also very difficult.

Now, not only is there another innate treasure, but also a direct inheritance. The original owner has died, and I have become the only beneficiary. I not only directly help refining, but also show the complete laws and avenues in front of me. , teach you from the most basic, and then deepen bit by bit, until the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Jiuzhongtian is perfect!

"It's no wonder that in the beginning, the heavens and the earth couldn't accommodate those reincarnated Chaos Demon Gods. If each of them had a complete way of law, if they were really cultivated to Hunyuan by them, it would be impossible to say that many laws in the prehistoric world would be controlled by them!

At that time, can Honghuang still be called "Pangu Honghuang"?

For this reason, heaven and earth must dislike them, and it is no wonder that they still failed to escape the catastrophe despite their high talents and orderly inheritance. "

Liu Hao sighed in his heart, thinking that now that the immortal world has returned to the prehistoric world, and those chaotic demon gods who lost their lives in the early days return to the heaven and earth again, will they be rejected by the heaven and earth like the early days?

After thinking about it, it seems that this will never be the case again. When returning, only Daluo Jinxian Daoguo has been cultivated. As far as heaven and earth are concerned, it is no longer a threat.

"So, I'm the only one who still has the complete law of inheritance? Will heaven and earth impose restrictions on me?"

Liu Hao's heart skipped a beat, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Even if he really mastered the law of the stars, he would not turn around and refine the prehistoric stars into several uses. In this way, the damage to the world would be minimal. Before Tiandi does harm, Tiandi will not really impose any restrictions on itself.

Besides, if you really want to restrict it, Cai Hongjun will not directly help him absorb the star fruit, let alone let the 'star pearl' be obtained by him.

"It's okay! It seems that the way of the law still needs to be cautious. The best way is to practice in the chaos! First find a way to enter the quasi-sage with the way of cutting three corpses, and then it's not too late to make a fuss!"

After thinking through the path, Liu Hao quickly made a decision in his mind. Now that he has attained the Da Luo Jinxian Dao, he will be a quasi-sage in the future, and quasi-sage may be difficult for others, isn't it impossible? However, for Liu Hao, there was a bug early on, and that was the body of evil thoughts absorbed from the world of Naruto - sprites.

Gathering the evil thoughts of one world, under the absorption of Liu Hao Zhanpakutao, he has already turned it into his own, and it has become the nourishment of the white tiger Liu Hao. Once the cultivation level is improved, it will be cut out naturally, so If you don't take shortcuts, that's the unacceptable nature.

Moreover, the way of beheading the three corpses is also very good. Just one incarnation of the three corpses has independent wisdom is enough to make people excited. One more incarnation and one more enlightened brain are like cheating devices. No wonder Hongjun's The way of beheading the three corpses can be promoted in the whole world, and no one can resist this temptation, so is Liu Hao.

Liu Hao, who was in a happy mood, stood up and saw Empress Nuwa in the palace, so he hurried forward to salute.

"Thank you ma'am!"

"It's useless for me to take this star fruit tree, and I don't feel relieved to give it to others! If you can find it, it's your chance!"

Nu Wa really didn't care, he didn't like fighting at all, it is enough to have the innate treasure of Qiankun Ding, besides, the way of stars is not in line with her way, so it is useless to practice more;

This is really not a joke. For saints or Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, their own "Tao" is already very firm, and it is impossible to be influenced by outsiders. Great wisdom and great perseverance are the prerequisites for them to become saints. The 'Tao' that does not conform to their own, in front of them, is like weeds on the side of the road, and they will not feel the slightest heartache if they abandon it like a shoe.

Liu Hao didn't know the charm of this, but he kept this gratitude in his heart and waited for future repayment.

He is a monk who is only a great Luo Jinxian fruit, and he has not even touched the door of quasi-sage. It is true to be greedy and seek perfection, and he has not yet reached the realm of saints such as Nuwa. It is only natural that he does not understand the deep meaning.

Nuwa also knew what Liu Hao was thinking, but she didn't make it clear. Besides, she still expected Liu Hao to bring her surprises in the future, let alone reveal it.

"It's over here, and it's inconvenient for me to stay longer, and Zhoushan will reopen, and all the great powers will be born, so be careful yourself!"

"Yes! Liu Hao remembers my mother's teachings!"

Liu Hao didn't know that the coming years would be more dangerous. When he entered the ancient lich battlefield on Buzhou Mountain, there were hundreds of strong men in front. He, a big Luo Jinxian, couldn't compete with them at all, so he had to run into Nuwa Empress Dojo is enough for Liu Hao to keep in mind.

Looking up again, Empress Nuwa has disappeared, and the palace is still placed there. It seems that Nuwa has no intention of taking it back. In the future, Nuwa may not leave this dojo to her direct disciples. I don't know how long it will take for such a direct descendant to appear; the first house girl in the wild is really not joking.

After thanking the head again, Liu Hao turned around and left the Nuwa Palace. Although the Nuwa Empress did not intend to drive her away, Liu Hao was still very cautious in her heart as a empress, and if she really visited the Nuwa Palace as a tourist attraction, then it would It's Shabi, don't accidentally break the taboo of the empress, then the loss outweighs the gain.

"I don't know what's going on with Monkey King and Nezha. Hmm... It seems that I have spent a lot of time in the palace. Forget it, let's leave them alone and continue to stroll around."

Going around, during this period, Liu Hao also saw a lot of spiritual plants, including a few low-grade spiritual roots, but Liu Hao didn't intend to collect them. It is obvious that he has no intention of giving up this ashram, since the sky is three feet high, he will definitely fall into the abyss. Besides, he has already obtained the greatest benefits, so how can he take a few low-grade spiritual roots in his eyes?

His current walks are more about visiting, watching how a dojo should be laid out, thinking about if he builds a dojo by himself in the future, whether he will arrange it like the Nuwa Empress Dojo, can he find such a huge dojo like a continent?

While driving around in Baiyun, Liu Hao was taken aback by the scene in front of him.

"Is this 'gossip'?"

Liu Hao couldn't help but be surprised. In front of him, there are many mountain peaks in a radius of thousands of miles, but these peaks seem to have been cut off by a layer, and the altitude is maintained at the same level. What shocked Liu Hao most was that these peaks seemed to be placed by someone. Here, a huge gossip formation with a radius of thousands of miles is formed.

"The source of the gossip is Fuxi, and Fuxi is the elder brother of the mother, who also practiced in Qifeng Mountain. From this point of view, the big gossip array in front of me must have been laid by Fuxi!

It's a bit strange that the emperor Fuxi can comprehend the gossip with the resources of a mortal. It's not that a mortal can create the gossip to seek good fortune and avoid evil, but it's a bit weird to be able to use it to calculate the secrets of heaven!

From this point of view, before Fuxi was reincarnated, he must have been a master of gossip. He had already established gossip before his reincarnation, and this was the basis for him to be able to create gossip in the human race after his reincarnation! Heaven can only choose him! "

Liu Hao's mind turned around, he only felt that his guess must be the truth. Liu Hao still has a lot of research on the gossip formation. At the beginning, the formation knowledge he got from Zhuge Liang laid the foundation, and then he learned from Tongtian's formation method. In the process, the understanding of the gossip formation has been improved, and now the understanding of the gossip formation has already surpassed Zhuge Liang, a master, even in the fairy world of the prehistoric land, he can be regarded as an upper-middle figure.

But these are still the time of offense and defense of the formation, but Fuxi's gossip formation is not just these. It should be known that Fuxi's real power is calculated by the gossip. Simple things.

That's why Liu Hao didn't rush into the big formation in front of him.

"How to say, it is also a formation arranged in the dojo, so the danger should be very small?"

Liu Hao muttered in his heart, this is really not self-convincing. If this large formation is arranged outside the dojo and used as a protective formation, Liu Hao really needs to weigh it. However, the large formation in front of him seems more like Fuxi The practice place in the dojo is at best a practice place, and the danger is bound to not be very high, so it doesn't hurt to give it a try.

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